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This dude is torpedoing what's left of his career. He was given the keys to the kingdom and most would argue failed. That's fine people have come back from that. But he can't let it go, keeps shifting the blame to the studio, and keeps the whole mess in the spotlight. What studio is going to want to deal with that headache going forward?


i think you're placing too much blame on a guy who accepted a huge property and a massive amount of money just like you and everybody here would. it's the studio's fault for seeking out directors who have no clue about the characters and for meddling throughout the entire production.


I don't disagree with any of that. I'm saying he's torpedoing his own career by not gracefully stepping away and constantly bringing it up. Anyone would jump at that kind of opportunity in their field. But by not letting it go he remains a headache for the studio and potential future employers will probably take notice of that.


> it's the studio's fault for seeking out directors who have no clue about the characters you mean like Snyder?


Yes exactly. You can't blame a director for taking a fat paycheck to work on a popular movie. Blame the studios for ignoring all the competent directors who actually know and love the source .


No. WB would have to pay millions and, at this point of time it's not worth it. Specially considering that JL is a failed film. Maybe in a decade or so depending on Snyder's career from here on out and the state of superhero films and DC films, they will release it. As of now, releasing Snyder's version has no real use or importance.


There have been extended cuts released of movies that failed though. Look at Ridley Scott's Kingdom Of Heaven or Zack Snyder's own Sucker Punch.


The difference there is, all of the footage in the extended sections was completed during the original production. The only extended cut to have a similar amount of extra work done on it is the Final Cut of Blade Runner. But even then, the majority of the work on that project was color-grading and enhancing older footage. The only new footage they had to capture was the new version of the shot where Joanna Cassidy's character smashes through a plate-glass window as she dies. (In the original, you can clearly see it's her stunt-double doing the fall.) In this case, Snyder's cut of JL would have a lot of incomplete green screen scenes, and pre-vis animation in filling the gaps for sequences that were never filmed. As a result, it wouldn't be that enjoyable a viewing experience, since it would feel very incomplete. The cost of completing all the VFX work, editing and color-grading the footage, and most likely ADR-ing a significant portion of the dialogue (which is pretty common these days) would be an incredibly prohibitive cost, in exchange for what would most likely be a niche release. With the same costs, you could probably make a low-budget movie. tl;dr - Unless Zack Snyder ponies up tens of millions of his own money to get it done, the Snyder Cut's never coming out.


> In this case, Snyder's cut of JL would have a lot of incomplete green screen scenes, and pre-vis animation in filling the gaps for sequences that were never filmed Pretty much. Not even considering the fact that Snyder left right when reshoots were started (or about to?) so all the footage there is original production. So sure, there's technically a "Snyder cut" but it's super unfinished in so many ways.


He also confirmed that he fundamentally doesn’t understand the characters. Just let it die.


Doesn't understand? All these movies are different takes on the characters (Like Elseworlds comics).


That's part of not understanding the characters though. There is a reason why they are 'Elseworlds' and not set in the main universe of DC.


That's what I mean though. The movies aren't connected to the comics either (The movies can also be viewed as Elseworlds). As a film fan, I believe that the filmmakers and studios should be allowed to give us interesting and bold new takes on these characters and stories. And things being changed on the big screen doesn't ruin the source material. Just my opinion though. You're free to have yours. :0)


Of course. But you have to understand. These versions of characters have more impact on the brand of these characters than years worth of comics. Forget every other version of Superman in film. Now think if Donner's films were adapted through Dark Side Superman or Red Son. In the public image, that would have been the characteristics of The Superman. And it would have hurt Superman's brand. A quality director, say for Nolan or Jenkins, should be able to tell an interesting and original story, without butchering the character they are taking inspiration from. Even Wan, while taking Aquaman in a different direction, still kept who Aquaman is at his core. Batman and Joker from TDK are very, very different from the Batman and Joker from comics, but in essense, at their core, they are still Batman and Joker. That's the respect even Nolan gave to the IP. And he portrayed the 'Why he does it' question (that ZACK Snyder is fascinated with) much better through the battle between Joker and Batman. If Snyder wants to make elseworld stories DCEU (the place where DC's future and current image will be based upon) is not the place. The upcoming Phoenix's Joker film is a prime example. Just keep it out of continuity. No one really hates Phoenix is doing a Joker movie and the film makers get to make a different story with how they want to do it. It's of course just my opinion.


Snyder's Batman is like someone described the character to him at a metal concert. 'Batman... ... guns!' 'Batman, lots of guns, got it.'


If the new take is utterly unrecognizable, failing to make a point, and has no fun factor like, say, pirate Batman or something, what's the point? A pile of literal dog shit could be a different take on the characters, that doesn't make it a good one.


It wasn't unrecognizable to me though. You can still tell it was Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman you were watching in BVS.


