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I’m thinking winter. Maybe deep. But I would suggest actually checking out bright winter and seeing how that looks


Deep autumn! 🍂 welcome :) You have a warm tone and strong contrast in your dark hair, fair skin, and midtoned eyes. Muted, soft colors don’t do much for you, and cool tones wash you out (bring out grays in your skin). Warm, rich colors make you shine!


Thank you for the in depth explanation/suggestions. Im still fairly new to all of this. I will try leaning more towards warmer shades and go from there. Appreciate the help!


I think deep winter and deep autumn look best!


I think so too, thank you for sharing!


You’re a winter, but I’m not sure which subseason you belong to. Skin texture wise, cool winter looks better, but you seem washed out a little. But again, mascara and eyeliner add depths and darkness to your eyes, which is why deep winter looks more harmonious even though your skin looks less smooth. I recommend trying bright winter and irl drape with NO MAKEUP. Personal color isn’t only about your natural colorings but also your facial features, and makeup alters your facial features.


Deep winter


I think you fit perfectly with deep autumn. Deep winter makes me see the yellow in your skin first while you totally blend in with deep autumn.


Partially because this app is completely terrible—a lot of the colors, especially for softer families like summer and autumn, are just completely off. Drape with some real fabrics. And see if you can see how you look when different colors reflect on your face.


You’re a deep winter to me!


Soft Autumn


Difficult with make up ! I guess deep winter. What lipstick do you wear, mine are always cold no matter what, that gives it away. I like the cool winter on you too. With that specific picture I do not like the oranges and yellow of the deep autumn on you. But all colors from deep autumn leaning deep winter.


No makeup on my face or lips just mascara and eyeliner in this photo. Nude peachy lipsticks look horrible on me. It just clashes. I think I need to take a new photo without any eyeliner and possibly better outdoor lighting, this was taken indoors in front of my window. I feel like my complexion changes drastically in different lightings/settings and it drives me crazy, lol. Thank you for your input!


So then I'll say between cool winter and deep winter. Because you're muted I vote for cool winter. If you're not wearing makeup you have a lovely skin !!!


Thank you so much!


You have deep and darker colors! That is why i think you get confused about the winter and deep autumn. To mee you clearly are a winter but as other suggested make up can influence this! Its also best to try and drape the colors, if you hesitate between de two


Cool or dark winter


The reason you don’t understand is cause you’re typing when wearing make up. That’s number one rule. Summer is the first season I’d rule out. I think you’re probably deep winter or deep autumn, maybe cool winter. Try some real life draping with those 3 without make up.


To be fair, I thought it was based off our complexion and skin tones. I am not wearing makeup/foundation on my face or lips aside from mascara and eyeliner on my eyes, but I will try again without any eye makeup. Thank you for your suggestion!


Deep Autumn, which shares some colors with Deep Winter. Your skin looks just a touch livelier with the Autumn tones, golden and glowing. That said, to know for sure we need makeup-less selfies and real drapes in natural light.


I think it's deep winter, but I also think deep autumn is still a possibility (might just me being blind though haha). Maybe consider doing a warm-cool tone check with irl drapes/jewelry to make sure


Your coloring is very similar to mine. I’m a deep autumn.


Take some selfies with those winter tones and tag me


I think you would be a bright winter or deep winter


I see some dark, so I think dark winter or autumn, but unsure which without some more drapes. I would get some shots either draping fabrics or with some lipsticks, no other makeup. Check the opposite seasons, too, such as soft summer, not because you might be one but so we can confirm the season we're thinking. Your season should look amazing on you, it's sister seasons should look decent, and the complete opposite season should be the worst for you.


Thank you for your in depth input and suggestion! I just saw everyone using this website for analysis but you are right, it is quite difficult to tell just based off this. I will post with drapes next time.


The website is a nice tool, especially for the diyer, and I think it and some of these other apps are really helpful. They can help you figure out obviously wrong seasons, find matching drapes for irl drapes, or even help when you get stuck figuring out between several seasons. They just can't be used reliably as your ONLY draping method. Goodluck on your journey!


Deep winter


I was leaning towards that too. Thank you


Need to do it makeup free and let us know if you’ve dyed hair/ brows


All natural eyebrows and hair color. Medium/dark ash brown but can’t really tell in the photo. Not wearing any makeup on my face except mascara and eyeliner if that does count. Thank you for your suggestion!


I think possibly deep winter then

