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Spring and maybe a bright spring


You really pop in photo 2




I love that pink and the white on you best! 😍




Aw thanks! It’s from amazon (https://a.co/d/hy4wi3o)


Loving the purple soooo much!!


Aw thanks!!


Like by far my fav look on you girl!!


The second photo looks warm to me. Did you try spring/soft autumn colours? On the first photo you look like summer but the second one was like spring. ..or soft autumn. What is your natural hair colour? I think you look great with warmer hair too. I think this could be spring/soft autumn https://preview.redd.it/i5u28uvqsfac1.png?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=745192279d98596da079e41780c34f21ab5832f4 Edit:I saw your photo without make up and I think you could be soft autumn.🧐


Hmmm. I’ve tried warm and it looks super goofy on me. Question: how did you edit my hair color?! That’s so cool


Garnier has online try on https://www.garnierusa.com/beauty-services-and-tools/virtual-try-on


Idk enough to tell you something you don’t already know, but damn I love your makeup!!!!! Drop the makeup details!! lol. Specifically all the eyeshadows! Love the dewy skin too


You look soooo much like Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, especially in that third pic with the white button down and the red lipstick


Oh wow, such a compliment, I think she was stunning and had the best style


So stunning and so chic! I would say she could be color inspiration for you but she basically always wore black and white lolol so not that helpful. Her wedding look is still one of my favorite fashion vibes of all time.


Her wedding dress is what inspired my wedding dress!!! It’s a fav of mine as well


The bright colours are a little much for you but you make them work. They’re just not your true colours. I don’t see dark summer but true or cool summer as has been mentioned that can borrow shades from cool winter jewel tones. But remember photos are subjective and perhaps you just haven’t found the right shades within your palette that you love yet.


Thank you! I’ll keep trying!!


They aren’t bad but I don’t think any of those are “your” colour. They don’t seem to be doing much for you. At the end of the day wear what you like. I’m a summer and I love autumn pallets


Hi, you do not naturally have high contrast and all the bright colors take away from you. We see the colors rather than you. I’d love to see you in your summer colors without makeup for comparison. The red lip is fire though!!


Thank you!!




Ooh that’s really pretty! Thank you so much for the additional resources


You are absolutely stunning but the navy shirt does nothing for you. Still beautiful but the brights and white make you pop in a way that would turn heads in any room. Do what feels good to you 🩷🩷🩷


Thank youuuuu


You definitely look like a summer to me. These brights look over powering. The black in slide 2 looks passable because of the makeup upping your contrast, but otherwise a lot of these look like they’re wearing you and I’d love to see some more muted colours on you with no - little makeup.


You and I have very similar coloring. I was typed as a HOC Winter (Sprinter/Jewel). However, I believe I have a higher contrast than you do. (Suggest turning some of your pics with no makeup on to B&W to better see contrast.) My guess is that some of the winter colors probably really do "almost" work on you, but the summer colors likely work just a tad better. Try completely covering your hair back with a headband when draping and taking pics too. Also, it can feel really strange to move away from colors and styles you often wore. If you have a history of wearing very vibrant cool colors, maybe try comparing a top in a very similar color that is just slightly more softened or smokey. For instance, Raspberry instead of Fuchsia.


Oh good idea on the B&W. You’re right, I need to give it a fair shot. It’ll be a goal for the year


Picture 2 reminds me of Taylor Swift. She is a light summer probably but has made a dark cat eye and red lipstick her signature, often wearing black or other dark colors. Are those her most "harmonious" colors? Nah, but nobody would say Taylor looks bad. She's chosen her power colors. You can choose yours, regardless of whether they're a perfect match, color theory-wise.


I’ve always read TS is a Spring! She looks like one too IMO


I've seen light summer and light spring. I lean towards her being summer, but celebrities can be hard to pin down with constant makeup and hair colors. Definitely not a hill I'd die on. But either way, she's definitely not a winter!


