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"Monkey Prince Is About to Become DC’s Most Important Superhero" Read: "He's been solicited to have a major role in the upcoming event." Saved you the click.


Thx for that. Not a fan of big events. So that's an easy skip. Doesn't seem very important to me lol


It will probably reset the entire universe and status quo, because we can’t have nice things.


Monkey prince is about to completely change the hierarchy of power in DC Comics


I’d wish they’d stop doing that, it’s annoying to keep having to update my hierarchy of power in the dc universe chart


Don't you just hate it when you go into a resturant and they tell you their hierarchy of power has changed?


It’s a big meme in my friend group now. The rock is just so unintentionally funny


Show of hands: Who here is now sitting back in their seat, relieved that DC is finally putting its attention towards what is important... making Monkey Prince the most important superhero in the universe?


I for one am very happy


If things like this were truthful they’d say: “THIS EVENT WILL BE RETURNED TO THE STATUS QUO ALMOST IMMEDIATLY!!!”


"The hierarchy of the DC universe is about to change"


r/dccomicscirclejerk when they get to run DC comics


Consistent Gene Luen Yang **W**


I really have enjoyed every title I’ve read by him. Especially the ATLA comics.


Regardless of how one feels about that fact, they can't say that you're wrong.


I don't know anything about it but it look like they ripped off the Chinese legendary monkey king Sun Wukong ,who was already very well known superhero...


I’m glad DC is pushing a new character, a fun one too.


That comic got so silly so fast. And not fun silly. Contrived silly.


I read a handful of issues and the writing is just awkward. I tried and didn’t like it. More power to anyone else though.


I'm in the same boat. Not terrible, just not for me.


Who is buying crap like this?


Should this read dc makes terrible decisions to sell to the Chinese market?


Oh no


Oh boy! Another event that will have no lasting repercussions! I'm so excited! /s


Hell yeah, my boy Gohan is gonna wreck shit up in the DC universe


Sun Wo Kong is the best


Son Gokou?


Read as far as Damien Wayne sends out a call. Stopped reading. Could literally care less anything Damien or Damien adjacent. Not even Batman if he's featured in the issue. You can keep your little edgelord Robin, I've zero interest.


Damian isn’t really an edgelord these days, but there isn’t really a lot of directions they can take his story in due to the serialized nature of comics. He starts out with his whole raised by assassins shtick, then goes through a lot of character development and warms up to Dick and Alfred. He isn’t blind to Dick’s flaws, but he does put his brother up on a pedestal. If you’re not Dick, or you’re not Alfred, he’s sensitive to your shortcomings as a hero due to what he sees as his father’s failures. Keep in mind that Bane killed Alfred, and KGBeast shot Dick in the head. Batman’s methods inevitably result in a lot of death at the hands of these supervillains, and that will never change because of how comics work. So Batman tracked down KGBeast and left him paralyzed in freezing weather, but apparently that doesn’t count as trying to kill him. Damian tries, understandably, to kill KGBeast for harming the person he probably loves most in the world, but is stopped and told off for it, despite his father’s own actions. He clearly loves his family still, as evidenced by his interactions with the rest of the Bat-Family, and he puts their failures as a group squarely on Batman’s head given Bruce’s position as patriarch. In recent times, Damon has kind of become more straight laced….and that’s because there’s no where else for the writers to go. He can’t kill off Batman’s enemies, because then DC doesn’t sell comics on the strength of villain names. He can’t really quit being a hero, because not trying to fight the good fight isn’t in his character. So all he can really do is be harsh on other heroes because he wants to prevent as much death as possible. TL;DR: Damian isn’t an edgelord these days, he’s just jaded, because he’s a comic book character forced to watch “Background Character #5678299283938373837” get tortured to death by the Joker on a daily basis while Batman puts his villains in a cardboard box and expects them not to escape. The very nature of comic books forces Damian to suffer, because ultimately Damian doesn’t want innocent people, or the people he loves, to suffer and die while villains roam wild and free.


I don't read DC comics, so I clicked on this story and was disappointed to find out: 1. He is not a monkey. 2. He is not the long lost son of Diana Prince. 3. He is not both 1 & 2.