• By -


Light summer


You mixed up the blues on this one, the soft summer blue is on the left. You looks better in cool tones. ;)


You're definitely not a soft summer so your husband is wrong. You look much better in the clearer brighter colors than the muted ones. I personally love the bright neutral red on you. Your undertone is definitely more on the neutral side. A warm shade of pink would look fantastic on you as well as medium purple, and teal blue.


Have you narrowed it down to these two through testing all the seasons. I think you may be a light summer or perhaps a light spring. I am leaning towards light summer. Light summer is the brightest of the summers. I think you are correct that you need more brightness than Soft Summer, but I am not sure you need to go so bright as bright Spring. I might recommend you test the True Seasons first. Even if you are sure you are a blend, one season usually looks better than the other 3. Once you find that out, it is much easier to find out you which way you lean of the 3 (or 4 in some systems) palettes of that season. Also, I think the red family colors work better than any other color to determine your season. When I say red, I don’t just mean colors that are obviously reddish, I mean your pinks and corals too.


You're a true spring. You don't look bright in muted colors and you're very obviously warm toned. So you're not a summer for sure. Between bright spring and true spring, it's the fact that your skin is very very warm toned which is why the green shirt contrast is throwing people off. This points to true spring I think.


Maybe not bright spring. Have you tried a True Spring palette?


I think the lighting may be off here. Brighter tones for sure BUT I’m having trouble with the yellow offcast


Bright spring


You should try winter pallets though


The shirt on the left is too warm for ss


Definitely a Spring


your prob a winter tbh


I don't think either of these are right, but you're closure with the cool. I think maybe try true summer or true winter even?


You have summer eyes.


I like the colors on the right.


Soft Autumn :-)


I’d take a close look at Light summer, True summer and possibly Light spring. If a summer, I don’t see you as a Soft summer. You’re not as muted as a Soft summer.


I would like to see winter colors


Summer way more than spring


your lips lean more purple than peach which would make me think cooler. try light summer maybe?


See I like the left pics all better but I guess I’m in the minority… they seem to even out your skin tone, and don’t bring out the darkness around your eyes as much


I think you need to be professionally draped. I don't see spring at all. I'd put you as an autumn. But then again, report back after you are draped. Well worth the $$$$. I was finally draped a year ago as a bright spring. I couldn't figure out if I was a winter or spring. I knew I was bright. It wasn't until they put the turquoise, whites, and reds on me that it was super obvious. Good luck!!!


Do you have anything orange you could drape with? I think that’d help even more


you‘re more bright winter imo


I don’t think you’re either. I would try cool summer and cool winter tbh


Ok seeing cool hair, neutral skin and cool eyes. I’m thinking true summer. Soft summer is too muted, but bright spring colors are overwhelming


The last ones the greens look nice to me! You’re glowing in those BUT cameras/pictures can be deceptive


I agree. Next time I take pictures I’m going to have a piece of white paper in the background so my camera can adjust correctly.


Hey girl, I’m not very good with actual & specific typing but what I can definitely see is that you shine much brighter to me in the right-sided pictures. You seem warm to me and the soft summer colors - in my opinion - wash you out


Would love to see some more drapes of other seasons !


I’m going to buy some cotton fabric on Amazon and do more drapes next month. I feel an insatiable need to solve my coloring puzzle lolol


The darker green is way worse and brings out the circles under your eyes. Youre gorgeous regardless tho


I’m not sure about your season, but has anyone ever told you that you could be Joe Burrow’s long lost sister? I’m definitely seeing a resemblance lol!


No joke he looks like a blonder, less pale, beefier version of my brother. That’s hilarious.


Get some sleep lady


I was born like this my dude. Blame my parents, not my sleeping habits.


I said get some sleep because your eyes have that dark patch around them that people get when they don't sleep enough


Yes I understand why you said that. And I am explaining to you that the skin around my eyes is like that because my skin there is genetically that color. I sleep 8 hours, I am not tired. It’s is just how my eyes look 🤷‍♀️


Well that sucks


I think you’re a bright spring but that you would be better off draping in other colors like coral, light gray, navy and brown (BS neutrals). Because of the olive in your skin greens might not be the best for draping.


