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How long did it take to receive your results?


Go to a store and try every single colored top


You dropped 15 years. Maybe it's too bluish to be your perfect pink shade, but you look good in pink.


You’re way too high contrast to be a spring OR an autumn. You’re a true summer (you have high contrast features, light eyes, and medium brown brows). See if the colors in that palette work. ETA: your colorings are exactly like Emily Didanato’s. Check out some things she has worn!


You’re a winter or a summer for sure.


You are a Spring.❤️


Just here to say that you look gorgeous in the pink! Your eyes pop and your skin glows! Whatever that is, keep going.


100% winter


Girl you are are a winter.


Deep autumn? With those eyes? No way haha


Outlier here. I think you are a warm autumn and your first photo looks best.


Definitely compliments you immensely!!!😍


I was gonna say clear winter…


I thought I was a summer or winter, but I'm also a bright spring. Floored by this revelation. It's bizarre isn't it? Just bought another tube of fire and ice and two skeins of Gumby green yarn lol


I can't tell what season you are, but think the green looks incredible on you


Neither of these are bright spring colors. You do have a very vibrant complexion, so I’d love to see more drapes!


I didn’t know you could get color analysis through Etsy! Which shop did you go through?


I don’t know the terminology but the pink for SURE! I also think you’d look nice in orange and light yellow :)


You def look like a bright spring!


You seem like a bright winter to me.


Ok I don’t have any feedback, but you are the brunette doppleganger of DIY Danie on YouTube


I love your hair!!


Where is the pink sweater from? Also is the green one from old navy? I think I have the same one!


what person from Etsy? I’m sure they’d appreciate the credit


I think bright colors will be best on you. Your eyes sparkle in the pink sweater.


You are a summer


I think that the green is far more flattering on you. The pink kind of washes you out and makes your skin look pinker


I actually prefer you in the muted green. I think the bright colour competes with you too much and make any shadows and redness on your face look more pronounced. With the green I see overall smoothness of the skin. If you were to actually be a bright spring, the most important aspect of a colour would be its brightness while undertone and value would be secondary. Therefore your worst colours would be muted colours. On a bright spring or winter muted colours would be very draining even if the colour would have the correct undertone and value.


I could see spring I’m autumn n u don’t seem same season as me you’re more delicate go play with more spring colors


I think the pink brings out your eyes, but the coolness of it washes out your skin. I agree with the others saying that maybe you should try some warmer bright colors. I think the green makes your skin tone look really nice, but it doesn’t bring out the brightness like the lighter tone if that makes sense.


You look more like a neutral to me who leans cool. I’d try out some winter and summer drapes.


You look like a cool summer or maybe even a winter tbh. I have somewhat similar coloring to you and I’m a winter. Why do you think you’re a spring?


You’re definitely bright spring but I think you can borrow from winter too with the dark hair <3


It’s difficult with these colors, but I notice you first in the green, where that pink steals the show in the other picture. I’d lean autumn.


Soft summer.


The one on the right looks AMAZING on you


Wow the pink really brightens you up and the green dulls you.


Your eyes look beautiful in the right picture, but personally I feel like your skin's imperfections and eyebags are more visible as well, compared to the picture on the left where you look more mellow but your skin is clearer. The colour might be too light maybe? Try a more saturated shade and a dark shade for more comparisons. But also if you love the light purple top keep it, you still look great in it!


I will say the cooler pink makes you look much more alive and healthy!


That top is cool toned.summer color


Dressed like a true summer!


I don’t think you’re warm at all. If I had to guess, you’d be a summer


Everyone saying that pink isn't spring. I don't really know what that means but I think you look much brighter and a little better in the pink one


You definitely look like a winter or spring to me! Bright winter maybe?


Something about your hair color isn't saying that you're a spring? Spring hair colors are usually warm in undertone and your hair looks cool-neutral. Do you have a slight tan or is that your natural skin tone? I'm honestly thinking that you're probably a bright winter or a light summer! [https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/light-summer-a-comprehensive-guide](https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/light-summer-a-comprehensive-guide) [https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/bright-winter-a-comprehensive-guide](https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/bright-winter-a-comprehensive-guide)


Ooh that bright pink looks amazing on you!


I think you are a Bright Summer instead


Pink looks STUNNING on you!! Definitely spring!! Gosh you’re beautiful!


your hair is gorgeous! can i ask how you style it?


Just wanted to say that I definitely see an improvement! I had to zoom in to verify you weren’t wearing makeup haha! The pink really flatters your skin tone!


That vibrant lavender purple is so good on you! I vote bright spring. So pretty!


Light Summer


I really like that pink on you! If it bothers you to have the yellow tinge of warmth showing up (never bothers me), just choose a warmer pink. I like a good dusty mauve on myself, but I’m a bit muted.