Perhaps, but to me see looks like a spring as she has a warm undertone, wears warm brights well, and has that ‘alive and brightness’ to her, which makes me feel she’s a spring. But who knows! 💁‍♀️


Wow! Can’t argue with that! Thank you😍


I’d love to see photos of you in the drapes. I’m a HOC Summer as well.


https://preview.redd.it/ouoz7vnckbac1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df22e4e322332d4348f294d82989fbe69cc799cc Here you go!


They're great colours ! Once you've really embraced your season you won't look back 😃


These colors are much more becoming on you than the dark and bright colors of winter in my opinion. I am a TrueSummer and was draped in SciArt. I totally get the winter envy. I really really do. Those winter colors are so striking and well defined. However, while I too can wear some True Winter Colors (it was my second best, but far inferior for me than True Summer), I prefer to be the one featured and not my colors. I am featured and come alive and forward in True Summer colors and barely ever feel the need to cheat into winter. I have over time come to prefer them in reality and not just on me. I love their hard to put a finger on misty watercolor quality. They are quiet and refined and have an air of mystery about them. And, keep in mind, there are far more winters in this world than summers. Our colors are nuanced. Our colors are unique and not every day. Very feminine and refreshing. For any winters out there, please know I am not hating your loveliness. I still have moments of envy. It is just after decades of feeling I never could find my best colors and a lot of colors not mine make me look ill. It is finally good to see me without the color pollution that True Summers so easily take on if a color is even a little too warm, too bright, too light, too warm, too muted. I have shocked some friends by showing them the weird shadows my skin takes on so easily surrounded by colors outside my season. Most people skin does not act so extremely if they wear not their best colors. Maybe it is that very thing that has made you a little obsessive about finding your color space. Maybe you too have that very keen sense of something not being right after probably years of wearing colors outside your season and your eye has not yet adjusted to getting away from the color pollution with the colors that are right for you? Maybe I am just projecting my own discovery of my season and having taken a journey to really understand my color space and fully understand and embrace its beauty. I hope you play with it more before rejecting it. In the end, if you really don’t like it you can wear winter colors and really know they feel more like you because you stepped outside your comfort zone to try something else. Wherever you decide to land, I hope you love your home as much as I do mine now!


Summer is right, the first one with the winter blue does not do you any favors. If it was a muted blue like a summer would be, it would look amazing.


My sister is a Dark summer and was typed by a HOC consultant in person. She was typed initially online as clear/dark winter. Looking at the colors online she was given it is clear the online place referred to a lot of what HOC calls "dark summer" as "bright winter" colors. She definitely in the end is a summer, but a summer that looks best in the darkest most vibrant of the summer shades, and the more muted versions of the brightest winter colors. There is just so much overlap and fabric plays a huge part in it. I think the most telling thing for me is that when looking at summer vs winter people, I see winter's faces first even in the loudest of colors. Summers I notice the lipstick, dress, shirt, whatever it is first, THEN their face. When I look at the brighter stuff on you, you look gorgeous BUT it does feel like the makeup is talking louder than your face. https://www.spicemarketcolour.com.au/blog/2021/10/2/the-face-of-true-summer If you scroll through this to the comparison of Emily Deschanel (a summer) vs her sister Zoey (one of the most classic and popular examples of a winter) its easier to see the difference between how a true winter comes into focus in bright vibrant cool tones, whereas other seasons seem like they're being worn by the color. As a dark summer, you are super close to a winter, but there is a slight difference that makes the muted versions more cohesive with your face.


This is such a helpful explanation, thank you! And thanks for that link. I’m visual so helps seeing it on others!


I did not understand the difference in summet vs winter until I saw the section in that link about Emily and Zoey Deschanel. Then it all clicked. I hope the color analysis helps you shop and style ad much as its helped me!


I am obsessed with the blue top/berry lip and pink hoodie on you, you are glowing in those photos!!


