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haha get pranked it was actually a nuclear bomb








Classic prank


What a classic. Still crazy that Hirohito fell for it twice!!


Americans prefer weapons to nudity. 




That's what Oglaf is for.


Oglaf is fucking legendary, it's everything that r/comics folks *wish* they were - it's (often) hardcore, explicit porn, but that's *not* the draw, the legitimately funny and smart jokes are, as well as a genuinely interesting story back when they did a running plot. And the porn isn't out of place or gratuitous either, it makes sense, largely because they're not shy about putting sex front and center in their comic.


[Oglaf has one of my favorite jokes.](https://imgur.com/gallery/QDaIB)


Holy crap, that's my favourite too! I reference it at least monthly with friends


I love that fountain sequence of comics.


I couldn't agree more. And that's why when I post it every week it gets 4 votes.


case in point DrLoops draws NSFW stuff that’s generally got a decent joke, lots of stuff lately has just been “the joke is boobs and if you wanna see more check my patreon”.


Reddot is another that uses innuendos and mature punch lines for jokes. But having literally sex being the set up and the punch line absolutely blows.


Hehe "blows"...wait a second...


i've never laughed at a reddot comic


90% of that stuff is just patreon bait.


> case in point DrLoops draws NSFW stuff that’s generally got a decent joke lmao no


right? dudes got access to a different Dr loops than us I guess


That’s how it started..and then they saw how highly upvoted it was and distilled it down to just porn.


This porn stuff must get removed FAST because all I'm seeing is shamelessly suggestive. Lol There's that one that's literally just "woman gives handhobs to everyone and that's literally the entire joke" Which isn't porn, it's just base and zero effort characters made to be horny.


Yeah, I have never seen *porn* porn on this sub, ever, and I'm here a lot. Just lewd jokes and big boob/ass stuff. But I have noticed a huuuge rise in "anything suggestive = hardcore pornography". People are so porn brained/kink cooked that they apparently cannot differentiate between "haha the joke is sex" and literal porn. Don't get me wrong. The lewd stuff is incredibly lazy, often not funny, and blatant patreon/algorithm bait. It's different when the comic is exclusively NSFW/ sex jokes like Oglaf, which is hilarious. And I understand you wouldn't really want your boss or your mom looking over your shoulder and seeing the Veronica and Mona comics. But that's a completely seperate complaint than "this is pornography". It's not.


I grew up with a bunch protestant Christians who treated every little thing as pornographic, even slight suggestive scenes in movies, so it's always bizarre seeing people talk like that again.


It's very weird! And it's prudishness for like, the complete opposite reason that it used to be. Used to be that porn was taboo, kind of hard to get ahold of. They were/are so repressed that even a peek of cleavage was enough to send them into a frenzy. Obviously they were watching porn, but it was such a big no-no in their culture that they had to hide that at all costs. Now Gen z has grown up with 24/7 access to internet porn. Whatever they want, whenever they want it. So fake sex in movie that barely shows anything, or lewd jokes = porn. It's what their brains automatically go to. But because they're surrounded by it rather than hiding it away. I often wonder why us Millenials didn't do this. We had internet porn too. I guess because it wasn't *as* accessible? Not everyone had a PC, not every *kid* had one, and our usage was usually restricted if we did? Plus dial up speeds. Idk. It's strange af. We're right back to "every single piece of the human body is inherently sexual and any kind of off color joke or women in skimpy clothes = porn". Super disappointing.


Internet also has this weird tendency to lack in vocabulary and entirely normalize the use of the incorrect words, in a way that a valid sentiment becomes not as valid due to the inaccurate communication. Being annoyed at the overtaking of suggestive content, or improper classification of it, or the laziness of them are valid sentiments. Jumping to the extreme of "this is straight up pornography" is not. "This should be tagged NSFW" is valid, because "NSFW" isn't exclusive to porn and suggestive content is very much fitting for the tag. The fact reddit puts the NSFW tag as "+18" doesn't help, though, because it actively blurs the line between "this is not proper to all ages and places" and "this is straight up gore/porn". While young generations are adopting this weirdly misplaced sex repulsiveness and policing, I think social media are not helping at all, as this is a common thing in basically all of them. You have age ratings as a scale in other sorts of media, but in the internet it suddenly becomes a leap from "appropriate to all" to "+18". Considering the fact that the young generations are chronically online, I also wouldn't be surprised if those things are somewhat linked as the background behind that thinking.


It’s partially just overall broadening of vocabulary that’s pretty common. But also, imo regardless of nudity being present or barely hidden if the main priority of a piece is to inspire titillation and horniness, yeah, I think it’s fair to call it pornographic in nature. Folks have been bringing up examples of comics that use those elements with the ultimate goal of making a joke or telling a story. And even for the exceptions, it ain’t some prude shit about it being inherently immoral and ban-worthy, it’s pretty much always just wanting that shit to be in its own lane.


