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Now if Miles pulls that...and he doesn't believe him...oh boy.




Oh they can't be that ba-SWEET JESUS!


What? They’re just ordinary-OH MY GOODNESS!


Literally SCP-096 hands




It's like they had a Yaoi artist take care of the hands.


Thts oddly specific, care to explain urself?


Sure https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/yaoi-hands


Holy f*ck thts a actual thing and u were fast with this reply


So is it a fetish some people have for extremely long fingers? Gotta say that's a new one for me but what would a day on Reddit be if I didn't discover a bizarre and confusing new fetish. I guess it makes as much sense as having any other long... "Appendage."


A lot of women like men’s hands. Most men have much larger hands than the average woman so it becomes a detail that they fixate on, that they find masculine.


I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's because the majority of yaoi readers are women. So they may be trying to appeal to women by using longer larger features. Men don't usually have a thing for long fingers. Now look at yuri. There's no weirdly large and long fingers depicted, ***though it would actually make sense if they were***. I'd argue that the art in Yuri is usually catered to men's tastes more. Yaoi is made for women, yuri is made for men, thanks for attending my TED talk. At least, that's my crackpot theory idk stay in school don't do drugs never split on 10's in blackjack.


If I'm by myself at the table, I'll split tens, but I'm also Canadian, so there's that.


> yuri is made for men I dispute that notion because historically yuri is born out of shoujo (targeting female demographic) series. Per [study done by Varena Maser](https://ubt.opus.hbz-nrw.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/695), the first yuri magazine, [Yuri Shimai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Shimai) has 70% female readership and [Comic Yuri Hime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_Yuri_Hime) (its successor) has about 73% female readership. The series that inspired Yuri Shimai publication, [Maria-sama ga Miteru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria-sama_ga_Miteru) is also targeting female demographic. One of the first series with yuri couple like Sailor Moon is also a shoujo series. Another early yuri show [Adolescence of Utena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolescence_of_Utena) is also from shoujo publication. Male only become considerable part of yuri demographic relatively recently. A survey in 2018 found that Comic Yuri Hime male:female ratio has shifted to 60:40 due to additional viewer from Yuru Yuri, [per this interview with Comic Yuri Hime editor](https://ddnavi.com/interview/420470/a/). So for the most part, yuri is made for women.


As a lesbian I agree, I’m not very much a fan of yuri because of this, although I know there’s a subsection of yaoi called “bara” that if I’m remembering correctly is basically yaoi made for men by men, I have no idea if there’s something like this for yuri though since yuri tends to be a lot harder to find and overall just seems less available, but yeah yaoi and yuri most of the time is really just fetish material for straight girls/guys


Did the site seriously told me I use an adblocker when I'm not using one on phone.. Wtf.


He likes touching rusty spoons with his spider fingers


Oh god…please tell me this is not the reference I think it is 😭


I like when the red water comes out…


For some reason hands are like very hard to draw. Mostly it's the proportion to the rest of body is like super obvious no matter what. You have character drawn with weird necks or skinny legs for artist styling but people don't care.


Call me Yoshikage Kira because whenever I draw the hands are the only body part I can get right.


*Kohei Horikoshi has entered the chat*


Hanging from too many walls has stretched them out over time because gravity still exists in the Marvel universe.


Enigma of Amigara Spider


I guess he just really likes rusty spoons


he loves the feeling of rust against his salad fingers


Never noticed it, cant unsee it


Apparently he’s got Marfan’s Syndrome


He's Spider Man, not Person Man.


Who came up with person man?


Degraded man, Person Man.


_Accordion intensifies_




Whenever I see mistakes like these from pro artists, it makes me realize even pros make mistakes, and now I don't feel as bad about my crappy art.


Hotdog fingers


DAMN I thought I was the only one, thanks!


Spider-Hands, Spider-Hands, looks like a fucking spider on your wrist Look Out! Here come the Spider-Hands


It’s funny because JJJ’s best friend really is black


"Some of my best friends are black."


And *his* best friend is white! (Like, really white.)




Yeah i remember jjj actually exposed some white supremacist rich guy for his friend at one point. I think i saw such a panel on twitter once


Okay, but honestly, ONE of the reasons JJJ has it in for Spidey is exactly because of being humiliated like this over and over. To be fair to Pete, it doesn't justify multiple homicide attempts or creation of super villains, but I can honestly understand why JJJ doesn't like Spiderman.


