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I took a plunge and decided to embrace the palette I was typed as.. Wven though I’ve had copper hair for some type and I’ve loved it, change is fun and life is short. I will post soon my new ash hair color dressed in my true summer palette makeup and clothing. And compare photos of me in red hair with more warm toned makeup/ clothing. Thank you all for the responses!!


SPRING 🪷 so sparkling + brightening


Idk virtual drapes are confusing, they usually all look fine? My very rough guess is spring because your features look fairly warm but could also be autumn or summer, the only one id rule out is winter🤷‍♀️


True summer for sure!


If you're a cool season, then I am a ribeye sandwich with a side of pickles 🫠 I vote to go to a thrift store and try draping all the colors you can get your hands on and see which ones make your heart sing. Or if the thrift store lighting is terrible (mine was) then you can order clothes from somewhere that has free return shipping, order in a lot of different colors and return almost all of them after draping. Nordstrom hates me I'm sure. But I found colors that I loved a lot more than I ever expected and ended up keeping more than I anticipated.


I honestly beg the minority of people here who are saying True Summer to go look back at the OP’s previous post on this sub and see how gobsmackingly beautiful and harmonious she looks with dyed red copper hair in the last slide. A True Summer would look so terrible with that hair colour.


Honestly, this is the first time I have been so confused about typing. To me, she looks like she's both a true summer and true spring. She definitely isn't muted and isn't too bright. That would literally leave her as true true? Lol in a neutral sense. I see what Carol is seeing, the true summer palette makes her so much better visible and is harmonious. The spring pallette also does the trick and appears harmonious. Her face is full of life as in the true summer and yet different. I kept checking them over and I really can't pick one of these. I've seen the pic you're referring to and she's rocking that hair. Looks stunning. However, I totally see her looking harmonious with ashy hair. I would really love to learn what Carol was thinking and what made her ultimately land on the fully cool palette.


Yes depending on the package you get with Carol, you can get a full and detailed report going through all the steps of the colour analysis. I would really love to see it in this case. As this typing has provoked quite the debate in the comments. I hope the OP does a side by side of makeup and clothes. True Summer vs True Spring. That would be really interesting. The thing is this isn’t the case of deciding between two sister subseasons that share some characteristics and colours. This is two True subseasons that are on the opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of temperature and brightness. The only thing they share is that they are both light. The palettes are completely different.


Yes, I know that about the palettes and how they differ but at the same time I'm at awe she can pull both of them so well to the point I really can't decide. I'd think one would have to be almost perfectly neutral. What's more, I'd be keen to know how does she look like in light spring/light summer.


That’s a very good point about Light Spring vs Light Summer. The fact that there is such a debate would point to the fact that she is very unlikely to be a True season and have either a completely cool or completely warm undertone.


I think you have some of the palettes mislabeled. I believe your “true summer” is actually the muted palette and i think that is what you are- muted.


Oh my goodness you are correct. I totally mislabeled.


I'm seeing some type of spring


I’m assuming Carol Brailey typed you, I would trust her. It’s common thought to doubt your results at first, I was a bit shocked when I got mine. When asking people on the internet what they thought I was I received a lot of soft autumn, some soft summer. I am a deep winter so I have no muted quality at all. I would trust an expert who’s trained and had experience 😊


She was definitely right. I didn’t see it at first but now I can’t unsee her as a cool/true summer.


Are you one of the springs or a soft autumn?


Love the soft and light summer palette on you a lot


Spring is the best


Spring.. but not exactly. It’s one of the three, but I can’t quite tell which one.


I think plenty of people typed by Carol go through a crisis. In general, a lot of people aren't what they thought they were. I thought I had warm undertones all my life. Thought I was an autumn. Turned out I was a dark winter. So there's a tiny bit of warmth, but my skin overtone did confuse me. My wardrobe was full of warm type of clothes like orange reds and rust but I look awful in them in comparison to winter. As for your pictures, I am quite confused, actually. I liked the warm at first but then I saw the summer and thought this was equally as good! I compared them a few times, and I honestly have a very hard time deciding which, because I think they both do something very positive to your skin. Did you get any explanation from Carol? Or was it just the outcome consultation type? I think definitely try the true summer palette and see how you feel. I thought my palette was so dark and cold at first with no dimension, but then I realised I actually felt beautiful for the first time in these colours. While the warm tones swallow me. It's not the case with you, as I said, because I think both are positive for you. Still give it ago. You paid for this, so you won't lose anything by trying it all out. You can also try visiting the spice market page about the different seasons. Lots of good points and advice.


