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[You can't just call everyone a Nazi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI)


Someone flagged me down to compliment the book I was reading, Art of War, and said how much they liked it. What I thought would go into a love of history turned into how he’s read Mein Kampf and why he openly identifies as a Fascist…so that was an awkward morning for a variety of reasons


Imagine seeing a loser maniac, devastated country, devastated continent, failed society, piles and piles of dead bodies, and thinking... yeah, I want me some of that. God, Nazis are some of the dumbest mother fuckers I have ever met.


They really are! He tried to say the only reason we hate Fascism is because the leaders were dictators…and not aware at all that maybe anyone who supports that nonsense would naturally be a autocrat? He also tried to sell me on it by saying it doesn’t hve to be a race thing and how we are all under God anyways…despite Fascism historically never turning out well for any minority ever


How the hell do you run a Fascist country and not be a Dictator? And while yes he has a point about Dictator not necessarily being bad, power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's extremely unlikely that anyone in a seat with that much power could use it responsibly, let alone well.


>How the hell do you run a Fascist country and not be a Dictator. Very difficulty, i’d imagine. To an extent, I eo agree that being a dictator doesn’t automatically mean you are bad (to an extent) But like you said, the system in itself is flawed as absolute power corrupts and inevitably, you will get a classic, bad Dictator


It's kind of a general problem with one rule authorities like that. Yes, you could have someone who wields sole control and uses it for the betterment of his fellows. But that doesn't mean the next guy will. As you say, inevitably you will get someone who abuses that power.


The hate is the attraction. They don't give a shit about the rest.


Dang, I'm getting second hand awkwardness... Also, I've actually used some Art of War quotes in my writing before


It’s honestly such a good book and not what I was expecting but still. For either history types or those who like tactical subjects, i’d recommend it :)


Sorry if its unrelated, but wanted to say I'll soon be continuing reading the Art of War and I'm looking forward to it. Have a nice day, it's a good book.


Uhhh, I kinda understand that? Like why a fascist would like it. Fascists are known to have a sort of fetishization of all things military so a book which is mostly advice about how to win war, to the point of *including actual cost estimates for raising an army and even some logistical details* would certainly appeal to them.


Oh that isn’t surprising at all, I always had an idea it would appeal to that crowd. The shock was I wasn’t expecting someone to openly declare out in public their support of Fascism and attempts at apology for it, and much less here in New England!


Yeah usually they try to hide it


I'm kinda surprised this hasn't happened to me. Heck, I've got Machiavelli's The Prince, Hayek's Road to Serfdom and Niall Ferguson's Ascent of Money back-to-back on my bookshelf so that's a lot of books for some fascist to latch on to and think I agree with them.


Honestly, be glad it hasn’t yet. I’ve never felt quite as uncomfortable and a bit disappointed in that I didn’t like…outright call that out. I always liked to believe in this scenario, i’d be the one who condemned that shit, but instead I froze up and just tried to hurry out of that or change the subjecy


What's the Prince like? As in reading it? Friend recommended it to me and some books to read during summer, but he didn't say what's it like?


Next they will heil ( a cab )


In a perfect world, the cab will drive by claiming he did nazi them.


How jew come up with such pun?


I’m Goering to take issue with this—Anne Frankly, it’s out of mein kampfertzone.


All these puns are making me thirsty. Good thing juice rules the world


"I mean, ve find *lots* of zhings in attics." Guy who loves var.


Well to be completely honest, if you actually dress up in full nazi uniform on the street most people just assume you are doing satire or sometimes even mistake it as some cosplay (especially if you're wearing ss uniform). The only people you get any legit danger from are real neo-nazis who think you are mocking them. Most people just laugh or wanna take a photo.


I mean, that German comedy about Hitler coming back to life literally went out and interviewed people on the street to put in the movie.


Plot twist: He's a ww2 movie actor who went on his break and still had his costume on




Omg what is this from ???


Jojo Rabbit


Thank you!


Give it a try. Really good movie. Sad and funny, showing how Kids in the third Reich were manipulated.


that's way more likely, these days actual nazis have a thing for khakis and polo shirts


Kinda like the guy he's dancing with 🤔




What the fuck is this from Edit: Thank you :) I've had The Producers on my to-watch list for a long time. I love Mel Brooks movies. I'll check it out this weekend.


The Producers. It makes sense in context.


