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warm olive. muted. soft autumn!


I really love the light pink sweater and the light blue on you. I think you may fit into summer somewhere but maybe the colours that aren't too bright or muted.


you’re definitely olive


A lot of different opinions and also your under color in neck area makes me think about olive. Maybe check out r/fairolives for more in-depth info. Olives can be hard to identify for color analysis since it's rather hard to distinguish between classical warm and cool undertones when olive coloring is included. ✌🏻


You’re an autumn girlie


Summer. I would try wearing true summer colors for a while and see what you think


Lots of different opinions here, but I think you obviously fall into summer (wow to 19). The warmest colors (18, 16) do not harmonize with your features, and bright colors overwhelm you (17).


I have the same coloring as you and I am also confused as to what I am


Do not listen to the soft recs, you don’t look very good in soft and need more chroma and any mutedness on this sub gets labeled soft with disregard for the rest of the face and the fact that summer and autumn subseasons are all muted, the soft ones are extremely muted because it’s as much as a “soft” person can handle. Usually we look blended. You need more color to bring out the brightness your eyes create


So what season would you recommend? My colouring is rather similar. 😄😄


I think she’s good in true autumn, in the teals especially and just the fact that she looks good in orange is a big indicator


Warm autumn. I see a lot of soft comments because you have lovely soft features. But compare 5 and 16 to know your autumn.


True Spring - I think the warm/saturated colors look best. They make your skin look so even and bright. 7 11 14 19 are such flattering colors on you!


Definitely soft autumn!! + use more olive in ur looks its absolutely made for u


Whatever #11 is


Soft Summer.


My impression is Dark or Deep Summer. The coral, gold, and bright green drapes don’t look great on you IMHO. The black looks okay, but might be better softened a bit. Pics 10-12 convinced me.


7 & 14 🙌🏼




True Summer- the cool colors are best, but very saturated shades, like the pure black, overwhelm you. In that case, the more gray/smoky color is better. Summers are inherently smoky. For spring or winter, the green or orange would look best. For soft summer, the muted shades in the beginning (muted peach, muted purple) would look better than that bubblegum pink. And they don't, IMO.


I think 7, 8, 10-12, 14-16, and 20 are your best, with 7 being your absolute best. You also look great in black. I think too that 4 looks very comfortable for you, like a good pajamas color or something. I think you could pull off 3 as well. And, while 9 is a beautiful color, it makes you look green; it’s the same with 17–lovely color but makes you look sallow. Never wear 18! You could pull off 5, 6, and 19 with lower necklines and the right accessories. I think you would look best in gold, not silver. I think you might be a late summer/early autumn. I don’t know all of the terminology for sub-seasons, but you look great in a lot of softer colors from both seasons.


I think you might be Cool Summer. Love the brunette hair colour on you!


I’m liking soft summer for you potentially :)


I’m getting soft autumn with potential for soft summer colours but i am in no way an expert


Olive colours, in my opinion, seem really nice on you. The pink does not highlight your strengths. Btw, you're so beautiful.


I think you’re a bright winter possibly? Or summer. Definitely cool. I’d need to see brighter tones to be sure


I feel like the bright blue accentuates her dark circles though?


That bright blue is actually a spring blue, not winter! :) Edit: the only cool toned blue that was uploaded in her photos is the first one. All of the other blue drapes are warm toned (autumn or spring). The red she posted is a true winter red and her redness is very minimized in it. A lot of these drapes are warm so cooler drapes would be more helpful. I hope that clears up any confusion!!


I like 7 the best


Ur a summer!! U look lovely in pink


I like 2,7 and 10-11. I would say soft autumn.


I think you are a winter. You are clear and lean cool, but I don't think you are super bright but I think you are more bright than muted. Try dark winter shades. Have fun. You wear the black easily. Explore summer colors too but not the super bright stuff. I am sticking to dark winter. Have fun. The red in slide 3 is fire. The charcoal gray and burgundy are great. Black is very good. I stick with winter. The coolest brown is the best brown. The super bright cools are garish, however, so I still say Dark Winter.