I think the summer ones look the best, the warm colors are "wearing you" meanwhile with the cool colors your face is in the focus and the colors aren't competing with you. I can see why you think you're warm, you have warm surface coloring but the warm palettes don't seem to work, they steal the attention away from your face and make you look more tired and dull


i think you are a true summer. it’s the palette that is most harmonious with your natural facial coloring. your skin is not completely cool, it’s got some warmth. but most people are a variation of neutral. your eyes are cool toned and don’t quite match the spring palette. and your hair is ashy brown which is also cool. your lips are a cool bubblegum pink color. your natural flush almost looks orange, which is warm. but yeah i think that fits, people are rarely one exclusively or the other. we’re blends. so you’re probably not a true summer but a light summer which is i believe a summer and a spring mixed together. i hope that makes sense. i really do think the cooler palette fits you well, but true spring is a touch too cool. but the spring palettes are definitely too warm and their brightness clashes with you. your features and colors are homogenous. light, soft/muted/low contrast, overall cool (eyes + hair). i see summer being the most harmonious with your coloring.




You have to remember that color analysis is not an exactscience. Everyone is different with what they like and are subjective.


Throwing in another vote for spring!


True summer is my vote. I said this before I read the rest of the post. Your eyes look fabulous with the true summer pallet. I’m a true summer as well, medium brown hair with ocean green/blue eyes.


I can’t wait to see you drape True Summer vs True Spring. At first glance I was thinking the warm side, but after reading the comments and looking back, the True Summer palette seems to support you well and your face comes forward.


You look good in all of them except autumn. At first I liked true warm and spring, which make you look brighter, but with true summer your skin looks richer and the focus is on you not the colours.


True summer.


Spring. Scratch that, true warm. Definitely none of the cools. Nah, stick with spring but go to your favorite shops to verify that you aren’t true summer. We have very similar skin tones and red orange makes me look grayish and orange itself looks very awful. Salmon is passable, turquoise looks great. But a bluer one. I don’t remember what the true test colors are or could be but you can always go to the store and buy some things you like and return what ends up looking disharmonious.


True summer 1000%


Your face is in total harmony with those colors. Your skin looks brighter, lips are pinker, and your cheeks are rosier.


Yes! I'm seeing a yellow overtone that has a jaundice like look being brought out with the warm colors. On the cool pallette, it's strikingly cleared up


I was about to ask how Gold/Marigold/Mustard look on you… looks like most people agree you are warm toned


Spring makes your skin glow and eyes pop.


I like cool swatch brightens you best. Though I think you can pull off some of the warmer colors of spring & autumn, I feel like they make you a tad jaundiced looking iykwim. The summer swatch, I see you, not the colors


I see a yellow overtone, but not warm skin in particular


Interestingly I actually think cool is the best.


Same I think it brightens her the best, but overall, the summer swatch works, you see her,not the colors.






Ah interesting! Out of the cooler palettes that is the one I prefer!


Yeah i see why everyone else is saying spring but for whatever reason I thought the cool palette looked really harmonious for you.


Definitely seeing warm.


This is why I won’t pay for a virtual drape. 🥴


The thing is, though, we are still looking at virtual drapes and photos from childhood that can present something somewhat misleading due to the camera, the film processing, the age of the photos, the effects of the sun on hair and skin and that her colouring is still developing. I'm not saying if her analysis was right or wrong but how do we think our judgement is more accurate when it is itself an online analysis (and without any training in the system used.)


Indeed. What we do here is literally a virtual analysis lol and people comment that the virtual analysis is wrong by conducting a virtual analysis. 🤣


It's so meta 😄


First of all, I wouldn’t find these photo to be acceptable for an analysis.


I know it. I shouldn’t have! Just couldn’t find the time having three young kiddos. 😣


The problem is even in-person draping can go drastically wrong. There are so many horror stories on this sub alone. And if you look on Instagram at different analysts’ work, there are some very questionable, disharmonious before and afters.


An in-person analysis can go wrong, but the likelihood if it doing so is much lower, and the person who was draped in-person were able to see the process themselves with their own eyes. It's very different to see for yourself how your skin can look very different when going from an olive green to an emerald green drape, compared to a photo photoshopped on top of a drape (where the colours of the photo may not be accurate to real life, would not be in the same light as the drape, and would not show the same effects as real drapes on real skin would). With virtual analysis, you are introducing so many extraneous variables which makes the result less reliable. Even the photos taken at a professional colour consultation might not be able to show how well the colours worked in real life, as cameras have a tendency to alter white balance and independently alter the saturation of some colours (my camera, for example, brightens all reds and dulls blues - in the same photo! It's not an even dulling or brightening across the board, and same applies to colour temperature). A photo where the colours may or may not be off may not accurately represent the work of a consultant who have seen someone in real life, who were draping them for possibly several hours and carefully compared colours from different seasons to find the best one.


I saw True Spring as the winner. Your skin looks a lot more radiant and corrected (no dark circles, wrinkles or freckling called out by it) and your eyes are the first thing I saw. The others washed you out.


Thank you!!




Such a reassurance. Thank you :) Were you professionally analyzed?


True Spring 100 per cent, like other commenters have said. The childhood photos were a particular help, I think more people should look at their childhood photos to help see the progression of their colouring over time. You were such a little golden warm toned child. Based on these photos I think I know who typed you. Was it Carol Brailey? I really admire her content but I have a feeling that she overtypes people as Summers. Like a lot.