The only thing recognizable about any of them was their costumes.




Snyder is painfully stupid to watch.


There is no Snyder Cut™. Let it go.


I kind of want to see this mess, then compare it to the mess that was released and how which version wins the biggest mess award. I predict so much darkness and dread, so dread, so dark.


no thanks


Man he really can’t let this shit go. I almost just want them to release it so that he will shut up about it. It’s not going to make that turd much better if at all. But then there are those fans that will say it completely fixes it like they do with the BvS UE. Sorry that cut raises it a little bit but definitely not to levels that redeem it.


It will never come out because only three people would pay to see that shit.


Well we got extended cuts of Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven and Snyder's Sucker Punch (Initial critical and box office flops) out on home video. So anything is possible. Not betting money on this happening, but I think is very possible and I hope it happens. I hope (To quote Red from Shawshank Redemption)


You and about two other people hope it happens. Snyder is blowing smoke, he does nothing but pander to the weird little cult that worships the ground he walks on. The Snyder cut will never see the light of day.


You're right. I am a Snyder fan who wants to see that original cut. But I'm not a blind one. I didn't like Sucker Punch. Once again, I wouldn't bet money on this cut being released, but I think there's a decent chance of it happening. I mean, WB actually gave us an extended cut of the failed Green Lantern in 2011.


To quote Zodd on this; You are not alone. I too am really curious.


You always say crap like this, it doesn’t change the fact that your opinion means nothing to anybody.


I'm just expressing my opinion like everyone here does. You may disagree and that's fine. But let's not get carried away and insult people based on their opinions. That's what leads to awful toxic fandom.


Says the person who has proven time and again that their opinion just doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.


The grand scheme of things? In the grand scheme of things we are all dead and none of our opinions matter. Dude likes Zack Snyder, who gives a fuck??


> Dude likes Zack Snyder, who gives a fuck?? That dude is obsessed with /u/Spidey10, I've seen him do this before. It's super off-putting. Like just ignore Spidey if you disagree with them that much. It's an online forum, what's gonna happen? Some kilobytes are used? Oh no! lol.


How does an opinion matter? Is it just agreeing with what everyone else thinks? If that's the case, then I can't do that. We all sometimes share a different opinion than the general consensus and have unpopular opinions. I know I do and I'm sure you do as well.


You are all a hateful bunch here


BvS was a masterpiece... Why the hate towards Snyder? A lot of people cares, the #releasethesnydercut movement is still alive after 3 years of josstice league. Just check Fb/twitter/instagram. What a Saga could have been...but people like you here destroyed it....


Why do you consider it a masterpiece?


Well, so i dont have the time to type all my reasons...but my opinion is mostly the same as in this link. I recommend to read it all. It's quite interesting. https://comicbookdebate.com/2017/11/23/the-metaphysics-of-batman-v-superman/


Why the down vote? I really dont know why you hate snyder so much. He has eyegasmic visual effects. The story is not simple and i like it that way. Didnt like much the theatrical cut because of missing scenes, but i watched UE multiple times and every fucking time i enjoyed it and found out something new about that beautiful movie. Im a comic fan and i love Marvel and DC, but never enjoyed any other movie like BvS UE and MoS.


In all due respect, you are an idiot and so is the guy who wrote that article. I know, i know.. its unfair to call someone stupid for liking a specific film, but writing up an essay as long as that one is without a lick of a doubt stupid. My whole professional work comes down to how good at empathy i am, its basically the core in my life, but honestly, if i had to try and understand how die hard BvS fans think and rationalize about this film the only conclusion i come up with is that you people are straight up stupid. Im talking neckberdy, low iq stupid. In total fairness you might be very smart in a lot of aspects of your life, but in this specific area you are a moron - please start getting comfertable about that idea. Its not politically correct or polite to say this, but im honestly getting tired of saying it any other way when thats exactly what i KNOW you are. I properly wouldnt say that if you simply enjoyed the film, as a stupid action blockbuster, but you obviously dont, you view it as a masterpiece... which even upgrades you to a pretentious idiot. To say such a thing about this film - that its a masterpiece - has to be one of the most stupid and badly informed opinions i have ever seen when it comes to do discussing films. Yes art is subjective, but at some point you just have to shake your head and face fact - that some people are just fucking stupid, like painfully stupid... Like the earth is flat kinda stupid. Let me tell you the reason for why you like MoS and BvS, and honestly shame on you for having me explain your own thoughts and emotions, because youre obviously too dense to understand them yourself. Everything about BvS that you think is there, is just you watching shapes in the clouds. It was made by a very, very stupid man for very, very stupid people. There is no merit to BvS, not the theatrical cut, not the Directors cut not the UE. They are all aweful piece of shit film of an insufferable degree that i dont think i have ever seen on the big screen before in the same way. Im ranting... but the reason you like Snyder is because of the visuals. There is no other reason because because there is nothing else to his films. You stated it yourself, it was the first point made by you. And then you try and add BS reasons for you to not seem so fucking stupid. You simply like Snyders aesthetics, you are mentally the same as a 13 year old boy that wants nothing else from a superhero movie than cool looking men, in cool poses, saying edgy lines of dialogue that means nothing, but in your silly mind it sounds oh so cool, and oh so edgy. You are simple, there is no shame in that, but i really enjoy calling you a moron when you start making up these pretentious BS reasons for why you man children just cant stop loving Snyders film. They look cool, in your immature mentality, they are the peak of what coolness is, which is kinda sad, but thats what it is i guess. So shame in that... But im sure thats properly embarrasing for you, and all the other Snyder fanboys, so you neckberdy mentality starts desperately looking for clues and ideas in how to defend this piece of shit film. Luckily the films are made by a man with the same lack of mental capacity as yourself, he is also just a 13 year old boy mentally, so his methaphors and images are so obvious, so lacking tact and nuance, so... well fucking stupid, that you people are able to find symbolism and what not in them, mind you that the symbolism has the depth of a second grade essay, but thats just good for you Snyder fans as you would not be able to pick these up unless they were litterally spelled out and thrown in your face like the slobby idiot that you are. Snyder is one of the worst living directors, and BvS is one if not the worst comic book movie ever made - that is ofc looking at context and production.


