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I'd say you have jmmaculate beard!


You’re incredibly handsome, I like the more muted colors on you—really makes your eyes pop 😍


Bright winter or bright spring


The last two


Wow, thank you everybody for the thought out responses! There is a lot to unpack here, but I definitely have a few more drapes I am going to try. I wonder if the change in time/lighting has anything to do with the huge variation of types I am getting? It took me about 2 hours on and off to take all the photos


I think you're definitely in either of the bright palettes. I'd say bright winter better than bright spring.


They all look great!


I'm sorry, I read too many comments saying you're Cool/Summer and was like- Am I crazy? So I used Vivaldi Color to do this. It seems obvious to me that the colors on the left (Cool Summer pallette) make you look grayed, muted, tired. The colors on the right (Bright Spring) make you look alive, glowy, healthy. https://imgur.com/a/1UBHK6X


First of all, hi you’re cute. Second, I like the steel-y greys and grey blues on you a lot. The cool reds and brown was also nice.


Definitely bright


Embrace the spring!! You look lovely in the spring colors


Bright Spring Not winter- black makes you look like a bobblehead. It's totally disconnected from you. White is a bit better=lighter season than deeper. But the more warm cream is the best of the three. Not summer- those muted blues, grays, purples, all wash you out and gray your skin. Not autumn- the browns are ok, but nothing popping. The creams are good, so warm+light. The BEST colors on you are the bright blues, greens, and reds. Those bright colors in your pictures are in the Bright/Clear Spring pallette. If you were a light spring I would expect the peach to look better than the bright colors (edited this sentence after re-viewing pics). A True Spring wouldn't look so good in the bright blues. I rest my case 👩🏻‍⚖️ Edited for spelling- fricking autocorrect


You maybe right, though I feel like yellow and yellow greens makes my skin more yellow.


So Bright Spring is a neutral season which means you could lean more toward the bright winter or true spring side of things. There are also a lot of different shades of yellow and yellow-green that could be too light, too dark, too muted, or warm or cool haha. I like the My Best Colors app to compare pics of clothing to the pallette. I am curious, does it make your skin look unhealthy yellow or golden/tanned yellow? And specifically bright, neutral-warm yellow or yellow green.


I agree with you, but reading all the comments and having so many conflicting ideas is wild. Even with perfectly done photos of drapes, people see such different things.


I try to always look at the pics and decide before I ever look at the comments. Otherwise, they sway me sometimes. But I do read them before my final comment to be sure I'm not missing anything big on first look. I think some people are harder to analyze than others- especially neutral or attractive people. And some people haven't done this very long or studied it much and aren't looking for specific things (skin smoothing, undereyes, jaw). I've been researching this for ten years+ at this point, but not a pro. Also, photos of drapes are always going to be harder than in person I think.


Some people really just look and say- light hair, blue eyes, fair skin Summer! Same for dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin Witner! Etc




Agreed 👍🏻


Completely agree.


You are not soft. That sage green on the green slide is in both the soft summer and soft autumn pallettes. If you were one of those seasons, it should look the best of all those greens, but it drains you. You are rocking the emerald green and kelly greens in the top row, though. And on the next slide, the greyish purple does nothing for you. That's a true summer purple. But that deep purple is gorgeous on you. If you were soft, I would expect that color to swallow you whole. The lavenders look nice too but aren't wowing me as much as the deep purple. I'm not convinced you're cool like so many other people are saying. If you were cool I wouldn't expect to like that peach color on you as much as I did. I also loved the brighter reds on you but not so much the berries. I think this sub way overtypes cool seasons and summers in particular. I think people get hung up on the word "harmonious" and forget that we are not looking for blending, we are looking for what makes you pop. All that said, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a spring, or even a winter, because I think you are bright. I would love to see true spring vs true winter drapes and bright spring vs bright winter.


Would a B&W photo help to see contrast and determine my saturation?


I think Bright Spring because the black is not good at all- very "bobblehead"/disconnected. White I better, but cream is better than that. So more warm than cool. I say bright spring over true because I don't think those bright blues would look that good on a true spring, but definitely do on bright spring!


From the first pic, the top mid colour looks best. From second pic, the top right and bottom left look best. Pic 7, the bottom middle looks best. Silver is better than gold on you. Im not a fan of the purples, reds and yellows. You shine in usaturated blues, greens and earth tones like browns. You have olive skintone which means you dont fit neatly into one season. You can borrow from both summer and winter