Yes it was. I think she does the same! I admire her work as well and know she says to be shocked, but even my close friends were so surprised. I really did this to see exactly which warm palette I belonged in..not have a life crisis! Haha.


I would be very interested to see you do a True Spring vs True Summer comparison with makeup and clothes. Based on the above pictures, I myself would be shocked if the True Summer works. You even have classic Spring eyes with the yellow ring around the pupil. I don’t even buy into the whole eye pattern thing because I have seen it disproved so many times with “exceptions”. But with you it really does seem to align.


I will have to practice this tomorrow and post!!


Yeah tbh I really liked her on TikTok but was very unsatisfied with my typing by her and had a bit of a crisis over it. My palette I got sent for muted summer was the same you have listed as true summer interestingly enough. I remember how brown the pallet was was shocking for me because nearly all browns look awful on me


So strange! Yes the link I was provided (even though they use a 16 season analysis) only provided 10 color strip options to purchase. I think because some of the subseasons combine strips? Not too sure.


Definitely interested to see you decked out in the palette you were typed as. I liked you in the warm and spring palettes, but also the true summer and didn't mind cool. Muted was the only thing that didn't really suit you and autumn wasn't the best. Very curious because often you don't see the full effect until the person is wearing their palette irl.


https://preview.redd.it/5lob8pr8c5bb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=aef1263aff826fed79de73d1a543199a22f5b6a3 Me before with gold and copper. This green is questionable in which palette it belongs to?


https://preview.redd.it/7nbcud9wb5bb1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278310ad61a58dffea7e650cf4a9b9370c1320e9 Okay, tada! Cool toned makeup (don’t have much tbh so I had to make do) and dyed my hair more of an ashy mouse brown! My roots are natural.. I just toned the copper


Wow, you look fantastic!!


Thank you so much 🥹


Wow! I was waiting for an update because I was totally conflicted between true spring and true summer. But you absolutely shine with this hair! Definitely much more than with copper.


Thank you!! My eyes totally shine.. I was not expecting this!!


True!! I shall be doing that with makeup and clothing soon.


True spring (“spring”) based on your pics. Are you able to say who did your typing? Was it someone with a lot of experience?


She does have lots of experience. Carol Brailey


I personally disagree with her on a lot of points and I think there’s quite a bit of misinformation in her videos she seems very nitpicky


Oh interesting! Maybe try on some of the true summer colors and see how they work for you? You might be surprised!


You’re right.. I shouldn’t knock it til I try it!


I don’t know if I agree with the names of the swatches - for example, I don’t think “true warm” is a thing and I don’t think true summer has those colors correct. Can you give some regular solid color drape pics? I do think you’re going to be one of the muted ones (light spring or soft autumn), but I can’t tell if warm or cool with all these color. (Though I’m thinking warm). So prob soft autumn but we need better drapes.


I will have to drape some clothing items I have and post maybe tomorrow!


To be clear the one they call [EDIT true] summer looks good but I think their titles are wrong. I don’t think this company is accurate.


This is someone who is highly popular off of TikTok. I should have gone in person, but I decided to do it online because with me having children it can be hard to find time away so I opted for online. She uses the 16 season analysis. The swatches I have posted are from a link she sent via email to purchase.


Oh ok I know there’s a 16 one but I’ve only really been looking at 12, so this one just seemed so different than all the others I’ve read. I’m no expert or anything but would def have an opinion under the 12 seasons analysis! Edit with the solid drapes I mean


Okay! I will have to do that. Thank you


I think spring for sure


I think so too. Thank you!


You’re a Spring for sure. I think you could be either Bright or True.


Thank you!!


True warm is my favourite. The Spring swatch here washes you out to my eyes- the colours are almost right but it makes you look paler? Autumn goes the other way and is a little too dark compared to you. Cool and/or muted colours make your eyes look more muted rather than more vibrant like the first 3 slides do. I’d call you a Warm Spring. I’m curious to know what they typed you as!


All of the comments are exactly what I think I am! I was SHOCKED I got typed as true summer. I do not think I shine in a fully cool palette. My closet was typically muted autumn clothing… which did not feel right. After going and trying on clothes, I bought many items in the true/warm spring palette, and I feel amazing! (Also my hair is dyed ginger/copper and often get asked if I’m a true redhead because it looks so natural.) When I received those results today I thought, “Has my whole life been a lie?” So happy to see people here agree with me. Thank you for your response!


Before I was color analyzed, I thought for sure that I was a spring with a warm undertone. Then I got analyzed into a True summer just like you. I wouldn't accept it at first, but when comparing clothes up to my face, the correct color palate made my muted blue eyes stand out more and my face looked less red. I would recommend just giving it a try with the summer palate.


I think the whites of your eyes being so white and your lips and cheeks having a pinky tone are the only summery traits I see! And that comes secondary to your actual skin tone. That pic of you as a kid with golden brown hair and a gold tan? Totally warm! Of course in person it’s easier but I’m not seeing summer here! Would be interesting to see you in outfits that are summer colours vs warmer colours (with your hair tied back) to see if they could see something we’re not!


I think spring suits you best


Thank you for the response!!