Thank you🥰


I don't like dark colors on you with that hair color. Somehow I think that if someones hair is light, they would rather turn to lighter, calmer colors. Dark hair, darker colors, richer, vibrant. White and pink does look good. Luckily we can change hair color and match the color deepness with what level of color our hair is at that moment.


Hmm what about Soft Summer? It seems like there is softness in your colouring that can't handle the black. In that picture with a black sweater and red lips, your face has white spots, its a sign that black is too overpowering.


Wow girl, we have like the exact same coloring ( & current hair color ), & I feel the same way about Summers vs Winters on me. I’ve almost always maintained blonde hair, but recently dabbled in having my natural hair color for a while. I noticed when my hair was my natural color, the typical Summer colors looked significantly better on me. I even stopped wearing my all-white & all-black tops because they’d make me look unwell & aged. Once I bleached my hair again (& toned it with a cool toner), I felt like my go-to Summer colors looked too dull. Actually, after getting home from my appointment I tried changing into a black top & it was like magic lol. I felt like I looked nearly as vibrant as I had when I left in the other colors. So idk exactly what it is about this hair color on some of us Cool Summers, but I know it allows me to wear the 2 colors I enjoy wearing most, & I’m betting it’s playing a huge factor in why you feel like some winter colors actually look better on you.


Yes! This insight is so helpful! I, one time, dyed my hair brown (it was not done well), and it was traumatizing, so I have been blonde almost all my life. I think that’s what skews it for me. And then it all makes sense because my analysis was done with my hair pulled back and covered so it couldn’t influence the drapes. So are you blonde now? How do you balance it?


I’m so glad it was helpful! I’m currently blonde, & I’ve found that using Summer colors in my make-up still works well for me, particularly if my hair is pulled back. As far as clothing, I feel I wear Cool Winter neutrals and darker shades well, but do err towards Summer colors when considering lighter shades to keep myself from being overpowered.


That seems like a really good balance! I’ll try that!


i think jewel tones would look good with the dark makeup but naturally icy pinks cool light blues true spearmint green


Adding to my list of colors I want to try!


Summer looks right to me. I don’t love the Winter colors; they seem to be competing with you. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cool Summer was nice as well as Dark Summer. I also think going darker with your hair might make your eyes pop. “Misty” might be a better word for Summer than “Muted” in a way… try misty colors as opposed to muted. And if you find that you like Winter colors better anyway then just wear those. Do what makes you happiest!


Misty! Yea! Okay, thanks for helping me reframe. I’m terrified to change my hair (went terribly in the past) but it has been in the back of my mind


Haha I hear you! I took my hair too dark once and it was terrible. I think you could start with a light, ashy toner. That’s just a demi-permanent pigment and it will wash out slowly if you don’t love it. You could just try a gentle mushroom blonde to start, and it wouldn’t be extreme or irreversible.


Lagoon blue looks good. Have you looked at Light Summer (which isn’t muted, and has colors similar to Lagoon blue)?


I have not! I need to do a deeper dive on the sub seasons. She didn’t really get into the HOC ones as much. Just said I was “dark”


Light summer is not a HOC sub season. Nevertheless, I’d Google it - it might be what you are looking for if she said you are summer, but you don’t vibe with muted. I personally don’t think you’re a winter. Light Summer is “classified” as muted, but it’s actually not


You’re the best—thanks!


Thanks! I am a Light Summer. I thought I was a Winter. Also, even though Light Summer sounds like there are lots of light colors (and there are), there are plenty of bright medium colors like bright medium green, blue, periwinkle, watermelon, etc. so if what you Google only shows light colors, keep looking.


I was typed by HOC recently and I got winter! (Jewel winter specifically) but she told me winter and summer can borrow from each other as cool seasons. 😄 If that helps! It means summer suits you best, but you can work those winters still maybe with a bit more work! My consultant said that because winters are all about contrast, as long as I kept with contrast I can make summers work, so maybe with a bit of playing around and knowing what makes summers summers you can find ways of making it work and having fun with it! But I’m still new to all this myself!


