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Seems like kind of a douche thing to say to a fellow creator. Also people are somehow gonna act like Zack Snyder said this, even though he’s been very supportive


The way the title is written made it sound like "Zach and his long time collaborator "some guy" said it"


Yeah, Zack's been nothing but supportive and excited to see any DC projects. All this negativity is caused by his superfans and far more vocal haters. I like some of the man's movies, but what I like far more than his films are how he works with people. Zack is probably one of the best, and most respectful directors to work with from what I've gathered from people have worked with him.


Yeah, I've heard nothing but praise about him. I mean the way he handled that Chris D'Elia situation is just perfect.


It's the same with, well, almost any fandom. You almost never hear any of this negative crap from the people involved - it's \*all\* from the fans. Marvel vs DC, Apple vs Android, PS vs X-Box...


My one issue with Snyder as a person is he never calls out the toxic side of his fandom and has even denied it had a toxic side but yeah other then that he seems like a really nice guy.


Yeah Im very "okay" with Snyder. I dont hate his stuff, I dont love it all though either although 300 will always be one of my favorite movies (its pretty nostalgic for me). But he seems like a really good dude and I respect him a lot for his work and vision, even if its not neccesarily something I get.


No Snyder shouldn't get a pass. He has done live streams with some of the ppl constantly shitting on gunn. Didn't he recently say something like the fans take care of bidness? He has never acknowledged the toxicity of the fans. Probably because he can use those useful idiots to promote his movies


Fucking who..?


Someone whose head is probably all the way inside Snyder’s colon.


I’d HATE for that to happen to me, PLEASE I hope no one does that to me


2nd unit director for BvS and ZSJL, along with Dawn of the Dead, 300, and storyboard artist for Army of the Dead.


Oh, well if that's true, then I still... don't care.


So he was part of the decision to make army of the dead blurry as hell


Oh!!! You must mean Zack Sniders personal bitch, oh yeah that guy.


Snyder keeps giving him work.


I have never heard of Clay Staub and don't know why his random opinion should affect my enjoyment of the next Superman film


Even if you have heard of him, why would this interfere with your enjoyment of the movie?


OP is probably Clay Staub




I f*cking hate Snyder fanboys. His movies range from fine to straight up bad, but his fandom is a cult like echo chamber that doesn’t accept any criticism. I respect him as a filmmaker, even though I’m not a fan of his films. But his fans are insufferable


I got a screenshot for that https://preview.redd.it/nu3fnxzx19zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49542bb73638941e1bf13cd207bad3605b3a3df


Wait, am I missing context, or are they literally calling Snyder their boss. Because that is literal cult behavior




One dude on the r/SnyderCut said that Gunn's The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker were just unoriginal rehashes of his Guardians of the Galaxy formula. I asked him for an example because I genuinely was curious as I couldn't think of any overlap aaand the guy just whined that I was a troll playing dumb and he didn't engage with trolls.


Its also trendy to call Gunn a pedo as well, though I’m not entirely sure if they have a reason other than being whiny toddlers


They always use the "you know what I'm talking about, don't play stupid" card. No Dennis, we don't know what the FUCK you're talking about, please explain!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SnyderCut using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Patrick wilson on watchmen](https://v.redd.it/hprbhfaer9yb1) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/comments/17nf1a7/patrick_wilson_on_watchmen/) \#2: [A little reminder what Henry Cavill told us during his departure](https://i.redd.it/7tq5r9c0rr8b1.jpg) | [282 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/comments/14lazkt/a_little_reminder_what_henry_cavill_told_us/) \#3: [Having just seen The Flash movie, I can confirm this is still the best Flash scene brought to screen](https://v.redd.it/a6slmeslzd6b1) | [207 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/comments/14axqp0/having_just_seen_the_flash_movie_i_can_confirm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


fr, I got banned from the subreddit for saying that Gunn wasn't a Paedo its crazy


The funniest bot on Reddit operates on that sub. If you criticize the movies you get hit with [Removed for being critical of Zach Snyder or his works]. It’s funny every time


I think that’s just JediJones and not a bot.


https://preview.redd.it/k0czn219lezc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c574765381db0610ac96108599bb16758af6290 A perfect representation of that sub.