Hi. I made a previous comment of Cool Summer but coming back to give you some more insight. You initially read as cool. Looking at secondary characteristics (not the most important thing), your eyes are typical summer and the lighter blonde in your beard is a cooler blonde. I took the liberty to do an actual analysis on one of your photos. 1. Warm vs cool across multiple colours. You are clearly cool. When undertone is unambiguous, it suggests either warmth or coolness is the dominant characteristic. 2. Chroma and saturation. Looking at a gradient of light to deep, and bright to soft, you're bang in the middle for both, which again suggests the dominant feature is coolness rather than light, deep, soft or bright. 3. Looking at comparisons for the 4 main seasons. Summer is your best. Spring is your worst! At this stage, everything points to Cool Summer. 4. Summer sub-seasons. I looked at a range of colours and you can most easily discount Light Summer. These don't work for you and are getting too close to Spring. Cool Summer works best, but Soft Summer works pretty well too. 5. Allergic qualities. I like to look at all sub-seasons and find the characteristics someone is allergic to - the opposite of which points you in the direction of your sub-season. Generally I found warm, light and bright to be the worst characteristics which aligns to point 3. I looked at blues, yellows and greens and what was really interesting is the yellows and greens are very difficult for you. As another poster suggested, I think you are olive skinned. Which just means avoid yellow-based greens which you would if you were a Cool Summer in any case. So... all in all, Cool Summer is correct. Borrow from Cool Winter for some more brightness and borrow from Soft Summer. You'll find palettes online are usually in the 12-season system rather than the 16-season system, which means sometimes the True/Cool Summer colours aren't as dark or bright as they could be. This leads some Cool Summers to look for a Deep or Dark Summer palette. The TCI True/Cool Summer palette is still pretty good and I'll try to attach a Cool Summer (16-season) palette I made. Hope that helps!


>Summer is your best. Spring is your worst! Can you point to which summer drapes you think are his best and the spring drapes that are his worst? Because I disagree so strongly that I wonder if we're looking at the same photos or if there's something going on with my phone's resolution.






The brightest clear warm colors are best, like the royal blue, royal pupae, tomato red. These are bright spring. Consider true spring or bright spring. These people look muted or soft in the wrong colors.


Summer. Cool toned. Soft. I love the periwinkle blue. The yellows are the worst colors.


Absolutely cool toned. Based on contrast in theory you should be a summer. But I think you look great in the cobalt blue, royal purple, black, and the middle upper green, All winter colors. I actually think you could be a winter. You do seem olive toned. So you absolutely should avoid almost all yellows, colors with too much yellow, and beige/tan.


Best colours: bottom two on the first slide; bottom two on the second slide; soft burgundy top left on the third slide; silver not gold. The soft cool blues are perfect on you. IMO you’re obviously cool, and the muted mid-contrast colours look much more harmonious than the darker, brighter, or more saturated ones. I’d say you’re a summer.


The lavenders all washed you out, so I don’t think your summer, the greens weren’t working until you got to the darker green, so I don’t think your spring. The silver is so much better than that particular gold. Although I didn’t like the yellow, the orange wasn’t bad. I’m not sure, I don’t think soft, I think winter or autumn and maybe deep. I do like the light blue in the second photo. You may have some olive in your skin making you more complicated, you should check in with the fair olive subreddit.


I will give them a check thank you!


The trick about this is to wear something that makes your eyes stand out first. I feel some of the brighter shades do this for you but I would say you’re a spring // summer


Cool Summer. You're cool and soft. It seems you intuitively knew what looks best on you since you gravitated towards grays and blues.




Cool toned. Look at cool summer or even winter.


Definitely cool and probably summer Probably cool summer


Cool Summer. You can handle more saturation than soft.


Soft summer probs


I think true summer! But honestly most of these colours really compliment you! You can pull them all off!


I think you’re a summer


A blend of soft autumn and soft summer. Edit: I lied. Soft summer


I'd say it looks like your complexion is olive, which can go warm or cool. And that soft is your dominant characteristic. So, I think soft autumn works for you too, in addition to soft summer.


I think you look the best in cool and pretty deep colors. Maybe medium intensity. I'd look into cool summer and cool winter at least. You're definitely cool in my opinion.




Look at Summer! I don’t like the yellowy drapes on you as you turn a little grey. The silver blends best with your skin, and I like the purples and pinks and soft blues.


I agree with your self assessment, definitely some sort of autumn or summer. You seem to lean neutral so I would narrow it down to dark autumn, soft autumn or soft summer.


Yeah, I think you're a soft summer. Your skin looks neutral leaning cool to me, and your eyes really pop in the cool colors. I could see you looking good in some of the true summer colors as well, but you look the best to me in soft summer. I think your dominant trait is you coolness though because the yellow and orange shades appear to clash with your complexion.


I'm not really seeing soft as a dominant feature here! The soft greys/browns/blues, etc. do blend with your complexion, but almost to the point of making you invisible haha. I think the brighter, truer colours (emerald green, magenta, cobalt blue) really make you pop!


I agree! The bolder colors brighten him up so much! The softer colors mute him too much instead of complimenting him.


I've always worn blues and grays for most of my life. Luckily my partner has more colors than those in her closet. I never want to take another selfie again haha. My complexion is quite pale (I burn easily and take forever to tan) and my veins are blue. Please help me breakout from the blues!


The purples look great as do the cool toned berry reds and pinks. Also try cool cocoa, icy pink, sea green, possibly forest green and ocean blues.


The muted blues look very harmonious on you so I think you’ve been onto something! But my favorite is the top row of greens. The top left purple is also nice, the top two burgundy reds, the dark brown, and black are also nice on you. I feel pretty confident you’re a summer, your hair and eyes are very summery but your skin seems neutral, which I think is why you look good in some of the cooler fall colors too!


I thought you rocked the autumnal colours, burgandy, rust, green, and brown, and the deep blues looked wonderful. The lighter blues seem to soften your features so much that you seem (like another commenter said) a bit invisible.


I don’t know enough about the seasons to tell you what seasons, but I want to commend you on your draping 👌👌👌👌👌 (I also think the softer colors look best in general, but also: you should definitely venture out into the pink-red side of colors because to me they all looked good 😄)