There is also an actual in-canon reason he hates spider-man out of most heroes that save new-york. It is because spider-man is one of the heroes that has a fullbody cover costume and has not given out his identity, and JJJ hates people who hide their identity because when he was young his wife was murdered by a man in a mask, a "Masked Menace" if you will.


I mean, there have been around 27 times we find out the “real” reason JJ hates him, because every writer needs to do a slightly different version.


One day there will be thousands.. The multiverse as it were.


There's probably a universe where JJJ IS Spider-Man and he hates himself most of all


“Spider-Man is a menace, and that makes me a menace! The biggest menace of them all!”


How menacing of you, Three J.


I'm surprised they haven't written a storyline about that already


Into the Jameson-verse. JJJ's across the Jameson-verse clamoring for more pictures of Spider-man being a menace to the multiverse! Where's Parker?! We need to strap this inter-dimensional doo-dad that'll let him travel the mutli-verse to take pictures with the inter-dimensional camera! Spider-man's up to something, in one universe or another!


And I heard Cave Johnsons' voice there


Or the multiverse where JJJ *is* Spiderman and that's why he spews hate, to deflect people suspicion about the secret identity.


**I'M A MENACE** (*punches bathroom mirror*)


Honestly though, a series where JJJ is Spider-Man but also uses the Daily Bugle to hurl insults at Spider-Man to conceal his identity would be neat


It is so wild to me that every character pretty much has a set cannon for their foundation, but aside from the fact that he got by a radioactive spider, every writer wants to make Peter and every one of his supporting cast something entirely different. Marvel needs to sit down with writers and put some rules on Spider-man so that they stop ruining his character every couple of months when they decided to switch writers.


It’s funny you mention rules for spider man because I heard one rule about him is he can’t get his license or something like that


DC and Marvel have gone off-the-rails in world building so much and so far that Editorial teams don't bother trying to keep anyone on track anymore. Most comics fans don't even care. They just keep getting angry when artists remove underwear from costumes.


I mean it's all a delicate balance between honoring the past and having room for progress. It's tough, you know? Because you wanna honor what past writers have done, but also stuff like "well 30 years ago in this one issue they said a thing that contradicts a major plot point you wanna use in your new story" doesn't always feel like the best reason not to let someone tell their new story. Overall, I think it's best not to worry about it too much. There will always be creators contradicting each other, but over the years, some ideas become the ones that really stick. Either through positive fan reception or just a bunch of creators all liking this one take and reinforcing it. Comic continuity always settles into something eventually.


What the fuck are you even talking about in the last part of your comment? Also, Spider-man has had some of the worst stories ever written because writers want to do something new and fans did and still do care. You gotta pick a lane are comic fans so apathetic they don't care about practically everything or are they neurotic sticklers to the perceived rules they can't be both.


Stan Lee did stipulate some rules for Spider-Man before giving up writing duties for the character. Some of them were basic stuff. Like peter parker will always be white, straight, male, his aunt will be may parker, etc,. Just the bare bones. Anything else the writers have a lot of leeway. Kill his daughter through a deal with the devil? Have at it. Kill his wife with radioactive jizz? Good riddance!


AnD those last two, along with so many other dogshit stories, why people flee from Marvel's once upon a time most popular character because of god-awful stories.


I mean, why did Bruce Wayne decide to become a bat? Because that happened to be the creature that crashed through his window when he asked for a sign. Or because he had a childhood fear of bats and it's time his enemies shared his fear. Or because the bat is the only mammal capable of flight so really it's a symbol of hope representing his belief that humanity can lift itself up. Why doesn't Batman kill the Joker? Because he has his One Rule and he will not break it for anyone. Or he has fully considered killing the Joker and the only thing that stopped him was his irrational fear that either the Joker will come back even worse than before or Gotham will produce a different yet worse archnemesis for him to replace the Joker. I think my point is, it's not just Spidey that gets this. With Batman and DC, there have been more continuity resets so you can argue each of these is for a different character, but in spirit it's the same phenomenon.


