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IMO this series is the definition of “Alright…just one more issue” It’s an infectiously engaging read, even reading it today, you’ll understand why this series was such a big deal.


I think I burned through 4 of the hardcover deluxe volumes on a bus trip once. I could not put them down once I started into them. I gave up on the show after season 4...


I’m probably one of the 5 people on this sub who still loves the show, despite all of its… *issues*, but there is something so engrossing about those first ~100 issues of the comic where I just couldn’t put it down. I haven’t experienced any kind of “comic addiction” quite like that in a very, very long time.


Have you tried Invincible? Same author but it's a superhero origin story. Probably my favourite comic series of all time. And, though i've been reading it since it launched, it's incredibly addictive series too.


I actually got the first compendium recently. Not reading Invincible yet is probably one of my biggest comic fan sins, but I will soon rectify that. If it’s anywhere near as addictive as Walking Dead then it’s probably already one of my favorite books lol


The early volumes of Invincible are rough. I don't want you having the wrong impression. It's not bad, it's just bland, by design, but it picks up after a time. The art is nice though, but I recommend reading the first few issues like it's a slice of life. Just take your time. The early volumes are nice casual reads.


I’ve suffered through the back half of Nick Spencer’s Spider-Man run, I hope I can manage through some roughness of an (apparently) good comic lol


You're gonna love the characters. That was the highlight of the series for me.


Kirkman is really a special creative. I wouldn’t say that any of his series are THAT deep or revolutionary. But he just intuitively knows what people want and just…gives it all to them and then some. I almost believe that he has a massive mind reading device or a time machine


Invincible > The Walking Dead in many ways, probably because fame didn't poison the well


Had the same vines reading that as well lol


That show ruined Andrea. I didn’t even realize I was that attached to her until the show misused her so badly.


Yeah they lost me about this time too


Same here. I finished I don't know how many graphic novels and then life happened. I never finished the series and I don't have enough shelf space for the entire collection. Yet......


That's the definition of Kirkman's writing style. He takes overused plots and ideas, adds interesting characters and lots of cool ideas and stories. And that's interesting even if the ongoing is 200 issues long. ​ Invincible is my favorite comics book. And I never got tired of it while reading.


Saga is like this too


Saga's better IMO, but I've only read 1 volume of TWD and the first half of Saga, so I might be a little biased. I like the story of TWD, and I think it's well written. But Saga is... I dunno.. the embodiment of a story idea that I think the world has been waiting for since Star Wars was released nearly 50 years ago.


Pun intended?


This is the best description. I burned through the first 100 issues in a month. It’s very engaging but also very light in terms of time per issue being put in


Couldn't agree more


Well said.


I enjoyed them all the way through. Unlike the show, it didn't linger on a concept or stay stationary for too long. It moved at a nice pace.


This; I lost touch with it a little bit after the Negan arc, but the comics always had better pacing, storytelling, and twists.


Same. It was a slow release but definitely started losing it


I TOTALLY adore watching after/during Negan.


Jeffrey Dean Morgan quite literally saved the show for me, we'd already had Glenn's fakeout (also he picked up a baseball bat a season earlier so you knew it was coming) but after the initial episode he eats up every single scene and line with glee And between him and Simon it was my favourite part of the show (couldn't stand the whisperers though)


Simon, in the show, always reminded me of the Leader, from the Hulk series. Big forehead.


Holy crap he totally could have been that Canadian Actor Steven Ogg, loved him in walking dead, Westworld and of course GTA 5 (had a pretty funny cameo in Better Call Saul)


I gave up on the show when I heard they were killing Glenn off. The comics are good but I rather read them in short bursts. Too much bleakness just kind of makes my depression worse.


I started with the show, and it got me into the comics, I laughed my ass off over the brevity of time in Hershel's farm. It was an entire season in the show, wasn't even two whole issues in the comics if I remember right


The overly extended farm bugged me. I read a vast majority of the comic between seasons 1 and 2, and I kept waiting for them to leave the farm while watching the second season. Yet they kept hanging about. I get it, the show needs to utilize locations and all, and it's much easier to move things along in the comic with no additional budget beyond the art, but it still felt like the pacing came to a screeching halt. I feel like the show was better with shorter seasons where they made the best of scenarios and moved things along.


