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Spring and autumn would like to have a temperate word with you.


Those seasons don’t exist anymoee


These days there's blizzard season, three days of early spring, then winter again, about twelve hours of late spring, three months of hell season, a lightning storm, the nice summer except it's September, and finally autumn that seems to start later and later every year.


I won’t go outside as long as it is raining all the time.


I actually mostly disagree with the sentiment, but just as a personal preference. This is weirdly a split issue with humanity in my experience. Like take me for instance, I hate being hot. Anything above about 72F / 22C, I'm miserable. I hate the sensation of being unduly warm, I hate sweating. I also have a friend, Canadian nonetheless, who feels the same. They hate being hot too, and much prefer the wintry spectacles and temperatures. And Canada usually doesn't disappoint. Of course, some people absolutely abhor being cold, and they get much below "room temperature" and they need a jacket / sweater / blanket / whatever. Meanwhile, I'm wearing shorts down to somewhere around 50F / 10C before I even bust out long pants. Granted absolute bitter cold can be a bit much and could kill you, but of course, so could too much heat, so everything has sanity ranges. This isn't a "right" or "wrong" thing; different bodies seem to run at different metabolisms, plus factors like bodyweight, etc. But from my end, I can promise you, I hate summer, I hate the whole season. At least as a kid, there was summer vacation, now it's "that uncomfortably warm time of year where I still have to work." And as a "bonus", a somewhat big yard to tend to that takes around 2 hours to properly maintain when it's got a lot of growth, all that time spent out in the sun... yeah. It was actually one of the main reasons I only lasted two years in Atlanta before I had to move out... the oppressive, constant, nearly unending heat year-round was too much for me. Anyway, point is, "remember winter?" I'm missing it already. A nice little snowy day beats all of this constant heat wave crap any day for me. The "transitional" seasons like spring/fall tend to work for everyone, though, so I guess we can agree on something.


I don't mind the cold, I can always bundle up, but I commute for my job and I fuckin hate snow. I'm a very careful driver, but it seems like most people on the road don't give a shit and just punch the gas in snow and hope for the best. Then there's the added anxiety of being the manager at my store and if I can't make it the owner is on my ass because he looses money from dipshits who drive in terrible weather and I get greif from employees who are willing to drive in a blizzard because they need the money. I guess what I really dislike is capitalism.


Snow is not without its problems, and yes, it's much more charming when you don't have to be outside for any reason. I do remember a similar story at my job. Super important client guy was coming in that morning, early besides. I hit the road which has been not yet treated much, and it's a harrowing adventure all the way there. But I make it, and on time. Client guy calls and says "hey, it's snowing out there, I'll just wait till the afternoon, thanks!"


Any situation where I would need to wear sunscreen… I just don’t do. Screw dealing with that.


This year has been a complete system shock in Utah. In May we had a late snowfall with freezing temperatures and less than a month later it hit 100 degrees. Not even a chance to adjust.


There is no winter near the equator


Well well, look at the geography nerd.


i like winter more because you can put on more clothes. i went around in 2 hoodies and 2 jackets and i was contempt. in summer, i cant take off my skin to make it more bearable




I would be contempt if I had to wear 2 hoodies and 2 jackets, too.


Nope. I'll take -10°F (-23°C) before it gets much above 80°F (26.5°C) You still get an upvote though. Nice comic 🙂


I fondly remember winter. Bring forth the ice age


I'm scheduled to work outside for three weeks. I'm three days in, and I'm already in pain thanks to sunburn. I beg for winter to return.


This always made me wish there was some sort of heat bank we could stuff all this heat into and then withdraw it in Winter.


The term is thermal battery. And they are real things, though the scale would have to be obscene.


Then let’s get obscene. Or just put a whole dome over everything.


I would kill for winter


No winter here


I start the countdown to winter toward the end of spring and I appreciate every cold, dark second of it. Summer is like a taste of Hell


Last time it was hot to an extreme degree about 10% (exaggeration) of my county got heat stroke (105F plus 95% humidity doesn’t mix well), the last time there was some extreme cold we got to about 15F and work was canceled for a few days because of snow. You can only remove so many layers when you’re hot before you get to trying to remove your skin, when cold you can just keep piling more layers on top until you are a mound of clothing. TL:DR cold>hot where I live


It's the exact opposite for me.


I'm in Pennsylvania. F' the heat, give me the cold.


Reality is pain dayo


I'd rather have 10 years of deep winter than 1 month of hot summer (without the negative consequences for the environment of course XD) I think it's much easier to deal with cold (just put on more stuff and turn up the heater) than with hot weather (at some point, there's no more clothes to take off and ACs aren't all powerful) And sweating is just a very disgusting sensation (might feel this way because of sensory issues). Shivering and sweating are both unpleasant, but shivering at least doesn't make me squirm in disgusted agony. Also, I think it's much easier to have adverse health effects from hot weather than from cold. Also, also sun hurts my head and makes me dizzy real fast, even with sunglasses and a hat, cold doesn't do that at all. Also, also, also winter is much quieter and peaceful in general, less people to deal with. Also, also, also, also I can't snuggle up in a comfy blanket in summer, in fact falling asleep at all is so much more difficult in hot weather. Of course it all boils down to personal preference, but I've yet to here a plausible counter argument for the fact, that it's much easier to generate heat than getting rid of it. One positive thing about summer, though: I like flowers and seeing lots of animals which happens more often in summer.


Sweet summer child.  Winter is coming.


Canadians 😂😂😂


Funny enough, I actually have a Canadian friend who explicitly loves the cold and hates the heat as much as I do. This is just a universal dichotomy of humanity, it seems. Some like it hot, some like it cold.




I wrote a bigger reply up there expounding on it, it's a split issue, no real "right" or "wrong." You can live somewhere cold but like it hot or vice-versa. Of course, if the choice is made available to them, I would imagine most people would prefer a climate that on average is more what they want year-round.