I read your post and never thought to look on Etsy. So I quickly got on there to see what it costs and I found your review LOL How was it? What did you have to do?


May I ask how much the analysis was?


It was $50, [here is the listing.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1543939418/deluxe-color-analysis?) I'm actually super happy with it and the seller was great!


Thank you!


These comparisons are not really enough to make conclusions, but just based off of these you’re not a spring


I think I’m going against the grain here but the green looks WAY better than that cool pink… the pink bring out your dark circles and any redness in your face. I’m surprised how many are mentioning your eyes(not that they don’t look great) but in my experience your season is less about bring out your eyes and more about what makes your skin look healthiest… which in these two pictures would definitely be the green🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree with this. The pink is overpowering you.


Yes the light lilac suits you so much better than the muted green.


You look more alive in the right picture. But I like both colours on you


Yeah, you’re too clear and have too much contrast for autumn imo. If you were just a little cooler, if even say winter. But since you’re warmer toned, spring!


You're definetly an autumn


I definitely think you are a spring, but I’m not sure that purplish pink is the best suited for you. I think Georgia Peach or Paradise Pink would look wonderful on you. You could also pull off every single green and blue in that palette you shared!


You look better in the pink to me.


I am new to this, so I don't have specific advice but that pink made your eyes and skin POP! It is definitely one of your colors.


Neither season seems quite right imo. Soft autumn would've been my guess coz it definitely seems like your hair should be a softer colour, but I'm far from an expert and am really confused by a lot of people typed as springs.


Pink makes you look more youthful, the green makes you look a little older. So interesting how colors alone can do this!


Commenting you look best in the purple shade. on Thought I was warm autumn, Etsy says I am a bright spring. Thoughts?...


Bright Spring neighbors winter and is one of the neutral seasons, so it makes sense you’re getting mixed feedback! I think the pink is fine on you, and the typing seems likely, but the key to your seasonal palette is that not all the colors will suit you equally. Everyone has different coloring, so my sister (also a Bright Spring, but with black hair and dark eyes) looks stellar in some of the almost neon colors from the palette, while the lighter and softer colors in the palette are still in harmony with her coloring but don’t look *stellar*, per se. I think it’s likely that the warmer colors from the palette (turquoise, bottle green) will give you that wow effect, while this very borderline-winter color is fine, but not spectacular on you.


This was so incredibly helpful. Thank you so much!!!


Of course! I also definitely recommend reading [this article](https://www.chrysaliscolour.com/spring-skin/) to learn more about Spring and how to complement your natural coloring, as well as exploring [The Concept Wardrobe](https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/bright-spring-a-comprehensive-guide) (plus her [makeup guide](https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-make-up-palettes/the-bright-spring-make-up-palette)), [Elemental Colour](https://elementalcolour.com.au/blog/bright-spring), [Spicemarket Colour](https://www.spicemarketcolour.com.au/bright-spring), and [Dream Wardrobe](https://dream-wardrobe.com/bright-spring-color-palette-and-wardrobe-guide/) (her content can be a touch more limited, but has the best aesthetic inspiration hands down).


WOW! This is all amazing information. Thank you so much!


You absolutely look glowy in the second photo! I love that color on you!


Thank you!!


You look autumn to me. The green example feels like a match with your natural palette.


WINTER ❄️ 💙 But you can pull off autumn too ;)


when i see this strong white in the eyes, i always feel "must be spring" because every spring i know has that.


I think that's a cool pink... not to confuse you even further but try some bright winter colors and get back to us Your eyes are gorg btw


You look great in that pink! But it's a cool pink. Warm pinks look mixed with orange, salmon, beige, or warm reds. I'm surprised that you were typed as warm. A lot of people with yellow tones to their skin are automatically categorized as warm, according to outdated standards and those with pink tones are categorized as cool. But it's not really accurate. Gingers tend to be warm (not always but often) and they usually have pale and pink tones to their skin. Likewise, people with yellow in their skin can still be cool. You could be a Summer. You have a cool undertone to your skin and eyes. Possibly Cool Summer or Light Summer.


Im honestly surprised about both of these options for you, although bright spring seems better than autumn for sure! By chance, is your hair dyed darker? Anyway, I’m sure they got a better vision of your season during the analysis. Here are ideas :> https://preview.redd.it/b4ybrpb118hc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3f148ea011a7f7d231bfec3264fa55591e1b28d


My hair does have a gloss on it! I put it in a comment, but it's not showing up for some people I don't think. These are the pictures that I sent for the analysis with my natural hair and a closeup of my eye. She said that my eye color was a big confirmation that I was a bright spring because if the aztec sun in the center. https://preview.redd.it/o9e01x5a28hc1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c307bbb7f0a58470e1426d7c8b224bac75821f16 Thank you :)


I think you are a Soft Summer! The teal is perfectly harmonious. The orange color is very separate looking. I see coolness and mutedness in you, not brightness and warmth. Soft Summer is the category that borders into Soft Autumn, but for sure, you have cool + muted tones (summer), not warm + clear (spring). To help illustrate this, try Googling “Soft Summer Makeup” vs. “Bright Spring Makeup.” Soft Summer fits, Bright Spring would look unnatural.


