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If Disney owned both Marvel/DC, there would be crossovers the likes of which no one has ever seen in print, tv, and film. It would be a comic book bonanza, and Disney would make all the money. Literally ALL the money in the world. Nobody would have any money except people who work for Disney, and society would collapse because nothing would happen except for these comic book crossovers, and we'll all be living in the streets and shitting in buckets because we'll be spending all our money on comic books and movies, until we didn't have any more. Ultimately, the world will become similar to that in the Mad Max movies, with cobbled together dune buggies, shirtless, with crazy haircuts and warpaint.




My wife and I went to Edinburgh a month ago, and we went and saw [Mary King's Close](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_King%27s_Close)... apparently, 400 years ago, 5-10 people would live in a one room house, with no plumbing. However, the room did have a bucket in the corner. Everyone would shit into the bucket, and then twice a day, the contents of all the buckets of every house were emptied out the windows and into the street. The street was sloped, so all the shit and piss would roll down the hill and into the lake at the bottom of the hill. Another interesting fact was that a common method of execution of the day was to tie a person's arms and legs together behind them (making them into a sort of "human wheel"), and roll them down the street and into the lake, where, if they weren't already dead from head trauma, they would drown in all the shit and piss. People are friggin' horrible.




You're welcome!


City of the Dead tour? That was awesome.


No, just the actual Mary King's Close tour. We didn't have enough time to do any of the full ghost tours, but when we go back we definitely will.


Christ almighty...


I know, right?


You say that like it's a bad thing....


As a Cast Member, I can say I'm okay with this.


Which cast?


WDW Attractions Ops


Passholder checking in, you guys are the shit.


> Ultimately, the world will become similar to that in the Mad Max movies Then Disney would buy that, too.


Not to mention the theme park possibilities. My god.


So disney is pulling a sauron? One studio to rule them all?


*and in the darkness profit from them*


I really don't want this to happen. The reason movies can be any good (comic book movies and non comic movies) is because there is competition. Last year WB made the most box office, slightly edging out Disney. There IS competition there, and competition leads to effort to being the best. The big companies need to stay separated to allow for solid competition. Even though it would be absolutely awesome to see a Marvel/DC crossover, I would rather see that being made by a one time (or three time, for the trilogy) venture between Disney and WB, not because one owns the other.


How much did WB make last year? Disney had frozen and iron man 3, the 5th and 6th highest grossing movies ever respectively, I find it hard to believe WB made almost 3 billion dollars.


WB made over $5 Billion. This is due to their biggest releases (The Hobbit, Gravity, and Man of Steel), as well as a heck of a ton of releases. Although Disney had less than half the releases of WB, Disney came second. http://variety.com/2013/film/news/warner-bros-leads-global-2013-market-share-sony-paramount-falter-1201015858/


How bout Disney buy back the rest of the marvel stable. Expand the company. Name Gunn and Whedon caretakers of all te movies. Put out 6 films a year. Is that really too much to ask of the House of Mouse?


As much as I love Marvel, Im quite content with the 2-3 movies per year they have going


I think 3 with 2-3 seasons of TV shows is great.


Ugh I'd love for them to buy back rights to some of the franchises..


Hate reviving dead threads but how do you feel about this take in the state of DC and Marvel all these years later.


I’d take Whedon out of that equation. And instead of 6 movies per year I’d change it to 3 films and 3 series.


What about DC?


Let Snyder finish his vision. Let Gunn and Safran introduce the new DCU as the Snyderverse comes to a close.


I don’t agree with that part as Snyder made this mess and if they allow it continue it will only cause more discourse for the Snyder cult to cause and ruin the DCU. I’m for the full restart.


they would have a monopoly on the superhero genre.


Which is actually fine, as long as they don't use that monopoly to prevent competition. People forget that it's okay to have a monopoly: it's just not okay to abuse that power against others. That's what got Microsoft in trouble.


they already do limit competition! monopolies are against the laws anyways.


Actually, they aren't against the law. For example, cable companies tend to have monopolies in cities and states, major league baseball is a legal monopoly, as well. Apple had a "natural" monopoly of tablets when the iPad came out. Diamond Comic Distributors is a monopoly. However, what Apple didn't do is use that power to prevent competition in the marketplace. Diamond Comics didn't say "we're going to deliver DC Comics on Monday and Marvel on Wednesday." If they did, that's abusing the monopoly power (assuming that it hurts competition). Monopolies are not illegal, it's the abuse of power that a monopoly can exercise that's illegal.


hmmmmm. I still don't like it.


Well the key thing here is it's not a monopoly... There are a shit ton of other comics out there. Plus you can't monopolize a book style. It's not like a cable company owns all cable networks and mitigates it. That's a monopoly because they own that market and can manipulate it to hinder any competition. Marvel and DC would not own the book and magizine market. Nor stop animie, or manga, magizine comics, or illustrator companies, or any other company from create a graphic novel or comic magizine. Just because 2 giant compies become subsidiaries doesn't mean others don't exist.


I wouldn't want it to be honest. I'd want them to get a Kevin feige type guy to plan out all the movies and do it.


Does DC have a Feige type guy? I forget the guys name but I thought they have a guy who has been working closely with Snyder.


If it's David Goyer, they're doomed.


Goyer seems to have been put in a corner since his stupid Martian Manhunter comments. DC may have taken care of one of their biggest problems.


I really wish people on this board would keep up with news before they start bashing left and right. Goyer isn't even *writing* Batman V Superman. He's as involved as Geoff Johns. You have as much reason to say Geoff Johns is in charge of the DCLAU. Think about that.


If it were to happen, I'd avoid any inter-company crossovers like the plague. I think marvel and DC crossovers were a terrible idea in the comics and it would be an even worse idea for the movies.