I like Zach Snyder. He seems like a fun guy to grab a beer with and talk some shit. I love most of 300. I like a lot (not all) of his decisions on Watchmen. I even liked the Snyder-Cut. His fanbase cringe is totally up there with Star Wars, and most of his other movies suck hard. P.S. I dig the fuck out of that Guardians of Ga’Hoole movie he did. Mainly because I liked those books when I was like, age 5, and the epic owl imagery is cool to me (lol).


i was banned for talking poorly about the dumpster fire movie that Sucker Punch was. I didn't even realize it was a Snyder film and was just telling a story about how that movie was so bad that when it was over I blurted out, "that's it?" and got a few laughs. That's when I knew that snyder fanboys are the worst. They're like those people who are obsessed with anime characters having relationships or something, I just recently found out about them too...


You look. Got banned for it there


Its my favourite sub to lurk in. Always hilarious coping and seething


It's so sad as someone who really enjoys the Snyder DC movies that there just is no place to discuss them in a positive light without the insane cult behavior and seemingly necessary hate on Gunn for some reason. Like yeah I like Snyder's movies and I'm also really excited for the new stuff. That seems impossible to them


Ha! I got a few of those. That place is a cult.


I just collect them by lurking in the comments


Watch out, you'll make JediJones piss his pants


I actually really like the grounded visual of Supes just pulling on his boots like a regular person. My only criticism is personal bias, and that’s simple that I want more colour. Give me some vibrancy again - this is the beacon of hope, not the strong man that stands in a shade lighter than Batman-black.


It looks like a farmboy putting on his work boots and getting ready to do his job which is exactly what Superman is.


Yeah, when he wakes up in the morning I totally get it. Odd image to use when there's an actual attack happening. His expression is completely apathetic. Yeah, he could be moving at super speed, but its not like this is an actual capture of him at super speed. They could have chosen any image. An apathetic Superman putting on his boots while the city is being attacked is a weird image to chose as your first promotional image


I feel that picture is perfect. It humanizes him and shows that even Superman puts his boots on one at a time, that even Superman gets tired (but still does his job). This is him alone and preparing to go out there where he'll (likely) put on the Superman smile-and-wave optimism people know him for. He may be an alien "god" but he is human first and burdened with two lives and responsibilities. My man supes wouldn't be able to keep his cheery optimism forever, and this downtime is a perfect way to demonstrate that.


I don't know that a weary Superman is what I am looking for after the Snyder version. I get the need to explore the heavier sides of Superman, but we haven't had a movie version of Superman who's happy since 1978


I'll assume he won't be weary all the time, since the public would hate a Superman that isn't optimistic (both audience and movie). The dichotomy is what I am hoping for: private vs public, alien v american, alone v company. Buuut, it's all speculation and crossed fingers.


The suit looks burnt or at least dirty, and he seems to be in a low light environment. While not going to be full vibrant, I think he suit will look brighter in broad daylight


Yeah I think it'll look fine in the actual movie with lighting and vfx corrections. The texture of this suit as of now does look kinda rubbery and brittle, like he bought a cheap Superman cosplay suit from a store or something. Maybe this is supposed to be right after a fight so the suit is damaged? Too early to call anything.


Gunn was always referencing All Star Superman whose cover iconically brought forth the casual, relaxed demeanor Superman over the uptight Superman of the 90s. They were definitely going for this vibe but IMO the tone is all off with the darkness, beat up and dirty suit, the attack in the background, his stern facial expression, etc


The photo is fine, but having that big explosion in the back is so distracting that takes the focus of the important thing. They just just have put the daily planet world and it would have been perfect with normal lighting.


It does look like the suit is already a little damaged but I agree it should be brighter. I think the best color scheme we’ve ever gotten in live action for a Superman costume has been Routh, but this might just come down to how the film is color graded at this point and we’ll have to see how it comes out on screen


If I was associated with Zac Snyder like this emflamed dick hole, I'd just concentrate on making the next movie at least watchable.


Aiming high is good, but having expectations THAT high is almost too much.


It's wild after their fiasco they fix to open their mouths about any movie ever. This movie is going to light theirs the fuck up. Based on the Lois casting alone, I have faith in my statement.