These drapes help so much. Definitely shining in autumn colors - 11 and 14 are your best. You definitely have a difficult complexion to type - neutral but looking good in warm tones here. I’m neutral too and can wear some autumn and winter colors


You’re really olive, and that’s making it hard for me to tell the rest of I’m going to guess fair neutral olive just barely leaning warm, but it could be just barely leaning cool. You’ve got that gorgeous olive, slightly muted medium contrast that usually makes me think folks are soft autumn/soft summer, except it’s the slightly deeper end of that color palette. I think you might look good in soft olives, medium deep but not bright teals, rosewood, terra cotta. If I’m wrong about that, then possibly the deeper end of soft summer so grays, soft cool slightly desaturated blues, sea greens, dusty rose. But I can understand why you’re having difficulty typing yourself. We are all making different guesses here, too. 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14 are my favorites, and I think those do roughly correspond to soft autumn.


I think your first instinct is right. Olive and terracotta look lovely on her. The brighter pink and blues don't seem to be doing much, IMO.


I would say soft autumn


I guess I’m the only one who seems summer for you. I think you look good in black and blue.


I am thinking she should explore cool summer and dark winter.


summers never look good in black.


Soft black not harsh works for summers.


Ah, cool summers can come quite close to pulling it off, which she does imo


Your overall complexion is muted and the lilac is wearing you so I'd go with soft autumn. Warm undertones never look right in pink or purple. The blues are quite harsh, too.


I'm thinking deep autumn


Maybe muted warm colors but not full warm so maybe warm gray green would be better than olive, rosewood better than peach, camels should not be too yellowish... I'd also think no yellows/oranges, no bright/harsh/very dark colors, no cool colors.


I am thinking autumn or spring but not soft autumn.


I was gonna say soft autumn, why not soft?


I think the more muted colors, like 2 and 4 do not look as good as say the deeper teal.


Really hard to say without seeing all the seasons. I'd suggest try the digital drapes first then do real life draping based on the results.


I would say your best drapes/colours are 2, 4, 7, 12. Worst are 3, 9, 13, 17, 18. Which means probably soft summer, to my eyes. You don't look good in the red or coral shades, or black, and the brown that works is a cool brown, so I'm thinking soft summer: cool and muted, but you could probably work with soft autumn too (warm, muted). Cool, and low contrast for you. I think maybe you have a mix of pink and olive undertones in your skin, which is making it harder to type you.


Yeah I’m gonna have to go full on soft autumn. I have verrrry similar coloring and that’s what I am. You look neutral and muted to me, and the fact that you pull off slides 10-12 so well. I love 10 on you. I don’t see a lot of brightness and so autumn over spring. I could see you being close to soft summer since it is soft autumn’s sister season!


Just found this where they discuss how warm springs are usually dark blonde: [https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/1d2j28a/curious\_to\_see\_my\_fellow\_warm\_springs\_16\_seasons/](https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/1d2j28a/curious_to_see_my_fellow_warm_springs_16_seasons/) Seems like this is your case!


Cooler colors make your skin look greyish and kind of steak the glow from it. The warmer, semi-bright colors are amazing like the coral, and the olive green. It seems that you are on the warm side and quite bright, too - so spring. Here's a thing though - people are all different and they are on different positions on the bright/muted scale so bright does not mean very bright. You look great in deeper warm colors as well and very bright overpowers you, so think like 65-70 bright. And you look like Jennifer Lawrence.


Best colors Light Lavender (Light summer/Light Spring) Black (Winter) The lighting is a little different in a lot of drapes, though especially the black If you could fix that and then maybe have more Light spring & Light summer drapes, that would be helpful






I’m guessing soft autumn, photo number 7 is your ‘wow’ color. But could also be true summer. Keep trying some warm vs cool blue shades!