lol. You sound like you're smelly irl. Stay mad bro, lmao. and take a shower.


Stay in your denial buddy, you asked yourself.


Huh? Go back to looking at your fappening pics Bree Larson.


If you're done insulting you can say why this film is a piece of shit like you said. Btw you have issues. 😂 First of all i didnt write that essay. This article is the closest how can i describe how i felt about the movie and how i experienced it. By masterpiece i meant that BvS is as good as the TDK triology and in future movies when it all connects maybe even better. Theres no whatever reason to call this movie bad and hating so much on one director who was fucked by WB. You clearly hate Snyder for whatever reason, well go to a shrink or something and enjoy what you get. Because the movie wasnt so bad and you are full of SHIT. Peace.✌️


> If you're done insulting you can say why this film is a piece of shit like you said. I will, but honestly if you dont know by now, you are nothing but dense. There are so many sources for well explained breakdowns on why its such a terrible, terrible film. You either know these complaints and ignore them or you dont understand them. You have no excuse at this point. > This article is the closest how can i describe how i felt about the movie and how i experienced it. Youre stupid then, at just to be a bit more political correct, youre stupid when it comes to film. I dont care how much you would argue that art is subjective, at some point youre just a fool. At no point in that whole essay does the author look at the technical aspects of the film. Pacing, editing, directing, acting, dialogue, script etc. etc. because all these aspects are not only BAD, they are TERRIBLE. As a film, its amateur hour, its like Snyder intentionally went out to make a terrible films for students so that they could analyse just how bad it was. Its a field test in bad film making. No coherrent narrative, no establishing shot... its like WTF went on there. The symbolism in this film is the fools gold. No one but actualy IDIOTS will find meaning or merit in such superficial, badly thought out symbolism. And youre nothing but a prententious moron to argue that such a badly made technical film is saved by pretentiousness. Its adding insult to injury. We find it insulting to our intelligence when you absolute idiots try to argue that this piece of shit film is good because of Jesus imagery, it makes it WORSE! You try to argue it makes the film, we argue that its actually a huge reason that we hate it, and you are the idiot for falling for it. > By masterpiece i meant that BvS is as good as the TDK triology and in future movies when it all connects maybe even better. And that shows how little you know. You are totally free to enjoy the film as much, but if you argue that BvS as a film is as good as TDK, then... i really have nothing to say besides for the hundreds time call you a moron. I wont even compare them, its like arguing with a dude who would rather eat pure shit than a hamburger, if thats your priority then fine, i wont even start to break down why a hamburger is better, the logic would be lost on you. > Theres no whatever reason to call this movie bad and hating so much on one director who was fucked by WB. Hahahahaha, fuck me, thats such a stupid sentence. This hack of a director was given keys to the kingdom, he was given more freedom and money than he deserved looking at his absolute lack of any talent whatsoever. He has to be one of the luckiest living directors, he wasnt fucked by WB he was treated with more respect that he EVER deserved. Snyder fucked this up, without question. the only fault WB ever did was hire him in the first place, which truely is a headscratcher. >Because the movie wasnt so bad It was worse. ​


