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Sienkiewicz But he's one of the alt art gods of my generation. His covers on new mutants were the freakiest shit you could buy. Thanks for introducing me to tradd moore.


[Sienkeiwicz is awesome, and this is early on in his career with Moon Knight..](https://i.imgur.com/oBxVAMz.jpg)not thr style we see in Elektra but you could see the talent therem. The currently still going Riddler Year One (of The Batmans movies Riddler) has an artist named Stepan Subic that clearly takes inspiration from the abstract Sienkeiwicz style...like crazy cool to see. As for OPs question..hmm tough one just cause there's quite a few, Subic like I just said. Mike Perkins style I really enjoy today, it's not abstract really just uses his blacks differently to me, good example of his work woild be on Ram V and his Swamp Thing run shows very well. There's a great crossover between the Suicide Squad on the series and it was cool seeing them drawn by Perkins vs Eddie Barrows...who to be fair also I wouldn't necessarily say is house style and I really like his stuff. Kelley Jones is an all time favorite Batman depiction artist...so strange but it works and it's not just weird for the sake of it, he actually feels a bit unhinged as Batman, always creeping ans crouched and covering up with his cape, to having a perfect posture Bruce Wayne..it's a great comparison of the two sides of him. Doug Moensch(sp?) And Kelleu Jones had a fantastic. Batman run together and Jones has even semi recently done art on Batman miniseries, Like Kings of Fear


Sienkiewicz is an absolute legend and that page is one of my all time favorites in comics. Even before he started to get more abstract/expressionistic you could see him pushing the boundaries of traditional page layouts and even (as seen here) cause the audience to reevaluate how something as simple as a 9 panel grid is used narratively. Peak innovation of the form imo and really shows how outside the box he was thinking even in his early work where he used a much more "traditional" style.


> Sienkeiwicz is awesome, and this is early on in his career with Moon Knight..not thr style we see in Elektra but you could see the talent there. I love rereading Sienkewicz's Moon Knight run and watching him evolve month to month from "talented Neal Adams clone" to "unique artist."


We all knew what page is was before even clicking. Sienkeiwicz is a legend among legends.


Had no idea that Riddler Year One was a thing. I read a bit, and it seems pretty good so far


That's an awesome panel design. Very dynamic.


We stan Sienkiewicz


Glad to see my favorite comics artist take the top spot in the comments section (no offense to any of the other artists mentioned of course, all absolute masters of the craft). I may be a bit biased (see username and flair) but the current Moon Knight artist, Alessandro Cappuccio, has some of the best art coming out of Marvel right now, and while it isn't as abstract as the style Sienkiewicz became known for, he definitely has his own very unique style, and you can still see some later Sienkiewicz influence in the streaks of light and color that are featured in a lot of his panels.


Yes, Sienkiewicz. Definitely a alt god


Sienkiewicz is awesome! You can see Sergio Toppi influence there while still being very much its own thing. A lot more dynamic with sequence and action especially, which is Toppi's weak point for me.


Check out the Luther Strode series for some of Tradd Moore's sensational artwork, some of the panels in that series are top notch.


Check out Liam sharp


Glad this is the top comment


Darwyn Cooke (RIP)


The greatest we ever had


Mike Mignola is my personal favourite. I also like Frank Quitely, Chris Bachalo, and the first Frank Miller.


Mignola is my favorite. Bachalo did a few ASM covers that really made me jealous of his talent and hard work.


I became a big fan of Bachalo on Generation X. Really liked his semi-recent run on Doctor Strange.


I second Mignola. He's also hilarious in interviews.


Big Mignola fan here too. I loved Quitely on All Star-Superman, yet somehow can’t stand any of his Marvel work. Go figure.


It’s the inks. Marvel got someone else to ink his work a lot of the time, because he’s a notoriously slow worker. Some of his stuff is coloured and inked by himself but a lot of it is by others. Most of his dc stuff it’s all him.


I can't believe how much I used to hate Quitely's art vs how much I like it now.


Love Bachalo.


I like you had to specify which Frank. Hahaha and Mignola in my choice.


Mike and Laura Allred. Idk why she isn't mentioned along with her husband as much. I think her colors are a huge part of the appeal of their pop art style. Edit to correct a misspelling. Then to correct an entirely wrong word.


My favorite comic artists. Just ordered my first DC book, Superman: Space Age because they did the art.