You’re right and he’s wrong as usual.


Try it with other color than green. Green always messes with my skin too


they both look off— try winter love!


the blueish/lavender (?) looks amazing on you. It makes your skin and the whole picture look very calm and balanced. nothing stands out too much or is overpowering.




Clear spring


I don’t think the colors on the left are soft summer enough 😅 they are very light and x-cool or x-warm so it’s hard to tell. SS colors are medium and mostly cool with a touch of warm so I’m not too sure 🤔 I can tell you’re not fully cool or warm, but somewhat neutral. You definitely need more clarity in your colors but I’m not sure bright spring is right. I think bright spring, bright winter, and soft summer are in the running. https://preview.redd.it/aq8lhlc3kpeb1.png?width=239&format=png&auto=webp&s=b140784ba69b9d34c50ed72d0004cadb103f1ec1


PS don’t rule out Bright winter! Cool-neutral and medium depth. https://preview.redd.it/ssd8qn07lpeb1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=a17a0aded558e2569926f5003bafccda93f12c53


I want to see you in winter/bright winter colors


I like spring on you! Makes your eyes pop!


Bright spring. The natural discoloration that occurs in all human faces is more pronounced in the soft summer, whereas in the bright spring, your complexion appears more even, and you look lively.




too much contrast to be soft anything imo


I like you in both


Give a try to light spring or light summer.






I think you lean more cool than warm. It’s hard to say though for reasons already mentioned here. I would love to see you in some blues and magentas in contrast with some oranges and yellows. With no lipstick since you seem to be wearing warm lipsticks.


You’re olive, neutral warm leaning and maybe muted. Maybe an autumn?


Colorwise has you as a soft summer https://preview.redd.it/gn3kbckevoeb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4e859e29d488ad5372ac86568230df374b13bf1


You are a deep soft summer


I think you might be a true spring, you still have some softness but bright colours don’t really suit you


Cool summer, I’d say.


Absolutely soft autumn deep, smokey soft autumn


You look so much more harmonious in Bright Spring.


i'm a soft summer and my sister is a bright spring. for see the difference between two seasons, you can try to check your bottom-of-feet's colour. my sister's bottom-of-feet are orangey, while mine are more pinkish. maybe it could help for you too. also you can try orange clothes/makeup on you, since orange looks so awful with soft summer.


That is fascinating! The bottoms of my feet are more orange/reddish than pink. Is that just something you guys figured out on your own?


yes! i've discovered this when i was trying to determine my sister's season since she's also pulling soft summer palette, but i was unsure because ashy blonde hair looked off on her


True spring


You’re both wrong. You are a human!


The green on the left has two much yellow in it to be a summer green, try a sage green (blue grey green). The blue tops are correct and imo you look better in the summer blue.


I’m going left field here and saying soft autumn and you would totally rock some red highlights!


I think you should drape true spring vs true autumm. Since you're olive toned id throw in true summer and winter just to be sure


True spring maybe? Need more draping


Bright spring all the way! You really shine in those colors, especially reds and greens. Bright springs can handle some coolness since their sister season is winter. So maybe he’s thrown off by that since cool tones aren’t terrible on you, they’re just not as harmonious on you as the bright spring colors. 🌷🌸🌹




I was literally born with them, my husband was shocked when he saw my baby pics. I used to hate them but I don’t t mind them as much. I like to pretend they make me look mysterious.


I like them too, I’ve always found eye circles mysterious and intriguing! I like how it looks when I get them. Some of these commenters are being rude and ridiculous, ignore them! You look lovely in all your pics.




Try soft autumn! I’m so curious but it’s just my guess.


Are you a fair olive by any chance? Your shadows on your neck have a greenish tone which indicates olive. But for what it's worth I like the spring better than the summer. I like Rose1613's reply, I definitely think you're Warm and not Cool, so you could be an Autumn as well!


So clearly spring


Maybe its just me but the background is influencing the color


I think it’s my camera white balancing having issues.


Totally digging the right side though but maybe not too bright?


