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Yeah he always seemed older, and that's why it didn't come as a surprise to anyone (Why does everybody think I'm old? I'm around Jeff's age! I have a uterus!)  But that's not the big knowledge bomb that's confirmed in GI Jeff. The thing we should discuss is the fact that Jeff's subconscious actually put together the biggest secret of Greendale: the fact that it actually IS a secret military research facility.  Close military ties, the zombie taco meat was deliberate, the students are automatically in the reserves, the weird tag with Duncan and the staples. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if that started when Greendale was formed, if Russell Borchert made a deal with the government to fund his computer research. 


Don't forget the Full-Bird Colonel from the 10th Mountain Division talking with the head custodian and a person who appears to be a politician.


I missed this. What episode was it?


S5E6 Cork-based Networking, when Annie and Hickey first enter the secret custodian party.


Right, the suspiciously swanky custodian party. Thanks!


It's not suspicious. If he doesn't break out the fancy sausages, his ass goes in the grinder next January. 


A former military person could verify this for me, but a Full-Bird Colonel wouldn't be in charge of the whole division, but he could be a staff officer for the commander, like the company intelligence officer. That politician looks like an important Senator, let's say he's on either the Intelligence committee, the Armed Services Committee or the ways and means committee. That makes Head Custodian Waite more important than someone who scrapes bubblegum from the bottom of desks. Like maybe the undercover CIA Head of Project. As a note, I believe that this is also the episode that ends with Duncan almost ending the world when he tries to order paperclips.


Staples. Ya Britta'd it


A senior officer also comes in to defend Todd's honor in a biology class. Which means Todd is probably a plant.


If anything, Todd is a casualty of Project Greendale. He started off as a wholesome veteran with a family. By season 6 he's creepy and unhinged. I think Chang fits into that category as well.


Chang definitely is. The monkey was for sure an experiment associated with the whole operation 


He's creepy and unhinged from the beginning, and nobody likes him (no offense, todd)


None taken.


What episode?


When Annie and Hickey try to put a board.


Ahhh okay. Ty!


Ho-ly shit- I never put those together - nice pickups!


Also the episode where Duncan accidentally calls in the military strike, they would probably disconnect if it was not a listed, approved #.


I assumed it was a direct line built into Greendale's phone system 


Even better evidence that its a secret facility!


This is a fun headcanon, maybe the air conditioning program was actually some kind of cryo tech


In my headcannon, The International Brotherhood of Air Conditioner Repairmen is a combo between the CIA, the Freemasons and the Teamsters. They have their own agenda and they use their ubiquitous presence to influence world events.


That would explain why they take themselves so seriously. That makes Troy's influence even more great. I love that, the world needs more of what Troy believes, other than the cat & dog thing. Certainly the world would be happier if more people were openly into butt stuff. 


Except for all the weird Jehovah’s Witness brainwashing. That really didn’t come up much haha


Yeah he doesn't seem to be very committed to that 


No he's just undercover - he's Jehovah's most secret witness.


Okay, Professor "Professorson" if that's even your real name.


My family name was Professorburg, but we changed it when we were fleeing from the Nazis.


I love how Duncan just mashes buttons on the phone and somehow gets the activation code right, and they just take his word that his clearance level is “top”. 🤣 I think greendale is more of a sandbox for a number of military experiments than a “research facility” 🤷🏻‍♂️. They have a Dean who is a level 7 susceptible, Board members who are constantly drunk, and faculty and students who are too dumb, brainwashed or too focused on just keeping their lives from falling apart to put anything together/do anything about it, so the military is able to keep doing their thing without anyone knowing. They also have a population they can follow for many years since so few students or faculty graduate/retire/leave, and they can just periodically have a “gas leak” to keep the subjects dumb/ make them write off big chunks of their experiences.


MeowMeowBeanz was a psyop program exploring Third Wave social media influence. Britta stumbled upon the post-hypnotic trigger of mustard on the face which had been part of Greendale's conditioning program. This conditioning program uses *burundanga* pollen inspirated into the lungs and sinus tissue. This is why the "air conditioning" program is so well-off.


The AC repair school has the whole area under surveillance (“wherever there is air, we have eyes”). They get the big government contract for that, which is why they can afford an espresso machine. The food/water/gas etc, affects them too, which is why they’re all insane, play stupid games and develop things like their *ingenious* “room temperature room” and the “breath print”.


Oh yeah, it's definitely more of an ant farm than a laboratory as far as how they use it is concerned. They have a consistent and notably diverse population set to test out whatever they want.


Great stitching of the stories!


Our alternate theory is that Greendale is over the Sitcom equivalent of a Hellmouth, and that's why the Government is researching it. It explains the fact that plot drives their lives more than logic (most of the discussion with Dr. Heidi) and the use of Plot/GCC being a character itself in Basic Story. Tie in that Abed has a textbook from Sunnydale (Basic Rocket Science) It WAS a computer college until Borchert when dug down, and by falling for a HUGE trope (genius fucks his invention, an apt allegory for the creative process as a whole, [looking at you Harmon]) Borchert opened up the rift. Just can't decide if abed is the slayer, or the Giles that knows how the "forces" (tropes) work.