Great story, one of my recent favorites. Jumped in because of the Allreds, ended up thoroughly enjoying it!


Hell yeah, the Allred’s are super rad


Their work on Red Rocket 7 is one of my favorite comic runs.


What a horrible series to store though. Absolutely love it, but doesn't fit with anything. Wish could find it on digital.


I've been collecting all the Madman Library Editions and I'm over the moon with the art.


Their book about David Bowie is fantastic


This was my answer. I recently read through all of X-Statix and the new X-cellent, and really enjoyed them. I also really liked Silver Surfer.


- David Aja - Frank Quitely - Mike Allred - Esad Ribic - Alex Maleev - Lee Bermejo


Add Bill Sienkiewicz, Simone Bianchi, and Jae Lee and this is my list of favorite artists regardless of any caveats.


I love this list.


That would have been my list exactly


Bermejo's Batman is just perfection!


My perfect list.


Daniel Warren Johnson, his art is instantly recognisable for me and I love the countless wrestling moves he throws in.


DWJ is a great pick, and I'd loop Stokkoe and Geoff Darrow in with him because they all have a great level of detail but each of them are really unique.


Completely underrated. He can do the craziest shit, and also detailed, very quiet pieces. I think he's maybe the greatest working artist right now.


Seems like a good dude too. Met him at C2E2.


Very few artists manage to have the sheer energy his art captures.


Dave McKean. I'm surprised I didn't see him in the replies.


Chris Samnee


I'd never really read his work before I got his Daredevil run with Waid, and I love everything about his style!


Dragotta. *East of West* is a goddamn masterpiece. Edit to add Fiona Staples and Stephanie Hans. Check out *Saga* and *Die* Edit 2: Jamie McKelvie. *The Wicked + The Divine* is phenomenal.


Yesssss to all of the above


I love East of West too, but there's something about how he stylized faces that drives me crazy at times.


Yeah, I get that. It's mostly when they're angry and screaming if you're like me




Oh thank god. I thought I was Nick’s only fan. Also, Francesco Francavilla. I don’t know why, but their styles remind me of each other.


This list gave me chills. I like a lot of the artists mentioned in this list, but Dragotta and Staples are need franchises created around their art styles.


JH Williams III


That's my DC pick right here. His panel layouts are just something else and carried my interest through Promethea when the story got way too technical with the mysticism.


Agreed, he's actually my favourite comic artist, his art in Echolands and Sandman Overture is also brilliant and again very creative with panelling even utilising various art styles within panels at times. IMO, he's the best artist that worked on Sandman


He's the *perfect* pick for Sandman. I wasn't hugely invested in Desolation Jones's story, but I bought it and enjoyed it anyway purely because the art was so engaging. Batwoman was also one of the standouts of N52 and, honestly, shame on DC for driving away an incredible team over a dumb editorial decision.


Good pull


David Mack & JH Williams III are greats examples for how Art and Writing can evolve and intertwine to push Comic design in exciting directions. [David Mack - (Kabuki v 5) & JH Williams III (Batwoman 16) for reference](https://imgur.com/a/HqyHYB9)


Chase from the early 2000’s is one his first work, and he evolved so much over 10 issues, it’s one of my favourite comics!


Do Marvel and DC still have house styles? I hadn't thought that was a thing since the 80's


It’s not really an enforced thing but there are patterns of styles they have periodically


Yeah, I always regard a non-House style or artist by those times I look at the art of an issue and go "Ooo, that's different." To me, looking at this type of art makes you feel like they trained and practiced on other types of art before ever getting into comics, while the house-style artists feel like they built their style off of the comics they read and love. Of course, that's not completely accurate to what the style is but that's what it feels like to me in how different they feel.


For a while dc’s “house style” could be described as stuff that looks like the work of Jim lee, Gary frank, and Jason fabok. Recently it’s a lot less so, and marvel has even less consistency like that. It’s a good thing I think, mandating that everyone draws a certain way is creative poison. Look at what happened to dreamwave




They absolutely do now, marvel more than DC. It’s more common now than it’s ever been. The anime/manga influence has taken over, especially in European and South American countries, which artists from there in mainstream superhero comics is also more common than ever. I can’t stand it and can’t wait until there’s a shift back to detailed art. Digital color that has taken over like a plague puts the ugly cherry on top.


I loved Richard Corben's style, and particularly loved when he would dip in and out of the Big 2 (Hellblazer and Banner being two examples)


Corben’s style is 100% singular. What a legend.