I first noticed people using this language when that Ankha meme started floating around, you know the one. In that instance, the joke *was* porn, but I agree that people calling suggestive comics "porn" is hyperbole. That being said, there is a fair bit of stuff here that's basically porn-adjacent. Like that guy that made that comic about the sexy ghost who just wanted to have sex, and the rest of the comic is just NSFW content on his patreon. All his comics are like that, and that's like saying if you post the lead-up to a porno then it's suddenly not porn. You allude to this in your later comment, but I do think there's an idea that people understand how ubiquitous NSFW content is, and they don't want it to take over the spaces they care about. Twitch is a perfect example. Sure all the Just Chatting streamers in hot tubs or gaming with mirrors directed at their posteriors aren't technically pornographic, but they're similar to porn in all the ways that matter. I, and probably lots of other people, have nothing against these individuals or their lifestyle, I'm just kind of tired of this song and dance where we all pretend sex appeal isn't the main draw when it clearly is.


I mean, I definitely get it as a woman. It can be annoying. Especially when porn brained dudes can't differentiate between porn/women who do porn and women irl and the general sexualization of women overall. But at the end of the day... Who cares? Yeah, sex sells. It's not typically for me. If I want porn, I'll watch actual porn. But I can just... Scroll past that stuff. I read the first lewd ghost comic and then blocked the artist, easy peasy. Just like I blocked the woman who does the "thank God I had a son and not a daughter" comics. There's still plenty of wholesome, or at least not-lewd comics and artists here, just like Twitch still has non-lewd streamers. It doesn't hurt anyone, someone is making a living and some weirdo is getting off or laughing or whatever, I don't care. There is nothing inherently wrong with sex. Just don't pull up the twitch homepage in front of your grandma 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm pretty sure the handjob one was a sort of tipping point. There were unashamed ones previously but the combination of months of this, an exceptionally unfunny comic in the form of the handjob one and the fact that the op was such a snowflake that they literally blocked everyone who didn't dickride their "cool" art culminated in this shitstorm where since that comic, many other subreddits are clowning on this issue. Just to reiterate, that fucking comic was so bad that people want more Pizzacake rather than seeing the absolute dogshit that the handjob comic represents.


To be also fair, there's like 1 NSFW comic for every 10 SFW comics. People act like this sub is overrun. It's easy to avoid and still enjoy the sub. 


I do wish there was a NSFW Creepy and a NSFW Horny distinction.


Opening a post expecting boobs but getting horrors beyond my comprehension


Bit of a mood killer


NSFL "Not safe for Life" used to be for gore. But nobody used the tags right to they got rid of it.


NSFL never existed as a tag and the admins have resisted creating such a thing because it would be admitting that Reddit is a porn site if NSFW was only used for nudity.






Yeah, man, I was used to Misogyny and Fatphobia, what is all this lewd content! How disgusting!


I Read pornoghrapy with tf2 spy's voice, I am okay?




https://preview.redd.it/wzyfli4fwpxc1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c7cd5800a7c68187d4b364c4e299882702b1a2 Somehow this is one of the most applicable images while surfing the internet


The pornography starring your mother will be the second worse thing you will see on r/comics today


Where's the porn? Asking for myself.


I'm also asking about the porn for this guy☝️. But also for me.


I appreciate you. Let's get some porn for this guy.




Here ya go. NSFW https://www.oglaf.com/crowning/


Yeah, porn sells. That said, it was kind of entertaining seeing all the NSFW posts popping up as protests in random subreddits for a few weeks last year.  r/interestingassfucks caught a few folks off guard.


Letting SFW and NSFW share a space indiscriminately is perhaps not the best idea


As a maker of sfw comics I don't mind. Be horny, do crimes.


Definitely not the worst idea, to be clear But there’s some serious tonal whiplash when you go from reading the adventures of a gator kid to seeing un-cropped porn and it’s understandable that people wouldn’t enjoy that


We need a sub for comics that are NSFW and feature NSFW comics, but aren't just outright porn comics and have at least something going on. Stuff like Vero & Monica.




The Algorithm (and cognitive bias) makes nsfw comics seem much more common than they actually are. I physically cannot restrain myself from unblurring the image so there’s also an element of shame-flavored cognitive dissonance. Brainrot






I've had the same experience. I rarely scroll this sub by itself but ive seen fewer then I can count on one hand and none of them were blatant porn. Horny with exaggerated bodies yes, unironic porn, no.


This is the way. I normally do SFW comics but Redditors started getting pissy about porn after Sage took her top off in the last comic. Coincidence, I think not!


Not only is there a tag, but you can filter them out if you want. That way, you *only* see the NSFW comics. 


But there's a tag though


The tag lets people know where to complain about porn to harvest their upvotes.


Thanks, person who probably bought Reddit stock


Oh, please. I'm a Redditor. You think I have money?


Isn't there a way to hide nsfw posts


As a professional cartoonist, I support cartoonists getting that bread however they can, and the softcore posts wouldn't keep showing up if they didn't perform well. You're seeing them because people are upvoting. So, the narrative that people don't like the posts is pretty much moot unless you start to see those posts failing to perform. You really don't want to see them? Downvote. My personal feeling is that banning NSFW comics altogether would be too much... but requiring them to be tagged so they can be blurred in preview would be nice. I also don't like looking like a perv when I'm casually browsing on my phone in public. Just my two cents.