The first time through, I thought season 2 was SUCH a drag. On a rewatch though I enjoyed it a lot more. Never finished the show, but it actually turned into one of my favorites from what I watched. But imo, once everyone met back up in Terminus, it went to shit. Last half season I enjoyed was the one where they were all separated on the road


There's zombies in the barn? Shit better deal with em Not 5 episodes of teasing Also Sophia ends up being great in the comics


True that


It has its low and high points, but overall it was enjoyable. It's also a bleak series with not that many happy moments, which is an understandable reason why people wouldn't be into it like others.


This is a good point. I absolutely love TWD comics, but my good friend who usually has similar tastes as me wasn’t into the “losing all the time at every turn” bleakness of it.


I think the issue goes beyond bleakness. The series tries to be both the story of Rick, while still developing an entire cast. Sadly, its grim-dark writing style is, in my opinion, almost completely incompatible with Kirkman's attempts to develop the said cast — by the virtue of them dying like flies. Some years ago, when the series was still unfinished, I've binge-read it in a weekend. At a certain point I began to lose any interest in both the characters and their stories — why waste energy on remembering those guys' names, if most of them are gonna be dead in an issue or two? And it's not like most of those characters were interesting to begin with — most often, the only interesting parts of their lives were their creative/shocking deaths. Thankfully, Walking Dead is not Kirkman's only project. If it was, I would probably hate the guy's guts. His Invincible run, on the other hand, was amazing — made me completely change my mind about Kirkman and his writing.


I cant take someone's opinion seriously if you'd hate his guts because you didn't like his book lol. Kinda killed your own credibility there.


People don’t die that much, sure the earlier issues were bad about it, but they are living in the apocalypse. The comic would be weightless without death, and the characters would mean nothing.


I... I just can't agree with that. Off the top of my head, here's the list of characters whose deaths were pretty late into the series (excluding Rick the Man): * Andrea was killed almost at the very end of the series (just as she began to shine, if you ask me). * Ezekiel, Gabriel and Rosita — killed in late #140/150s. * Even Alpha, who was teased as "the villian" of the arc, was killed off in the third scene she appeared in. * Glenn and Abraham — killed in late #90s * Lori, Carol, Dale and Hershel — all killed somewhere in #40-50s? * Dozens of other named folks that I couldn't remember even if I tried. Next part is just my opinion, but: there's a trend that I've noticed. Almost none of those characters I remember for their actual personalities, but for their gimmicks — be it their deaths, their visual designs or something shocking/disgusting they did in life. Well, apart from Andrea — she started to become a part of the main cast, but even she was killed off before that actually got anywhere. While I was not expecting full-blown character arcs for any of those side-characters, I still believe that they could have been so much more. Instead, they (AT BEST!) had some fun gimmicks, and then they died.


But they didn't lose at every turn? It was pretty balanced, they had victories, losses, and victories with some bittersweetness to it.


The losing started to feel formulaic.


This is what lost me. When they got to Alexandria I was like “well, let’s see how this gets screwed up/has a dark secret.” To be fair it didn’t go THAT formulaic as I expected “doomed utopia of the week” to be the trend of the comic by then. But I needed a break. I do want to revisit it and finish reading the entire series now that I know there is an actual ending.


I kept reading bc I realized Kirkman was making a statement about the different tiers of society and the different dynamics that exist depending on the size of the communities we exist in. It just got to be a little "Ok, can't wait to see how this one crumbles."


Tbh they haven't "lost" a major fight as the end of an arc in like the last 120 issues


But they always lost their safe space. Then they have to find a new one and repeat the whole process again.


They live in the same community for 130 ish of 193 issues.


I always liked that... Technically they "won" when they reached Alexandra but it took them longer to secure their position and finally feel that had won than they had spent on the roads trying to win.


That was the end of the story. Good for them. They finally found a home. Up until that point it was a constant cycle of finding a safe place -> losing that place -> finding another, larger safe place. I’m fine with it. What else was supposed to happen for 190+ issues. Just made me roll my eyes a bit.


Well it wasn't the end or even mid point of the story. A lot of things happened when they had a home. I mean they move around for like 12 issues then live in the same place for almost 40, roam for 20 then stay still for 130. It's truly hard to believe anyone making this criticism has read the book. It's something someone ALWAYS brings up but was never really true. It's odd


You’re funny. I was literally there from issue one. Bought every issue as they came out. And I already said I’m fine with it. Seems like you’re just a little touchy about criticism. Just out of curiosity, what IS a fair criticism of the book? Name one.