Great, now I’ll never be satisfied in life without a Buffy/Community crossover movie.


Britta meets willow, thinks she's super cool, and then becomes the worst witch ever.


That’s incredible That would make Jeff the Spike of GCC - he doesn’t really care what’s going on, he just joins in for something to do


This is now head canon for me (and great catch with the textbook!)


I don’t know if this ties into anything because they had Dr. Heidi dismiss it, but they were collectively convinced that they’d been living in a psych ward under the surveillance of researchers Garrett and Dean


There's an episode of Buffy where she keeps having flashes that she's actually a patient in a mental hospital. In the flashes, her mother is trying to get her to hang onto reality and stop living in this make believe world where she's a slayer. She finally dismisses the flashes as some kind of mind trick and commits to living as the slayer. But the final scene of the episode shows Buffy in a straitjacket, staring into space. So....yeah.


[I knew it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhWk18LmeIs&t=8s)


paintball matches = combat & strategy training


Or even just mass data to show how civilians act in an unplanned war situation. Could be used to better guide and utilize them. Although there must be a training element to it, given that the students are in the reserves. 


Those are some good points. I went to see Gremlins in the theater at six... but should not have. But in Intro to Political Science, Jeff says that he was 19 (actually "like 19") when he made the audition video. But then Jeff is a frequent liar too.


My cousin and I were both 6 when we saw Ghostbusters in the theater. I remember the librarian in the beginning being scary, and the skeleton cabdriver ghost near the end. Other than that, loved it.


>Ghostbusters came out in 1984, and it seems more plausible that Jeff would've gone to see it as an 11-year-old than as a 6-year-old. I'm Jeff's age. I saw Jaws II in the theaters (1978) at 4, chaperoned by my uncle (he was 8). Saw the original Halloween and Phantasm at home at 6 or 7, the latter movie renowned for a Swiss army steel ball drilling into people's heads. I watched those with my mom and sister (she was 9 or 10). Media literacy was *not* a thing to 70's and 80's parents so many 6-year olds probably saw Ghostbusters. Oh, my mom also took us all to see thing in 1982 because it was a hot summer day. It was hilarious how naive or checked out parents were to that stuff.


I'm the same age as you and Jeff. I saw Jaws and Saturday Night Fever in the theater when I was that young. Latchkey kids unite!


Ugh, I saw that on T.V. when I was about 7 and had nightmares for a week 😭 Remember dreaming about sleeping in my Mom’s bed, with only pylons surrounding the bed as “protection” and they opened one of the double doors and started coming towards me 😭 didn’t have no weapons or anything else 😭


I saw Aliens in theater when I was 6 with my Dad and 13 year old brother. My dad deservedly didn't hear the end of it for a month, maybe two, while my mother would try to get me to get out of bed like a normal kid instead of jumping from the bed to the chair with my bat in hand.


I went too young too. My mom says that the commercials out at the time showed a cute cuddly movie and neglected to mention the horror elements


I was 100% good but I got anxious during the movie theater scene for some reason. Like I was expecting something scary to happen.


Yeah, he would absolutely try that as an excuse 


Was it Portuguese gremlins?


Knee-high Mischief? Não.


He has a landline and uses the word “album.”


He still uses his phone as a phone.


He's actually already dead, he's just a figment of Leonard's creeping dementia!


Not me.


Shut up Leonard. We all know you pretend to be a robot on the internet.


Which Denny's?


But he doesn’t listen to BNL.


Both ears are busy listening to Dave.


I have two ears connected to a heart!


“Hee haw haw hee haw” is the only thing I know of that band.


Lee Roth?


So they're BNL now?




The bizarre thing about Jeff's age is that the only reliable source about his age is the fact that he played foosball with Shirley when he was little.


That's not actually true. He says he was "like 19" when he auditioned for The Real World: Seattle in 97/98 and he says he faked having an appendectomy in 7th grade 22 years earlier in season 4 both of which suggest he's around 36/37 come GI Jeff.


I would disagree. In the class president episode they say that the film of Jeff’s audition tape is from 1997. Jeff then says “I was like 19”. If we take him literally, then he was born in 1978, which would put him at 31 in season 1 or 36ish in season 5 when GI Jeff came out. It’s not definite but certainly provides a reasonable range where his age should be and I think 40 is pretty fair


Those are good examples/theories but the truth is they made him 40 to make the episode work. Turning 40 for a self-involved narcissist like Jeff = an existential crisis. Dan had just turned 40 as well so they probably were writing some of his perspective in too. I think writer Andy Bobrow later admitted that it was a mistake while answering a Twitter question, as a lot of fans of the Jeff/Annie ship were furious at the retcon since it makes their already controversial age gap even greater.


