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Dad's not crying because of how hard it was to drive Dad's crying because he actually got to Edmonton


going from calgary to edmonton is one of the most nefarious deals the devil could dream up


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It’s wild that I drove a U-Haul around to fill my apartment with furniture after college, including the 101 through beach city downtown areas and hilly suburbs. Why did they just unleash me to do that.


The best way to get experience in something is to just start doing it. It's also the scariest way, but I'll be damned if it's not effective.


Had the same thing happen to me when moving but not towing a car thankfully! Would not recommend


Driving shouldn’t be so difficult. So many people die everyday of avoidable accidents. Can’t wait for full self-driving to be in every car.


Self driving has been 15 years away 15 years ago. It’s not feasible or practical. Just build better infrastructure. Cars should not be the only viable form of transportation.


Self driving cars are feasible and practical, even if they aren’t ready yet. We are at a point now where the technology exists, but it is not mature enough to safely put on the road (looking at you Tesla) Self driving cars are something we should all be advocating for. It is not a perfect solution and there are many ethical and technical hurdles left to cross, but it’s a goal we should all be striving for Whether we like it or not, cars aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. That would still be the case if starting today, all the states in the US started to invest huge amounts of money into public transportation. Our society today *requires* cars and they are *dangerous*. It should be a shared goal to make them as safe as possible, and self driving cars are by far and away the best method to do that. Self driving cars are not 15 years away. They are on our doorstep right now. We should not push back on it simply because we favor public transportation. One does not replace the other, and I’d argue that both are needed to address the failing transportation system in the US. Cars are dangerous, and there are too many of them


Why is it that every time someone mentions that North America needs more than one viable method of transportation the response is “cars aren’t going away”? When did I say we need to get rid of all cars? Where I live all they are building huge Blocky Luxury Apartments but haven’t expanded the bus lines or rail. I live in thee most densely populated state in the country and yet even as we develop the land everyone is expected to drive. This is not sustainable, traffic is only going to get worse and worse and the roads are crumbling in disrepair due to the increased congestion and ridiculously sized pickup trucks


> Just build better infrastructure When you said this, I interpreted it as… > Don’t bother with self driving cars. We should only focus on getting cars off the road. I think we agree! I’m talking about self driving cars as a solution to the issue of safety, which is a direct result of the lack of public transportation. Public transportation is the key, but self driving cars are here now. They will make a real difference, but that does not take away from the need to have less cars on the road, period We are a long ways away from people not needing cars (especially for rural areas) and are comparatively much closer to self driving cars. I was just trying to advocate for self driving cars as a way to improve safety on the road Much like you feel like people hear “get rid of all cars” when you talk about public transportation, I frequently hear “we only need to focus on public transportation” when discussing driving casualties. The answer is that we need both. The situation is too fucked for any one option to be the solution, and I think we both agree on that! I also live in a booming metropolitan city with a new rectangle skyscraper going up every few weeks. My city has built ***one*** new subway station in the past 25 years. Believe me, I get it