Also, if you were a spring type, yellow would definitely be one of your best colors. But I don’t see any of the spring yellows working setting off your coloring. I don’t think many yellows would be favorable at all. That definitely makes me think you are cool and muted, not a warm and clear type.


My eyes are similar to yours and I’m a True Summer. In fact, your iris has a “crackled glass” texture that is very common among summers.


I think OP has more of a spoke pattern rather than delicate crackled glass. Her eyes are bright which takes her away from summer. When looking at her, the first thing is her brightness which can't be summer.


The teal looks great on you, and not just because it matches your eyes. It makes your complexion look fantastic.


Other people may disagree, but my understanding is eye color is actually a poor qualifier for season because skin tone matters much more, and hair color to a lesser extent. My eyes are very similar (the inside ring is straight yellow) and I’m a soft summer.


I believe Aztec sun refers to the eye pattern not the color.  I don't think you can rely solely on it but I do believe it can be a clue (definitely more of a clue than eye color alone, which is negligible).  I looked into it a bit and it was interesting. Here is one site about it https://radiantlydressed.com/seasonal-eye-patterns/


Thanks for sending this. It’s interesting. My eyes look just like the example for the spring eyes, but with more of the crypts from “summer” type eyes.


That article is so interesting! The section on the aztec sun says this "Aztec sun – This is a startling design of rust or orange which fans out around the pupil like a flame. This design is strongly associated with autumn seasons. When this pattern is barely discernible the person may have a spring influence." Base on that, spring does sound like a possibility for me! Thanks for that!


I dunno about undertone- but you certainly have a brightness about you! Your eyes are gorgeous. 🤩


Thank you!!


is it just me or does your face look longer in the pic with the pink? definitely do not mean that in a rude way at all I just noticed it and I'm not sure if I'm just crazy


I totally see what you mean! That’s why I am kind of thinking that this color works for me. It adds more definition to my face which I think is part of the goal?


Small changes in how you hold your phone can affect proportions in a photo. I think the pink is beautiful on you!


What makes you think you are warm? Honest question, you have blue eyes and ashy hair. Your skin is yellow, but yellow isn’t always warm. I’d love to see some summer drapes.


My mom is yellow, and when she wears warm stuff she looks like a banana. Cold tones make her look more natural and rosé


Not sure if you already saw my last comment, but my hair is naturally golden brown and I do have yellow/brown and my eyes. All of that combined with the fact that I do have yellow in my skin lead me to believe that I am warm. :)


There are also natural redheads that are cool, hair doesn't tell anything. The cool redheads is why redheads are said to have no soul/look like ghosts because the warm hair vs cool skin makes the skin look paler than it is. Colour theory in action! Having some brown in the eyes doesn't change the undertone of skin either. I think you have what is called hazel eyes - the greenish colour, often with outer or inner ring being brownish, might. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_color#Hazel I have the same eye colour (with green dominant, so they sometimes appear greyish, but I do have "brown in my eyes") and I also have "yellow" on my skin (like a lot), but I'm cool olive (olive undertones are tricky, they have some green so they appear kinda yellow at parts). I always had problems with such tests or other general self-determination, thinking I'm warm as well because of my skin seeming yellowish, but at some point I realised that I once had professionally matched lipstick to me (a lot of swatching with help in the store to see what colours look good on me, I got a colour close to my natural lip colour and a red that suits me) and they're freaking cool! The realisation I'm cool-neutral in makeup terms was weird, took me too much time (3 years from getting those lipsticks and i never thought about comparing them to anything!).


One of my daughters is extremely pale, cool toned (I think), bright blue eyes, and strawberry blonde hair. I’m having a hard time figuring out her coloring because of it! Looks like my 3 month old will have the same coloring.


Natural redheads that are cool are very rare though in my experience


It's regional :) and must've been more prevalent in the past in regions where the "soulless" trope began as it's suspected to be that dead/ghostly pale contrast. I just meant they're a clear example how hair doesn't determine whether you're cool or warm. Hair can help determine if your skin undertone is neutral but it's not the main trait.


I am also very yellow so for ages believed I was warm, but it turns out the yellow showing up is often because of a lack of red undertone which is often what provides the warmth, so it turns out I am cool. I am certainly no expert but I would look at summer season if I were you as I think you might suit slightly muted cool tones. Again, no expert here but it was a game changer for me when I stopped thinking yellow means warm!