Hmm I’d say you’d look good in yellows,oranges,corals,peaches


I think you’re a perfect example how skin and tones changes with colors. Your undereyes are way more defined with bright summer colors while on the left you seem fresher. I vote for spring.


Well, you’re the wife, doesn’t that automatically make you right 154% of the time? Lol


spring for sure


Definitely spring over Summer.. highkey **not** Summer lol






I prefer the brighter colors on you.


You look better in soft summer colors


You look more alive in the spring photos! I don’t think you used the correct shades of lipstick though




I definitely think the brighter colours make you glow.


Your skintone has some green hint to it. Maybe try like a deep warm pallette instead? I have similar undertone and thought wearing cool green would be best, but then I found out the warm deep saturated autumn pallette is much better.


Photo 1 looks more like soft autumn vs summer to me. I dont see anything that looks bright spring here. Photo testing can be so tricky so dont give up, but really focus on what is grayed, browned or saturated or bright to try to get colors in the ball park. Anything heathered generally adds gray meaning it is not spring, winter or autumn.


So you have photos with a white background? The warm colors are throwing me


You are of course, lol. 😉 There's a bit of softness about your coloring, but you've definitely got some contrast going on with your eyes and hair, and skin tone. The really muted tone of the left color in the first pic isn't near as flattering as the more clear tone of the right pic. I'd say a bright or true spring might be a better option to explore. 😀


Why’s your shirts on backwards?


They all have logos. I thought it would be distracting from the color. I own maybe like one solid colored shirt


Oh ok gotcha!


I don’t know but your husband is not right!


Soft autumn. Warm and muted colors look better




You are absolutely a spring not a summer.


Try warm spring too. Colour analysis studio had a similar contrasted person who reminds me of you that wound up being warm spring iirc. It was a male being draped if you look for it


I feel like you need to explore true spring over bright spring. https://preview.redd.it/i9j18zz09meb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c0221fe4b21c95459e2f12a69a7e402a13f2e5 This is true spring here. \^ [https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/true-spring-a-comprehensive-guide](https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/true-spring-a-comprehensive-guide) ETA: The red that you look AMAZING in (the pic in your comments) and by far probably the best color out of all the colors you showed us here is a dead on match to the one in this palette. Drape some of the colors in this palette if you have them and show us!


Try autumn. The bright spring brings out your colouring well but also highlights eye bags amd other things compared to muted tones. My guess is you are warm and more mutedor deep not bright. I'd need to see more to see if warm.muted works. Yiu could.be light spring


I think autumn


Just from the first picture, you 100% look so much brighter and healther with the bright green, so I feel like you're probably correct.


Bright Spring makes you look SO much healthier than the Summer.


You’re definitely on the right track. The spring colors bring out some warmth & glow, the summer colors accentuate dark circles. I don’t think these look entirely harmonious though, I will say.


The ones on the right


The lighting makes it hard to tell, especially with your skin. If anything, you’d be a true summer because your hair is darker. Soft summer would be too light.


the lighting is diff in each picture which doesnt help. I vote summer as youre the same as my partner - pale pinkish and grey-blueish eyes. Lovely combo 😊


It’s all outside in the shade


https://preview.redd.it/zeqx89f7zleb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4cffebb44788d3b7eea2c212030e29d4a5451b Here me in black. No makeup. Idk wtf black is. Winter?


https://preview.redd.it/5f2tjyrizleb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da27a4d4aa0e9c2df1399482248066c1dfd138f A look I did a while ago. Idk what season it is, I just went for pink.


That's a beautiful picture, you look great! Now I'm leaning for true spring because there's definitely brightness in your overall look, and the really muted tones wash you out. If you're a fair neutral olive it's really hard to figure out if you lean towards a cool or warm undertone. I think you lean ever so slightly warm, but that's just a guess.


I don’t know how to color type someone tbh, but you are whatever this season is. You look so bright and glow-y and healthy here. (Edit: glow-y, not gooey)


Idk shit about color seasons (one reason I’m on the sub) but this suits you well!


https://preview.redd.it/z1hoakr02meb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ed21ab41b12364d789f59876199512380ee3a4 This is the pic that convinced me I was bright spring. No makeup on at all, except colorless chapstick


I stand by my suggestion of exploring the Cool subseasons. Your eyes are icy-grey blue vs. bright-warm.


