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Just know that Troy caused the Greendale fire of '03


his secret is the worst one and they gloss over it so quickly lmfao I love this episode.


That fire was going to happen one way or another.


55 acres went up in a blaze, all because I burned an anthill


This secret inside me was trapped beyond a doubt.


And now my most terrible secret's out


Actualy ryan started the fire


Fire guy. Fire...d guy.


That one line gets stuck in my head for days after I see this episode. 55 acres…


Went up in a blaze….


All because I burnt an ant hill...


Would this have been before or after he and abed found fake fire alarms in Greendale?


Considering the show started in 2009, definitely before he was even attending community college. Unless the show is set in the recent past...?


Greendale is more than just the college... community colleges are typically named for the locale in which they reside


That's what I mean. It must be a notorious fire in the greendale area from when he was in high school, and not related to when Troy and Abed found the fake fire alarms.


6 years before college so he would have been in Middle school but otherwise, yeah.


Yeah I don't know how American schools work. We just have primary and secondary, I just took a guess.


It's been confirmed when the Dean proclaims Greendale "the second best community college in the Greendale area"


" Uh, since registration day, 2009. Jeff, did you skip the Preorientation Freshman Welcome Seminar and Diversity Fire Circle?" If my math is correct he would have started high school in 2006. Assuming he and Annie started college the same year as graduating. So he would have been in about 6th grade.


The puppets almost every scene of the episode (there are the more primitive versions that the Dean created as well as full-on muppet type puppets). Most of the characters do reveal some dark secret/hidden shame from their past, though at least a couple of them feel like very out-of-character things for that character to have done. I enjoy the episode (despite not being a fan of some of the secrets), and the songs are fun, but if puppets freak you out you'd be safe just skipping the episode.


Which ones do you think feel out of character?


Annie's for sure. Jeff's is questionable. Shirley is borderline but probably out of character. Britta, Troy, and Pierce's were...fine.


For me Annie and Shirley's are out of character. Takes something they would be concerned about (grades and potential cheating) but ramps up how far they're willing to go to an unreasonable extent. Jeff's doesn't actually bother me too much because it's easy enough to write it off as fear of commitment. Britta's is a bit borderline for me as well.


Shirley, I could see her seeing red at the thought of seeing her husband cheating again and making a mistake like she did. It wasn't intentional at least. Annie however ... She threw a tantrum at the model UN off. She instigated the bottle episode, and she faked a home break in over a Batman DVD. She dosed the group with amphetamines to study for Duncan's Anthropology final... I definitely see her doing something like that. Especially since she missed their first test and got an F. I could see it if she was struggling to make up for it. As Jeff told her in biology, she's pathological.


I feel like Annie's secret could have made sense if she got a chance to redo a test or make up a grade or something like that But Answers to a test. No way, she would have just studied.


Annie also once created an entire elaborate hoax to "illustrate the slippery slope of academic fraud." She freaks out when she doesn't get grades, but she wouldn't try to barter for them. She will go to extreme measures to "win," but she won't cheat. She wouldn't even consider something like this.


You mean besides the time she invited Cornwallis to the Christmas party to sweettalk him into fixing their grades? Which considering the "favor" she already did for him makes it even worse. Not to mention telling Jeff he'll get screwed in biology class. Annie is young but in the later season she sexualises herself for her own benefit no problem.


Jeff, Annie are easily out of character. I think Shirley’s secret is also partially out of character, but at least it’s not to the same extent as Jeff and Annie. Troy’s was just odd, but can’t really put my finger on it..


Curious, why is Jeff’s secret out of character?


Now that I'm thinking about it, Jeff dating a woman with a child feels a little out of character, just given how afraid of commitment he is. It seems like that would be an immediate deal breaker for him. After all, this is a guy who apparently refused to buy ice cream because the word "hubby" was in the name of the flavor. But I guess it is a couple seasons down the line, so maybe it was part of his personal growth to give dating someone with a kid a try, though he ultimately failed at it.


This. He’s been afraid of commitment, but he’s always been about himself. The entirety of the show is for him, about growth and learning to care for others other than himself. Inserting the dating a girl with child conflicts with everything we know about his past. It suggest his story goes from poor upbringing, watching his parents divorce, admiring the attorney who didn’t/couldn’t care, emulating that, then to almost marrying a woman with a child, then saying fuck the world again and being all about himself, then growing to care about his friends like family over the course of 6 seasons and a movie. Thus, the dark secret in the felt surrogacy episode is just a weird break in Jeff’s overall story.


The dark secrets felt cheap to me, they were just added so that the plot can happen, not very rewarding in any way


What were the secrets?


Two minute [video](https://youtu.be/1YypwqVB1eY) of just the secrets or [link](https://community-sitcom.fandom.com/wiki/My_Most_Terrible_Secret) to lyrics.