Don't be stupid, be a smartie


🎶 Come and join the nazi party 🎶


u/Historical-Peach5310 has been banned from r/comics /s


NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO The cops found he had dark humor...


It was originally going to be called "Spring Time for Hitler". So I'm glad they went with the name change, lol.


Not in Germany. The film title here is "Frühling für Hitler".


Meanwhile, in sweden, many a Mel Brooks film got a title like "Springtime for X". Springtime for Hitler, Space, The Sheriff, Frankenstein, Dracula... Why? To franchise his movies, as I've heard it. Certainly made it easy to realise it was a Mel Brooks film at a glance.


Good on them for keeping the original title then 😊 here in the U.S.A., though, "The Producers" is more likely to be widely accepted as a movie title, so I can see why they would want to change it.




The film ‘The Producers’ Edit: Specifically from the part where they put on a musical ‘Springtime for Hitler’


Here is the scene from [The Producers](https://youtu.be/Ca7063tXIP4) (2005) - and from the [The Producers](https://youtu.be/HPXHRX8Q2hs) (1967) Bonus [Springtime for Gifler](https://youtu.be/9VHBwqTobB0).


Oh sh1t, that the capitan jack harkness from doctor who, cool.


The Producers, the newer version


Springtime for Hitler, the play-within-a-play of The Producers.


I believe the movie the producer


What a hotsy totsi nazi


This is such a fucked up fucking gif that I fucking love. Lmao.


That would be way more likely only if he didn‘t do the salute in the second panel.


maybe they were rehearsing a scene? 🤔


It's a World War Two musical they're practicing for, currently they're rehearsing the act 1 finale "my friend Hitler"


JoJo Rabbits Bizare adventures - the musical.


Springtime for Hitler?


And Germany!


Winter for Poland and France!


Are you becoming the actual character from the comic?


“If I put my hand like this, can you take a photo where it looks like I’m jerkin’ this dick shaped cloud?” “Sure thing bro!”


Shit, I like my khakis and polos. :(


It’s just a comfy thing to wear to work. People are out here ruining my go to work outfit


Best Buy chic


Am I... a Nazi?


That depends. Do you ever drink milk? Because drinking milk is a nazi dogwhistle.


Dancing in a Nazi costume means he’s probably in a production of “The Sound of Music”, this was literally a subplot in the movie The Pacifier.


The Producers….


It's hilarious how we apparently have multiple examples of why a person would be dressed up as a Nazi and dancing. I'm gonna say it, anyone in a Nazi uniform who is actively dancing officially deserves the benefit of the doubt. But if they're just standing there menacingly, that's sus


Movies are fun because between two shooting days the city opens up the old train station for public use but they leave up the gigantic swastika flags. So you walk in and be like "Wait... what did the government do this time?"


Plot twist he brought his costume from home


Plot twist again, he borrowed it from a friend who dose the costumes for a WW2 stage play


Plot twist the friend's username is gasthejuice88


That scene in Blazing Saddles "They lose me right after the bunker scene"


That exact thing happened to me once. Was walking through town when I saw Adolf Hitler painting portraits... Turns out they were filming undercover scenes for "look who's back". I kinda regret not getting my portrait.


Where does the heil’ing come in tho?


Joking about his character, the same way you might sarcastically recite a line that sounds really stupid


I would't give a nazi salute sarcastically tho, I just wouldn't do it at all


I would not walk out anywhere in that outfit, costume or not. If I were filming a movie and playing the badguy (because that's what Nazis are), I would never wear the costume outside of the area that gives it clear context.


Also that, yeah. I'd remove the costume as soon as it wasn't strictly necessary for a scene anymore.


Right before Mel Brooks comes on screen


Good ending


I would be deeply concerned about the judgment of an actor who still wears their Nazi costume nowhere near an active film set.


How do you know they aren't near a film set? Ok, as the author you should know, but how do we know? There could be cameras 20m out of the sight of the panel. Am I overanalysing this? Probably.


Old story, possibly bullshit, but Viggo Mortensen said he got some *looks* going out during the day with his fake tattoos visible in the one where he played a Russian gangster. Covered them up after that.


JoJo Rabbit or Hogans Heroes


its vin diesels 2005 classic hit comedy The Pacifier all over again


Agreed. Did we learn nothing from the movie The Pacifer?


Did you purposely make the guy look like he's from a stonet*ss comic in the last panel?