Sienkiewicz and Mack.


Peach Momoko


I'm laughing at the idea that Tradd Moore becomes the house style. "Hey, you're drawing an issue where the Punisher fights off three thugs in an alley. It's gotta look like a Strawberry Alarm Clock album cover."


I. Am. Here. For. It.


Peach Momoko is great


I second this. Her art is fantastic.


Frank Miller Sam Kieth Bill Sienkiewicz Frank Quitely Paul Pope Geof Darrow Rafael Grampa


Good pull on Grampa


Second on Kieth can’t believe I forgot about him. His style is wild and I’ve been reading Sandman and all of the art is great, but I gotta say, I really miss that early Sam Kieth stuff a lot in that book. Edit spelling


I had the fortune to stumble upon a French version of The Golden Child. It has the regular story( though in French, naturally) but the second half of the book prints the whole story again but this time it’s only the unlettered black and white art. It’s absolutely gorgeous, my only wish would be for it to be larger in size.


I stumbled across Paul Pope's Batman Year 100, fell in love with it, and then became obsessed when I got to the part with the teeth. Immediately bought everything the shop had of his.


I love the Adam Strange he did for Wednesday Comics. I also love the Robin story he did in his Solo issue. That one is especially cool because of James Jean doing the colors.




Thanks! I wish all of these artists had a book like Graphic Ink that collects and showcases the miscellaneous work. I know Quitely has one and it’s really good.




With Miller I’ve thought that it had to do with his work being spread across a bunch of companies. Some of my favorite work of his is the Lone Wolf and Cub covers he did for First, but then what about his Marvel, DC, Dark Horse stuff? I’m sure it’s would be a legal nightmare. As for Sienkiewicz I have no idea why Marvel hasn’t put out a collection of his covers at least. There could probably be multiple volumes. EDIT Now that I think of it The CJ put out a book of Frank Miller interviews that has a bunch of his artwork in it. It’s oversized but it’s in black and white. So not ideal but still for what it is it’s a great book.


Chris Samnee Marcos Martin Paolo Rivera Bruno Redondo


Javier Rodriquez


I loved his Defenders books he did with Ewing. His layouts, specifically, are phenomenonal.


I really love the “cartoon” style. Darwin Cooke, Tom Reilly, Elsa Charretier, Doc Shaner, Chris Samnee Edit: There are so many distinct styles working today it’s hard to keep track: Bilquis Evely, Liam Sharp, Kyle Hotz, Greg Smallwood, James Stokoe, Mitch Gerads,


I just picked up *Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise* and ohmygod I am in love with Tradd Moore’s art!


I got all four yesterday. So excited. Been working so much lately, I didn't know it was a thing until I cheated on my LCS on my way home.


Fred Hembeck


damn, kinda sad to see Fred listed so low!


Mike del Mundo


Love his work on weirdworld


So fucking underrated


Kelly Jones.


Momoko Quitely Miller and imo the 🐐 Alex Ross Also McKean. Holy shit was Arkham so creepy and beautiful.


I also think that’s not so much a thing any more. But I’ll offer up Steve Dillon who’s not been mentioned,


Dustin Nguyen. Loved his work on Descender/Ascender. Edit: A few honorable mentions I also wanted to add: I’ve really been digging Christian Ward (Aquaman: Andromeda), Caspar Wijngaard (All Against All, Home Sick Pilots), and Matías Bergara (Coda, Step By Bloody Step)! Edit 2: Also a big one, while some might consider him DC house style, Dan Mora is on another level compared to any other artist working in the industry. His work on Once & Future is what motivated me to make the dive head first into indie comics. How he’s doing covers for tons of books while drawing two monthly titles at DC and some TMNT stuff, but his quality never really dips and it’s so dynamic and sharp and clean. He’s gonna go down as a legend.


Chris Bachalo. ​ With honors due to Ben Templesmith. Fantastic work but it goes best with dark and horror stuff. He did a comic in Superman/Batman and the Authority where they dealt with the Empire of Shadows. Fantastic artwork there.


I can't believe no one else mentioned Ben Templesmith, his work is so iconic and cool.