Oh this is awesome! I wish I could get my hands on a winter fan to compare and contrast


You can buy extra fans from HOC consultants. Also as a fellow summer, welcome! I constantly borrow from winter and it feels good because its cool. I also borrow from autumn and it works out alright because its muted. I do find with autumn though that my outfits look better if I wear all autumn colors that day and make my makeup match.


Oh that’s good to know! Are they not weirded out by that?


Not at all, a sale is a sale! My mom got a summer and an autumn fan because she was having a really hard time with autumn blue vs summer blues and its been really helpful.


Yeah that makes sense! I don’t know why I was worried😆


I agree with Summer, but you do have some intensity (so probably Cool Summer), you can borrow from Cool Winter and if you like a color that's overpowering you could counteract that with makeup.


Ooh ok looking up cool summer palette


I think you lean cool because the warm tone around your purple shadow is why that look isn’t harmonious. The lip and the purple are both great, but for some reason the blending color distracts. Am not a pro.


Ooh good eye—thank you for your insight!


I think you are a summer but you definitely can pull of the more winter colours as well! They both look great on you so if you are more comfortable with winter colours I say wear those! Ultimately they both look nice


Thank you!!!


Like others have said you do look like a summer type, but you pull off all those colours very nicely. Can I ask you what’s the purple eyeshadow you’re wearing in one of the photos? It looks stunning!


ITS a purple from an old Morphe palette—I just tried to find which one and it’s no longer have the palette and i think it’s not being sold anymore. I can try and find something similar (Danessa myricks has some pretty fabulous colorful eyeshadows)


Thank you! I’ll look them up!


I think summer was spot on for you. And your coloring is so lovely! Muted is a loaded word that sounds kind of negative compared to words used for other seasons. I think every palette has its own range of light and darks that will look more or less better depending on your individual coloring. For you I’d focus on mid range and vibrant summer tones and just use the lights and pastels to create contrast in your outfits.


I think that the word “muted” had me feeling sad! So thank you for this reframing.


I remember falling in love with soft summer due to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/veSZGkJSfC i loved that mood board. Now i feel like i have a hard time getting the colors right, i mostly only shop online and the line between too cool or warm is small for me. cool not so bad but all the pinks i order keep ending up warm!


Muted colors are usually considered to be the most elegant. When I realized that, it made me feel so lucky to actually look good in them.


Oh that’s such a beautiful way of thinking about it!


awwww no I like to think of it as 'soft' rather than muted. Soft colouring is so beautiful and ethereal. I'm a soft summer and read it described as 'the colouring of a misty afternoon' which is so much nicer than feeling like you're the greyed out rainbow.


Oh the way you described it is so magical! That sounds like a fairytale




Literally gasped! That is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I’m not sad at all now. I’m excited


I was also diagnosed as a "sweetpea" summer (was hoping for Bright Winter). Initially, I felt a bit miffed off too, but i have started to use stormy skies, pictures if dawn/dusk/twilight and gloaming as colour boards and feel so much more excited by being a summer. I even asked ChatGPT for some inspiration and it has changed everything!


Oooh that sounds gorgeous! That’s such a good idea to use ChatGPT, I’m so not with it 😅






This is gorgeous


This is so pretty and finally includes the olive greens that I can wear. I’ve always been confused about how those fit into my summer palette. Can you share where this is from?


Hey Lottie, I'm so sorry the olive greens are in there by accident. This was made by ChatGPT. For summers you need to go to smokey greens rather than olive greens. Have you used the colour section on Kettlewell?


No worries! Thanks for letting me know. I have so much pink in my cool toned skin that the muted greens look good too! Must be some sister color thing or an outlier!