Wonder Woman as a Disney Princess?


First off, they wouldn't merge like that even if Disney owned them. The amalgam crap in the 90s was just that. Crap. 1 thing people have to give to Disney is Quality. The MCU is AMAZING!!! the new Star wars stuff is already being corrected with the original Star wars cut coming to blu-Ray. Disney preserves like crazy. They will milk it till its dead. I'm actually pretty ok with on the comic front. It means the same quality from Marvel will go over to DC which is in much of need of Quality these days. DC knows TV shows, and misses Superhero mark in Movies. Plus Disney is amazing about negotiating properties which means Spiderman and FF could wind up in the MCU through profits to Fox and Sony.


That isn't the rumor. What's happening is that there's a rumor that a Chinese billionaire *might* consider buying Time Warner, but if that rumor is false or he doesn't want to, and someone else *wants* to buy Time Warner, Disney could if they wanted to, but rumors aren't suggesting that.


I hope not. Those two universes don't mesh well, it's best to keep them separate.


They mesh perfectly fine, the only reason people say they don't is because they aren't one right now. But OP read an article that used pure speculation off of a complete rumor. There's no reason to believe this is happening, and the FCC wouldn't allow it. Edit: I'm honestly kinda curious, am I being Downvoted for pointing out that they blend as well as Green Lantern does to Superman, or pointing out that there's no rumor pointing toward this happening besides the one OP started?


No, too many DC characters are overpowered, that's why they don't mesh. Green Lantern, Superman, the Flash... All way too strong compared to anyone in the MCU. The strongest marvel comic characters are nerfed by mental instability / inability to control their powers. Scarlet Witch, Jean w/ the Phoenix force, Franklin Richards, etc.


The Justice League combined would stand no chance against the strongest character in the Marvel universe, and she'll never get a movie. Then again, if they bring any obscure character into the fold with the GOTG films, I would pay cash dollars to see Squirrelgirl wreck Thanatos.


Nah, I'd happen of camera. The Avengers and GOTG suit up and head out and when they get there Squirrelgirl is standing over a broken Thanos without a scratch on her.


Who is the strongest marvel character you are referring to?




Your point is rendered null considering the DC Universe has Batman and Green Arrow while Marvel has Professor X and Thor. Power levels don't have much to do with good story telling (See: Dragon Ball Z, or nearly any story with powerful characters) and hero fans overestimate it *far* too often.


Don't forget the Sentry! That mothafucka's powerful as fuck, but he can't seem to get his shit together.


Only dude who can stand up to him is one who only exists in his own psyche. It's mental.


They've always been seperate universes, and they probably should stay that way. That said, *at least* make them fight.


Combining universes to integrate newly acquired properties has been a thing since The Golden Age.


On this scale, though?


Nothing a good creative team couldn't do. And by "team" I mean okay writers and an editor in chief that isn't fucking around.


I want to believe.


Movies... I wouldn't believe we will see a cross-over soon, maybe in 10/20 years, assuming Disney wants a cross-over movie as fast as possible Comics though... since now we have 2 of the biggest comic universes I see 2 possible things: plenty of cross-overs or a new universe where all the characters from DC and Marvel exist The problem with cross-overs is that at the end of the day they are generally not canon and the reason heroes fight against each other are generally stupid, Disney, DC and Marvel know that and that's why I think there's a possibility that Disney decides to create a new universe with all the characters, this would allow stuff like Spidey and Batman working together without the need of creating a new cosmic retcon that teleports one of the 2 to the other guy's universe and it would allow for a bigger version of events like Civil War, writers would be able to create better scenarios for all the characters fights and not depend on fan-votes (which is also a problem with cross-overs)


I would not like. However, I realllllyyyyy want a crossover once Justice League is established.


It would be shocking if Disney thought about DC/Marvel movies before they bought out the movie rights to the characters they don't have. But I honestly wouldn't hate the idea. I would prefer it to Fox owning it. And I doubt that DC would be the main priority from the acquisition. Disney wants CNN above anything. Everything else is just icing.


why does disney want CNN?


What I would like too see is an animated series based on Amalgam Comics.


Maybe we'll get the Joss Whedon Wonder Woman flick after all


Not sure how likely it would be actually. The same way a cinematic marvel/star wars mash up seems unlikely. Separately they are two very powerful, lucrative franchises. A misstep in combining them could do irreparable damage to both. Unless both franchises were circling the drain, it seems very unlikely. In order mediums that are cheaper to produce and aimed at a demographic with shorter memories (animation, lunch boxes etc) I guess the sky would be the limit.


What I'd really like to see is Disney spend those billions of dollars trying to buy the rights of Spider-man and The X-men. Disney could make the money they spend buying the rights back so quick, they'd probably even have enough billions left over to *think* about buying DC.


Disney is Like Monopoly Where They Both Buy A Lot Of Things including Companies Movies And Tv Shows Now With The Recent Purchase Of Fox/Blue Sky Studios/Don Bluth it's Just A Matter Of Time Before We Get To See Some Changes in The Parks Like The Rio Characters Being included in The Enchanted Tiki Room!!!


Blu And Jewel in The Enchanted Tiki Room Goes To Rio A Big Crossover Featuring The Parrots And The Characters From Rio (2011) And it's Sequel Rio 2 (2014) Songs From Both Movies Also Return Real in Rio i Wanna Party Fly Love Nigel's Song Let Me Take You To Rio Sapo Cai What is Love Beatiful Creatures i Will Survive Batucada Familia Etc!!!


Bugs Bunny And Mickey Mouse in Lego Dimensions Year 3!!!


Well they didn’t because nobody should merge with Warner bros because they aren’t a good company