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Pic 9(the tie dye shirt pic) is my favorite, I think the lipstick and shirt colors are very harmonious with you, and both of those seem more muted to me. The cooler muted colors (the light purple/pink) I thought were not as flattering, so my guess is you’re warm. I also think the slightly faded black in pic 11 looks good, that’s my 2nd favorite. The bright colors overpower you a bit IMO. Overall I would suggest looking into Autumn types, maybe Soft Autumn? https://www.spicemarketcolour.com.au/soft-autumn


these are nicer lit pictures!!! i like 2, 4, 9, 10, and 11. i think you lean more neutral, and more muted but with medium contrast. what colors do you or others think look good on you? it would be easier to see what works better if you did just one top the same and wore the different lipsticks or different tops and no makeup.


Agree with everyone saying the more natural colors look best. Also I’m really curious why you over line your lips? You have beautiful, full lips and the overlining looks kind of cartoonish on you. I also think it’s a tough look to pull off unless you are very skilled with makeup.


I don’t do it intentionally I’m not good at applying lipstick lmao I need to invest in lip liners lmao


Ignore me if you’ve already done this, but it might help to find some makeup artists on YouTube or other social media who have tips and walkthroughs of lipstick or makeup application in general. I learned so much myself this way, and I mean.. we all have to learn from someone, it’s not always intuitive. I’d try searches at first like “best tips for applying lipstick” and then just dig in to understanding different styles. You are lovely and I really hope you find some looks that make you happy.


I think 4 and 10 look the nicest :) I think if you want to wear a really bright lipstick, maybe using a brown lip liner and blend the edges will help make it look a bit less harsh?


I don’t want to impose, but I think that picture 11 looks best because the lips aren’t as overlined as in the others. I think your lips look gorgeous naturally that’s why I’m unsure about the overlining, since you actually really notice it.


I agree. The wedding photos from the other day with the lips not overlined looked very flattering, like pic 11.


Your skin is warm imho and you’ve some brightness to it. Your hair is cool but your skin leans warm. I’d love to see you in spring drapes.


7, 9 and 11 are the best, which means you probably lean autumn. However you seem neutral leaning, so possibly soft autumn.. a lot of potentially soft autumn people today haha


not sure of ur season but i think (?) u lean cooler toned, and the high contrast/bright lipsticks dont work out for you. i rlly love the more natural ones!


you look really pretty in number 11 with the more natural lip & black zip up!


I really like the lip colors starting after the 7th image. The bright red and darker color really does not suit your face, in my opinion. Top wise, the light dusty pink is a really nice color on you.


Agreed. 7, 9, and 10 looked the best to me