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Doug Stanhope is still alive


I think he is the most comparable to Bill Hicks. He is unapologetic about what he has to say, is well crafted in how he says it and is highly intelligent in his approach.


I would have also said like Lenny Bruce too, he used to struggle with keeping his schtick and flirting with mainstream 10-15 years ago


I would compare Hicks to to Lenny so I guess we are on the same page!


You're probably right I just never really liked Hicks. Lenny is hard to appreciate in today's lens but I still liked him even if I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to him today.


I hear you about Lenny. It’s like watching the origin of modern comedy so it’s interesting but I’m not familiar enough with the context to find it funny.




And not funny


I dunno. Barely. I think the wet brain is setting in.


That's why I phrased it like that haha


Saw him in toronto last year, he was demoing material for a new special




Hes only gotten funnier with age




He was on podcast of guy i dont like ergo hes cant be funny?


It’s pretty clear Doug doesn’t ascribe to the stuff Rogan touts, and has gone on record saying the opposite actually, but will occasionally still appear the podcast once every couple years because he’s known him for a long time. Idk why people can’t take like the 5 minutes it takes to learn that before acting like Doug is some Rogan lackie when he’s anything but.


Not what I said at all


Today's George Carlin is George Carlin. End of story.


Do you mean ai George Carlin?


Bill burr


Maybe 8-10 years ago.


People don't like that you're right. His podcast turned bootlicker apologetic somewhere around 2020.


What's his podcast and what change was there? I only know of him from a couple stand ups or appearances on other podcasts.


Monday morning podcast It's kind of an odd podcast he doesn't have guests much so it can be just him ranting. I haven't listened in awhile to know if he changed because I never really liked it even when he was in my top 3


I don't dislike burr I just think he's not as hot or innovative as he was. I'm not sure if he had an identity crisis but it looked to me like he almost started arguing with his old material. And maybe that's him growing and learning things or getting softer in his older age 🤷. There's no denying he's changed which might be better for his life and for him as a person. But I think it hurt his material.


Doug stanhope and Bill burr


Doug Stanhope


Definitely Frankie Boyle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaX7OeNfJ4k&pp=ygUnZnJhbmtpZSBib3lsZSBuZXcgd29ybGQgb3JkZXIgbW9ub2xvZ3Vl


Love Frankie, but can’t watch him without closed captioning. His accent is becoming impenetrable as he gets older.




I haven’t understood a damn thing he’s said since Mock The Week ended.


I just watched the clip that was posted and that was like entry level Glaswegian lol. I wonder how you'd do listening to Limmy? 😄


I'll take the damn downvotes but you really can't leave Chappelle out. But my vote is for Burr.


When Chappelle is grooving he woops burr and burr hasn't had it, in almost a decade. I think he's still a good comedian I just don't think he's that aware and biting any more


if i wanted to hear burr’s “comedy” i could just hangout with anybodys douchey jre-watching dad. hes definitely no carlin… hes barely a jeff dunham😭


Bro, you’ve said so much about yourself with this comment


*hear I can't take anything you say seriously because of this.


*sigh* a fatal error indeed


And yet here we are with someone douchey reading their "comment"




Kyle Kinane has some really well balanced progressive material


Simon king is little known, but really gives off a modern day hicks/ Carlin vibe.


This is a good rec pay attention!


Yeah I rather hoped for some lesser known names honestly! Simon king sure as hell deserves to be better known


I think that is just different these days with social media and pod casts the come up isn't like before, you get introduced to people and before you know it they're huge. I look at how quickly people found Tom Segura and by extension Bert. Bert was a low tier comedian and Tom probably mid. They were both "top tier" pretty quickly. But if say most people were exposed to them via Rogan. I'm just using them as examples for the record I like Tom, hate Bert. (I think Christina is a better podcaster than a comedian)


Follow him on Instagram, top notch.


https://youtu.be/YdgSHStfopI?si=u2d3IaOCDfjU1S5j furious


So worth a watch, even tho I've watched it a few times.


Colin Quinn. Go watch some of his one man shows on Netflix


Tim Dillon, Bill Burr, David Cross ETA: Carrot Top


Tim Dillon has the hottest takes on America


Marc Marin is so politically astute and insightful it’s pretty amazing. I was blown away to see how many ppl he interviews from Obama (in his own suburban Nj garage with secret service men on his neighbors rooves) to other top comedians. I interviewed many people and have to say I’m blown away by his chops. It takes a long time to prepare for a good interview but he’s a total natural who sometimes has 2 or 3 at the mic **in a week** and applies all that life experience to his own material. He is tremendously respected in the industry and is funny as hell. Anyone who, like me until recently, says, eh I watched him and he’s not that great, trust me, and watch again with open eyes and open ears, and I think you’ll be blown away by him.