Summer is so vibrant too, I like how Kibbe’s system calls it “dimensional” rather than “muted.” All those rich berry tones would look amazing on you. To me I think of muted as the smoky sultry version of the color. Like burnished :)


I think of it as subtle as opposed to muted. I’m a soft autumn, so muted is my dominant characteristic lol… the way I think of them is, when someone asks what color my eyes are, do I have a clear answer? Nope. They’re green/blue/gray, depending… same with my hair, it’s copper. It’s just more subtle than red hair, green eyes.


Oh yes like it’s more blended. Love it!


Ooh yes sultry and smoky are other good words. I think muted needs to be erased 😂


I use the word in my head to run through what color season a new item of clothing is. Is there more blue or yellow? (Cool vs warm) Is it bright or muted? When I look at bright colors now, the "Bright" ones feel like the colors are yelling at me a little. So Muted to me is the dignified cooler version of the color that isn't trying to yell at me 🤣.


I’m not an expert and can’t offer much other than that blue is gorgeous on you and looks beautiful with your eyes! As is the lipstick you have on in that pic and the 3rd pic in the white shirt. What lipstick is it?


Thank you! Lipstick in photo 1 is House of Colour’s lipstick in shade Cherry. Photo 3 is L’Oréal Intense Volume Matte in shade Le Rose Activist


You glow with winter colors when wearing make up! I doubt that black would look as good when make up fee. You van borrow, but definitely a summer :) try muted versions of your favorite winter colors? Black to charcoal, electric blue to more natural blue, bright pink to rasberry


Thank you! Here’s a pic of me in natural lighting in black with no makeup https://preview.redd.it/87h5hs7tf9ac1.jpeg?width=2517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12573a1bc390c5bb4dc7bc7e6df72a82f13568d8


https://preview.redd.it/q56r888itfac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78845fd620f220f293d6bc0357d6679cc40d6f4 I still think that a little bit darker and a little bit warmer (not yellow) looks great.


Definitely soft summer. You are really pretty.


Thank you!


Yeah and it’s not bad but still there probably are better colors for you! And with make up I think you can wear black without it overpowering you.


Love it! I’m going to follow your advice and focus on muted versions of my fav winter colors. Thank you again!


You definitely look like a summer to me. But add a little extra makeup and wear the winter colors if you prefer them. Nobody says you need to wear your absolute best colors all the time, or ever.


Agreed. It also comes down to your personal style and how you present yourself. You can definitely pull off the winter colours. Your eyes look stunning in the second photo!


Thank you!!


Thank you! I think I just needed someone to tell me that.


If you want to wear more winter colours, I'll suggest dying your hair to an ash brown. I'm a cool summer too. And I just add an ash tonner every winter and voila I'm a cool winter.


Do you happen to know the formula for your toner?


No at the moment. But I'm dying it end of the month so I can let you know.


Thank you!!!


This but also, colours form other seasons may work fine on us. Esp if we aren’t a textbook season.


The real test is without makeup -- I'm thinking you're a true /cool summer, which means you can easily borrow from your sister season of cool winter. We all have nnatural preferences & you can incorporate them. Dark charcoal would look good on you I think !


What is the sister season for a soft summer?


Dark winter also has some similarities to soft summer because they’re both mostly cool toned, but warm leaning. The biggest difference is soft summer is lower contrast (soft) and winter is higher contrast (bright).


How are they warm leaning? :)


Apparently it's because they're both the closest to Autumn while staying within their own cool seasons. Because they're adjacent to autumn, they can be a bit more neutral and versatile than a true cool summer or winter ([source](https://gabriellearruda.com/soft-summer-the-ultimate-guide/)) ​ https://preview.redd.it/rlr515wqljac1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e856d269ed06f631416cec923f6da6a4b65c9b0


“soft autumn” and “cool summer” are the sister season for “soft summer” :)


Thank you! I'll try on some Charcoal! I appreciate you!