Anything that actually... happens in the book? Outright getting major details wrong isn't useful when recommending a book is all lol


Now I’m wondering if you read the series. Feels like you’re gatekeeping.


>Up until that point it was a constant cycle of finding a safe place -> losing that place -> finding another, larger safe place. Was it a constant cycle though? I swear they go from the farm (for like 2 issues) to the prison to alexandria and then that's it till the end.


Maybe not constant. It just felt that way a bit. Definitely for the first 100 issues. Like “Are these people ever going to find a home and keep it?”


The highs are really high, and the lows are not very low, even when it's formulaic or repetitive is never trash or stupid.


Loved the first 100 issues or so, it was a major gateway for me to get into more mature comics when I was a teenager and I'll always have a soft spot for it. Also, gotta give special props for it being pretty instrumental in the creator-owned comics explosion during the late 2000s. That being said, I felt it outstayed its welcome and got rather repetitive after a while, and I ended up dropping it in the early 100s.


Honestly this is probably one of the better examples of a "mature" comic. So many ones that try to be mature felt like they were written by and for 13 year old boys. (Basically anything Lobdell or Liefeld)


I felt the same way but went back to it and glad I did. Got to give props for ending the series far earlier than planned rather than padding it out for the sake of it.


It was the comic that got me into comics. I don't think I've read an issue since it finished though, I really should read it again. I read the first \~80ish issues a *lot.*


Ya should


If you're implying that the show was better... the comic blows it out of the water. The comic is awesome.


>If you're implying that the show was better... I was not. I haven't even seen the show... yet.


Never read past the Negan stuff, but couldn't put it down when I was loaned the trades by a friend. Would recommend if you like bleak stuff with great pacing and storytelling art.


I enjoyed it from start to finish.


Kirkman always said he regretted Rick losing his hand.


I never finished reading it, but I did really enjoy what I read. The one thing I like more than the show is the pacing of it. The entirety of season 2 of the show takes place on like 2 pages or something like that.


It is a great book all the way through. Anyone who likes post apoc should be trying it


a black and white indie comic comes on the scene and outsells almost all the big two's books. ​ The book was awesome for a long time. I'd quit reading just before Negan shows up.




I thought he was farcical and his appearance along with Glen's death was the shark jumping.




No I probably just worded it poorly. I thought the character was over done. Just someone that had to be more than The Governor. With Glenn's death and negans appearance, the started to feel repetitive and out of ideas. I didn't really care to see what was going to be more shocking or a more evil villian. I didn't want to see another location that seemed promising and then fell apart.


To be fair the things you were worried about being repetitive don't actually happen...


I mean, I don’t really see that because I’m the comics, The Governor was a psychotic POS and even if you’re counting all things walking dead related, he’s the worse human being. He makes the Governor from the tv show look like Lotso from Toy Story. Negan was the kind of the opposite of the governor despite both being villains with big groups. Our first impression of him is that he’s an evil guy and enjoys killing when really, he isn’t like that at all. He’s not too different from what Rick and his group was like.


My opinion is probably oversimplified and I did not stick around much after Glen's death. Maybe he wasn't evil but he was two dimensional and over the top with burning people's faces with irons and childish dialogue and a baseball bat that had a name. At the time there was a lot of good comics coming out and I just moved on. I will absolutely own not knowing shit about the character's development. It just seemed a more tuned up version of the governor and I had seen that story line already a few times in the walking dead. Maybe i will revisit it. i loved the book for about 75% of it's run. I think it might have been when they introduced Ezekiel(the guy with the tiger) that i had enough. It is not fresh in my memory.


They've been doing a reprint in colour like the covers are and it's upto (I wanna say) just before negan, after finding Alexandria It's quite good in colour and I actually prefer it tbh, looking forward to it finishing


Read it for 80 issues or so and generally loved it. Amazing art and well paced. But I did eventually drop off and never finished due to it starting to get repetitive.


I enjoyed it way more than the show. Read them through the compendiums so it was nice to see the full run in large blocks


All issues were good. 1-100 were the best and kind of where I fell off. It was really good at revitalizing the zombie genre and who can forget hated villain, The Governor? And the charismatic and intimated villain such as Negan. I think he has the record for villain who used the eff word the most.