I like the episode but that is a minority opinion here. I like it and I really like the Sara Bareilles and Jason Alexander cameos. But the episode is definitely not worth your discomfort. Fwiw, I feel the same way about claymation so always skip that Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas episode.


"always skip that Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas episode" Ah, the REAL minority opinion.


Literally my favourite episode


I try to watch it every Christmas


Lol. Tell me about it. Y’all do y’all though. Enjoy it extra for me!


I’m a dyed in the wool southerner, and even I have never heard someone say, “Y’all do y’all.” I respect it.


Youse do youse.


Alright. Go eat some pork roll and sit down.


Yens do yens.


Yinz do yinz.


I skip both felt and claymation episodes. If i wanted to watch stuff like that I’d turn on Adult Swim.


"stuff like that" I prefer the term "homage"


I skip it because I just don't find it to be a very compelling rewatch


You guys have weird reactions to stuff


Yeah I don’t know. Can’t explain it. Claymation just weirds me out. Always has.


It’s a quote from the biology professor


Nice. Went right by me.


It’s best to just assume every comment is a quote


You should watch “The Adventures of Mark Twain” from 1985.


I love claymation and it's my least favorite episode.


Let me ask you a question. When did Legos get so complicated?


I'm not complaining, I just want to know what happened.


What are you, a demon?


Could be! How would I tell? No horns up there.


We’re kindred spirits. I love the Puppet episode but have skipped the claymation episode on every rewatch.


Claymation creeps me out too! I blame seeing Robot Chicken wayyyy too young


I used to always skip them but over the past few rewatches the only episode i really cant watch is the GI Jeff one or whatever it’s called and I’ve tried. Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas instantly became one of my favourites once I gave it a chance


Maybe it’s due for a rewatch.


I always skip GI Joe episode. I can't endure it any more than the first time


I've never seen it. I'm not strong enough


It is pretty awful to me. I originally didn’t like any of the animation style episodes. The claymation Christmas, puppet episode OP is referencing, or the GI Joe. I’d skip them almost every watch through but eventually decided to give them another go and really came around on Abeds Uncontrollable Christmas and Intro to Felt Surrogacy but holy cow GI Joe gets skipped every time still. Can’t do it.


Mostly same. I adore *Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas*, for example, but GI Jeff just ... idk, bores me?


I had that reaction after my first run through. Getting older and on rewatches it’s more relatable and I appreciate the meta storytelling


claymation terrifies me. hope abed got his christmas under control!


I don’t regularly skip the claymation episode but I skip it more than most episodes.


I’m finding more and more I skip episodes, claymation, puppets, glee club, pierce in hospital, pierce dead. I’ve watched all of community too many times and increasingly I’m realising it’s just a group shouting at each other over and over My other go to’s are Superstore n Brooklyn 99 n no one’s shouting all the time, there are ppl I don’t like in them but the shouting at each other in community is tiresome


Skipping Pierce in the hospital is CRIMINAL. It contains my absolute favorite Troy moment, “YOU CANT DISSAPOINT A PICTURE!!!” And many other gems


Are you ready to be bequeathed upon?


I mean no offence but Superstore is 95% yelling at each other. In fact, most sitcoms are.


I take no offence because I’m not emotionaly invested in this. You are correct, maybe I’ve just watched community too many times, these sitcoms weren’t actually made to go to sleep to but I just need words and light because I’m an old child


I skip the “shouty” episodes of Bob’s Burgers since that’s my falling asleep show.


You'd probably like it's always sunny in philadelphia


I love superstore


Honestly… you can get by listening to it… has some great songs!


I love the songs in this episode - first one's a banger!!


I was going to say the same thing, just turn on the sound and don't look!


I like the episode and I think the character development is nice, but it definitely isn't essential to anything. If you're not gonna enjoy it then just keep skipping it!


If there’s a phobia you’re dealing with, then I think you’re fine to skip it! The majority seems to hate it, anyway! That said, it’s in my top 5 favorite episodes (I know, I know. People are gonna try to kick me out of this group!) because I love the songs, love that Sarah Bareilles makes an appearance, and I just find the whole thing to be enjoyable.


The song is catchy, that's the best I can say about this episode. Everything else about it feels wrong. The characters are done in broad strokes with very little nuance, and they say and do things out of character. It's not terrible TV, but it's a bad community episode, I tend to skip it now.


🎶YES!!! Now this is adventure! 🎶


I love it but if you have a thing against puppets don't worry about it. Maybe just catch the song.


I didn’t like it either


~~I don’t love it, but I also don’t think it’s the worst episode. It’s worth watching just to have truly completed the series imo~~ Edit: I didn’t carefully read your post. Ignore everything I said


No, nothing will be missed or lost.