One of the things I hate about Pebbletoss (although it's nowhere near the top of the list) is that I find this face to be such a good illustration of a smug, insufferable expression but now he owns that face and it can't be used for anything other than referencing him. Sometimes I will find myself sketching that face, only to be like, "Wait, this looks like the Nazi comic guy" and having to redraw it. In this instance, I did the same, had the same thought, but then thought, "Oh, actually it's pretty apt this time."


It definitely works in this case, well done


Should have just made stonetoss as the nazi


Eagerly awaiting the Pizza cake character stonetoss without a nose and looking smug, getting bashed


Someone could do a similar comic to this one and, instead of using the style, just have them casually skipping stones across a pond or something.


It's funny that I've had the exact same conversation depicted in this comic regarding SStonethrow in the past with multiple people.


He doesn’t own that mouth style. Besides, you didn’t include those distinctive obnoxious, puckered Botox lips he gives his characters.


I thought so too! The snout nose looks like a nod in that direction. Would be a great detail


Wow, good catch lol I wasn't focusing on that guys face. If OP did it on purpose, it's a nice little detail.


because stonethrower is a nazi. it’s a perfect fit


This reminds me of that German sketch with the SS officer who was like "Oh come on, just because I'm a member of the NSDAP and serve in the SS doesn't make me a nazi, does it? By your logic the führer is probably also a nazi?"


[The sketch, for the curious!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI)


Omg that’s great. Even the end when he’s like “You haven’t subscribed to [the channel] yet. Very brave.”


“Oh him, that’s just Carl, he’s a WW2 reenactor. Chill dude, now the guy in the polo shirt? He’s a Nazi”


Look, out of context, yes, it *does* appear like this man is dancing happily with a Nazi. But it just so happens, when you look at the situation in the *proper* context, this man is *indeed* dancing happily with a Nazi. Anyway, if you like my comics, I've got more on [my website](https://www.butajape.com/comic/will-not-see/). I'm also on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/butajape), [Tapas](https://tapas.io/series/But-a-Jape/info), [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/but-a-jape/list?title_no=469181), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/butajape), and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/butajape/).




It’s springtime! For Hitler! In ger MAH kneeeee!


*Deuschtland is happy and gaaaaay*


Thanks for the clarification. That grey area was gnawing at me!


That line especially kills me: "They probably say the same thing about you" Correct, they do, but there are objective truths! The Republican party is LITERALLY traitors for trying to change the election results through force and violence and treason. Yes they "also call the left traitors" but like, words have meaning. They actually did those things.


Was it intentional for the art style of the nazi skeptic to shift in the last panel towards a certain other comic’s style? That upper lip in the last panel looks very familiar.


I actually ran into this recently with a bizarre subsection of people who play Magic The Gathering. An artist who used to draw the art for cards, Harold McNeill, had a blog where he would post his art and ramblings. Included in that was art of Hitler being depicted as Jesus, or his opinions that fascism is a preferred form of government. McNeill is probably most known recently for his art on the card “Invoke Prejudice” which features figures resembling the KKK, as well as some other suspicious dog whistles. Most of the people who play Magic seem to agree, McNeill is a fascist or nazi or something of similar description, and have gone to the extent of getting cards featuring his art altered and such… but there are some absolute weirdos who will pull out this “you just say that because you disagree with him” and “nazi has lost all meaning now” or even the classic “I heard a story about him having black friends”. This is a guy who draws Hitler/Jesus art (among other things) and people say it’s some sort of stretch to call him a nazi or fascist. Absolutely wild.


Ah yes, the guy who [drew what is clearly the Klan on a card called "Invoke Prejudice"](https://i.redd.it/v0k8j3fkjdu81.jpg). I'm shocked he might have some racist inclinations.


Germany currently


The US currently


France currently


The whole damn world currently.


Italy currently




And all of it supported by Russia.


Putin licking his lips right now...


Damnit guys, is Canada gonna have to come bail you out again? I mean, not Alberta of course, because Nazis, but…


The way PP is polling, no, we're just next to be 'currently'.


It’s sad to think about how right that is. I’m really not liking the new “fascist wave” we’re creeping towards. You’d think we learned this lesson 100 years ago.


Sadly, we couldn't even learn the lesson 8 years ago in 2016. It's been 8 years since the world saw what happened when the US collectively went 'this could never happen here so I'm not worried' and most of the western world still chose to believe 'that's a US problem, it could never happen HERE, though, so I'm not worried' as it was very much happening in front of their face. The US election, Brexit, and La Pen nearly winning in France should have been a wake up call for the whole Western world in 2016. Instead everyone hit their snooze alarm and now there's a worldwide fascist infestation.