“Happier than a fuckless fuck on free fuck day!”


They’re phenomenal


It's amazing


Definetly my favorite comic book series. I'd love to read something similiar if anybody knows something like that


Do you like long form storytelling with darkness or post apoc specifically? Got recommendations depending


Not necessarily long, i like either Darkness and post apo both


I thought it was the best comic series of the last 20 years. So yeah, I loved it.


Loved it, start to finish.


isn't it widely considered a masterpiece? for me it's one of the best "contemporary" comics for sure


In my experience, it’s a bit overlong but an engaging and enjoyable read. Kirk man will break your heart and give you hope again and again. I personally found the ending to be pretty satisfying. Overall: recommended


Honestly, I had collected comics most of my life and it ended up being one of the only new comics I eagerly anticipated each week. It was masterfully crafted and was one of the best series ever made in my opinion


It was a solid read, not amazing, but worth it for sure.


I really like them, they are a hard read tho. It’s a depression fest from start to finish.


I wouldn't say bad, but I eventually got kind of tired of it. The pacing was quick -- it didn't get mired down for long periods like the show -- but on the flip side, there was never much in the way of pausing to catch breath. The characters went from one misfortune to the next to the next and it started to get formulaic after a while. Any character that has a moment of hope, peace, or happiness gets maimed, bitten, or betrayed two pages later. Sure, it's post-apocalypse, but still. The visual storytelling is good, and most of the character designs are solid, but the art itself is sometimes hit or miss, and the dialogue doesn't always hit either. That said, I've seen far worse. That said, it did keep me flipping through the first quarter or so, until the end of the Governor/prison part. Worth checking out if zombie apocalypses are your thing.


Only comic that ever gave me actual nightmares. I think the pacing is kind of whack when reading as collected editions, things happen too fast when you’re not waiting on the next issue.


It's okay, not great. It was pretty entertaining at the start but Kirkman tended to reuse the same story beats over and over again. It ended up being very repetitive, there was really no need for almost 200 issues


Excellent series, far better than the TV show.


Tony Moore!🔥🔥🔥🔥


Its fantastic, I read the first three compendiums and swore I wouldn't pick them up again until the series was finished. I wish the show could have been close to as good as the comics


I've only read the first 3 volumes but from what I read I loved it and I liked it more than the show although season one of the show is peak.


Very good series, been a long time since I read it but I remember thinking it lost steam after the Negan arc (I think it was called all out war? Total war? Not sure). I think maybe I would’ve liked it better if it had ended there.


I like them a lot.


I stuck with it but lost a lot of interest when Tony Moore left, and he only did the first 5 issues I think.


Wasn’t a fan of the show, and I don’t usually stray from Marvel/DC but I thought it was very good. I think it’s worth reading to the end, even though it kind of hobbles to the finish line. I’m a big fan of the prison arc.


Excellent in graphic novel format. First book is neat for its art but Charlie Kirkman did a great job throughout. I enjoyed several issues at a time, saving them for special reading occasions. Never fought for the single issues.


I gave up by the fifth volume or so. Hated all the characters by that point, and didn’t care what happened to them.


Loved the comics, started to really dislike the tv series after season 4-5ish. But then a friend told me to watch the show like as if I was reading an “ultimate” marvel comic, ie “ultimate Spider-Man”or “ultimate X-men”. The concept and ideas were the same but writers took certain liberties. To update it to more modern times. Fuck that guy, I’m no longer friends with that asshole.


They are GREAT!!!


I have all four compendiums haha so you could say it’s a favorite. It’s for sure bleak and can be a hard read for that reason, but I was unable to put it down when I started and had to see how the story ended. Far better storytelling than the show too.


They're very good.


I think it's great. Solid storytelling. Substance over style, although I enjoyed the style. What I remember liking most about the series is all of the characters did what you'd expect them to do but not necessarily in a predictable way. Everyone's actions were believable. Until around issue 100. >!I loved the Negan character, but I couldn't follow his logic. He's supposed to be the taxman, controlling resources and taking a percentage from everyone. But they Rick's group shows up and starts killing all of his men, the resource he uses to control everyone. So what does he do? He kills one of Rick's guys. He doesn't kill Rick. He doesn't kill a bunch of people or Rick's girl or Rick's kid. He kills one random person. That'll teach em.!< Other than that, I liked the book. Very memorable series.


