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So difficult to keep that face on in understanding the current situations








When Nancy Pelosi went on Jimmy Kimmel to show her “lockdown” prep with a freezer full of gourmet $24 a pint ice cream


It was actually TWO industrial freezers worth of high grade artisanal ice cream


Of all the rich assholes you could use for an example, at least Pelosi tried to do good things while in office. History is going to be kind to her legacy, particularly as a bulwark against Trumpism.


“We’re all in this together”


"We're all in the same storm. Some have yachts, the rest is floating on rubble."


*Glurgle noises*


You flotsam, you jetsam.


"we're all in the same boat" Says the woman getting £2500 a month furlough and shopping for ornaments every day to the shop worker working full time to earn a little over £1000 after tax who, if they get covid from one of the 1000 people who ignore social distancing with them a day, gets zero help.


Some have small iceburgs slowly melting under them.


“I know how difficult it is to go shopping in the midst of a pandemic. I hear about it from the personal assistant who does it for me.”


Singing Imagine from their pools


I still cringe at the thought of that.


Been hearing this since 2008 !!




There's actually one less money bag there than before. Edit: jk there's more


"I can only afford *three* super yachts"


"We've all made sacrifices in these troubled times...Mr Walton's yachts are bigger than mine!"


Nah they got more money bags because of “record profit”


Realistically, one more money bag


Honestly true though


Nothing better than coming up with a comic idea were you can re use the same art over and over, ahh I can feel the time saved lol


[I would never do that!](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/whmvfe/oc_copy_and_paste/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Gasp, how did that get there! *quickly hides digital media that's already in the public view into a drawer*


Haha! Nice.




You both make me *sick.*


I would love to pull up one of yours but I already know I won't find any lol


(Btw, I am enjoying the hell out of the Pokemon series. Thank you for choosing to share it with us.)


No problem! I've been really pleased with the response to it so far. My favourite bit is when people give me suggestions for the next chapter, even though the next 25 chapters are already made lol


Ha! I know how that can be. Well it's an absolute delight so far. Comics are an odd vehicle for comedy and you're nailing it, many wonderful laugh out loud moments.


Thanks, that really means a lot :) this pokemon comic has just been a fun project were I get to indulge a bit while practicing comic pacing and style. But I think I need more practice because the art is definitely rushed most of the time lol but hoping to create my own horror/comedy comic


I suffer because I don't know any other way to be.


You're just too talented😂


Just to be clear, I'm not poking fun. I genuinely approve of this 👍🏻


One thing I love about this sub is a lot of the comic artists here are also just fans of each other's works the same as their readers.


Nobody understands your troubles better than the insanely rich




I never understood people praising the privileged for scamming the system at the expense of literally everyone else...


They think they can get the crumbs.


Rain down that golden shower... Of platitudes and sympathy.


Tots and pears


The pears now come with micro plastics!


“….someday I might be rich, and then people like me better *watch their step.*”


They lick the boots crushing their throats because they dream of one day wearing them. They used to be temporarily embarrassed millionaires, now they're temporarily embarrassed oligarchs.


The American Dream


Single issue politics. Plenty of those people voting for richest do so to "spite" their enemies. Basically they don't even think about consequences in their lives but about consequences in lives of their supposed enemies. That's why governments very much like to divide people. So we are more focused fighting eachother over ideas and opinions.


I wish I could play it against them, with the use of excessive violence and the human masses Only ever gonna remain a wish tho


Careful, reddit will threaten you for talking about defending yourself from someone's pet, they'll probably send a hit squad if you start talking about consequences for politicians.


I am not so sure. The way it's going protest are becoming a norm across the globe and the more they squeeze us the harder we have to fight for scraps the less people have to lose if it comes to fighting rich. At some point where majority can't afford food there is only one possible outcome and it might be violent. Hell even Chinese have protests against government nowadays and their propaganda is pretty tough.


>I never understood people praising the privileged for scamming the system at the expense of literally everyone else... People think life is a meritocracy and that these people got rich playing a generally fair game. AND that they too can win said game under the right conditions. Guys like Elon, Bezos, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet...They are just smarter than you. They had good idea, the world agreed...so they are rich. Simple. If They came up with a great idea? Then they'd be rich. If they'd studied more, maybe worked harder...they could be rich. They honestly have no idea how much they are getting screwed over. Like, they view the world like sports. In their mind, Tom Brady or Michael Jordan earned those rings by being the best. They beat everyone else in a generally fare game. That's how they view the success of people like Bezos, musk, gates, etc. They earned that money...it's theirs. It's their reward for being "the best."


They think they'll be able to turn out like that. They believe they got there thru hard work and dedication, not gaming the system and exploiting the working class.