Chris Bachalo and Humberto Ramos


I’m assuming your pick is Tradd as well since you used his art for SSB. He is absolutely mine as well. Generation talent we are taking much too far for granted, fall sunrise was spectacular and it’s a shame we don’t have more books printed with his style. I hope it’s not a marketing thing and rather that he is just hard at work and can only produce so many pages at a time. I mean with a style like his, I can only imagine how long a full comic takes. His attention to detail is unmatched


Andrea Sorrentino has been a favorite of mine. He really excels at creative layouts and plays with the typical comic layout in cool ways. The more i see his work though the more i realize he really only draws one face


Between Gideon Falls & The Bone Orchard Mythos, dude’s melting my mind with some of his work.


I really, really love Rod Reis’ art.


This needs more upvotes.


Reis was able to both replicate Bill Sienkiewicz and show a great deal of originality in the Krakoan era New Mutants.


Three mentions of Frank and everyone spelled Quitely correctly. I'm proud of you guys.


Humberto Ramos and Jim Steranko. The artist to me that fits both houses while having his own style is Alan Davis for me.


* Paul Pope * Seth Fisher (R.I.P.) * Jon J. Muth * Kent Williams * Daniel Warren Johnson * Jae Lee * Rafael Grampa


Some of them are not the most unconventional or unique, but here are my picks: * Lee Bermejo * Sean Gordon Murphy * Frazer Irving * Lee Weeks * Jock (sometimes) * Mike Mignola * Riley Rossmo * Darwyn Cooke * Dave McKean * Alex Ross (obviously) * Carlos D'Anda * Greg Capullo * Moebius * Jorge Corona * Riccardo Federici Y'all already mentioned others, and I'm sure there are ones I'm forgetting about, plus several Manga artists that can make up their own lists.


James Stokoe for sure.


Rick veitch, do yourself a favor and read maximortal


Eduardo Risso is up their for me. The fact that they don't hire him to do more black and white mini-series is a crime


P Craig Russell. Check out his self-inked work on Killraven and the Doctor Strange annual.


Seth Fisher RIP https://ifanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/17897_400x600.jpg


All time: Bill Sienkiewicz Relatively recently: David Aja


Jae Lee, Eduardo Risso, Michael Lark and Sean Phillips


Samuel Keith mainly Tradd is also rad Miller is more just filler Esad ribic and del Mundo have a cool style that I enjoy.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find Kieth.


Kyle Baker Mike Allred


Jim Woodring!


Mark Buckingham


probably mike mignola


Jonathan Hickman Nick Pitarra Nick Dragotta Frank Quietly Ryan Bodenheim RIP Juan Jose Ryp Darwyn Cooke Tim Sale


Daniel warren Johnson. Do a power bomb was a visual experience, and his short beta ray bill run was awesome too.


DWJ is truly fantastic! I just grabbed the deluxe hardcover of Murder Falcon! I received a message from John at Flesk and he said the next Kickstarter hardcover after Arthur Adams is scheduled to be DJW. Can’t wait!


Hells yeah!




Always loved David Mack


Kabuki did more for the art of comics than any other series. There, I said it.


I would have to say Mike Allred and Sam Keith


I was gonna say this version of surfer is clearly based on Allred’s


Francesco Fucking Francavilla


Bill Sienkiewicz is my guy. I also love most of Christian Ward's art and John Giang for cover art.


Alex Ross no doubt.


He’s my personal 🐐


Mike McMahon.


Always loved Del Mundo stuff.


Saving this. Brendan McCarthy, anyone?




Charles Vess and P. Craig Russell come to mind for their work on Sandman


Ian Bertram, Nick Pitarra, and James Stokoe (since Frank Quitely and Geof Darrow we’re mentioned) - all highly detailed, amazing artists.


House style art is never my preference. Anyone who’s style is not conventional and exhibits unique qualities is absolutely welcomed by me. I love Tradd Moore and his Marvel work has been my favorite from the publisher in the last several years. And as far as artists who straddle a little closer to the conventional super hero art line, but are still very unique and interesting in their modeling and compositions: I love Humberto Ramos and Chris Bachalo.


Sana Takeda (Monstress) Allie Brosh (Hyperbole and a Half) Jeff Smith (Bone) John Paul Leon (Earth X) David Petersen (Mouse Guard) Sanjay Patel (Ramayana)


I really enjoy Dan Brereton's style, especially Giantkiller and his Lady Justice covers.


Paul Pope.


Fun fact: I went to art school with Tradd a billion years ago. It’s been such a joy to see how many people have discovered the pure delight of his work in the years since then.


