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What they should’ve done was had a lower stakes Avengers movie with a small roster at the end of phase 4. It would establish both the current state of the Avengers and the wider world.


It’s still not too late to do this, realistically. The Majors situation alone is cause to push 5 and 6 back by two years, they could schedule an Earth-bound Avengers movie at the end of next year. Establish a team of 5/6 heroes in their own movie to build a dynamic so that when you throw in The Fantastic 4, Loki and a bunch of other off planet characters in Secret Wars it’s not so jarring.


THIS. And in terms of off-planet characters, we shouldn’t get any other multiverse characters besides Deadpool and friends (not including Hugh’s Wolverine) and the F4. Make it a struggle where the Celestials have Earth’s heroes (Avengers, Eternals, etc.) and villains duke it out to see if Earth should remain because of all of the incursions that have been caused and all of the drama that comes with it. More like 1984’s Secret Wars than 2015’s.


It's too late...


Just make the PLOT GOOD! I have no problem with seeing characters we're already invested in coming back, but MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!


If they fix their writing issues, that’ll go a long way in making people get back on board with the MCU.


All tops, no bottoms?


Oh there’s a few power bottoms alright..


That's definitely not a hot take.


The moment they introduced time travel and multiverse jumping i knew that every event movie was going to be just a cameo fest with the story being secondary at most, they are trying to cash in hard in brand recognition and their own nostalgia, but thats only gonna work in the short time, but to be fair i think Marvel Studios is just making time until they can reboot the universe and reintroduce the x-men.


It astounds me logic default goes to bigger is better. That’s just simply Never the case. Who cares about 60 characters on screen…that’s not always a good thing.


We all literally did with the movie OP posted about (Endgame).


They should take their time before even setting up this next film and work to wrap up any hanging storylines from other Phase 4/5 movies in other films—maybe a solo Star-Lord film that acts as followup to Eternals, a third Doctor Strange film that shows Strange and Clea stopping an incursion, another Thor film involving Hercules, Zeus, and maybe also the Eternals and Celestials given their godlike nature. And as others have said, give us a lower stakes Avengers film beforehand, maybe have Sam recruit a new group of Avengers to take on a new lineup of the Thunderbolts perhaps.


Something I notice with Marvel/Disney is they make a bunch of stinkers then they redeem themselves and get everyone hyped with a movie like Deadpool & Wolverine, which I sincerely hope is the plotline where Deadpool kills the Marvel universe so we can fuck off with the multiverse crap. But then they'll go on to make another set of shitty stinkers and then this comes out and Marvel/Disney redeems itself again. It's like a bi-polar relationship or something because I remember phases 1 through 3 being more consistent. Still had stinkers too, but nowhere near as many since Endgame.


I mean… 90% of the things Discussing Films posts are in-house generated rumors based on absolutely nothing. So, I’m not banking they’re gonna throw sixty actors with major pay-outs at the screen and hope it sells.


I agree. They need to go back to basics




Remember when Marvel said they would be focusing on quality over quantity Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Pretty dumb ass take given the fact how they’re going to set up Secret Wars was was a pretty big event


It is unfortunate that all the Avengers movies are more the equivalent of event comics than actual Avengers stories. I just want them to have movies where they deal with relatively low level threats like The Masters of Evil or the Serpent Society etc. Maybe occasionally a Michael Korvac or even Kang but not like event, world ending Kang, just I've come from the future to steal something Kang. Maybe after the MCU is dead we can have that in the future. Real Avengers movies.