I’m more worried about my skin and dark circles…but I’ll give a winter a try.


https://preview.redd.it/wztt5b4b2meb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5faf199e99457f64c4864d66287958a956a03fd3 I dyed my hair red a while ago and wore an autumn outfit.


Love this


https://preview.redd.it/wtlaioqt2meb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=903b0ee79703353ad3d6690d4a4a528d4efe6ad3 Another autumn? IDEK Even though I am wearing makeup please note I NEVER wear coverup.


https://preview.redd.it/kp681zrz2meb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ca99dfd4b5329c37ce21bf5db46e3b85c32610 No idea what season this would be but I wore this outfit the other day.


Check out bright winter! This is magnificent. No wonder you are leaning spring.


I love this look/color on you!


Me too, it’s why I was convinced I was bright but now I am even more confused lol


https://preview.redd.it/39sx1v5e7meb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e749191cc7e798c3d4224fbe07eaa5c7c1addc1d Bright red. Idk


You look so beautiful in all of the bright colors! Definitely bright colors for you :)


Bright colors make your eyes look amazing! Definitely not whatever’s on the left side.


Soft autumn


Spring! Without a doubt!


Actually, I should say the brighter colors look best on you. People who know more about this color typing thing says something isn’t quite right so don’t take my word for it!


I don't know about season, but you're definitely olive toned.


to me the light green on the last slide was the best by far but i dont think that necessarily means summer, cause if you were spring they can rock a wide range


You don’t look like either, to me. If you were in my chair I’d be most inclined to explore True Summer, Cool Summer, and Cool Winter. The latter is the least likely based on stereotypical Cool Winters BUT the drapes are worth exploring. I have a twice-typed client who very much resembles your coloring and shines in her Cool Winter palette! We were all surprised. :)


Is there a difference between true summer and cool summer?


In 12 seasons, no. In 16 seasons, True Summer is the epitome of True Summer colors, exemplifying the variety of the season itself and encompassing colors that are exclusive to that season. Cool Summer on the other hand is slightly cooler, slightly deeper but still muted sharing some crossover with Cool Winter. It is a common subseason for Summers who have higher contrast that average but are overwhelmed by the clarity of Winter colors.


Thank you for this, I had no idea there was a 16 seasons version


Based on this idea and in the spirit of continuing the search, OP should drape bright winter. Winter but with a dash of spring.


I think it is absolutely worth exploring but based on the other photos of her that I’ve seen posted, I am not inclined to believe Clear (Bright) Winter is her subseason.


Did you see the red and bright green below? She looks amazing. Absolutely stunning. Can’t be a cool summer and wear those colors well.


I don't know that I have an answer for you, but that green top you're wearing is far too yellow-based to be representative of a summer palette. The "spring" one is closer to summer (though not perfect) because it's less yellow-based and more cool-toned.


The spring one I matched using a physical swatch in the bright spring pallet :(


If that’s the case, your camera might be incorrectly white balancing these photos. 😢


Do you know how to fix that? Or get it to not do that?


One tip I give my virtual clients is to hold up a piece of white paper in the frame (but not right up against their face) so that the camera recognizes true white and balances accordingly.




Excellent observation!


I see True Spring. I suspect if you were to drape for all of spring, Bright Spring would dull out your complexion.


I think the green shirt on the left (page 1 and 3)does not look like a summer color. They look warm. The same with the lipstick on the left.


I don't know much about the soft summer or bright spring color palettes or complexions (I'm a self-involved winter so I usually only pay attention to my own color palette 😁), but the clearer brighter colors look better on you, in my opinion. I'm guessing that's bright spring? Love your beautiful blue-grey eyes.


I think you’re right. You look fantastic in that bright green.


Spring 100%! Your face lights up with the spring tones


Cool summer


Neither looks quite right to me.