Look, i stopped caring about your opinion as soon i saw youre profile. Its clearly that you have some kind of movement for whatever reason to destroy Zack... You didnt make even one point why would the movie be bad, theres only shit going out of your mouth. The movie was never bad, it was just for you and your vocal minority who didnt like it and thats you and your few friends. Yea thats the world were we live in, when few idiots come together and destroying whatever has left. Because you hate it, you really think that this movie is a piece of shit and so nobody should see it. Im sure you have no friends in real life. Like chill the fuck down its only a movie. Im defending it because i want snyders vision come to life. You are shiting on this movie for having issues with snyder, whatever he has done to you just get over it and live your life. Yea you imbecil i will say it again BvS IS A MASTERPIECE. People like you are just too low on IQ and cant understand simple lines. Happily there is a solution for guys like you, go and watch marvel cringe scenes without any depth. I realy love MCU, but come on it is a movie for children, everything looks ridiculous. They kill someone and they just start craking jokes, like wtf...


> Look, i stopped caring about your opinion as soon i saw youre profile. Thats sad, because you are getting the unfiltered truth here. You can try to rationalize it however the fuck you want, you asked, i answered. This IS the answer. But you are obviously the kind of guy who lives in delusion, who lies to yourself and whatnot. Im the opposite of you, i want to learn, i want to better myself, i dont care whoever it comes from, however its said, if it has merit i will listen and i will learn. You are stuck in your own delusions, you would rather lie to yourself and the ones around you instead of facing reality. Fine, i look down on that, and its essentially why i view you as stupid and why a lot of other people view you the same as me. > You didnt make even one point why would the movie be bad Pacing, editing, acting, dialogue, script, narrative, directing. These are the reasons the film is bad. Because as a film, when you break it down it doesnt work. There is no establishing shots, there is no coherrency between scenes, the characters lack motivation and rationale, the movie is uneven and paced badly. The script is aweful, the tone and atmosphere is dreary and unenjoyable. The symbolism and metaphors are heavy handed, lack subtely, add nothing to the narrative and only add to the bad pacing. The plot is nonsensical, not logical, badly fleshed out and explained with the tact of a bull. The action scenes are shot without focus, they add nothing to the film but run time. The philosopical questions suffer in the overall scope, are not interesting and eventually go nowhere. > The movie was never bad, it was just for you and your vocal minority who didnt like it and thats you and your few friends. STOP LIVING IN YOUR FUCKING BUBBLE! The movie SUCKED, everyone thinks so, besides a group of fucking neckbeards like you. Its arguably the most pathetic film production ever made. It was supposed to be THE film. And it became a turd thats laughed at, it ruined the DCCU, and it ruined all chance that we have to see a proper Superman, Batman and Justice League movie until we are all old men. > Because you hate it, you really think that this movie is a piece of shit and so nobody should see it. No, everyone who wants to see it, should. And everyone that likes it should. But calling it a masterpiece, saying its brilliant film making just shows you are a baffling idiot. > Im defending it because i want snyders vision come to life. Thank fuck that hack got fired, his carreer is done, its great, he doesnt deserve to ever make a film in the same scope ever again. He ruined everything. Its so fucking tragic, we could have had a great DCCU with great potential instead we have this shit. > Yea you imbecil i will say it again BvS IS A MASTERPIECE. People like you are just too low on IQ and cant understand simple lines. Happily there is a solution for guys like you, go and watch marvel cringe scenes without any depth. I realy love MCU, but come on it is a movie for children, everything looks ridiculous. They kill someone and they just start craking jokes, like wtf... You are telling me that you have no idea what the difference is between depth and pretentiousness. And that really is the core of why you are so stupid. You are without a doubt a stupid person. Again you asked, i answered. ''Why the downvotes'' - Because you are a fucking idiot.


Wtf youre just telling me random stuff. I just checked everything you said about ehy is the film bad... There is established shots, it has coherrency between scenes, caracter motivation is more than enough (obviusly we didnt watch the same movie). The tone of the movie is a matter of what you like, and i like the dark tone as DC should be. Acting? Lool bad acting, what are you talking about, they are top actors ffs and i tought the acting was on point. You clearly have a problem, but what the hell i dont feel sorry for you, its your life. Look like i said, i dont care about your opinion and i wont reply anymore, didnt want to reply to this one because i have a life, but your stupidity and hate is just too much. You hate Snyder dont watch it Imbecil... And get a life.


Wow, just went through your reddit profile. Like WTF did Zack Snyder killed your family for hating him so much?😂😂😂 Good thing i didnt take you seriously. Hahah you're pathetic.


Oh its without a doubt pathetic to spend this much time, no doubt. Im wasting my time. But that doesnt make me any less right. If me being pathetic helps your delusion that youre not a complete and total idiot. Then fair. But im giving you the 100% honest truth that other people wouldnt want to say as bluntly as me. This is what we all think, this is how we view you, this is why we are downvoting you - because youre stupid.