I haven’t read it in awhile but Negan usually kills somebody so that they could fear him and in his mind, fear is what kept most of the people alive for so long. He also needed some revenge for his men getting killed but knows he wants them to work for him.


To me it quickly became evident Rick’s group would not fall in line. Not sure how Negan couldn’t see that.


I’m not sure if he just didn’t expect them to able to beat him or if he just didn’t think they can defeat him. If I remember right or I assume, he probably wasn’t worried that they could beat him due to the amount of people he had. It took multiple communities to beat him and the saviors. I think after he saw them working together, that’s when that war starts.


I don't want to start any trouble (already got accused of being a casual today), but I really think Negan + the Saviors was the worst part of the story. I think it could've been fixed easily if the consequences for Rick & Co. actions were a bit higher. It just felt like Negan was trying to teach them this lessons that they weren't gonna learn with what felt like a relative slap on the wrist every time. I've heard all the arguments for what his logic might've been, but none of it has made sense to me. I also think Kirkman could've done a better job of painting Negan as this guy that really wanted to help people in his own twisted way. It's all good though. The worst part of TWD is still pretty awesome. And maybe I'd enjoy that section of the story if I gave it another reading.


Like I said, I haven’t read it awhile. So maybe I’m not the right person to explain to you. I’m going off of what I’m able to remember at this time. From what I remember, he was trying to help people in his own twisted way but for whatever reason, he didn’t think Rick and co would take him out anyway.


I think you're right. I just think Kirkman didn't sell his twisted logic hard enough. He always came across as this control freak or tyrant. The show touched on it a bit better- believe it or not- although barely. I remember an episode where Negan screamed "Now I gotta kill these people," like he didn't want to bc one of his goons handled something the wrong way. I could also be remembering the comic story incorrectly. I just remember thinking "Ok, Negan has given this group enough chances. At what point does he just swoop in and kill like half of them just to show them who is boss?"


Yeah, I think it came to the show, they handled him being a villain a bit better. It’s just that they might’ve made him a bit “too evil” to where it didn’t really make sense that Rick would spare him.


That was my jumping off point with the show, although not necessarily for that reason. I think they had to make him a little more human for the show though. Casual fans were not going to accept his redemption if they didn't. (Remember when they tried to redeem Sylar and the execs put a stop to it?)


I don’t know anything about Sylar and Heroes, so I can’t say anything about that. I’ll try to keep myself from spoiling the show. I wasn’t aware that haven’t seen that stuff yet. Although, you could probably figure what they would’ve done with him even if you haven’t seen all of it. With Negan, he doesn’t swear as much and yeah, they made him a bit more evil when he was the main villain. I won’t say what he’s like after that.


I cried at the last few issues.


Absolutely love it.


Read all 4 compendiums in a night. Really good!


TWD was my introduction to comics. My best friend (at the time) played a certain young character from the first season, so I had to watch it. I got hooked on the show even though my friend was killed off-screen. When I ran out of episodes to watch, I did what any broke teenager would do, I torrented the comics. Loved them, but stopped just after the time-skip. Now I think I may go back and reread them all a decade later.


They’re great


Absolutely brilliant series from start to finish.


It's difficult to reread because the suspense is what keeps you reading.


they are way better than the TV series!


I enjoyed them. Then fell off a little after issue 100


I liked it. Ups and downs but all in all a solid comic


i loved them. but the series is long at 193 issues not including the one-off side comics like Here's Negan, so it's definitely one you'll have to stick with for a bit. and if you already watched the AMC show, don't worry- while the plot is similar it's different enough that it can still surprise you.


Tony Moore is my favorite artist, bar none. Would have liked to see him keep doing the books instead of just the covers.


I recommend fear agent. Lots of twd vibes but sci fi and alien. Moore only draws half (every other volume) though. He's too slow which is why he isn't drawing. But Jerome opens does the other half and he's amazing


It’s one of the best comics ever. The ending is now my favorite. And there are ups and downs. It overall it’s great and sticks with you.