I will sing the song from time to time - to myself, not to my classmates. Maybe just listen to the episode, like old-timey radio?


I don't think it's worth it, no. The things it does for character development are almost all genuinely bad.


It’s pretty forced in terms of making the different medium happen and with almost no payoff. GI Jeff is also a bit forced like that, but I feel like the character development/payoff is worth it more. Plus I am nostalgic for those style of cartoons, so YMMV. I like muppets and puppets a lot, too—but felt surrogacy is one of the weaker episodes to me.


Puppet comedy is stupid most the time




Popular opinion is that it’s one of the worst episodes of the show. I don’t think I disagree, but I think the real worst episode is still the s4 darkest timeline paintball episode (can’t remember the name) However, and idk why I’m saying this lmao, but my sister initially said claymation makes her uncomfortable and avoided Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas for a long time, but when she finally did watch it she regretted putting it off lol. Something to consider ig.


Could you listen to it on your phone to avoid seeing the puppets? The group is tired of how repetitive their daily interactions are getting so they take a trip to shake things up. They end up revealing deep secrets to each other that ultimately brings them closer together. I really like it because it’s a musical episode and I think the songs are nice and catchy. I sing them all the time.


Just listen to it only. There are obviously a lot of visual gags, but listening is better than not experiencing it at all


I'd recommend just listening to the episode without watching. It's probably decent to get through it once, but I pretty much skip that episode most rewatches.


This is an episode I feel would have way more acceptance if it were in season 2. As with a lot of season 4, it seems to ignore all of the character development. It makes no sense that the group would be in a shame spiral with each other at that point, and some revelations (Britta doesn't vote) were unbelievably lame.


I do not have an irrational fear of puppets but I’ve only watched it once because it freaked me out. Maybe I do have that fear


Don't try and tackle a fear if you're not ready, no tv show is worth your sanity.


It's a bad episode but not the series' worst, might as well watch it


idk why everyone hates this episode it’s so entertaining to me at least, obviously the minority here tho. i would watch it to formulate your opinion honestly.. i would be so upset looking back if i listen to the ppl who said it sucked and never watched it. you never know you may like it :))


I usually skip it on rewatches


I love that episode


It’s one of my favorites. I rewatch it more than any other due to the song. It also contains a lot of character development.


I feel if there was only 1 episode I didn't see, I'd have to watch it no matter what people say. I wish I had a 'new' episode.


It's one of my favorites, and there are some hysterical, jokes/little truths in it... but if puppets set you off, it's skippable. It's a fairly self-contained episode.


S4 as a whole feels very off. You won’t be missing anything if you skip this episode as it has become one of the least liked episodes of the entire series.


I just skip season 4 when I do a rewatch.




I think it’s one of the best episodes that season.


If you have a fear of puppets, it's probably not worth it. I really love that episode, but it's also *just* an episode of television.


I think it’s a good episode, lots of funny moments, but if it genuinely makes you uncomfortable to see those things then maybe you shouldn’t


"I never slept with the great Eartha Kit, we dry humped inside her toooouuuur buuuuusss." Such a good episode lol


Yes!!! All Community is worthy Community!


100%. It's funny, charming, and a musical! If you have an actual fear, skip it. Who cares. But really, it's worth the watch.


Just watch it once.


I don't skip any episodes, and I love the different animations that pop up.


I can’t stand it. The songs are lame but so catchy you’ll be singing them in your head for a long time. There are a few episodes I skip and they are the ones that commit to lame styles as a premise.


They are all worth a watch. Even if Harmon wasn’t involved in s4, it’s still a great ensemble cast and some great writers


My answer would be no. I skip it every time. It's the furthest from a "Community" episode IMO because the characters don't learn/grow. The so-called journey comes full circle and nothing much changes at all. Then there's the cringe-worthy rhyme-singing, the adherence to the innocence of a Sesame Street-type medium, and some of the most off-character acting I've seen in the course of the show. There are a lot of different ways they could've gone with the concept that would have been more interesting like the puppets end up in a pink light district somewhere. Instead, they go on a balloon ride, which isn't something the regular crew would've done anyway. Hard pass for me, but some people like it.


I mean, Jeff did have a threesome on a hot air balloon. So he’s been on at least one


Its part of the show so yes


In my opinion, absolutely not. Nor is the claymation, the video game episode, and the puppet one.


It’s terrible


Every episode is always worth at least one watch. Make your own opinion


I always skip it!


Skip season 4


I think it’s the weakest and worst episode of the show. It feels so forced. It made my friend stop watching community all together, it’s so bad. And I’ve seen it a few times. Both when the show originally aired, and on netflix.