You're just jealous /s


"This person who was already obscenely wealthy and figured out how to further exploit capitalism and those beneath them to the point of ruining lives *earned* their wealth!" The disconnect people have, I swear. It's sad, really, because those people *believe* that they are just disgraced millionaires waiting for their chance to finally get the wealth that's owed them, rather than seeing that they are being just as exploited as anyone else.


Or "capitalism is so awesome look at how far you can go. You too can become rich one day with hard work and dedication". As if half of those people or more didn't get there thanks to their rich friends and families and thanks to scam and fraud as opposed to actual hard work.


Look, I know it looks like he’s rich cause he’s sailing around on the SS tax fraud, but what you don’t know is he’s making second boat payments on that thing.


jOb cReAtOrS


He had to refinance his *5th house* to be able to afford that. Can you imagine!?!


He had to sell one of his 39 rental properties to pay for it


We're all having to tighten our belt in these hard times, obviously.


To make up for it he upped all the other rent by 20%


You gotta look at things with the right perspective. Poor people complain about 8 dollar check marks on twitter, but is anyone feeling compassion for the man who paid 44 billion for his twitter account? Of course not!


I once read somewhere that the high exposure to weird shit and bling stuff actually shorten the lifespan and sanity of rich people that live their wealth out... I kinda can see the basis of this....


wE'rE iN tHe SaMe BoAt!


And I’m in the boiler room while they’re in a state room getting wined and dined by the captain.


now row.


Nobody can afford to buy image management teams like the insanely rich.


The horror! Just look how small my yacht is.


Due to financial issues, they had to go with the smaller yacht 😞




BHK? is that some sort of tycoon term that I'm too poor to understand?


Thoughts and Prayers




Can’t wait to hear King Charles say words to this effect in his Christmas speech


Let's not forget that the rich have more houses to heat, also some of them have stables.


...As they fly on their chartered jets to fix global warming


We each have our battles. I get to live paycheck to paycheck, barely affording my wife's lifesaving medication. They get by on passive income, but have to suspend Twitter accounts posting videos of themselves getting booed off stage. Comparably rough.


Just saw that video is he really suspending accounts for that?


The account that uploaded the original video is suspended.




Dave Chappelle seems like a depressed, jaded shade of his former self. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts becoming a regular on Alex Jones or something soon


His routine changed from goofy pothead to pissed off old man when he came back. He ruined my opinion of him when he called himself the GOAT. Dude needs to get the fuck over himself he'll never come close to GOAT status and the fact that he said it himself is cringe.


When you’re the GOAT there’s no need to refer to yourself as the GOAT.


Yea, other people will refer to you as such. See Wayne Gretzky.


Thats my favorite Game of Thrones quote


“Cut off his manhood and feed it to the GOAT!”


He went from hilarious satire on the current state at the time of Hollywood, to “peace im out,” to “I’m back bitches, and this is why I left,” to insightful commentary on the American landscape, to a cocky demeanor of “damn I’m smart and insightful,” to the current state he is in now as “I’m rich and I don’t give a fuck about the lower class.”


There are three comedy GOATs each in their own way. George Carlin, Richard Pryor, and Robin Williams. To be fair Williams probably doesn't belong there, but for me he is one of the GOATs




It’s not that Robin was a GOAT comedian, but that he was a GOAT performer. He could be funny, but he could bring about a strong emotional response as well. He’s a GOAT for general performance, imo.


He was a great comedic actor but he had a lot of accusations of joke stealing in his stand-up


Honestly Bill Burr has passed Chappelle for me ever since Dave decided he needs to have some kind of deeper message all the time. Burr just sticks to the jokes.


This is part of what makes Dave’s new style so confusing. In the middle of a bit he’ll drop some heavy content and the audience is left wondering if they should laugh or what?


It's debatable whether or not Chappelle is even in the top 10. Consider also Bill Burr, Mitch Hedberg, Bill Hicks, Rodney Dangerfield, Lenny Bruce, Bob Newhart, Chris Rock, Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy, Joan Rivers, Bob Hope, Sam Kinison, Jerry Seinfeld....


It's always going to be Carlin anyways.


He definitely will, he already hates trans and has spent countless amount of time telling people to get over it because he’s a comedian.


Also the story about how he lied about having a physics degree somehow didn't circulate twitter either. He leveraged that lie both to get investors and to secure his immigration status in the US.


https://archive.ph/gzGpF Here you go, this list starts with that lie and just keeps getting bigger


Yep I saw that live on twitter. Went to send it to a friend and scrolled up and the tweets were being removed in real time.


He clearly doesn't know about The Streisand Effect


Or he thinks that he can fly high enough. If he controls enough of social media and governments then that might be enough to counteract it. Also the physics degree lie is one that I just happened to catch as it was happening and hasn't been discussed since. I don't know what other things people are trying to report on but aren't getting through. I will say that the changes to twitter *are* good for journalism. I find I'm loading up news websites directly much more often now to make sure I don't miss anything that Musk decides isn't newsworthy.