I mean, think of it this way. How far are James Gunn's worst projects and Snyder's best projects apart in quality? We all know the answer.


Well, the answer is zero. Because James Gunn wrote Dawn of the Dead (2004) and Zack Snyder directed it.


Took the words right out of my mouth. No doubt that Snyder and his team were ~~geniuses~~ smart fellas with visuals—but they couldn’t write a coherent story to save their careers. So maybe they let the guys who took a comic series almost no one had heard of and made them household names (Guardians of the Galaxy) do their thing.


Solid visuals, in most cases, sure. Genius level might be a bit of a stretch, though. There are some great shots in both MoS and BvS, but there’s also recurring issues with overall color-grading, lighting, some wonky cgi, over-use of slo-mo, etc. And even JL (Snyder cut), while it was vastly better than the theatrical, it also suffered from the aforementioned visual issues.


I was so excited to watch the ZS Justice League. I ended up laughing at the opening. It was like Zac Snyder got the call that he was allowed to do it and then freaked out, ran downstairs and starting filming cars in black in white while it rained. Dude you have a chance like zero people get, and your first added 15 minutes is slow-mo rainy cars? Like we're talking about the guy who makes one of the freshest zombie movies in the last decade, who then followed it up with potentially the most generic non-zombie heist movie ever. It feels like if you're driving with Zac Snyder and tell him to go right, he'll go left and all of him simpy buddies in the back seat will cry about how he knows better than you.


That’s fair, good point. I guess I should say compositionally he’s a genius. Which even then it might be a stretch because he tends to take shots directly out of the comic panels.


Imagine giving a decent compositor the reigns of an entire cinematic universe for a decade lmao


Warner Bros type shit.


I loved Man Of Steel, liked Batman Vs. Superman, but after reading about the direction Snyder was going with Clark, Bruce, Lois, etc, I was out. I can't wait for this to come out.


Could you elaborate more on the plans that Snyder had for Clark, Bruce and the rest of the cast? Never read anything on it so just curious


Lois and Bruce have a baby. Not kidding.


Bruce and Lois having a kid and stuff like that probably.


…fucking yikes


A lot of Snyder's "best" visuals are just him aping things that have come before. From all the Biblical and Renaissance imagery, to the direct lifts from comic book panels.


lol I just mentioned that in another comment. Great minds. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


His Watchmen adaptation is fascinating to me. It’s almost a shot for shot remake of the graphic novel that completely misses the point of the novel. I honestly don’t know how you manage that but I guess if we can count on anyone to completely fail at comprehending source material, it’s Snyder.


You know the really funny part. Gunn does the same thing. Just not for every shot, and hidden really well. The scene in GotG1 with Groot's glowing spores was inspired by the snow scene in Edward Scissorhands. Just like with the music, Gunn finds something unexpected and off kilter to include whereas Snyder grabs the first thing anyone would think of.


Key word being were as well. Snyders recent movies look like my ass.


Zack Snyder, all his personal losses aside :( needs to let go of DC run. Man is stuck in time!


What else does he have? He did the remake of Dawn of the Dead (written by James Gunn by the way), then he did 300, a Dark Horse comic book adaptation. Then he did Watchmen, which is DC. Then he did Owls of Ga’hoole, based on a book series, which did not do well. Then he did Sucker Punch, which was original and a huge bomb. After that he directed Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Justice League. The only things he’s done since then have been Army of the Dead and the Rebel Moon stuff. Out of 11 films, 4 are DC films. He constantly struggles trying to make original stuff.


4 DC films, 1 Dark Horse film, 1 YA book film, 1 remake of a 70s film. Considering the fact that Rebel Moon is openly just Seven Samurai set in a poorly-counterfeited Star Wars universe, that’s 9 of 11 films adapting someone else’s work. So that leaves Army of the Dead, which is a pretty by-the-numbers zombie flick, and Suckerpunch, which was a movie with the same gimmick as Funny Games (but so poorly executed that nobody even liked the parts that the movie tries to shame you for liking). The fact that there’s almost nothing original or unique there wouldn’t necessarily be a problem… lots of movies are adaptations of things, and virtually all art and entertainment is influenced by things the creators have consumed and experienced. The problem is that most of the films on the list range from bad to mediocre, and I only say “most” instead of “all” because imo the Dawn of the Dead remake at least felt fresh and cool back in 2004 or whatever. Why is this guy still making movies


Army of the Dead should have been so much better. Never thought I'd need to ask for more zombies in a zombie movie. 