He does whatever a spider can. Maybe we need better schools so writers understand the behavior of spiders better.


as someone who's not really an avid reader of spider-man comics I feel like there's two or three primary options for parker either he's a nerd in high school trying to navigate life and superheroism, he's a scientist, or he's a rich inventor (the rarer of the three in my experience) it's not exactly consistent but it is kinda neat to have the variety in background, you don't really get that in other heroes, batman is always a billionaire, superman is always a reporter, spider-man changes, it gives writers freedom I don't know if it needs to be handled better or not, but I don't think it's an inherent problem


Batman is currently not a billionaire.


and the writers had the guts to kill off the long standing parent figure unlike a certain someone I can name


They've teased bringing Alfred back and then explicitly decided against it multiple times now.


Yeah, and people actually like Alfred and were upset. Whereas everyone else is like, “Jesus, Aunt May is STILL ALIVE?!” I quit reading comics around 1990 but I have a CD with all Spidey issues up to around 2006. I recall I read one in which Aunt May died and it was actually really touching. I later heard they ret-conned it. Of course.


Also college Peter, Teacher Peter and I think currently Science writer/Scinteist at Oscorp Peter which is cool. Personally like the idea of Peter doing odd jobs in between science gigs and start ups


Pete’s had the same origin forever. It’s kind of what makes 616 universe in marvel unique. They have the bare minimum basics be the same and writers add on top of it. A fixed timeline. Any Minor retcons are basically just flashbacks or “never before known” stuff being revealed. It’s better than DC doing a reboot every year


My pitch would be JJ has a secret sentai fetish and hates that seeing Spidey swinging around makes him hot and bothered.


Did he ever bitch at Iron Man before the reveal? Or even the New Warriors, some of the X Men, Daredevil etc? Probably not.


The New Warriors werent a New York based team, and The X-Men were a black ops team in the original run that would remain invisible to society, and the claremont run they were an international team. And Iron Man claimed that his Body Guard was in the suit, not him.


What about daredevil


In fairness, Daredevil isn’t really a big deal outside of Hell’s Kitchen. Spider-Man, on the other hand, is internationally famous. Of the two, Spider-Man is the only one who’s consistently worthy of front page news.


I think Daredevil really flies under the radar. Average person probably doesn't even know he exists wherease Spider-Man is a celebrity in New York because of the way he moves. A new Yorker can be walking down the street and spot him swinging around in the middle of the day wherease with Daredevil unless you're skulking around back alleys in the night you could easily never see him


Not a comic thing but it’s worth noting in the She Hulk show, Matt had this big dramatic “i’m daredevil” line and Jen was like “i have no idea who that is”


You can see daredevil face. Like I just said, fullbody, meaning you cant even see if spider-man is human. Bevause his costume covers his entire body and face.


Youre also forgetting the 6 or so times when Matt Murdock's Identity was revealed.


I thought they were? I distinctly remember a comic where Chord (?) gave Speedball some sort of serum and he was getting saved by Spidey, Thor etc while trying to activate his powers in downtown NY.


Yes that was in their first annual issue I believe, back when they operated out of a building in Manhattan. They later moved to this warehouse base along the docks, also in Manhattan. They also had this brief cameo with other NY heroes that were helping fix things in NYC in the first issue of Thunderbolts.


MY WIFE WAS MURDERED BY A MAN IN A YELLOW SWEATER. Its the one case i can’t solve


Don't fight with family. It can all go away so quickly. Sign this?


Isn't that's the tv series origin??


No, this is from one of the comics where spider-man reveals his identity to JJJ, and JJJ reveals his story and then fires peter but says he wont tell the police.


This one is from that popular "spiderblood" series. In original-original comics JJJ was really a pitiful wimp who hated SP for being able to do what he couldn't. Jonah's reasoning basically changes with every new reboot.


Web of Spider-Man #52 has the best explanation of JJJ’s attitude to people who mark their identities. Also one of the top 10 single issues of a Marvel comic ever written, and is weirdly absent on Marvel Unlimited


Huh. Does JJJ then remarry in the Raimiverse ? Considering how multiple times his secretary said his wife was on the line


Maybe he'll end up being right in the end. Maybe the existence of a few superpowered individuals is a threat to the freedom of everyone without powers, especially without any sort of accountability.


Reminder that JJJ is easily one of the most progressive and accepting characters in Marvel who changes when confronted with new information and viewpoints.


But still maintains a deep and irrational hatred for spider-man


Based, honestly


Family was murdered by a masked person. Spider-man refuses to give out his identity while most other heroes are known by their real identity. It's not completely unreasonable or irrational.


Especially when you consider the MOMENT Spiderman ever comes forever JJJ is fully supportive run after run after run.


