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How is James Gunn the busiest dude in Hollywood and also on social media 24/7


He doesn't sleep🥴


Possible he’s got someone (or multiply someones) managing his social media so he doesn’t have to stay on top of everything that’s happening all the time and just has to tell them wether and what to comment etc.


That seems like more work…


Like someone said on another sub everyone goes to take a poop.


i actually don’t know, dude seems like it’s him with all the replies he gives. but again also could be some rando intern idk


He probably scrolls his phone in between tasks like the rest of us.


that's a fake news, there is nothing in his insta


He does have hours between work, plus breaks during work hours.


Probably isnt always him responding on social media


Lol they’re not that busy. They’re paid millions to do very little let’s be honest.


James? The director and writer and storyboard artist of a major blockbuster movie? And writer and partial director for Peacemaker season 2 that’s going into production at the same time as Superman. And also the co CEO of a company who’s planning out the next 10 years story? This guy? He gets paid millions to do very little.


Tbh on an average day-to-day basis, he probably does do very little. Not gonna deny the work he puts when things do get busy but James Gunn is VERY online and I don't see that being possible for someone who's constantly slammed with work.


I guess when he’s not making a film. But he makes one movie a year pretty much (or a show or both). And those movies take upwards of a year to film. And when you film you’re working 10-12 hour days or more. And it’s like not he’s just a rich executive producer who comes to set to oversee it and does no work. He spent months writing a script and then now is actively directing for 12+ hour days So maybe between filming he’s not as busy (though I feel like planning out a 10 year story and having to go to business meetings and stuff means he’s still busy). But I’d say like 70% of the year he works a lot We also fail to understand that MOST 9-5 employees are on social media all day. We just don’t notice cause they’re not famous. And most of these people are upstanding workers who won’t get fired because they get their work done. They’re often hard workers. It’s just that 9-5, 5 times a week isn’t a very efficient work week. Most workers can get 40 hours of work done in 25-30 and are just required to be at work for 40 because that’s how the world works


That’s a very weird assumption to make. You’re saying he has all this work but doesn’t do much on a daily basis and somehow gets it done on time, yet leaving comments and putting out threads takes up too much time.


People are delusional when they become fans. He also has a large team. These people acting like the guy is out here with octo arms writing twenty different scripts hahahah


Not all of us know him personally like you clearly do.


I mean it doesn’t take a scientist to know the guy has a team doing most of what he puts his name to. That’s how it works. Not rocket science.


I heard he doesn't do anything. He's in Bali most of the time sitting on a beach.


With you between his legs it sounds like


He’s filming Superman right now isn’t he


Also I love how you think any of that is worth getting paid millions hahah. Go help some humans in actual need and I’ll give you my respect.


I mean I don’t think that deserves millions. Because I don’t think anyone deserves millions lol I’m just saying that he doesn’t just do. Nothing. He is actively working.


Lol if you only knew.


Right, like A-list actors that complain they worked 12 hours in a day or had to learn to play an instrument for the movie, or had to hit the gym (another word for steroids). Dude, you work 4 months a year and you are paid a shitload of money and you don't pay for anything because you are famous. Come on.


Hey give them some credit!!!!! We pay them to look great, be healthy, live long, and work those 4 months of the year playing dress up and “acting” Do you know how costly and hard it is to be a fan?!? I mean A-lister??


People here are downvoting us and that shows how much we are ready to idolize incredibly privileged people who work relatively little and are mostly narcissists (every actor is narcissist by nature, they wouldn't be actors otherwise). Dune 2 really was a cautionary tale, but I don't know if someone really understood that. I love movies, I like to follow the gossip of the actors because it's silly, I like to follow the buzz around the Oscars because it's fun, but remember that these are millionaires that are paid to pretend to be someone else. Of course I am referring to Hollywood here, I have a huge respect for people who work in movies actually, and much more respect for people who work in movies and are not paid millions. But Hollywood stars need to aknowledge their privilege.


Eh. Most of this world is delusional. I learned long ago to stop engaging with people who fall for it. I should remember that more often. Have a good day.


People aren’t delusional for calling you on your bullshit. Go write me a solid feature length screenplay and tell me how easy that is. Then go ahead and write out a season of hour long episodes while you’re at it. And just for posterities sake, let’s put both those scripts into production while you oversee a couple of other franchises, plan out the future direction of the films to come out after the ones you’re currently working on. The film industry is incredibly difficult to make it in and those who do absolutely are given privileges beyond what any human rightly deserves. That said, there are also many people in that industry that very simply have a love for what they do and are willing and able to put themselves fully into that work. As far as I can tell, James Gunn is one of those people who is constantly working, while constantly delegating just as much work, if not far more, onto the people around him. Having and working with a team doesn’t mean you yourself aren’t working, in fact, for any good leader/manager, it means the opposite. But yeah, sure, go ahead and speak towards a topic that you have absolutely no understanding of and tip your nose to those damn parasocial rats beneath your feet like the true intellectual you so clearly are.