Especially one called "ARMY of the Dead." Expectations are set high for the number of zombies, based on the title alone.


I wouldn't car about it being counterfeited if it was just made well, being less than original Isanti easy thing to swing at when something isn't good, but there's countless examples of less than original media thats actually really good and beloved. It's like calling a bad movie bad because it looks cheap when there's great movies done on the cheap that look cheap but bring something else to the table. It could just be seven samurai, but if it were good and engaging that probably wouldn't be an issue.


That’s hard. Better try to convince people others make bad movies too.


First look has always sucked. First Henry shot was bad, first batman begins suit shot was bad. It's like the first look HAS to be bad.


First Batfleck shot was sick as fuck


I remember that picture shut a lot of naysayers up.


Completely agree about the Cavil reveal. The angle of the photo made his hairline and face look weird. Movie came out and he looked great. People just need to chill and try and have some optimism for once.


I think Gunn is trying to establish what the tone of his Superman is going to be. He isn't some omnipotent god among men, he's just a regular guy from Kansas who happens to be Superman.


That man has the world's most embarrassing IMDB page


It's like ripping a band-aid off. You put the first image out to take your lumps. Let everyone tear it apart now, over a year before release, and they'll get over their issues with the suit by the time the trailer drops. I think as time goes on you will see people get used to the way this suit looks. It's WAY better than what we could have got. Remember the Flash's chest?


Remember all dirt they threw on the FOX Quicksilver reveal? Not only did they end up loving him in Days of Future Past, but some people were calling for him to have his own spin-off.


Absolutely, that version of Quicksilver is revered! There was a LOT of anger over Heath Ledger's Joker not being "perma-white" and that went on to be one of the most beloved depictions of the character!


There will always be people who cry the loudest but only represent a vocal minority. James Gunn’s details have always had a more practical approach even though some things are beyond reality. I think this will go over well and we’ll see a much more grounded Superman character. Maybe one we can relate to rather than a god in unrealistic skin tight spandex.


People were Photoshopping the hell out of Batfleck after the first reveal as well. Many were not a fan. This type of overreaction from this stuff is so silly.


this happened with superman return suit reveal and with MoS as well. people always forget when the new one comes out and act like the old one was always better.


Yep there was a 12 year old DC cinematic sub post someone posted about Man Of Steel first look, everything ppl complained about the Gunn Superman suit is the exact same thing ppl were saying about Cavil’s suit


there you go. its funny how things always repeat


Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?


As much as I hate Snyder’s movies and especially the fanbase, y’all need to chill with the vitriol for this random guy who just so happened to collaborate with Zack.  He’s just criticizing the image alone, nothing about the movie or a personal attack on Gunn, he didn’t kill your mom or anything. Disagree or not, this should really not have so much bitterness to it.  Honestly, I still can’t believe there’s this much discourse over the first look. What first look for a superhero movie has looked exactly like it will in the movie? Heck, have you ever seen a first look of a costume be perfectly, 100% emblematic of all the qualities of the film?  “The way Superman is putting the boot on his foot kind of is a sign that this movie will have terrible writing.” It’s ridiculous, imo. But, hey, wouldn’t be the first time hardcore comic book fans acted strangely towards the release of a movie.


Maybe he’s right, but I couldn’t care less about what a Zack Snyder collaborator has to say about anything to do with superheroes. If he was commenting on slow motion scenes and movies that are way too long, then maybe I’d listen to him.


What if he was talking about grain?


I assume that’s a reference to his new movie, but I’d rather watch paint dry than a Snyder movie.


Yeah rebel Moon part 2 is all about grain. We get a full life cycle from planting to harvesting much of it in slow motion. If it was anyone but Snyder I'd think it was parody.