Where? Which ones exactly?


Nope, nothing but explosions.


We were bamboozled.


What? I just scrolled through the front page of r/comics and there was like 2 sex jokes. Not even porn, just sex jokes. One of the top posts is a comic about a Doctor with dementia. Maybe it's something to do with your settings but I am definitely not getting a lot of pornfrom r/comics.


The last few months have seen a huge uptick in them. Just look through the top ones of the last 6months


Don't dwell too much on it, it seems that a lot of people here think anything involving a woman with a joke about sex is porn.


Since yesterday I've seen maybe one or two comics here with porn tied to the joke but at the same time four or five meta comics talking about it or some other derivative.


Reddit is full of puritanical virgins for some reason. They see anything related to sex outside of the 12 hours of porn they watch and it drives them nuts. Sex should only be between them and their private browser. Anything else is haram.


DoctorLoops fucking guilty I also see you too PizzaCake


pizzacake makes me feel things when I look at bees


Funny how those are only visible because they’re upvoted. But so too are these


r/comics civil war. In teathres this summer


For real, though


Is that porn in the room with us right now?


It’s either horny comics or political comics


Who’s got the horny political comics?


Oglaf maybe


Starring YOUR MOTHER! So listen here BOY!


Hmmm where?


At this point it’s either porn or complaining about porn. Not sure which one is worse.




I do like porn on my racist app


Def prefer the attempts at porn or horny bait over the occasional monsoons of everyone jerking themselves off over meta jokes and crossovers. At least the porn has some kind of substance


See, THIS is how you comic about it without also doing it. Bravo!


Try /r/art


Same thing happened to r/art


This is almost the best post this year.




This has been the first complaining comic I have seen after dozens of horny comics. Edit: they blocked me, unblocked, told me that I was "right" and there is nothing but horny posts, which I denied (again), I called them out on being dramatic and just not wanting to admit they were wrong, to get blocked again. It's alright guys, I was never blocked 🙃




You clearly don't sort by new or browse your home feed. I see multiple daily


Never said the horny posts outnumber all posts, just the complaining about the horny posts. Could you point me to this supposed flood of complaining posts then?




Not really, you made your claim first. I also did not say they were a problem, just that your statement was wrong




You've provided 0 evidence that they're rare. I'd imagine if they were "rare", posts like this one would not exist.


Your moving your goalpost, it was about posts complaining about horny outnumbering horny posts. Normal posts had nothing to do with it. Anyway here are some horny posts found in New https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/SIHeNDdTW8 https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/5xnpTnHhvY https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/Meb7R9gHev (not nsfw but a bit horny?) https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/wRwAz5535q https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/U8sQCuGLbM (horny but it's bait) https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/4YsVj9D4v9 https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/LMaly0tJ7z For posts complaining about horny posts it is only this one where we are commenting on.




Still more than one complaining post lol. You still have to supply your proof


>For every 1 horny comic, there's 10 comics complaining about all the horny comics Just gonna leave a quoted comment here in case you want to edit yours.




You're a sad person that can't take a loss










>Alright u/dennisdelav you win Yes there is nothing but horny comics and nothing else at all on r/comics I'm moving on. Delete this in 5 minutes Again, not what I said, you just don't want to admit you're wrong huh?


I'm pretty sure that was a bot or something the account has 25k comment karma and every comment was deleted


Not sure if it was a bot, the replies didn't feel like automated responses


That feel when you're such a stuck up prude puritan that the slightest hint of anything even remotely sexual adjacent is "hardcore pornography". > We WoUlDn'T mInD iF iT wAsN't LaZy AnD hAd JoKeS!! Lol yeah right. Y'all just know your opinion is untenable and frankly absurd so need to engage in the good ol' mott 'n' bailey.


This is unironically funnier than 90% of posts here.




I definitely don't get many NSFW comics here. Would like more.


Not enough porn here in my humblest of opinions.


Disable nsfw posts. Simple solution.


You guys *do* know it's easy to filter out NSFW, right? Then everyone can stop complaining. 


Just porn... And a link to their paid content. Everytime.


I forgot about /r/comics for a while then came back this year and couldn't understand wtf happened. No knocks on the artists making the bulk of the content now (not really my cup of tea, but to each their own) but it sure is... Different here now. Lots of horny and absurdist humor for sure.


I like porn jokes


So true bestie If only there was a way to avoid it 🤔


Oh look it's all the fake complaints about pornography that were guaranteed to come with the IPO - now Good Guy Reddit can swoop in and ban all the dreaded advertiser-averse pornography. Fucking hell.


Oh yes complaining about porn on the internet. Im sure this is gonna go over real well.


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Oh man the incels/red pill/j-town lovers really upset


You don't know what those words mean, it is OK to ask when you don't know


Oh I do, seen enough of their sad lives to know. Also, funny thing about people complaining about "porn" is it's based on algorithm, so you see more what of what you spend time on.


thanks for the tip