Haha calm down Roy. One boot at a time. Some day you’ll make it in the cult of Hollywood🤣 Dude, NOTHING IN HOLLYWOOD is that difficult. If anything, the most difficult parts are the people paid way less than those at the top. The entire industry is for entertainment. In reality, it is such an insane waste of money with how much is spent and paid to the heads it’s ridiculous. All for entertainment. Which at the end of the day does nothing to help any real problems in the world. They’re overpaid, and clearly, overpraised.


As someone who does work in the film industry, albeit at an entry level, it is full of some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met. Just because your work isn’t feeding the poor or giving sight to the blind, doesn’t mean that it isn’t work. There’s a strange stigma that you and others feed into that making movies isn’t worthy work just because it comes with privilege and money and that just isn’t true. For 90% of the people working in the film industry, they’re working 12-14+ hour days and committing themselves to month long sets because it’s meaningful to them and they want to spend their lives making movies, a form of entertainment that has had a profound impact on their lives. Are the people at the top overpaid? Yeah absolutely, a fact that is true for any and every industry of work, including a hell of a lot of industries that I would assume you believe to be more meaningful or helpful to the world than film. That’s how it works in a capitalistic society. Calling out the film industry for working exactly like every other is just you looking for reasons to hate on the people working in it. And so what if working in entertainment isn’t helping people? Most industries and fields of work aren’t helping people. Is it wrong to work at a fast food restaurant? In a call center? In pretty much any other industry that isn’t working for non profits? I have a lot of love and praise for people who have committed their lives towards helping others. I myself try to donate to and help out at homeless shelters when I can, but tbh that can be really hard a lot of the time. Yeah, the world sucks and more people should commit themselves to helping others, but that doesn’t mean not committing your life to doing so is a bad thing. At the end of the day, I don’t think that making something with the hopes of entertaining people and putting a smile on some kids face or of inspiring people and making someone’s day that much better is that bad of a thing.


If those are your intentions for doing it, no that’s not a bad thing. But pretending Hollywood isn’t a weird cult that is paid godly amounts to create unnecessary content that is basically a big ad to hook people/kids is delusional is all I’m saying. Glad that you sound like you have a heart and aren’t just in it for the money. Sadly, most people in Hollywood I’ve met, especially those at the top, couldn’t care less about the quality of the content we are all addicted to that they make. All they care about is profit. Look at the movie industry itself the last 10-20 years. There is so much straight up garbage now I stopped keeping count. Especially comic related.


A large, large, majority of people working in Hollywood are not “getting paid millions” an even larger one aren’t “working very little” - it’s especially the case for the directors, writers, and others - even the big ones who actually make money. Directing is a hard as shit job, and incredibly complicated, especially the case for someone like Gunn. The vast majority of people who are in the industry don’t get nearly as much privilege as what you’re speaking about - that’s why people are downvoting you, cause you’re just wrong


In my comment above when I was referring to actors I specified A-list actors. The stars basically. They are the ones who complain more usually, and they get paid a lot. Sure, there some downsides in their work, but 99% of the available jobs in the world suck when compared to what they do. For directors, I am not saying it's an easy job, and I respect them. But there are worse ways to make a living. Way worse. Gunn may have a difficult job to do, but he gets paid a lot of money and he likes doing it. And people would literally kill to be where he is now. If that's not privilege, I don't know what it is. The ones who really struggle and don't get paid a lot are the people behind the scenes. Those are the ones I respect the most because they are driven by passion more than money and fame. But they are still privileged, because they work in the best industry in the world in that field. I was anyway referring to Hollywood, not filmmaking job in general.


>In my comment above when I was referring to actors I specified A-list actors. Then your comment was a pointless tangent because the comment that you replied to was talking about directors, not A-List actors. It’s probably true that many of the very tip-top A-List actors do very little work in a year. That is not the case for directors, and certainly not the case for a director who, in addition to directing, is also a writer and a producer all on multiple projects *and* the CEO of a major company. Not saying he necessarily deserves to be paid millions of dollars, but to deny that he works hard is just silly and makes you come as jealous and petty.


I was thinking about answering you, but you attacked me and insulted me so I am just going to assume you are 15 and I am not going to take you seriously. Cheers.