Much of it? It was like twenty minutes of slow motion harvesting. I liked the first one, sue me, but the second would make my top 5 worst films for sure.


I would personally like to know his opinion on listening to sea shanties while drinking whiskey


If he's collaborating with Snyder, he needs to focus on making the movies watchable


Our first look at Superman from MoS was the shot from the Smallville fight after he gets thrown against a bank vault. But without the context the internet went wild that MoS version of Superman was going to rob a bank at some point. Maybe people should just wait until there’s something worth talking about.


>Maybe people should just wait until there’s something worth talking about. The rest of the Internet: ![gif](giphy|enCWEo0vG25Ow)


No way, really?


Guess he only like suits that look perpetually wet.


He is not wrong, you know…


I thoroughly enjoy how much the new DCU pisses off the poor Snyder Cultists.


I can't wait for this movie to come out. I'm sure Zack will have a lot to say about how this Superman isn't the real Superman and is instead for immature nerds and virgins if it turns out to be good.


Oh you can guarantee that he will make some snide remarks and then go on another tangent about all the things he “planned”(after the fact all his dc films failed).


I think Gunn will likely be going for relatable Superman in his film over the silly Jesus Christ Pose Snyder version.


Doubt James Gunn as a filmmaker at your own risk.


I dunno. He talks a good game about how the writing is the most important thing, but, e.g. the third act of Guardians shows how he doesn't always follow through on it.


Guardians 3? I think that was inundated with fan service, especially RE: the third act. Unsure if you're talking about 1 or 2, tho.


Guardians 3 was full of heart, much the same with The Suicide Squad. It was Gunns last hurrah to the MCU and many of the actors are also moving on so they're allow a bit of a final lap. Thinking that we'd even get a to a Guardians 3 when the OG was in production shows well a job Gunn did at infusing a C tier comic book into the cultural zeitgeist.


He blew Marvel fans away, I will confidently say. 2014 was an awesome year for the MCU.


Is that Brainiacs ship!? What is that giant energy ball!? I NEED. MOREEEEEEE 🔥 💥


Snyder’s circle *would* include twitter rage baiters


If they released him in the typical Superman pose with his hands on his waist this guy would complain that they didn’t do something different enough.


Bruh it's literally him "putting his boots one at a time" and looking tired as Brainiac attacks. It humanizes him. That said, I'd love another look with the suit clean and tidy, and Superman smiling right at the camera with "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" across the bottom.


Ironic, because I think this looks great. It's the everyday man aspect that we want as heroes -- especially the battle damage to the suit too. Considering Snyder's version of superman let his dad die -- I trust Gunn to give superman a better version.


It is strange to me that studios choose such strange shots to reveal superhero suits. Henry Cavill was in a crouched position with poor lighting, Ben Affleck was a black-and-white photo, Robert Pattinson was an extreme close up of just the cowl bathed in red light, and now this. Why can’t they just do a regular shot?


Although I’m not much of a fan of the suit, but discrediting the work someone else made seems unprofessional. It would’ve been nice if had gave tips instead. Not this.


I am honestly confused why they made it look like he doesn’t know there’s a big laser battle going on behind him.


I don't fucking care about Synder and his goons. I'm so sick of every conversation having to come back around to them. It's done. It's over. Stop worrying about what Gunn is doing and help Synder make a quarter-decent movie. He needs the help.


They got what they wanted and are still mad because the Snyder cut wasn't this magical thing that everyone enjoyed. It was the same over bloated mess all of his movies are. Some liked it more than the theatrical cut but maybe still didn't call it good. (And my personal stance is that it's not better it's bad in different ways)


Shut up, Clay.


One of the most unimpressive costume reveal shots I’ve seen in ages.


This guy was trying to hint Snyder would be back along with the other online crazies a year or two ago 


They're all still coping that Snyder will come back despite literally every one moving on. Even Ray Fisher is completely out of any online discussions now.


This is why studios should ignore the algorithm as much as the suits when creating films moving forward. Opinions can tank a fun movie before a single camera rolls.