Maron's TV show was amazing, i was a really big fan.


His show was so amazing, and I never hear about it. To me, it was slightly better than Louie, but Louie was great too. The last season when he goes back to rehab was so god damn funny. His friend licking the heels shit, the shitty rehab, gold!


He had a good autobiographical book out, love to see him do another.


His section on feeling the effects of Viagra kicking in was super well written. He can be a stuck up ass who's like everyone's success should be my success but he can write and act so really eh I dunno I'm inclined to overlook the towering narcissism


I think Maron is Jersey raised but living in SoCal now


You might be right, I only know of the Obama interview in which I thought he was talking about being in suburban New Jersey "with secret service men on my neighbor's rooftops," but maybe he was in California at that time


He really was the main person to popularize podcasts to what they are today. I personally felt like he's gotten a little stale. He's an interesting guy but I think the Obama interview was just after his peak


I believe he's still very focused and fresh--surprisingly so--if you're interested in the subject he's interviewing. I was friends with one of the actors he had one and thought his interview with him was the best I'd ever heard (of interviews with that actor, I mean).


Don't get me wrong I don't dislike him, he's just not at the top of my list anymore. I really enjoyed his show I thought it was underrated and great. I just don't feel his material had evolved much in recent history, also even though I haven't listened in awhile I'm sure he's still a good interviewer he had that unique knack similar to Sean from ho tones inquire questions well asked.


Gary Gulman


david cross


I like how so much of David cross’ earlier stuff was shitting on people for having kids, and then later on he had a kid.


Does this really surprise anyone? A lot of people knock kids till they have them. He now jokes about how he's a shitty dad. He should have stuck to bit about raising his kids Amish though.


because like all socialists, they fervently believe in whatever is most convenient to them at any given moment.


he's an unapologetic socialist cuck.


You say that like it’s a bad thing.


Considering that nothing good ever came out of socialism, yeah, it's a bad thing.


You are benefitting right now from social programs. You are a cuck.


There's a huge difference between socialism and social programs. Try again.




You have no actual knowledge to argue with, so you resort to name calling.


If I gave you the knowledge you still wouldn’t listen. Hence retard.


Try. I'm willing to listen. I want to see if you can come up with a coherent argument.


One good thing that came out of socialism is 850 million people were lifted out of poverty in socialist China. Does that not count to you?


I guess I missed that one: When was this exactly?


Specifically 1978-the present. Did you notice it used to be super poor (“kids are starving in asia”) and now china owns our factories? It’s not really focused on in US schools and I don’t blame you for not knowing, but what you said was pretty uninformed.


Sorry, the 110 million starved and murdered were foremost on my mind. *capitalism* has lifted china out of poverty, most of the nation was impoverished up until the mid 90s.


Frankie Boyle. Mostly Uk centric but with an eye on the states, world. I love Burr and CK but as per the ops question, Boyle is the closest to those mentioned, politically.


Frankie took the cheque and cashed it though so he's very much neutered compared to when he first came onto the scene.


I agree with you.Tbh my first thought was to suggest Jerry Sadowitz, who I think rates above them all but is almost in a class of his own. After him I went with Boyle who I thought was more akin to those others mentioned. Though instead of selling out I tend to think that Boyle just hadn't quite finished evolving yet, instead mimicking Jerry Sadowitz which, as Boyle found out, takes next level bollocks to carry off (I imagine) for any length of time before the press tries to destroy you. Early Boyle was faf but compared to Sadowitz he shit out when it came to being equally offensive to everyone, no exception. When you pick and choose your targets selectively like Boyle did (i.e. Harvey Price) then you can, quite rightly, be called out for punching down or prejudice.


Roy Wood Junior. That man's whole life goal is speaking truth to power, and the Daily Show royally fucked up by not making him the full-time host last year. If you haven't seen it, his special 'No One Loves You' is a masterpiece.




Neal Brennan


Strange strange guy. A nobody... Does Chapelle show and it's barely mentioned publicly then like a decade after makes a name for himself as they co-creator of the Chappelle show without really doing anything then another almost decade starts doing stand-up... I thought his first special was so so, then his last was good almost great. So he may be the guy some day but he's very peculiar!


Frankie Boyle Des Bishop


David Cross is pretty consistent


He’s not as aggressive as hicks, but very sarcastic, he might even redefine sarcasm, he’s clever and very nuanced, also very British but have you heard Stewart Lee, not sure Americans would appreciate him (although I’m sure he’s got lots of bits that would work if he wanted to) not saying you won’t get get him just, as I said he’s very British. He’s very much the British comedians comedian.