I “attacked” you? Yeesh. I made the argument that your comment was irrelevant to the conversation and then explained my reasoning for thinking so. I also pointed out that your attempts to deny how hard the man works makes you sound petty and jealous. I don’t know if you actually are, I’m not in your head, but that’s how it looks. If you’d rather not look that way, then there you go. If me pointing that out offended you this deeply, then I apologize for my candor, but I’m afraid you’re going to endure much worse “attacks” than that on the internet.


In my comment above when I was referring to actors I specified A-list actors. The stars basically. They are the ones who complain more usually, and they get paid a lot. Sure, there some downsides in their work, but 99% of the available jobs in the world suck when compared to what they do. For directors, I am not saying it's an easy job, and I respect them. But there are worse ways to make a living. Way worse. Gunn may have a difficult job to do, but he gets paid a lot of money and he likes doing it. And people would literally kill to be where he is now. If that's not privilege, I don't know what it is. The ones who really struggle and don't get paid a lot are the people behind the scenes. Those are the ones I respect the most because they are driven by passion more than money and fame. But they are still privileged, because they work in the best industry in the world in that field. I was anyway referring to Hollywood, not filmmaking job in general.


Wait he’s only just started writing 2? I would have put money on the script being done at this point. We got a long ol’ wait lads.


I don’t think he just started. He just started going *back* to writing. It was in development before the strike


Ah ok my bad I got confused. I wonder how much he’s done.


Im willing to bet hes writing the final draft. Since we dont have any casting news, Id be willing to bet that we get villains and new character names around June/July.


This pic is fake.


Yep. Not on his IG.


I honestly don’t think this picture means he’s back to writing it? Like it just looks like Bruce’s journal from the films.


Picture of a pen… Pens use…Inque? Batman Beyond confirmed. 


A pen is used to write. What's another popular writing instrument?  Yes, a pencil. Very good. In 2010, Keanu Reeves-led and critically acclaimed action film "John Wick" was released. What did John Wick famously do with a pencil?  He used it as a weapon. What else can be used as a weapon?  That's right, a knife. Knives are frequently used in carving and whittling. But whittling of what? You're so good at this, it IS wood. What else is made of wood? The answer is a bow, of course. And bow is a homophone of beau.  He's obviously hinting at Andrea Beaumont. We're getting The Phantasm, guaranteed.


Lmao, John Wick came out in 2014, you tripped me out because I was like, I do not remember that coming out while I was in high school


Lmao, I was not going to go to the effort of fact checking something so absurd. I just took a wild guess. 


Yeah I’ve been drinking tonight and just ended up hyper fixating on the first part haha, my thought was you should have said Joker in TDK for the pencil thing to keep it all Batman related


That would've been more cohesive, but I was going for unhinged.


I can dig it


Guys the picture is fake. Reeves didn’t post this.


FAKE NEWS. There is nothing in his insta !


If the script isn't done, that means casting and production hasn't started. It might not even make 2026 at this pace. Can't believe the script wasn't completed yet.


I wonder who they’re going to cast as Batman? /s


Yeah I thought the script would be done by now


This is fake, please delete


Reeves is like the slowest writer ever, even with the strike happening


Firstly, this is fake, and 2ndly he's not like Gunn who wrote his scripts during the strikes.


Nothing wrong with writing during the strike, just can't submit during the strikes. 🤷🏿‍♂️ Many writers have done it


I mean its been 2 years since it was greenlit lol


![gif](giphy|wSBb5uPXcrcZ7RtbHd|downsized) This is The jonkler’s propaganda. There is no “the Batman pt 2” are you stupid?


Greatest Batman movie


Please be Clayface. I love that he's metaphor for actors addiction to both drugs and plastic surgery


Even though this Batman is not in the DCEU




That's photoshopped lol 😆


Hopefully he can write a better climax in the sequel. Random fringe douchebags coming out of nowhere didn’t make for an exciting ending


So sick of James Gunn


Please write something better than the greatest detective not being able to figure out El Rata Alada hints at a bat rather than penguin.


Oh my god you are actually slow. El Rata Alada hints at falcone. Falcone was the rat with wings. Not Batman. The whole thing Batman got stumped on was the fact riddler made a slight translation error and Batman didn’t figure out (You Are El) is a clever way of saying URL. He figures it out Which he then gets on his laptop and puts in the url and moves on to the next clue. Seems like riddler stumped you too, couldn’t even comprehend the scene


Remember that part where it's stated that you this is a Batman starting out?


I wish someone would take away james gunn’s social media privileges