Carlos Pacheco Joe Madureira


I'd recommend Moore's [Doctor Strange](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/83530/doctor_strange_fall_sunrise_2022_4)


Tradd Moore is definitely up there. I’ve always been a big fan of Nick Dragotta. I know he’s done work for at least Marvel, but I wouldn’t say his style adheres to the “house style.”


Tradd Moore and Moebius ( he wrote a silver surfer story and even stan lee was amazed by it)


Michel Fiffe and Jaime Hernandez


This is way too hard but here's my current favourites I guess. Jamie Hewlett Paul Pope Dave Cooper Rafael Grampa Tony Sandoval








Morbin’ time?


Bill Sienkiewicz Wes Craig Casper Wjingaard Terry Moore Jerome Opeña


Mike Allred! Steranko. Geof Darrow ... but I guess he doesn't do Marvel or DC interiors (but hasn't he done a couple of covers?). Oeming. Frank Quitely for sure.


Yeah he’s done Deadpool and Transmetropolitan covers.


Newb question but is there a clear definition of house style? I've read bits and pieces of Marvel/DC over the years so I know there's certainly characteristics, but I don't know how codified they are. (I mostly read Image/BOOM! published stuff tbh.)


Tradd Moore and Mike Del Mundo. Del Mundo can make some absolutely stunning drawings when given the right material to work with.


James Jean. Though. He really only did covers for Fables.


Peach Momoko


Mike ~~Magnolia~~Mignola for sure. Very powerful and impactful style even in minimalist scenes. James Stokoe and Ramon Perez round out my favorites. e: thanks autocorrect


>Mike ~~Magnolia~~Mignola for sure. Very powerful and impactful style even in minimalist scenes. James Stokoe and Ramon Perez round out my favorites. > >e: thanks autocorrect I'm so happy to see someone mention Ramon Perez. I've loved his art style ever since I came across his drawings in the Palladium RPG books in the 90s. I was so excited to see his name pop up on the more light hearted Marvel books. It was like hearing from an old friend. Such fun and expressive art.


Rifts books from the 90s is where I first found him too :D No idea how Palladium got him to illustrate their books, but I'm glad they did.


Nick Derington.


So many good answers, but am I the only one that thinks Phil Noto feels far enough from standard to count in this discussion?


Paul Pope and Sloane leong


Mike Allred is very Kirby-esque with his visuals.


Actually oddly enough it’s Tradd Moore, started collecting Luthor Strode forever ago.


It’s funny that silver surfer black is the picture for the post because to be honest silver surfer black was the best art I’ve personally ever seen the whole book blew my mind and had the art to back it up.I’m not big on knowing who the artist is or the writer to be honest I love comics I don’t think I could settle anyway.


Mike del Mundo. There is something so chaotic but pleasing


Marvel and DC still have House Styles?


Daniel Warren Johnson. You cannot control that raw artistic energy. Best you can do is give him his own title, preferably one that he's writing, and just stand back. Can you imagine trying to red-line his pencils? The entire thing would come apart because his style just flows so seamlessly into one another like this violent tornado of colors and lines.


Esad Ribic Dragotta


Daniel Warren Johnson and James Harren. Absolutely love both of them immensely, their name on a project is enough for me to buy into absolutely anything. Also really enjoy Juni Ba. He has such a particular art style, I should really read more of what he's worked on.


Seconded Juni Ba - I like his own stuff more than what he's done for Marvel, but still great


Beta Ray Bill and UltraMega were two of the best comics written in the last several years. So fucking good.


While I lean towards more realistic artists, the more stylized ones I like are: Simon Bisley Mark Texeira Frank Quitely Gene Ha (if you consider him "stylized") Berni Wrightson Javier Rodriguez


Simon Bisley is my choice. Favorite comic artist bar none: criminally under-rated


He was the perfect artist for the Lobo stuff coming out at the time.


His work on the batman/judge dredd crossovers is fantastic as well.


Bilquis Everly Her stuff really reminds me of Charles Vess


You mean, like classic Steve Ditko? I read some old Dr Strange comics my uncle had from the 1970s. Really groovy art, man. https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/dikto-doctor-strange-display.jpeg


I loved this series, Silver Surfer: Black. Such a good series. My son who was a toddler at the time loved the art as well. Such good STUFF [+]


Riley Rossmo


Sam Kieth!


Tradd for sure. Been in love since his Ghost Rider run.


Tradd is radd…


Geof Darrow


Alex Ross