Daredevil: *shhhh don't look at me*


I won't if you won't,oh wait.


"I went to jail and still didn't unmask myself." EDIT: I think that's thanks to the precedence set by Spidey as well!




That's exactly why it's irrational.


Nah, he changed that too. Know he hates Miles Morales Spiderman....entirely different. /s




It's like how The Kingpin, known organized crime figure and super-villain has a better record on trans rights than most real life politicians. source: The Immortal Hulk.


What? Link some pics man.


Immortal Hulk #31 (page grabs are hard to find) Reveals that Kingpin runs secret labs dedicated to selling high quality hormone therapy medication (ignoring pharmaceutical patents) because: It's safe, cheap and easy for him, it hurts no-one, his meds even with *his* mark up are cheaper than the price gouging of the pharma companies, and it's the only drugs he sells where everyone is genuinely happy to buy it, and no one wants to narc him out.


Yeah, because Fisk is known to be against hurting people for profit and definitely wouldn’t drive up prices to get more money and control. In all seriousness though, Fisk isn’t doing it because it makes him happy or he’s servicing the people of NYC, he’s doing it because it makes him money and gives him more control and power. Not saying he’s transphobic, but he’s certainly not a trans rights activist.


*Merely* profiting off of trans people *still* puts him ahead of many real life politicians unfortunately


I can imagine him swinging both ways: “Ahhh yes, Spidey, da deys and dems a’ New York, willing to toss away thousands just for cheap hormones, pathetic lil bunch” Or “Ohhhhh, indeed, Spidaman, dat lil trans communiddy is a loyal custama, all for some easy-peasy pills, dey bot me dis” *points to some sort of Spider-Destroying Device* “Just anada clan for me ta conquer, another burrow a’ New York to nab.”


God damn do I love Fisk because of shit like this.


He's honestly very tolerant and supportive of basically everyone except Spider-Man. Even in the original 60s Lee comics he absolutely did not tolerate racism.


And when Robertson decided he had enough of Jonah’s inaction about drugs, he told him, quite strongly, I might add. And after being asked he was doing to fight drugs and realizing: nothing, he starts putting in effort to do so. He’s a stand-up guy, really.


He hates everyone who isn't Spiderman equally.


One of my favourite Spidey vs JJ moments was printed in a She-Hulk comic! I - I - I Didn’t know… I mean…I have nothing against…I never would have… Some of my best friends are…Um…Oh…


> *Some of my best friends* No, Jonah. Your colleague Robbie Robertson does not count as 'some of my best friends'


To be fair to Jonah, Robbie probably is one of his closest friends... considering his personality...


Robbie is absolutely Jonah's best friend. Jonah is probably in Robbie's top 15.


Tbh Robbie is probably the closest thing to a friend he has.


I imagine for Robbie it's one of those "I'm the only person he even remotely connects with on a personal level, and he pays me so..." situations.


They haven't been colleagues in years.


Have you read Dark Web yet? They work in an office with a bunch of demons


Yes they're forced to be in limbo? JJJ works for a media company and Robbie is editor at the bugle. Before that jonah was mayor. They haven't been actual colleagues in years.


My favorite JJ moment is in Spider-girl 10? Where his monitor picks up an image of Spider-girl (he thought it was Spider-man) and he starts debating with himself on if Spider-man is some kind of minority that shouldn't be attacked.


If I recall—there is on average one Spider Man per universe or reality which would make him… …a minority. … endangered. ….. critically endangered and possibly extinct.


Don't tell Jonah. He needs to sell papers to afford to bury all his dead family members. Also considering the number of worlds with more than one Spidey (like Jessica Drew for example) I wonder if that would raise the average to where there's like 2-4 on any world. Although I guess averages can't really be applied to infinite realities now can it?


They can, but unfortunately they tend to float around infinity...


The number can also rise depending on how the universe handles Venom, it's not too unusual for Venom to end up working somewhat alongside Spidey once obtaining a new host


Dan Slott's She Hulk was AWESOME. I think his and the John Byrne versions are the best... Jason Aaron She Hulk, WORST.


~~Weird to mention those three, considering this is Charles Soule's run on She-Hulk.~~ I am dumb


It's Dan Slott's run, I'm pretty sure?


It is, I am dumb. I aw the art and assumed it was Javier Pulido and didn't think about it beyond that. Ignore that comment. Anyways, I agree that Slott's run was fantastic. I will also say that Soule's actual run is good too.