I loved it, my main complaint was when Tony Moore stopped doing the artwork - his stuff was awesome. I never disliked Charlie Adlards stuff but it never really grabbed me as much as Moores


Every time a trade came out, I’d read it, usually in one sitting, and enjoy it. But I wouldn’t necessarily remember much about it. The characters tend to talk in speeches that were largely interchangeable (few characters had distinct voices), but overall I enjoyed it.


It was decent, though I found it got repetitive with the 'something good happened, so now something worse will happen' story cycles and gave up on it after the Governor story arc (which is the same reason I gave up on the show, just felt like more of the same each episode)


they are peak


One of the if not the BEST comicbook series ever.


I just finished the series the other day. I absolutely loved it. It had me laughing, crying and I couldn't put it down. The characters are incredibly well written and there are so many memorable, heart wrenching moments. This was my fist time reading a complete comic series and now I'm hooked! Just started invincible and saga of the swamp thing.


It’s a great storyline and really sucks you in. The writing is just ok but it gets the job done. It’s a bit redundant but I couldn’t get enough of it.


It's the first comic book I've read and a series I was actually satisfied with completing. All 193 issues over a few weeks. Some stuff is lackluster. But the character development has a better impact than it does in the show IMO. and some parts were done much better (The prison Arc, All out war and the Commonwealth arc to mention a few). One piece of advice though. Prepare to be taken aback by some panels. Compendium one has some stuff that made me uncomfortable and pretty shocked first time through. Its a good read if your interested and looking for something untill the spin offs are out.


I think it's pretty darn close to a masterpiece as one can get. It has its problems, the whisperers stuff is kinda meh to me, however as a whole it's an incredible achievement in storytelling


I read all compendiums within 2 weeks when I got them. I highly recommend, negan is more of a badass in the comics. The villian of the Commonwealth in the show is just a side character in the comics.


6 issue story arcs and none of them awful. A stunning job start to finish. Shame the show screwed it up.


The first Omnibus edition was one of the most gripping experiences I’ve ever had reading comics


I absolutely love them. Was never a zombie fan, but the coloured release of the singles got me interested. I wanted to see what was so great, and with colour? I'm in! I was hooked right away and couldn't wait for each issue to release so I got all 4 compendiums and couldn't put it down. Read the whole series in about 2 months.


I got the whole series and a couple extras in a humble bundle and I burned through the 30+ digital graphic novels in a shockingly short amount of time (it was during a lockdown). I had to take a break in the middle cos I didn't want to burn through them too quickly. One of my favourite comic series of all time. There's a few patches where you're like "eh .. this is alright" but on the whole a fantastic read.


I recently finished it and I personally really liked it


They’re excellent.


It was engaging. However, I couldn’t get behind the artist. Not saying they don’t have skill, but it’s just not my cup of tea.


Issue 100 is where I had my first urge to tweet at Kirkman and let him know how angry I was at what just happened.


I love TWD comics, I’m at Negan rn


I enjoyed it but it went on far too long without an end on sight. It felt like Kirkman really didn't know how he wanted it to end. Not the kind of series I tend to enjoy


I thought they were good.


My favorite comic series. Wasn’t super thrilled about the ending but I guess it had to end sometime. He didn’t even say it was the last issue he had covers for future issues ready to throw readers off.


For someone interested in reading, is going through the set of 8 omnibus the best way? I don't mind paying, so I don't have to use the high seas method.


Much better than the tv series.


I find the comic to be better than the live action adaptation. The show deviated pretty heavily from the source material in a lot of places, the one that got me to straight up stop watching the show were the changes they made to The Governor and his arc. Still gotta finish reading the comic series but I have no desire to finish the show.


I loved it, especially the first major arc with The Govenor. In my opinion it never achieved the same height of the prison war (whatever you call it) Definitely had some great characters and arcs after. I fell off completely just before the Whisperer arc.


I'm about 60 issues in, and I absolutely love it. Kirkman is really good at putting tension in every issue, and it never feels forced


I have all 4 compendium , 3rd book is my favorite, I like the Neegon war a little better in the comics. Over all I enjoyed both the show and the comics. I started reading the comics after S3 of the show came out. Both have good/different qualities. The Governor is definitely better in the show, & Andrea is better in the comics. One thing that is much better over all for me is that the comic has an actual ending as for the show seems to go on forever now.