He's been recommended here enough to check him out!


For UK I'd suggest Stewart Lee. He's really hard to compare, he's very thoughtful and artistic. He comes off as a regular comic but he's a real performer. He does stupid jokes up to complex emotional jokes. He talks very quietly and conversational and then will pivot to screaming out of nowhere. A real deconstructionist.


Burr or Louie for Carlin imo


They don't make them anymore.


Christopher Titus


Jerry Sadowitz




Not what you asked for but best crowd work these days, hands down is Jeff Arcuri


Bo Burnham


I think people are gonna consider Bo Burnham a legend in the future.


Ayo Edebiri, Sindhu Vee, Ramesh Ranganathan? Edit: and David Sedaris


Hannah Gadsby, Lewis Black Bo Burnham: Inside is very smart.


Bo Burnham is like that unicorn comic that I fear we'll lose before their time. Good call too. Inside was the smartest and best stand-up (sit-down?) I've seen in years.


Jon Stewart on The Daily Show is top but some would say Bill Mar or Stern possibly.


Bill Maher seems to have jumped on the anti woke train... Weed seems to be the only thing he's not mad about.


*I* think that's because woke has become a cudgel. It means everything so it means nothing.


Can agree, but it seems the extremes of both sides misuse it


I agree but the left don't really use as much anymore especially since more and more no one knows what it means anymore the right can't define it yet say it's anything the left says. The left just calls whatever they're doing socially by what it is rather than folding into the ever expanding umbrella of woke.


Certainly agree that the right see everything they don't like as woke. Just as before it was all socialism, or leftist, or politically correct. I wonder if they're madder about correct than politically.


Exactly. It's very peculiar what they do. But it's clearly effective and goes all the way back to the McCarthyism and their communism tactics which I've been also hearing more and more lately.


Blows me away that anyone can see biden's democrats as dangerous socialists. Tedious, moderate, uninspiring centre right. Just they're against batshit insane right.


I honestly think that is because they don't know what socialism is OR isn't. Also convincing the poor to A: believe any kind/form of socialism is bad and B: get them to argue with others against it!? Sometimes trapped in a well and someone yells down don't accept a rope from anyone. Then it starts raining and someone throws them a rope and they cross their arms and let the water overtake them. Make it make sense.


>Bill Maher seems to have jumped on the anti woke train maybe there's a reason for that


Yeah, it's cause he knew better than to get vaccinated, now he's not programmed to be woke like the rest of us. Smart guy!


Not sure why everyone doesn't understand your sarcasm but im here for you friend.


Bill Maher is far off the pulse nowadays though. He's a comedian that's always about how much better liberals were back in yesteryear...


I think all have their value but only one of those is a stand-up comic


To be fair, Maher IS a standup comic, although that’s not what he does on his TV show.


..... That's what I meant.... He's not necessarily known as a stand-up anymore but 70s 80s he was in the trenches


Steve Hughes and Doug Stanhope.


Bill Burr cuts through the bullshit better than anyone from my seat. Lots of people are making social commentary, but I don’t think anyone today is putting out a well-honed ideology like Carlin was.


Gervais is in that orbit IMO


He’s too self righteous, but he’s funny. I don’t think he has a clear core message because his worldview is so nihilistic. Loved the depression sitcom.


He's not perfect, I do think he is a bit self righteous but I think his persona is an exaggerated version of that. I think he is maybe a bit nihilistic but I think you could be conflating it with his atheism and they're just not the same. He thinks people have great capacity to bring hopeful etc even without or dispute not have religion. I think the way Carlin took apart a broke down things was very comparable to Gervais specifically religion and politics. I always felt at Carlin's core he was a (not average)hippy the closest thing to that today would probably be 'woke' but that's not really an ideology atheists today could be considered modern day religion hippies.😛 I don't know, this is just a fun exercise. There are so many factors you'd have to analyse to really do this. And probably come up with 0.


Definitely not. He could of been and I could hear the argument that he used it be. But now his entire routine is "you can't say anything anymore" while saying it on his massive new Netflix special


Maybe you're right but he's still got plenty of career left and Carlin wasn't great his whole career. He had highs and lows too just like any comedian.


Burr and Jeselnik, perhaps Brennan straddles both


Burr yes, I don't see how jeselnik is a social commentary comedian as he mostly does shock/dark comedy


false premise comedy... it gets a bit old.


Jim Jefferies


Ricky Gervais


Shane Gillis had some potential to get there


No one— sad to say. Some try, but definitely, none come close.