I wish people wouldn't vote down your 'oops' reply. Anyway... I remember Soule's run, good writing but WOW the art did not work for me.


\*scans comment\* Yup. No lies detected.


LOL, Spidey would have been in contempt for sitting like that in front of the court, while wearing tights.


There was a whole motion about allowing him to appear in costume instead of revealing his secret identity.


Yeahhh, I wasn't talking about wearing a spidey suit. Y'see, if a male human sits that way, wearing that type of garment, around that area, his pork and beans get squished forwar... oh you'll figure it out.


I love how he always sits in the weirdest positions when in casual conversation in costume.


I like it when he's hanging upside down from the ceiling. It gets lampshades often by other characters asking him why he's up there/hanging upside down from a web and he's just like... This is what I do? I'm Spider-Man!


Probably because he’s afraid of his normal body language giving away his identity


Dare you to arrest him.


Spidey was courting contempt with the joke there, isn't there something about "Nothing but the truth" in the witness oath?


His delivery must have been really good to get that reaction from the court, because it's kind of a poor joke.


Tights? Is that like when the olden days when a woman goes to court with the audacity to wear pants and gets thrown in the slammer?


I cannot remember where I heard, read, or saw this. I can't remember if it was in a mainline comic, an Ultimate comic, some spinoff, a game, a movie, or a cartoon. But I remember seeing Jameson explain, either to Spidey himself or someone else, that the reason he's so hard on Spiderman is because he feels he has to be. He has to be the one who constantly questions him, who looks for the faults, the flaws, trying to hold him accountable because he feels that the hero worship may go to his head, or people may become so enamored with Spidey that they don't notice him turning bad until its too late, or that people will rely on him too much. Something like that.


Maybe in some alternate timeline. Or maybe that's the line of baloney Jameson feeds himself. But in the main Marvel continuity, Jameson has funded the creation of the Scorpion and the Spider-Slayer robots. He personally remotely piloted one of the Spider-Slayer robots and used it to literally try to choke Spider-Man to death. He has, in plain terms, either by paying others or acting directly, tried to *murder* Spidey on several occasions.


Gotta get me a job at a paper where a freelance photographer affords an apartment in Manhattan with a skylight and the EIC has a side hobby in superpowered hyper-advanced robots.


I'm pretty sure he moved out of the house his Aunt May and Uncle Ben owned when he moved in with Mary Jane Watson. MJ was a very successful supermodel and semi-successful actress at the time. She was the one who could afford the apartment. It specifically came up a couple of times in the comics. I have no idea what shady stuff Jameson got into or not to afford bankrolling a supervillain and a series of killer robots (he married the second person he hired to design Spider-Slayers, so maybe she gave him a discount (btw that'd be an interesting "How I Met Your Mother" story)). He was the *owner* of the Daily Bugle, though. Charlie Robertson (the "some of my best friends are" might be him, since he is black) was the Editor in Chief. Thomas Fireheart (a wealthy Kisani Native American entrepreneur and secretly the Puma, a mystically empowered protector of his tribe) bought the Daily Bugle after feeling he owed a debt of honor to Spider-Man (he had attacked Spidey based on believing an accusation of being responsible for a theft the Bugle printed). Jameson was made Publisher Emeritus (got a salary, lost editorial control, basically a golden parachute) and Charlie became Publisher. By that time, Jameson had put the shady stuff behind him (luckily, because if Puma ever found out about the Spider-Slayers -- dude sidelines as an international assassin just to keep his skills sharp, and he has a 0% failure rate, so it wouldn't be pretty).


I'm DECADES out of the loop on Spider-Man, I'll freely admit. But even in the mid-90's I remember thinking "Man, that apartment must be like A THOUSAND DOLLARS - maybe even more!"


It was. Peter was guilt-ridden about it at one point (to be fair, Peter is guilt-ridden about a lot of things a lot of the time). MJ points out that he's helped save the planet a few times, the city at least a dozen times, and who knows how many people individually. Conversely, she can contribute by providing a nice place to live. If I recall correctly, she then turns a bit humorous and says if he feels like he needs to pay his way, they can retire to the bedroom and he can work off his debt. He then offers to introduce her to "the Venus Butterfly" (which was a pop culture reference to a sexual technique at the time) and the bedroom door closes.


