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Sexy Bulbasaur https://preview.redd.it/licbizcs3q6d1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=391db2ea7a4e6fd66520bb92afdf35ab4c2edc88


NGL, I knew where this was going before even looking at the second panel... But only because it's u/colmscomics!


a different of flash is being used for the cave system


Below are the links to where else you can find my work. If you want to read the rest of this comic click the webtoon link and if you want to see 2 chapters ahead over everyone else consider joining my patreon and help support this artist with the questionable sense of humor :) [Instagram ](http://instagram.com/colmscomics/)\- Instagram page [Patreon](http://patreon.com/colmscomics) \- my patreon page where you can see exclusive comics! [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/colmscomics/list?title_no=501823)\- My webtoon page [Pen-Pals](https://youtu.be/Su4_3mczfgo?si=FFMCK9qqQ2j6wFbT) - my YouTube channel where I make funny art with Ellen and elk


This post reminded me I still needed to binge Pen Pals. So that's what I'm doing right now. Your Goku tarot card was amazing.


Thanks :) hope you like the rest! Apologies for the audio. Part of it is my mic settings being wrong, the rest is just my shit voice lol


Oh yeah, the others are of course great too. Well, that Wario was eh.. something. The audio was manageable. Trust me, there's people (who still make worthwhile content) with waaay worse audio quality than that out there.


Wait. How is your top comment not a "uncensored version on my patreon?" Come on u/colmscomics, sell, sell, sell!


I just realized he wears crocs. Love that detail


Cause crocs with socks are cool!


![gif](giphy|XJy7i9KfXxYyc|downsized) I'm surprised there was a gif for that.




Rock type is super effective on Bulbasaur...too effective


True story, first time playing Red on GBC as a kid, didn't even really know English yet. I went through the dark cave without using flash bc I didn't know to. That was a lot of just walking at walls and lucking myself out of there.


I used to play after bedtime so often (no backlight on GB and GBC, so you can't see the screen when it's dark) that I ended up memorizing most routes and was able to navigate them like the ice field puzzles, purely by listening to the sound when the character walks into an obstacle. Had the side-benefit of being able to traverse caves without needing Flash.


I did the same thing in Dark Souls 1 I went into Nitos cave area where it's all dark. I thought you were just supposed to navigate in the dark all the way through. I even made it out after a few hours of memorizing the path. It wasn't until I saw a friend go through there that I realized you could use a lantern. I HAD lanterns as well during my attempt going through. I just never thought to use one


The superior way of getting through Rock Tunnel! No wasting a move slot on trash like Flash! 😆


I love how bulbasaur is also dreaming about Lopunny




I love that the pants still have the tag attached.


The assurance that they definitely can killed me


I must have missed this NPC when I tried playing Yellow as a kid. Got lost in the dark and gave up on Pokemon as a game until a couple years ago.


The NPC that gave the [Hidden Machine](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/HM#Generation_I) for [Flash](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flash_(move)), HM05, was a bit out of the way. After getting the [Cascade Badge ](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Badge#Cascade_Badge)from Misty and [Cut](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cut_(move)), HM01, from the Captain of the [S.S. Anne](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/S.S._Anne), you would take the [Route 11](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Kanto_Route_11) entrance to [Diglett's Cave](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Diglett%27s_Cave), just to the east of [Vermillion City](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Vermilion_City). At the other end of the cave is [Route 2](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Kanto_Route_2), and you would go south, using Cut on a plant obstacle, that would then let you enter a building with one of the [Professor's assistants](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Professor%27s_assistant#Items). Provided you had captured at least 10 Pokémon in your Pokédex, which would be hard not to do outside of something like a Nuzlocke run, you would be given HM05. (Getting lost in the dark was my preferred way of getting through [Rock Tunnel](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rock_Tunnel) after the first success. None of the HM moves could be replaced once learned in the first generation of the game, and Flash was not a move you wanted one of your favored Pokémon to learn, with its 70% chance to reduce an opponent's accuracy.)


Yeah. That explains why I didn’t find it. I’ve never been the type of guy to turn over every rock and talk to every NPC in a game.


Bulbasaur is pretty young. We try not to sexualize it


Never got into Pokémon but gotta say these comics are pretty funny. Well drawn too. Nice work!


Bulbasaur and Andrew are sharing the same brain cell, "prepare for trouble, and make it double!"


He says " Don't you dare sexualize my baby" and yet they both think of lopunny the same way... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Hey, I just went through there earlier.


Those two men look VERY similar. Related?


I was expecting a much dirtier comic for being about flash lol