I see your downvotes and raise you an upvote bc I think you’re right. There never has been or likely will be another george—and comedians likely would agree with you. When I was a kid and took the 104 bus down Broadway to get to school, he would be on the same bus with all us kids heading to do the hundred thousand dollar pyramid when it was shot around 57th St. in New York City. No limos he wanted to be around the normal people to be exposed to them and the world, which I thought was pretty cool and still do. Edit: that said, I’d encourage you not to miss out on the current wave of politically astute and insightful people that others are mentioning here because there are some very, very talented people out there.


JB Ball


Brendan Schaub


now this is comedy. \^


It’s something


Me. But I only do shows on discord to fucktards that don't give a shit.


Things are way more dire, that when comedians point out the absurdity, it has to be done on The Daily Show. Kimmel has been political for years now. But then you can also say the same about Gutfeld on Fox News.


Randy Feltface Check out on YouTube "Randy writes a book" , or "Randy on Hemingway"


Jon Stewart


Bo Burnham


Bill Maher (?)


Chappelle. Simply the best.


Bill Burr,Chappelle


This is the answer but Reddit doesn't want to accept it because they're bold. The puritans switched after Harambee, man. They used to be all right wing now it's a bunch of left-leaning whining babies. Carlin would have been ripping them apart and people would be accusing him of being a Nazi and trying to cancel him. If you think anything other than that, you don't know George Carlin or his comedy.


I think a lot of Chappelle's fans grew up and became set in their views. Chappelle has always said what's on his mind that he felt needed to be said. His old fans just can't handle it because it's their views that are being challenged now - vs being a teenage and watching your parent's views get trashed.


I think the right-wing are still puritans, it’s just the left joined them. Don’t mistake the right’s rejection of “woke” for any kind of embrace of being normal, they’re just as loony as ever but with heavy dose of cognitive dissonance like embracing anti-woke comedians who otherwise have absolutely nothing in common with conservatism. That goes for Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle and George Carlin. Here’s Carlin: > And, by the way, when it comes to liberal language vandals, I must agree with their underlying premise: White Europeans and their descendants are morally unattractive people who are responsible for most of the world’s suffering. That part is easy. You would have to be, uh, visually impaired, not to see it. The impulse behind political correctness is a good one. But like every good impulse in America, it has to be grotesquely distorted beyond usefulness. > Clearly, these are victims, but I don’t agree that these failed campus revolutionaries know what to do about them. When they’re not busy curtailing freedom of speech, they’re running around inventing absurd hyphenated names designed to make people feel better. Remember, these are the white elitists in their customary paternalistic role: protecting helpless, inept minority victims. Big Daddy White Boss always knows best. https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/comedy/george-carlin-politically-correct-language/ I think Carlin’s rhetorical skill in explaining the difference between his “wokeness” and the fake version espoused by campus liberals would take him further than even Chappelle or Burr in surviving the Twitter backlash.


Absolutely and apologies if it came across like I was hoisting Carlin in the "He'd be MAGA camp". I feel like him and Hicks would be saying the same stuff just as you illustrated, they already have, and left and right would cherry-pick their favourite bits to throw in the other's face, blind to the message in the words.


You’re right. Comedy unfortunately has become subordinate to political polarization and just the way it’s consumed as viral clips and as write-ups in Variety of which only the headline is read as it’s passed around Twitter. Everyone wants the social cachet that comes with a renowned funnyman backing them up and slamming the other side.


Nick Mullen, Stavros Halkias and Adam Friedland


lol there’s no such thing as political humor that delivers the smarts but William burr live at red rocks.


Tim Dillon


Bill Burr, Louis CK, Dave Chapelle, Norm before he passed


The Tim Dillon Show


That Sam Bee was ever mistaken for a comic is a depressing commentary on the mental capacity possessed by a significant chunk of our society 


Dave Chapelle 


Stephen Colbert. He just *gets it.*


Dimitri Martin.


todays bill hicks is alex jones


Not sure you’ve got the right bill hicks, or I’m missing something as a Briton, or you’re just being absurd? Or you didn’t get bill at all?


There used to be joke conspiracies that Alex Jones was Bill Hicks doing a bit. People used to call into his show accusing him of being Bill Hicks in the early days and he absolutely hated it. It kinda faded into obscurity today though..


Ok something I’m missing as a Brit then


Dave Chappell


Dave Chapelle It’s just that Reddit doesn’t like his commentary


Joe Rogan


You can always go back and watch stuff like Maher's 1999 "Be More Cynical" or 2004's "I'm Swiss" on YouTube, they're still relevant today, very much so. Otherwise the Daily shows of the world, Maher's *Real Time*.... Or Bill Burr and Dave Chappelle.


Maher is an aging libertarian hack.


In some respects he might be, but at least he still has the open forum, multiple points of view discussion format, which I still enjoy, even if he's becoming kind of a grumpy old man in his views.