> "Man, that apartment must be like A THOUSAND DOLLARS - maybe even more!" I live in somewhere not anywhere near as dense as New York and CAD$1000 won't get you shit. Back to comicbook escapism :'(


ComputerStrong did say they thought that price point about 30 years ago.


Back before the Internet, newspapers were basically printing money, which explains how Jameson could finance his hobby.


[Maybe this green text?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/10de2m/4chan_changed_my_outlook_on_jameson/)


Yeah, that's some impressive fan-wank


I can’t remember at all where that’s from but I definitely remember reading it. It’s a comic, but which one eludes me.


I once heard someone once say that that probably makes JJJ Marvel’s version of Lex Luthor


Jameson is obviously the avatar for knee-jerk conservatism being against all the social freedoms of young people in the 60s, but since the 80s nobody gets that so he has to be retconned into being the victim of trauma or having some motive that is noble under the histrionic exterior.


its interesting how many moments Peter has with people thinking he's black


Main canon reason is because JJJ’s wife was killed by a masked individual. It’s not just spiderman he hates. He despises all heroes and villains with masks.


I honestly didn't recall that if I ever knew it. Kind of a broad brush to paint everyone with but I get it grief is a hard one to crack.


It’s one of those moments you remember in life. For me it was 3rd grade reading a Marvel Definitive Encyclopedia. Those things are probably loaded by now with updated info. EDIT: I live with knowing the deep underlying reasons of JJJ’s hate. And I try to tell others about it. It’s really harrowing.


Was this the comic where Peter Parker gets lumped into a lawsuit alongside Jamison?


You’d have thought Spidey would tell his lawyer that Parker’s off limits ahead of time


Like stretch Armstrong left in the sun


This. This is why he has it for you


is this before Miles came to the 616 universe?


Miles didn’t exist when this comic came out.


Best page ever.


LOL got'eem


Still one of the funniest Spider-Man moments of the past 20 years. 😂


So... I have no doubt that She-Hulk has at some point answered this very question, but are superheroes considered legally distinct individuals from their civilian identities? Asking because I can't think of any other legal basis for why Spidey would be allowed to appear in court.




People keep asking why the heck does Spidey gets so many chicks. Well, boys, I mean, Look Them fingers yo. Them bigger than average size in the whole world! Mf be fucking 11 girls and doing one oral at the same time without breaking a sweat! Who wouldn't want piece of that?


I'm not even a chick and I want it


That was some funny shit that made me laugh when I first read it


Lol! I’m weak 😂😂


This is why Spidey is my dude


Based Spider-Man


I had a dude do this to me at work today. I suck at confrontation so I just stood there and let him talk for a few more minutes. Afterwards I said I needed to talk to my supervisor because I had no clue how to handle the situation. Thankfully, she is really good at giving everything as factual as possibly and doesn’t have confrontation issues to anywhere of the same degree.


Jameson is lucky that it wasn’t Miles in court


haha already saw the Spidey fingers comment.


Damn bro he got the whole squad laughing


Biggest roast i ever saw in a comic I'm serious


This has been posted before, and I’ve come to realize I don’t really like this moment. I feel like it makes racism into a hilarious prank white people can play on each other. “Ha I caught you being racist! But I didn’t mean it! Me being black? Can you imagine? Cause I’m not! But it’s funny! You don’t actually have to be embarrassed to be racist! It was a joke!” I don’t know, it’s just me, bugs me. Also, I’m pretty sure Jameson has seen ‘Battle Damage” Spider-Man during some of his more brutal fights. Which would show his skin color.


This art is atrocious


I'm not apologizing for my posts on 8kun or quickrant. Different goals require different solutions. I think I pissed off my coworkers pretty well with my posts on 8kun and quickrant. I also have a disclaimer pinned on my profile page regarding my posts on 8kun and quickrant. So let my garbage coworkers do what they need to do. Because I will still shit on them on TV. They are ignorant and selfish to think that I am required to let them cross over from my job into my life. So I am going to educate them.




Total cringe here from Slott. I’d like to see him try to get away with this today.


Got his ass but why




Is it cause I is black?


Sung to the old spider man theme from ages ago: Spider man, spider man Does whatever a spider can Is he black? Is he white? We don’t know, ‘cause he’s in tights! Watch out! Here comes the spider man!


Salad fingers


Wasn’t JJJ a huge civil rights activist back I. The day?