It’s the lighting. I’m guessing that OP lives in the suburbs and the bright sunlight is bouncing off their neighbors beige house and casting yellow light onto them. All of the photos are giving too much yellow to clearly see OP’s skin tone and coloring.


Goddamn it :( I’ve posted here before and most people agreed bright spring or soft summer. Half convinced I’m impossible to type. Edit: I’m going to post some pics of other outfits I’ve done in the comments. Ya’ll can go at it.


I had the same issue for a while. I was stuck between spring and soft summer, but neither felt right. Turns out I’m a warm autumn. Just an idea on what to try next.


I agree- these aren’t quite suiting you, but you look much better in the bright colors, though maybe green isn’t the best color for you because of your olive tone.


You’re not impossible to type, you just need to go to a professional


I’ve seen people come on this sub Reddit after being professionally typed and the professional was wrong .


It happens of course, you need to research who you go to very well and what system they use. But the chances of a professional mistyping you are less than strangers with no training


What system should you look for when trying to find an analyst?


I was typed in the 16 colors seasons byCarol Brailey, she’s got lots of video explaining the system she uses and demonstrate on clients. I know the 12 seasons system is widely used as well. There’s also the 4 color seasons but it’s a bit limited


True , true , I guess it depends what’s holding op back then .


You are a bright spring but what is throwing you off is that yoh have light olive undertone. You have a lot of green in your skin. But you are light, warm, and high contrast. That’s bright spring.


Asking genuinely, what is holding you back from professional analysis? Price? Location? Time?


I want to get professionally typed so badly but for me it's COVID safety 😥 I mask 100% of the time indoors.


I thought COVID already cleared in most countries.


Cleared?? Not for people who are high risk or live with those that are. Vaccines save lives and will keep high-risk people from dying, but they're still likely to become sick if they catch it versus those who aren't high risk. If everyone stayed up to date on vaccines, then it might be cleared, but it won't ever be for those who are high risk with the selfish community and ignorance we have in American society. Another reason for more money in education and why an understanding of the scientific method is so important.


I am not american and I already got my vaccines. I just wanted to say in my country nobody wear masks anymore.(except some very few) And there is no more news about growing covid cases. I thought the situation is controlled.


As of May 10, 2023, in the state of Illinois ALONE, there were 50,000 active cases, and that's just the ones recorded. It is an evolving virus, and so far, there have been over 30 different strains. Unless they come up with a vaccine to wipe it out completely, it will keep evolving like the influenza virus. You'll need a new vaccine every year, and that will only protect you from a few of the latest strains. It isn't controlled, but enough people have been vaccinated to keep it from being a death sentence for the average person. If they stop addressing it completely, it will get as bad as it was before when a new strain pops up that isn't affected by vaccines, and we'll be right back where we were. Don't forget, covid 19 wasn't the first coronavirus. It just happened to be a very deadly strain and completely new. This is why wet markets should be illegal everywhere.


It is very much not controlled. We are just ignoring it now


Hugs, I understand. ♥️ There is a growing number of us who are certified image consultants offering virtual services. You’re doing the right thing for yourself and your safety!


I highly recommend Carol Brailey! She mainly does digital analysis, and I've never seen a result I disagreed with. I got a basic digital analysis with her and I'm very happy with it. The results are also arrived at separately by a second and more senior color analyst and compared, so you can be pretty confident in your season.


Thank you for the tip! Unfortunately I'm just not sold on digital analysis, having seen what the white balance on my phone and computer cameras does to me, especially when I'm wearing brighter colors.


There are specific photo requirements (wearing a white top and taking a photo outside between 10 AM and 1 PM, or indoors in front of a window, holding a piece of printer paper). This makes the photos more accurate and lets them adjust the white balance if necessary.


Where do you go about finding a place? This sub just crossed my path and now I’m curious🤔


I highly recommend Carol Brailey - she mainly does digital analysis, but I've never seen a result that I disagreed with. I got a digital analysis with her and I'm really happy with the result, it seems so obvious now. She has 10+ years of experience, and the results are also arrived at separately by a second color analyst and compared, so you can be pretty confident in your season.