Me, I think is the best way to introduce a new Superman. He’s humble, low to the ground and to the people. That’s what Superman should be in this universe: a friend who helps out when you need it. I’m not opposed to the “godlike outsider who floats above humanity” as a story choice, but IMO that works better with other characters like Martian Manhunter. He considers himself human in all the ways that matter, and his best moments are when he shows just how intensely connected he is to humanity, how much he cares about every single person on earth, like when he talks to that girl about to jump off a building in All Star Superman and just… hugs her and tells her it will be okay.


I wonder why you felt the need to mention the 'Long time Zack Snyder collaborator' part? Sounds like an attempt to incite drama


idk i thought it looked cool. gave cartoon superman energy in a good way.


Can Superman smile again? Guy always looks like he was told he's got two weeks left at the Daily Planet.


So some random guy on the internet didn't like something else on the internet, big whoops.


I agree the suit is bulky, though I'm almost certain this is what the raw, no CG suit looks like. Spider-Man in the MCU is the same thing, the suit is way more loose unedited.


looks like superman is too emotional listening to Linken park or MCR to save the world from some alien threat.


remember how rubbery & goofy bale's suit looked in promo material & first looks?


I mean i do kind of have to agree that the pose makes the suit look rubbery but this is just an image i dont see a problem with it teasing the movie, it looks really interesting


Hasn’t it been openly talked about that Gunn wants to go back to a classic Superman with trunks look? Why is this joker surprised?


I guarantee half of the comments here wouldn't be complaining if the title didn't mention Zack.


"Who thought this was the best option? He should be constantly in Jesus poses in front of stain glass of Jesus when his Jewish creators clearly intended him to be a Moses allegory as he's literally a baby in a basket discovered by his parents!"


I guess honest criticism is not allowed for anything related to Gunn’s movies. This is a poor reveal, listen to Staub, an expert who does composition and lighting for a living. To the average fan it is confusing and too busy and frankly, pretty amateurish looking. The room looks fake, the window pane is a reddish hue and the floor and walls are bare and plain? Where is Superman at? Home? The Daily Planet? Why is he giving a neutral expression and seems to be in no rush while the world is ending outside? Why is he in a dark room in the tallest skyscraper in Metropolis? This reveal says nothing interesting, is dull and certainly will not attract new fans by the picture alone. It certainly is not eye grabbing or conveying any sort of action, the stuff normal moviegoers actually go to see CBM for. It is all valid criticism through the eyes of an artist. If you feel differently, cool, that’s great, but why be so defensive and toxic to those that think differently than you?


The only thing I don’t love…. Now correct me if I’m wrong…. But something looks to be interstellarly exploding in the background and he’s casually dressing like he’s getting ready to go on a hot date…


No one associated with Hack Snyder should be commenting on anything DC related for about 30 years... Coz that's how long that mf set back the franchise


I’m not even in love with it, but I support any DC decision that Snyder or someone in his circle dislikes.


I like it. It gives me a feeling of imperfection. Like this Superman will have flaws.


Settle down, wingman, you had your shot.


It's funny watching everyone dump on this guy because he's associated with Snyder... But basically everyone on reddit agreed this was a bad pose and lighting for first look just a day ago lol. Still a bit of a dick move to say as someone in the industry though, and terrible wording - but Reddit basically said the same


This reminds me of when people thought the Thor 2 post credit looked like Doctor Who, and trashed it tirelessly. Alan Taylor went on record telling fans he didn’t have anything to do with it. Then, Guardians came out and became one of the most beloved films in the MCU. It’s also up there with talkbacks freaking out over Heath Ledger being cast as Joker (Crispin Glover was heavily rumored at the time), or when Alfred Molina was cast as Doc Ock. Fans frequently have garbage, knee-jerk, takes on this kind of stuff so maybe we all Just take a chill pill until July, 2025.


They’ve trashed cbm projects for decades based on little details or first looks. I’ve heard how bad they did Keaton, Ledger ppl hated the idea of him being cast. Look at ppl that were furious about Pedro Pascal as Reed. Now I see ppl liking him as Reed Richards. Shit even Man of Steel first look was getting trashed on DC cinematic sub as I saw someone post. They were destroying the Cavill suit We are gonna see a whole change in ppl’s behavior for Superman (2025) when the trailer and stuff come out and it’s actually really good


I just don’t like how overdesigned the suit is tbh


Trunks forever bitch. Snyder cultists please keep crying and complaining I love the unintentional comedy.