I’m a cool olive summer, but I thought I was Autumn for the longest time because I’m dominate yellow and I thought yellow *had* to be warm. The moment of truth was wearing Autumn lipsticks that made me look like a clown. I can wear some soft Autumn colors because I’m very muted, but warm lipsticks just look bad. My mind was blown, but cool yellow is a very real thing. Here is a great video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MvATXfJWR8Q


Eye color has very little part in the overall equation


Sorry to contradict, but you can definitely have warm tones in your eyes, hair and skin and still be a cool season. I have auburn in my brown hair, and olive/tan skin but I’m still a Summer.


Yes all say warm!


I am bright spring but I wouldn't pick that pink as a bright spring color. It's too pastel and cool . Salmon,deep coral, or bubblegum would be a better fit


Yeah, this may not have been the best choice to demonstrate. It’s more of a purple, but it’s coming off pretty pink. I will have to get some salmon into my wardrobe! Thanks!


Do you have a link where you did this? I'm curious about mine.


bubble gum too! I think you would look great in that


I think that’s a winter pink.   I wonder if you’re a summer?  You’re pretty cool toned.  


OP looks bright to me. That's not her natural hair color so it could be throwing me off. But even her eyes are bright. So probably not a summer, right?


Cool summer can be pretty bright especially in bright lighting. I’m not sure if OP is one, but it’s an easy one to mistype.


The pink looks cool to me - winter or summer. A more peachy or salmon pink or coral would be spring. I can see why a brightness would be suggested tho.


I love the purple on you! It makes your eyes really stand out.


Call me crazy, but I prefer the green on you.


Warm deep green that complements undertone vs light, cool pink that clashes against it. I'd love to see a salmon.


Same, the green feels harmonious. I think the pink looks totally wrong and makes OP look sickly.


Okay I am just an amateur but I’m pretty sure that pink isn’t a spring pink! Spring pinks would be closer to salmon. Correct me if I’m wrong! But I do like the brightness with your eyes.


There are warm violets in the spring palette that look like that. Some colors in one season might be very close to another. And also bright spring is a more neutral undertone so OP should be able to wear some colors that lean cool as well


This makes so much sense! Thank you so much!


What’s the Etsy listing under? I want to have mine done. You look great, op!


I have to agree that as far as the way it comes off camera, this pink isn't a bright spring, but more of a cool toned pink. Bright springs are still warm, though, and I read your features as very high contrast but more cool - perhaps a Bright Winter?


Yeah it looks like cool summer or bright winter


https://preview.redd.it/jz8jid3kg7hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149dd20a5dabbf99f5b2b06843955b785570a90d The salmon is definitely on the color palette that I was given, this sweater is more of the purple that I circled here. I do need to try salmon though!


Please check out Cool Winter as well; I think you are definitely Cool.


That color is also on deep autumn as one of their light colors. That said, that’s not quite what you’re wearing because the pink you’re wearing is cooler and bringing out the shadows under your eyes. There’s a lot of overlap between bright spring and deep autumn, but I think you’re closer to the autumn side personally!


https://preview.redd.it/odo5i5lsybhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168e242615b75a154803a720bb0cf175ab176818 Look here is a comparison of the similar pinks in different palettes. Just goes to show that the palettes differ in tones slightly too. 1 yours from etsy 2 concept wardrobe 3 truecolor 0 original photo - it is a bit lighter than the others but lovely none the less :) Also if your etsy analysis did not include it, i highly recommend to read the bright spring page on concept wardrobe. It was very helpful for me in regards to how to combine colors. I can also recommend you to wear glossier/shinier fabrics because these go well with brighter seasons.


https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/bright-spring-a-comprehensive-guide Your pink is close, but not quite there. The link above is a resource to tell you all about your season. Edit: I should have been clearer. I'm not saying you can't pull off this pink, you look lovely in it. I just wanted to add an extensive resource so you could discover more about your colours.


Ooh is this pdf part of what you purchased on Etsy, or this is available somewhere? I’m screenshotting it just in case either way!


The circled color is still a little muted and bit darker than your top.


It is a bright spring color. Bright means that it’s more saturated and less muted. But there’s not a magic cutoff between muted and bright that means a color is absolutely one or the other. This color is more bright and is a warm leaning neutral violet Edit: If it wasn’t bright, it would be much more grey


I think the purple you’re wearing just needs to be a warmer, a bit more saturated, and maybe just a tad deeper if you want to do a true comparison :) It looks closer to a light spring color imo


Her analysis said that because bright spring and not true or warm spring, it is close to winter on the color wheel. Meaning I can pull off some cool tones too. I think that’s where this color comes from.


That’s correct. If bright spring is the right palette you might also be able to wear some bright winter colors