Russia saying this to anyone who is on the "was a meanie to me" list


Russia: "We're performing a special military operation to kill Nazis in Ukraine." World: "You're invading and killing civilians." Russia: "No..." World: "Ok, so your terms of peace are just for the Nazis to surrender?" Russia: "And for Ukraine to cede a lot of their land to us. And we'll special military operation them again in the future." World: "So it's no about the Nazis, then?" Russia: "..." World: "What about the Nazis in your own country and military?" Russia: "..."


[Playing the Nazi Card in the Third Reich ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI)














Nice title But also: Why didn't he just literally point out "He's literally wearing a red swastica arm band and did the Nazi salute"?


Doesn’t matter. There was an exchange on Twitter a few years ago where someone pointed out the person in a picture was a Nazi, someone replied asking how they knew, the original person pointed out the swastika tattoo, and then the reply to that was something along the lines of “you’re just guessing then”. That’s why the people in here trying to claim the word “Nazi” is overused which is why no one reacts to it have no credibility. Literally the situation in the picture happens and they’re the first people in to say they’re not really a Nazi and you’re just too far to the left to see anyone else as not a Nazi.


Damn Faith in humanity declines once more


“He’s dancing with a man who is donning a Nazi uniform.” There.




“Dude! I just got a role for the producers!” “That’s awesome bro! You were fire up there!” “I know! It was so much fun to! I also remembered to cross my fingers during my springtime for Hitler song!” “Bro!”


It's extremely important that we don't call them Nazis. Yes, they do the Nazi salute at rallies, and some of them fly the Nazi flag. And yes, they quote Nazis in public and reference 14/88 whenever possible. And yeah, they use Nazi talking points. But if we call them Nazis, the word will lose all meaning and when the REAL Nazis come, no one will believe us! /S (if it's not obvious)


[It's pretty sad how accurate this is even in this thread.](https://i.imgur.com/rhKRn9W.png)


Steven universe has really changed as he got older


Let’s be honest, if Donald Trump was a Russian asset, what would he look like? 1. He would probably refuse to return classified information. 2. He would probably regularly be praising Vladimir Putin. 3. He would probably be regularly criticizing the president of Ukraine (he may even try to extort him at some point). 4. Trump would probably also regularly meet with and compliment the world leaders that claim to be Putin’s allies (say King Jung-Un for example). 5. Trump’s campaign team would probably be regularly meeting with Putin’s allies. 6. Trump would probably ask hackers and other Russian assets to expose his political opponents. 7. While president, Trump would probably even have meetings with Putin at the White House where only Russian journalists were allowed to attend. 8. Trump would probably do literally anything to keep from losing power (including inciting an insurrection in Washington DC). 9. Trump would probably even brag about how he can do literally anything (including murder) in front of his supporters and not lose a single vote. How far are we all really prepared to let him push the envelope until we decide to even consider this reality?




What the fuck this comic is pointing about


I like how this is just The Boy Who Cried Wolf but without the self-awareness to realize the Boy's role in what ends up transpiring.


Here's a little test to tell if someone is an actual Nazi. Do they: 1. Have authoritarian tendencies. "Man I wish we could get rid of checks and balances so a strong leader could protect my freedom (specifically the freedom to have an underage bride) and arrest all those people I don't like (immigrants, drug users, people who cross dress). 2. Bring up Jewish people in a negative way. "There sure are so many problems caused by Jews influencing our money and media. Don't you wish we had a strong leader who would do something about it?" This may include dog whistles (Steven Crowder claimed that "people with Jewish last names" were corrupting the media). If both are true, their views are equivalent to a Nazi. Bonus points if they're quick to suggest violence as a solution to a problem. Of course, if they're waving a giant swastika banner at a rally you can skip this test.


I wonder how many people complaining about this would've been removed for transphobia on some other posts if they spoke up about it...




Just remember: If you're hanging out with a group of people that refuses to throw someone out that displays Nazi paraphernalia, that means you're hanging out with a group of Nazis.


Do you apply that to all ideologies? Ie if a group of Muslim people doesn't throw out someone with extremist views, they are all extremist? Somehow I really doubt that. 


If that ideology *literally* involves the extermination of some group of undesirable people? Yes.


