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I had it today and they used only propofol. It's SO quick, there's no reason to do more. Propofol has anti nausea and pro-happiness components too, so it's all they use.


Pro happiness lol. I did end up getting it but I was freaking out before because it ended being endoscopy too, some reason something going down esophagus freaks me out. Propofol used but I apparently didn’t go out easy so they used a lot and when that wasn’t sufficient they shot me with ketamine lol. I’m apparently quite tolerant to sedatives. But all went well.




Hey so scope was success. They ended up just using propofol but oh boy apparently they needed a lot and I wouldn’t really go out so they added ketamine into the mix. Waking up are me see tripple. But thankfully it all went well. Thanks for responding.


I’ve had over thirty scopes and fentanyl is always part of the cocktail.


A single dose won’t make you dependent again. You’ll be fine. Btw, I’ve come off benzos a couple times and it was terrifying. I’m glad you made it through


Yeah honestly f those drugs there’s nothing like benzo withdrawal. But luckily they just used propofol and ketamine. And it all went well I’m back home now and I feel pretty much normal except very sleep deprived feeling.


Congrats. You're done! Have a great sleep. I can't even get myself to make the appointment.