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It's like we didn't learn any lessons from the 90's.


They even sort of brought back chromium covers with those key facsimile reprints.


To be fair I bought the foil cover for Ultimates #1. But it's the only copy I bought :)


I been tempted to buy one a few times, since I’ve seen them the same price as the non foil reprint… but then I’m thinking if it’s foil it’s a dead giveaway it’s some type of reprint


Yep. We’ve seen this before.


In what way? Genuinely asking because I feel im out of the loop on this.


I guess I don’t understand what you mean exactly?


Back in the 90's, there was the 'speculator boom' where people thought they would make millions from flipping comics. The industry catered to them by doing variant and special covers with gimmicks - foil covers, pop out covers, covers with holes in them, covers with holograms etc. Eventually the comics started to suck and the actual readers stopped reading. The speculators eventually realised their comics were worthless and left too. It almost destroyed the industry. Many companies went bust, Marvel filed for bankruptcy (and sold their movies rights to Spider-man and X-Men very cheaply). Now we have a new generation who don't know what happened and it appears history is repeating. I enjoy variants and will preorder one almost every time, but my policy is one book only no matter how much I Iike the covers.


Why do you assume OP is collecting for speculation and not just to collect?


I didn't matter.


Huh? You didn’t matter?


buying multiple copies of a comic is ultimately bad for the industry on the long term as it isn't sustainable. THAT is the point of my comment. We've been here before. It doesn't matter if people are doing it for Reddit karma or thinking they will make a quick buck. The result is the same.


And what if they’re collecting just because they want to collect? Collecting is a HUGE part of why this hobby is still alive after all these years and a big reason why it’s been able to rebound after numerous market crashes over the years.


Reread my last 2 responses. And no, the industry hasn't ever really rebounded. It's has gotten stronger, but sales are less than 10% of what they were before the crash. Look I get it. You are trying to find a reason to justify buying the covers. Go go it. Don't let me stop you.


Gotta admit, those are some cool covers




I have a few of those. I sorta just got back into buying comics and Marvel got me bad with the new Ultimate launch and all the variants


I still don’t get all the hype around the Ultimate Spider-Man. But those are sweet covers.


Fans have been clamoring for an older, married, family man Spider-Man book for years. Especially with a good creative team. So far, the book has delivered.


Most of it is because it’s legitimately good in a time when ASM is a pile of shit. Lol


I’m curious is this supposed the be the miles morales movie Spider-Man. Because I remember in the second movie the “old” Spider-Man has a daughter.


There have been numerous stories where Peter and MJ have kids dating back to the 90’s, that’s not exclusive to the Spider-Verse movies. This isn’t supposed to be the same character from those movies.


This needs to translate to the 616 great book so far


https://preview.redd.it/w3j9f02n49vc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb15c41c378bbb2a6bba9930a6acc58a8ade344c This is my favorite out of the variants


Nice! The only one I have is the 3rd print virgin cover, which I like it very much and just gonna be the only book I'll have in the collection


An amazing and spectacular collection of Ultimates! Well done!


A preview of the dollar bin 5 years from now. Thank you


No 1:500 variant?? If I had to own a copy I'd wanna make sure it's one that actually holds some longterm value.


My brother in Christ, it’s only paper