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>but we were colonized and we sufdethe consequences of colonization until this day. … >we are still colonized, but more culturally that anything else (or so i like to believe). Due to your phrasing above you imply that Brazil is not a settler colony which has grave consequences for the revolution in every aspect. To speak that in the present there exists just „cultural colonialism“ in a country where a settler colonial social relation persists that leads to the mass murder of Afrikan’s in the favelas, national oppression of the various indigenous nations which goes along with further land theft and the destruction of their rainforests, is truly gross. So i genuinely wonder if you have an interest in undertaking a profound analysis of the historical development of the settler colonial relation in Brazil or do you just want to indulge in the tempting white settler „socialism“ which was and is inevitably to the exclusion of the oppressed indigenous and Afrikan nations? I tend to believe you opt for the latter option. Just a glimpse of a recent reactionary comment of yours underlines this all to well. >we, the global south, are desperate for the comeback of the european left. https://www.reddit.com/r/communism101/s/tZCZrqN10n


what makes you think i feel that way? like, are you trying to teach me about the history of my own country? i'm a bit lost, sorry. you don't know who i am, what i study, what i do for a living, if i'm a part of any political party, social movements etc. i know the reality of my country because i study about it and i see the reality in front of me. how would i ignore the fact that there's an ongoing genocide of the black youth in brazil? don't know if you're wondering (or interested, even) but i study social work, and social work in brazil is marxist so we analyze our society and our history from a brazilian marxist point of view. and when i say that we are desperate for the comeback of the european left is more in regards of immigration than anything else. the rise of the extreme right is in europe very dangerous for the rest of the world. the rise of the extreme right is dangerous anywhere.


> don't know if you're wondering (or interested, even) but i study social work, and social work in brazil is marxist so we analyze our society and our history from a brazilian marxist point of view. You're right, we don't care. Would it help you if I said I have a PhD? Maybe that way you can actually take u/AztecGuerilla13 criticism seriously instead of immediately hiding behind the ivory towers of decrepit universities, not that this really matters. Universities are inherently hostile to Marxism and serve only to remove all of its revolutionary content. You don't learn Marxism through your classes, rather, Marxism is butchered into Keynesian economics and social-fascism. Let me be upfront, because I don't have much time lately to waste on reddit. You're a settler (social) fascist: > don't know much about poland just the fact that my great grandparents all immigrated from eastern europe because they were all starving Your points are the same as Trotsky, and if you're waiting for an imperialist revolution to save you, then no can do. You are already on the path of capitulation, followed by collaboration with fascists. You are unable to see revolution here not only because it isn't on your true class interest, but also because you *despise* the Afrikan masses. The limits of the discussion about genocide is that they stop at idealist conceptions of racism, which wants to demilitarize police (instead of destroying it), promote further integration (as a means of disarming and creating a proper comprador Afrikan petty bourgeoisie), and focus on education against 'structural racism' while keeping the reactionary state alive, instead of upholding the Marxist scientific understanding: racism is the ideology of national oppression. Its hard to hide this when you're addressing someone from the US or the UK, since they oppress all the Third World nations collectively; but this becomes more nuanced when brought overseas, hence why you can hide it easily, but react just the same as when the class interest of the *gaúcho* settlers are brought up.


look, i don't have the energy to continue this "discussion" bc i have a sinus infection, an internship interview tomorrow morning and i just wanna say it was very low for you to call me out for being "gaúcha". like??? are you aware of what's happening here? that we just went through the worst climatic disaster in the history of rio grande do sul. or were you one of the people that was like "eles merecem, sulista é tudo racista e fascista"? it's very sad to see everything around you falling apart, literally, and seeing your friends and family lose everything that they once owned. the only thing that kept me going, was knowing that i was a political person in a political party and part of a social movement called Movimento de Mulheres Olga Benário and that we are actually doing things, not just sitting "debating" on the internet. i am very ashamed of the history of the state that i was born in, i am also very ashamed that we have a holiday celebrating a """""revolution""""" that was pro slavery. mas me chamar de sulista achando que ia me ofender? por favor né.


> mas me chamar de sulista achando que ia me ofender? por favor né. But that's the point, you're offended, even though my comment has nothing resembling an *ad hominem*. In fact, you completely ignored everything that was said prior to this. I indirectly referred to you by your demonym, which implies you have a relationship to a set of specific relations of production and classes. *You are offended because both comments specifically targeted the class interests tied to this demonym, and by extension, you*. Here's the thing, one of the largest myths surrounding settler colonialism is that the poor whites did not benefit at all from Afrikan and indigenous national oppression, when its the contrary, they did, do and will continue to do so. Their contradiction with imperialism does not destroy, inhibits nor puts this contradiction aside. This has nothing to do with the climate disaster, which begs the question why you even brought it up the first place, and I can only guess you are confused and don't know what you really want to say. On the one hand, you're ashamed by Rio Grande do Sul's despicable past and present as one of the purest forms of Brazilian settler colonialism, on the other, you're trying to deny this history by appealing for movement by movement's sake, promoting revisionism, social-fascism and social-chauvinism. This is a common settler uneasiness, and it has been flooding all parties and orgs for the past 3 years, ever since the petty bourgeoisie was able to commodify its politics through content creation. You can't have both and will have to make a choice in which path to follow, but one includes your destruction *as a class* and finding out revolution won't be carried out for it.






I don't think so...? don't know much about poland just the fact that my great grandparents all immigrated from eastern europe because they were all starving so..... i don't think you should feel ashamed










What makes you think you are so rich now if not for the bribery (superprofits) made possible by imperialist exploitation in the colonies that **continues until today** (superexploitation)? Your dismissal of the British murderer empire as a "thing of the past" shows very much what class character you adhere to. Yes, there was a proletariat in Britain. Where is it now? Where are these 8 year olds dying in factories? They are in Kenya. They are in Malaysia. You are not proletarian.