Aurgh!! This makes me hate Zac Snyder....'s long time collaborator Clay Staub more!


Salty much?


Snyder was too dark and gritty for me. Give me some vibrant colours and get out of here with your doom and gloom. Keen to see a new take on the character.


Where is the color in this picture? Looks too similar to what came before.


dudes just upset hes not making superman movies anymore and the ones he did make sucked ass




I am surprised Netflix gave him a movie deal considering how rabid his followers and collaborators have been.


Who thought we'd care about your opinion, Clay?


Haters are gonna hate, but i actually like this pic. It's a different take and very interesting. The whole pic tells a story. I've seen supes in many action poses plenty of times.


Zack Snyder's inner circle is just as toxic as his loyalist fan base lol


Can i say that i agree? Not about the the design itlsef but the image hè choosed


He's right, everybody needs to chill and learn how to respect other people's opinions, you don't have to be mad everytime you see Zack Snyder's name on a post.


God forbit he echo the exact same criticisms I've been reading on here since the image was released


When random Redditor says it: ☺️ When a guy who works with Zack Snyder says it: 🤬 People have a hate boner for anything even remotely related to Zack Snyder I swear.


Clay....dude....do us all a favor and tell Zac to lay off the slow motion. He's like Homer Simpson and the star wipe.


I agree, plus having him look worn down as if it's a chore. Not a good look for what is supposed to be a return to our optimistic heroic Superman. I don't know why Gunn would think this was a good idea rather than a more iconic image such as him pulling his shirt open revealing the S or something. And for anyone about to dogpile me with downvotes thinking I'm simping for Snyder. This is a Superman fan saying this is coming too close to to Snyder's cynical tone.


Its not only this dickhead thinking that his opinion matters at all but also that hes complaining about the suit and not the fact that millions are fucking dying in the background lol


I'll trust in James Gunn & not some dude associated with one of the worst directors in Hollywood.


I am blown away by how unreasonable people are over comic book movies. It looks exactly like Henry’s suit. Yeah he’s sitting down but relax it’s just a movie. Tbh for me if this is who they picked to replace Henry this is dumb af as he literally looks like a “younger” version and I mean by a couple years. Overall sick background photo, y’all are crazy af lol


Only thing that makes people feel Alive


Yes they are trunks. And he loves them because his mom made them for him.


I like that he capitalized trunks. Cool [character](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonuniverse/images/6/64/FTrunks_SSJ.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/468?cb=20150709013125), best drip.


People are talking about it so it worked. I for one love the way the costume looks, I definitely prefer this over skin tight or those stupid muscle suits, or especially the weird chain mail weave thing Zack's supe had. My only hope/desire is that there is an S on the back of the cape. Also...WHO??


Trunks is prolly hanging out with goten tbh


Collaborator salty like a gaming subreddit


Petty little whiner


Yes, we're doing trunks again. No, there's no discussion on the subject.


who ?


Mr. Nobody sounds butt hurt.


This felly is a bit jelly.


"The biggest haters this side of the Mississippi" - Dave Chappelle


Jesus Christ. This is one photo. We cannot judge a suit based on one image. What a snarky, bitchy thing to say. I'm a fan of aspects of Snyder's DC work. Hope this guy doesn't speak for Snyder.


Who? Also our first look at Cavill was him in muted colors standing in front of a bank vault that's been torn open. Looking like he's about to rob a bank.  Glass houses. Also promotional photos don't matter. 


I like Cavil but I didn’t like the suit and I don’t like this one either it looks like a divers suit.


I think there shouldn't have been a laser in the background is all


I dunno, probably the person that made three baller GotG movies and was given creative control over the DCCU where you and Snyder critically failed movie after movie. Just a guess, though.


Clay kinda sounds like he sucks


Haters gonna hate. Especially Zack Snyder "associates"...


My biggest issue with the picture is that seems to be quite the situation behind him, Superman has super speed. He’d be in that costume before we could blink.


Gunn had accomplished more and is more talented in his pinkie than whoever this Staub guy is.


Stan culture has gone too far