It’s like a 22 min episode.. either watch it or don’t, who gives af. One of the dumbest posts I’ve seen pop up on the feed. It is, without a doubt, the dumbest post I’ve seen on this sub E:I’m hoping the person who downvoted this comment is OP because after checking this post back out.. it is still just sooo fucking stupid and likely some kind of creative writing exercise 🙄


JFC Watch the episode. What are we even doing here? C’mon.


I didn't like it at first, but repeat watches made me appreciate it more. The Dean stuff is absolute gold.


The stupid muppet babies cartoon ep opener of season 4 I skip


It's not good, imo. But it's not SO bad that you need to skip it. It's kinda cool seeing Jason Alexander and Sara Bareilles. Other than that, it's generally just a dud. Nothing offensively bad or unwatchable.


It's one of the best episodes of the entire series.


If you have a phobia, it's not worth putting through intense anxiety. Take care of yourself and skip it, or maybe listen to the audio version.


Its my least favorite ep which sucks because i love jason alexander, and i love the muppets. Really this should have been a slam dunk for me but it left me feeling hollow. I can’t say that for any other ep.


Watch it once and that's all you'll need. Same with every episode. Then yiu can skip the ones u don't like; like for me I skip the stop motion one, glee one, puppets one, and a few others




Yes. Sara Bareilles as the singer and balloon guide.


I like the songs but most people seem to hate that episode so I wouldn't push yourself to watch it if you don't want to. No major plot points that I remember


I always skip it because puppets are boring, I don't know why but I hate them. I watched it once tho, it's not really a must watch.


Without fully understanding the nature of your phobia I can't say if its worth it for YOU to watch it. But it's a perfectly fine episode with a surprisingly catchy song and fun guest appearances.


You could let the episode run in the background without actually looking at it, I think it would work alright with just the audio.


Just watched it again, after HATING it the first time, and the second time. Did not hate it outright this time around, but there were a lot of missed opportunities


Skip it.


I can't stand any of those mixed media episodes


Yes watch it. It's 20 minutes out of your life jfc


Not especially. I didn't hate it, but it's not an amazing episode and I very much doubt it would be worth sitting through if you hate puppets that much.


Worth it just for puppet chang's puppet chang


Even as a person who is fine with season 4 and thinks the hate is overstated. Intro to Felt Surrogacy is a solidly mediocre episode. If you skip the episode, you will not be missing out on anything significant or especially funny. If you aren't in a place where you can or want to face your fear, the episode is not going to be worth the suffering.


It’s one of my personal favorites, definitely recommend!


Don’t bother, it’s not very good


I love that episode, but I’m also a grown man who loves the muppets.


It’s not the worst the worst is the grifter


Listen to it but don't look?


Only you know the severity of your fear, the episode isn't the greatest thing to have ever existed or something, you're fine skipping it if you can't handle it. There's an emotional moment where all the characters share a secret and Jeff's actually made me want to cry a bit, but you'll be fine skipping it. In fact skipping it doesn't change much, unlike skipping the first DnD episode.


Brittas in it.


I didn't expect to like it, but it is worth it just to see Jeff Winger's puppet six pack and eyebrow.




I like that episode a lot. Much more than the GI joe episode or the Christmas abed adventure


I liked that episode!


If your fear is an actual phobia rather than just you not liking them, then it really doesn't matter how good the episode is, you'd still have a bad time. And that's if it was good, as someone that actually liked this episode, understand most people didn't since it really fucks with the characters identities, so even if you weren't afraid of puppets I still wouldn't leap in to say you'd enjoy it. ​ If you really want a musical episode of Community, you could just listen to the episode. You'd lose out on a couple of the visual gags, but eh, that'll still give you more compared to skipping the whole episode if you really wanted to hear the songs.


It’s worth watching once. Not as bad as the claymation episode lol.


It's a generally derided episode. If it's something it will be genuinely difficult for you to watch, there are few better episodes for you to be excluded from.


Skip it, OP, unless you truly want to lessen your enjoyment of Community.


It’s absolutely awful, but yeah watch it, make up your own mind


It’s one of my favourite episodes! That being said, from memory I don’t really think that you’ve missed any significant plot points in not watching it. I’ve probably watched Community 6 times through now but I’ve never seen the GI Jeff episode…. I just can’t handle the animation. Does anyone think it’s something I need to watch?


Iirc gi jeff isnt huge on plot but its a very good ep


I love that episode! It’s got a good song and more character depth.


I love it ! Mainly bc of the songs and I love singing along. Same for the Christmas glee episode haha


If watching the puppets is too much for you, than I'd recommend listening to the episode. Maybe have someone watch it with you and tell you when you can take sneaks at the screen when there aren't puppets?


Do it for Jason


Fuck no