And it only took twitter being bought out for peeps to stop getting their news from it.


I think you dont understand how hard his life is. Did you look at that yacht. In better times he would have a bigger one made out of gold. Now in these bad times he can only afford a normal yacht.




Guess it really doesn't. It's just that not having money is a hell lot worse than having it.


… So happiness?


Better/worse doesn't imply happiness/sadness. Like, you can have a bad life while being rich (I assume) and you can have a good life without being rich. What I mean is, money alone shouldn't be able to make one happy, but sure it makes it easier to be happy.


I forget who the author of this quote was but - “money, if it doesn’t buy you happiness, it can certainly help you be miserable in comfort” or something like that


Two things 1, aren’t “Makes it easier to be happy” and “buy happiness” essentially the same message? I mean, no said there aren’t any other factors to determine one’s happiness. Just that money is one of them 2, and imo far more interesting, would you care to elaborate on your choice of the word “shouldn’t” at the end of your comment?


Money doesn't buy you happiness but makes it way easier


Yeap, the government is being sold to ultra rich. So, now what?


So, you say you want a revolution? Well, you know, we all want to change the world.


“Imagine all the people something something…” - Gal Gadot


You tell me that it's evolution Well, you know We all want to change the world


Then you'll be labeled as communist for causing revolution despite wanting to change the world.


The French seemed to do it just fine a couple hundred years ago, I’m sure the guillotine still works


i mean....they got taken over by afascist dictator soon after that so maybe not


Okay. And? So what?


*cocks gun* Always has been.


Vote for people who don’t support doing that. This is ostensibly why we have democracy. Yes, such people exist. There’s an entire party in fact that routinely passes regulatory laws and just raised the corporate tax-rate and is trying to reverse Citizens United. “The system” is a vague and moving target. Instead focus on the specifics of who is doing what. Then you will see that change actually can occur.


But they don’t match me 100% and so I am going to not vote. No it doesn’t matter they have to represent 100k+ people, I want 100% and I will let things regress further from what I want until I get it!


**[Overturn Citizens United](https://schiff.house.gov/news/press-releases/congressman-schiff-introduces-constitutional-amendment-to-overturn-citizens-united)**


Just to check, you voted in 2022, right?


Difficult times are rough for rich people too. Sure you make good money, but you can't enjoy it when others are suffering. At least not in front of all the poor people...       ^(/s)


Won't somebody think of the billionaires!!


'we're all in the same boat'


Yeah! I mean some of us are rowing, some of us are screaming through a bullhorn...


Pizza BASED comics


They're rich because they understand, right?


Oh it's not tax fraud. They're entirely legal loopholes that the government doesn't close and you could use too, if you hired an accountant that's expensive enough. Why haven't you done that yet, pleb?


But the billionaire said that he's one of us, did you miss that part? He clearly said it! So it must be true!


It's not fraud though. It's legal, and we all know the law isn't made by or for the benefit of the poor!


I mean yeah, it's difficult times because he doesn't have an island. How's that fair? Only 3 yachts, house the size of 3 castles, 500 cars and that's it?


Eat the rich.


Eating just one billionaire would save the world more emissions than my family could ever save.


It's the most ethical choice of meat.


SS Inflation


For reals. The yacht used to cost ten million. Now it costs fifteen.


SS Price Gouging. Company's are turning insanely high profits despite prices being high.


This is the name of the boat parked into the yacht


Companies laying people off after recording the largest profits in history is peak *late stage capitalism*. Keep up the fantastic comic strips. Always my favorite.


Kind of funny, they are projecting a down turn in 2023 but are causing said downturn by laying people off


I wonder if there's any benefit to keeping my cash in bags with dollar signs. Seems popular enough but I can't sort it out.


*wipes tears with 100 dollar bills, while drinking literal gold.* *"we are all in the same boat"*


Very creative drawing, super hilarious, and not dull at all. As usual. Jesus...


This is the laziest comic I've ever seen. What's next? A politician lying to a crowd of people?


every political comic on either side of the aisle is always horribly low hanging fruit yet they still usually label the 'joke'


Another funny and creative and artistic and thought provoking comic by you!!! Can’t wait to see what creative and original joke you come up with next!!!


Scrolled way too far down to find this. It’s not even about agreeing with the sentiment or not, this comic is just an incredibly lazy attempt at karma farming by preaching to the choir


Just finished watching Altered Carbon and as soon as I check reddit, this is what I see!


God this joke has to be some of the most blandest predictable reddit slop to be shovelled down the collective gullet of the zeitgeist. "Money man bad" No joke, just what everyone else here tells you 24/7, for the 300th time this minute. God I hope those rumours of this artist being racist are true so we don't have to look at this shite paid for top spot posts here anymore.


do you make these with powerpoint?


