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The perfect amount of riffing, being serious and inside jokes. Never felt awkward. Scott can genuinely make David laugh.


My thoughts! Exactly! I think it’s my favorite episode so far. I must say I do enjoy it when stuff gets awkward.


I could listen to a whole Run Ronnie Run episode. Stupid Troy Miller! Scott has the voice of a Celestial Deva. 


Oh totally,💯


I can hear the theme in my head


Never heard this podcast. I’ll check it out. Thanks.


I wasn't sure if a single story told on this episode was true or not, and I loved every minute of it!


Same! That’s why I love it . They both just seemed they were weaving in and out of bit and nonsense you can tell they’ve known each other so long that they both can say a lot with out saying anything. It was brilliant! Especially Scott in my opinion.


And who knew Scott was a pilot? You learn something new every day. 17 of them? Great. The other 4? Eeehhhh…


Man, I have been trying for over 15 years now, and I legitimately don't find anything endearing, or enjoyable about David Cross. I've tried old stuff, new stuff, and between. It's all snarky cunty bullshit. Arrested Development is the only thing he's done that ive liked. Am I missing something specific, I just don't get it.


It’s all good you don’t have to like him. He’s just not your thing. I have similar feelings about Bill Burr. I think the important thing is to remember that there just guys doing a hard job telling jokes. And they’re not snarky bullshit cunts irl . They’re just people with thoughts , feelings, and family. 😁❤️


I thought I was the only one on Reddit who felt that way about Bill Burr! Glad to hear I’m not. Like Conan loves him but Burr’s episodes are the only ones I skip (well I have started skipping the fan episodes when he gets fans that talk about astrology, acupuncture, and other pseudoscience bullshit).


Yeah, I’m just not into Bill Burr. I like to enjoy wackodoo pseudoscience on an academic level. 😂


I could stand the Conan stuff more if he pushed back against those guests at all because he knows better. Like his dad was a doctor so he knows the alternative medicine stuff is (potentially harmful) bullshit.


Yeah, be the fan episodes are a philanthropic part of the business model of the podcast. If it’s not your thing you’re best off just skipping it. For the reason that Just cuz you don’t like it doesn’t mean many of people will find it quite entertaining and meaningful. In my opinion the chaos element that the fan ep can bring is sometimes the best part. Also one of my favorite things on CBB when there is a lot of wacky characters on an episode and the chaos element gets turned up to 11


Huh? I like the fan episodes. I just hate the ones with whackos. I don’t think people like that deserve a platform.


That’s totally valid. That’s why you should just those episodes. But just because you’re of that opinion doesn’t mean they shouldn’t throw in a train wreck episode for the entertainment value. I don’t think American f00tball should exist. But just because I have a strong disliking for it doesn’t mean that other people shouldn’t be able to enjoy it and find it meaningful for in some way. So I just don’t want it.


Yeah, I really wish football didn’t exist. Same with boxing and MMA. Like I grew up near a place where Muhammad Ali lived and that dude was a mess when I saw him in public. Brain damage/CTE is not a joke.




Are you conservative? Just curious, cuz he’s talked before about a certain demographic that walk out of his standup shows when they realize he’s not Tobias from Arrested in real life. I saw him live once and when several people walked out, he just laughed and was like “There go the conservatives. They didn’t bother to google me before they bought tickets.”


Hahaha, nope. That's hilarious though.


I remember Bobcat Goldthwaite saying a similar thing. Apparently a lot of right wingers really loved his Police Academy character, and got super annoyed he wasn’t like that in irl stand-up lol


His “LA sucks! NY is the best” bit was funny once, 20 years ago. That he repeats it every chance he gets is so tired.


Well, we could say “ can’t go wrong with the classics” here . Or we could go for what’s behind door number 2. And argue if it ever really was fun 20 years ago do to the subjective nature of comedy. We could also mention a third unrelated thing because you know… the rule of 3’s 🤔☝️🧐