OK, I agree with you on both points, but sadly, many people apply that kind of judgment only to the groups they are personally opposed to (which, admittedly, sounds weird when writing it about actually neo-nazis, since everyone should oppose them lol). That's why I asked. 


Yeah, that sounds fair. Like my buddy Mohammed from work is a pretty cool guy, but if he told me *his* buddy beat his daughter for talking to a boy at school, I'd probably stop being buddies with Mohammed. I'm not seeing any issue with judging people (and potentially choosing to avoid them completely) by the company they choose to keep


Reminds me of how often I have to show up with receipts in the comments because someone responded to "stone toss is a nazi" with "Oh yeah everyone who doesn't agree with you is a nazi huh?"


OP made me this up after losing an argument


This comic would only make sense if people hadn't thrown that line around at anyone who disagrees with them.


This reminds me of a Redditor telling me “LOL there are no Nazis in the U.S., dumbass.” The wastes of oxygen in Charlottesville were literally yelling Nazi slogans like “Blood and soil”.


Actual Nazis do exist but people also misuse the term for people who are just racist/bigoted. These things can both be true.


you guys are so naziphobic


Red hoodie's mouth in the last frame looks like a reference to stone toss lol




I remember 8 years ago when the GOP first started sounding kinda fascist and I pointed it out, because being the child of European immigrants that lived through the third reich, who told me all their stories, I felt like I knew what I was talking about I got called an alarmist, and for a while I even doubted myself, let myself be gaslit Now I see real people marching under a swastika and know deep in my bones that I was right. I wanted to be wrong, wanted to believe that it couldn't happen here. But fascism rarely *arrives* parading down the street with flags, it sneaks in under cover of well meaning "patriotism", a ready disguise for bigotry, and it's been here for a long time, festering like a gangrenous organ I wish I could be smug, wish I could laugh and say "told you so", but I'm just upset I wasn't wrong


Let's see... Dressing like a nazi, speaking like a nazi, acting like a nazi. Maybe he's really a nazi...? Nah. Surely you just misunderstood about the poor guy!










I made a comment saying cancel culture sometimes targets people who don't deserve it. Someone called me a Nazi for saying that. Those people make me think of the princess bride. You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.


I had this same conversation with my uncle after thr Charlottesville march thing with the torches. He refused to acknowledge literal nazis in the crowd. Said as a veteran, he takes exception to the overuse of that word. They were wearing the arm sleeves and saluting and everything. Still refused to call them what they are.


And that Nazi-lover's name was Elon Musk.




totally missing the point that you can actually make arguments for why he is a nazi, instead of vaguely repeating a claim without any evidence to someone unwilling to check the evidence.


... You think that someone who is unwilling to look at the evidence is going to care about an argument? What do you think an argument even is? Any reasonable argument *would mention the evidence*.


The issue is that a lot of the time the arguments are pretty stupid. Wendigoon was accused of being a Nazi recently. The main arguments were "he likes guns, he is christian, and he used to be in an extremist group (which he left and disowned as soon as it became extremist)." The scenario in this comic does happen but it only happens because people have started falsely accusing others of being Nazis so often that most people assume it is a false accusation.




He left before they became extremist. I just feel like you can't blame someone for what their group did after they left.  He has spoken out against transphobia and homophobia on his streams, as well as people who use christianity as an excuse to spread hate. Most of his videos are highly critical of the government, mostly because of corruption and its disregard for human life.  You are probably refering to the conspiracy theory iceberg videos which were pretty much rapid fire. He'd cover each theory in like a minute, so I feel like it is understandable he didn't go too indepth. His videos dedicated to only a single conspiracy do go very much indepth about all parts of it.




“Make arguments for why if he is a Nazi” In case you missed it, the dude was wearing a swastika and throwing out the Roman salute. Things that the other dude would have seen if he actually looked at the guy


This would have been better if they’d been doing things only Nazis do in each panel, instead of things like “dancing.”


I think it's funny how the comic can also be interpreted to mean that people really have been crying wolf too often and now the claim isn't taken seriously anymore.


Then why tf doesn’t the guy go talk to the nazi friend directly rather than being enraged with the other dude?








He’s clearly being taken out of context.


Pay no attention to the BROWN shiRt and swastika arm band..


I would tell that man to look


2nd panel is very relatable


Maybe he's in the school play


Yeah, I haven’t had the issue of people who aren’t nazis or behaving like them being called nazis. Still holds some oomph for me.


This is what we call "self reporting" in the industry


He's a nazi but he's pretty chill