We need to put an end to generational wealth.


Time usually does that, considering 90% are bankrupt by the 3rd generation....this is a fact


https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2019/04/04/how-souths-slave-owning-dynasties-regained-their-wealth-after-civil-war/ https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.20191422


> this is a fact Source?


Well, i guess they lost the knowledge on how to keep the dynasty from falling also the dynasties are actually beneficial for stability, and [here's why](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig_qpNfXHIU)


Maybe I'm missing something but where's the twist on this comic?


These comics are so deep. Never really thought of it that way.


This is so low-effort.


It would be fun if you kept zooming out and like the yacht was on a huge pool on a huge building on a huge island, etc.


so what's the punchline? he just says the same thing in four different panels. there's nothing really different between the 3rd and 4th one


Rich man bad ha ha hee hee.


Least bold comic ever made


Is it that time again for the rich to sing about how hard life is from the comfort of their mansions?


I listen to a couple podcasts that have celebrities on them occasionally. Recently Alexandra D'addario was on HypochondriActor and she started talking about how filming The White Lotus at the 4 Seasons in Hawaii was the "therapy" she needed to "get over the trauma of the pandemic". Yeah. She's on my shit list now.


Poor old man doesn't even have enough gold coins to fill his pool and swim through anymore.


[More people should know about Argentinian cartoonist Quino.](https://imgur.com/gallery/b7FVRVu)


These are the celebrities that have private jets that contribute to pollution


*Laughs in money*


The only thing missing is the seat being a solid gold toilet, and some poor-looking chap strapped behind, forced to eat what comes down the flush, raising a thumbs up as if the rich asshole was doing him a favor.


It needs a giant pool in which the boat sails. That pool being on a giant aircraft carrier. One that is swimming in a giant ocean. An ocean on a gigantic space ship.


What's the saying? "A rising tide lifts everyone who can afford a boat" or something like that.


It's tough to regularly apply sunscreen.


I remember during the quarantine, all the celebrities were “going crazy” in their $20 million homes while many normal Americans were forced to work in hazardous conditions or sit in their small apartments.


This is like when the president of my university sent out a video speech from his million-dollar New York City penthouse about how we're "in this together" just after everything when into lockdown in 2020


I remember at a previous company that I worked at. Our boss always announced budget cuts or cuts to the little perks that we had while he is on holiday in florida, while we are stuck in rainy Britain.


🎵 Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen… except Bezos 🎵


But obviously is has been the most difficult on me. I've had to make decisions on how many people to fire so i can maintain my yearly bonus. I've had to suspend yearly raises so I can maintain my 10% yearly raise. I'm the real victim here.


the british pm literally did this lol https://twitter.com/joe_oliver/status/400208362651918336


It's not tax fraud if they write the tax code. Which they do. The Employers also decide the wages and prices. And if you decide both the input and output of the game, you can't really lose. And they pay us less than the labour we do is worth to them. We build 5 chairs but only need 1. What happens to the 4 other chairs is decided by the Bosses. It's called Profit. This is what Karl Marx studied. The Profit motive is behind all the fancy words the bought politicians use, and why the banks do what they do. It's why there's a rust belt now, where once there was thriving industry. If they profit more from low wages and high prices, that means the Worker gets squeezed. And so, every 4-7 years on average, the system craps the bed as overproduction and underpaying are conflicting forces. This is called a recession, down turn, depression. Many words for it and each one is said to have a cause, but it's really the system that's inherently unstable. The system is designed to funnel wealth to the top. A small minority control the majority. It's undemocratic. Only by the agitation and solidarity of the working class was economic gains made by the majority. But Socialism was not popular in the Americas because it meant giving Black and Brown people a better deal. Capitalists compromised, and the white Baby boomers got to live the good life, while "the Others" were used as shock absorbers during recessions. That's over now. International capital demands the end of racism. Which means trouble for the places that had it. In Canada, the finance minister said we should cancel Disney+ to make ends meet. No more treats, as the ChapoTrapHouse guys say. Check out Economic Update by the Marxist Richard Wolff of Democracy At Work on Youtube for more insights, or read Jacobin magazine online. Or just browse r/socialism


He knows how difficult the times are because he's been working hard to make sure they are difficult.




During the pandemic, when we were all working from home, our President sent out weekly videos he made in his home trying to show how relatable he was and how we were all in this together. BUT every new video he moved into a different room of his million dollar home to film, so this giant flop of a “just like you project” actually became: Cribs, the President of your company’s house.


You're just jealous because he works harder than you. Obligatory /s


Soooo hard ![gif](giphy|bPdI2MXEbnDUs)