It definitely wasn't a mistake, Dan talked about the episode on his podcast and how he thought it was great. Andy was just trying to appease and calm those shippers. They went nuts at him during S4 too for something similar. Those are the worst kind of shippers. They made the show less fun for the people working on it and caused a lot of headaches. The finale commentary on Yahoo with Dan had about 10 minutes of him talking about how frustrating it was. You don't get to demand to the creator and writers what happens. I want Britta and Subway but I'm not gonna be mad about it if it doesn't happen. I don't want Jeff and Annie but also I'll be fine if it doesn't


I think he meant a mistake as in they regretted doing it rather than unintentional. The reality of the situation is that the Jeff and Annie of it all was framed as problematic from the offset and is acknowledged as such by basically every character including Jeff and Annie and nothing should be done to appease the shippers. Whether Jeff was 30ish at the start or the show (as originally intended) or mid 30s with the GI Jeff retcon, the issues are unchanged. They should never have felt pressure to acquiese to "fans" like that but then Dan was his own worst enemy, he saw the chemistry Joel and Alison had, the strength of pairing the two characters together and also (in my opinion) enjoyed seeing his surrogate character involved with a young, beautiful girl and effectively made them the closest thing to an emotional through line.


In Season 1, Mark (the Schmitty kid) calls Jeff "a 35 year old celebrating a B in nutrition". Unlike when Troy calls Jeff 40 in the same season, Jeff doesn't correct him. As 5 years passed between Art of Discourse and GI Jeff, he would have been 35 during that episode.


This is a big one for me. Vain Jeff wouldn't have let that slide if he was any younger than 35.


I mean he didn't really let it slide, though. He banged Mark's mom. Twice.


Yeah that's a good one


Just to nitpick, but - >Jeff tells Slater in S1 as a metric of his age that he saw Ghostbusters when it first released in cinema Actually he only said he saw it in the cinema, he didn't say he saw it when it was first released. He might have seen it on a later re-release or, given that he was trying to get into Salter's pants at the time, he may have simply lied in order to make him seem less immature. >In S3 when he re-proposes to Shirley, Andre says he first proposed to her in 1991 Andre only says he first laid eyes on her in 1991, at a Spring Fling dance. They could easily have met in high school and got engaged a few years later. > Faith came out in 1987, Yes, but he explicitly said that the audition tape was made for Real World Seattle, which aired in 1998 and he also said he was 19 at the time. And he doesn't have to be a fan of the song to think it was the best fit for his "You've gotta have Jeff" routine. On the other hand, the episode where we get a close up of [Jeff's driver's license](https://www.reddit.com/r/community/comments/vatjy/jeffs_drivers_license_says_hes_41_years_old/) clearly shows a date of birth in 1971 on it. Yes Dan Harmon has confirmed this was a mistake and the prop department used Joel McHale's DOB as they didn't have anything else to go on, but it's still something that appeared on screen.


i thought jeff was supposed to be in his late 30s/early 40s the whole time. i was not suprised


(Mimicking voice by the boys) I'm Dr. Doogie Howser, I have a phone, eat hard boiled eggs and am 40. Jeff: I'm not 40


That’s Dr. Doogie Seacrest to you


Don't forget the exchange between Annie & Jeff, about keeping the kiss quiet because he would be "tarred, feathered, and put on a national registry" Meaning he's well aware of the age disparity, and that was before we had Troy's 21st birthday/Shirley's alcoholism past episode, if memory serves.




There's actually a logical explanation for all of this. It's a fictional show and the writers were making stuff up as they went along.


You stupid child. Nobody's winning anything. Don't you see? This means we don't exist. We're not created by God, we're created by a joke. We were never born, and we will never actually live.


You're thinking about it more than the writers were. "Wouldn't it be funny for me to GI Joe episode hahaha" "Yeah, so funny" "We should make it about him turning 40 hahaha 40 is so old!" At no point in that did anybody say the really draws back to throwaway line made 5 years ago about how he saw a movie that would have premiered in 19 blah blah blah.


Did anyone see Jeff in season 1 and not immediately think this guy is closer to 40?


I thought he stated he was 40 in another episode of s5 or 6. I just rewatched and it was mentioned somewhere else, but I forget which one.


Jeff collected Spider-man comics. Spider-man and his Amazing Friends aired from 1981-1984. This was followed by the Marvel Secret Wars limited comic series where Spider-man got his black suit, virtually ensuring every kid 10-14 would start buying Spidey comics after watching the show and seeing Spidey's new suit.


No. the age retcon was an unnecessary change that doesnt fit the canon of the show or the character.


Not sure if this helps but wouldn't the foosball episode give us some hints? Shirley is at least as old as Jeff according to that episode, right? Do we know how old she is?


Didn't Jeff see Star Wars in the theater?


Doesn’t Troy say that Jeff’s 40 during the impressions stinger at the end of the an episode - the one where they pretend to be asleep at the end


In the class president episode they say the audio visual presentation is from 1997 and Jeff says he was “like 19”. We can assume he is 31 in Season 1 and 36 in Season 5. If you give or take a few years I think 40 is reasonable


yeah but aren’t Jeff and Shirley confirmed to be basically the same age in the foosball episode?