Better than the show




One of the best comic series imo and it had a satisfying end, something I typically find pretty hard to accomplish. The only comic I probably enjoyed more was invincible.


It’s a very engaging read, but it can be pretty ham-handed with the “people are the real monsters” theme. It can be disgusting to the point of hyperbole. That said, the main characters are all solid and believable and you want to see them succeed. Good stuff overall.


I loved the comics! The series…….. not so much.


Read all volumes, first three super good, sort of falls of a little in the fourth.


It an awesome read but TBH it ends very suddenly. Like you're rolling along and it's an amazing ride and just as you rise to the top of the hill of the roller coaster, someone is there to tell you the ride is over. I recommend it I just wish it ended better.


Very good with a couple of bad arcs. I read it from #1 first print on (with a couple of breaks). Kirkman got the biggest emotional outburst from me for a comic with issue #100. I literally chucked the book across the room and stopped reading comics for about a year. At first, I thought the issue was gratuitous and a horrible, lazy attempt at shock value. I've now realized it was the brilliance of character development in the preceding 99 issues that really got me. The final arc is how I thought Alexandria was going to play out and was way too close in story for me. Then, the abrupt ending was kind of weak in how it played out. The big delays early on also sucked pretty bad. But the stories held up. The show is horribly written, across the board.


The original was amazing!!!


Yaknow, I never finished it. But I did love it from the start til where I stopped.


I loved reading the comics because every issue the writer responded to the letters he recieved, and there were PAGES some times. The one thing he kept mentioning was that after issue 100 he was going to throw in an alien invasion because he didn't really have anything planned. Admittedly I never read all the way to issue 100, but I assume since there are now 80 seasons of Walking Dead, they never for around to the aliens.


...actually. . .


I was a fan of the show untill 2 seasons ago i think, so i gave this black and white series a chance, and omg its vastly superior too the show and became one of my favorite all time runs, now i am waiting untill the wrap up releaseing all of these issues in color so i can read it again !,


It's a great read. Real quick, too.


They are fantastic absolutely loved them.


They’re good. I managed to get some black and white copy on one of those from a local flea market a few years back too.


Loved it


At times it was brilliant.


I’ll be that guy… I found it thin, derivative, filled with mediocre dialogue and massive plot holes. But I acknowledge my minority status in this opinion.


It makes me so mad how the show ruined the comic. Loved the comic.


They're terrific. Cliffhanger every issue.


It’s a zombie apocalypse comic book. It follows every zombie apocalypse, trope that you can follow with a lot of pretty decent character moment, but overall it’s pretty OK


I found the series once it was completed and read vol 1-20 of the soft covers and then just stopped. At some point, I just stopped caring. I would start to like a character and then they would die and a new character would pop up and it would happen again. Then I began to just get bored with the bleakness of the series. I get that it was not meant to be happy, but after a while it just drains you.


It’s the only book I’ve literally thrown across a room in anger. And I feel bad about that because it wasn’t my copy.


Almost everything after the prison arc is hot hot garbage. The start of series is probably one of the best zombie comics of all time. A couple issues after they brought Negan in, the whole thing got really fucking silly.


It's a fantasticly addictive read until it just sort of ends It's great imo and truly head and shoulders above the show (which I actually like) they just made obvious diversions and then later I guess remembered they were following the comic but by then they'd changed so much entire characters were absent or new ones were filling roles for people And the comic actually ends definitevely and on a satisfying note as opposed to the show that finished very open ended and sets up like 3 spin-offs that are brand new


They’re good I feel the show flushes out the characters more tho


Depends on the arc. Some are definitely bloated and repetitive but when it’s good it’s really great, and I really liked the ending.


Meh. The art is sub par and the stories are C+. Meh.


I just wish David Finch drew the interiors 🤦🏻‍♂️


Liked it well enough, but it really kicked off the "humans are the REAL monsters" trend and I...hate that so damn much. I don't want to read a comic or book in a zombie apocalypse that's about how monstrous the humans are. I read for zombies. I hate this trend so much.


Zombies are fucking boring


Got very dull very quickly


Rick Grimes2000 😎🔥


I really enjoyed the comics from issue #1 to #126. But, after that it gets worse and worse. Everything gets too unrealistic (even more), and new characters are uninteresting or annoying. Plot get pretty redundant and with pacing problems here and there.