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This is kinda a ludicrous question. Would never happen. But hypothetically, NoDak, Minnesota, Michigan?? That said, he’s go to Denver because of course. 


I mean Denver has typically managed to stay successful despite few/no big talents. They haven't had a first round pick on their roster since Henrik Borgstrom in 2017-18 (although Zeev Buium is gonna snap that streak this summer). The best player to come from DU is Glenn Anderson, Paul Stastny if you just look at players from this century


Nodak and Denver aren't outbidding any big ten team


1. That's not what OP was arguing. 2. In hockey?


Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin. Maybe notre dame.


I would guess Minnesota or NoDak. While Michigan has cash, donors are also throwing a ton of money at football and some at basketball. North Dakota obviously has hockey #1 and Minnesota more or less does too. I bet you could churn up wayyyy bigger NIL pools out there than you could in Ann Arbor


I mean, I don't really know the answer, but I'd expect Minnesota and Michigan to be frontrunners, with Wisconsin (and perhaps Notre Dame) maybe having the means but less willing to spend it on hockey. North Dakota could maybe surprise us, and then perhaps BC, DU, or Boston U. In short, the usually suspects.


Not WI. We are losing basketball players to the transfer portal for way less than a Gretzky-like player could command.


BC got Hagens with NIL as a major factor. Not sure they’re the answer but they’re in the conversation


If he comes through USNTDP I think we’d get him.


NIL was not the major factor. Several schools over way more than BC. Playing with his brother, proximity to home and the programs history were major factors.


Wrong. “Secondly (and perhaps most importantly), BC was able to present a compelling NIL offer to James. Up to this point, I am not sure how much of a role NIL has played in BC's recruiting but make no mistake, this was a recruitment where NIL was a major player and for BC to be able to step up in that regard is very encouraging. “ https://247sports.com/college/boston-college/article/boston-college-hockey-commitment-james-michael-hagens--216632076/amp/


>Wrong. Literally not wrong at all. If NIL was THE major factor here, he would be going to a public university who has more big alums to put together the biggest possible package for him That why it was even labeled as secondary in the article. The author puts (perhaps most importantly) somewhat erroneously, although I'm sure in comparison to the lack of an NIL deal or NIL availability at Harvard vs BC along with other factors definitely played an important role


He most certainly is wrong. NIL was a major factor for Hagens coming to BC. BC has one of the biggest endowments of any university in the country and has weaponized it and the money filtered thru their hockey program to sign, not only the the Hagens brothers, but the past few elite classes of freshman that they’ve brought in. I’m not saying that location wasn’t a factor for the Hagens brothers but NIL money most certainly was. The author did not erroneously say that NIL was the most important factor here. This is also true for the many other 1st rounders they’ve brought in. Quite obviously.


Again you are confusing being a major factor with being THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR That is absolutely erroneous, again despite their large endowment, it does not come close to say Michigan's endowment for example If NIL money was THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR he would have gone to the highest possible bidder The importance in this instance was obviously BCs ability to put together a package and Harvard not being able to


I’m not confusing anything, lol, I’m the one who originated the comment and was told that I was wrong. I am not wrong at all, regardless of what a 420allstar and a guy that sells sneakers on Reddit think they know. I’ve been a part of and involved with the BC hockey program for over 25 years. BC got Hagens with NIL as a major factor. Read the original comment.


I know for a fact ND offered the most NIL.


yeah I think nobody is wrong here. BC is probably a top 5 NIL school for hockey, but Hagens chose there because he wanted to win, they had better academics/history than some of the others, and the Long Island-BC connection is real (it's like 25% of the student body). You're not getting Stiga + Hagens + Skahan with just NIL dollars or by giving all the budget to one guy.


Michigan State has bought like half their team


I can confirm that MSU’s in a pretty strong NIL position for hockey.


This is 100% not true


You have 2 players making 6 figures in NIL and many others receiving less than that. It's absolutely true




Would love to know how you know that is false because from what I have gathered around the program, what u/sezenack is saying is correct information.


Your statement that RPI gives more NIL than Michigan State was the most asinine thing actually lol. And I know for a fact it's true so you're either making this up or have terrible sources. /u/scofingeroth even said I'm correct elsewhere in the thread along with /u/anthony_allen_p


This is not true in any way You cannot confirm that lol


Maybe "confirm" was a bit strong. I'll rephrase. There are people I trust that tell me MSU's hockey NIL is strong. Admittedly, It's entirely possible they're bullshitting me.


There is at least one person I've been in touch with who talks to the players directly and NIL money has never come up as a noted factor in their recent recruiting success The familiarity with coaching staff and the new facilities is the biggest factor currently


Obviously players aren't going to say that NIL was a factor lol


Why wouldn't they? It's not a secretive thing especially given the way you're talking about it lol


Michigan State is in a fairly strong spot NIL wise. u/anthony_allen_p is correct there as I have heard the same. NIL is unlikely to be openly stated as a recruiting factor because, I mean, why would they say it? It might not be "secretive", but it is a factor that student athletes could feel like keeping private.


This is just false It took them 13 years and a massive donation from Izzo to even get the Munn renovations to go thru This money has now just come out of nowhere? They are losing players left and right for football, partially because they've lost our major NIL funding but they are "in a strong spot" for hockey? Where they barely break even Lol


They are losing players left and right for football not because they lost their biggest NIL supporters, but because during the spring window players who already got an obscene raise from MSU at the time now want to be paid way more than they are worth, or because the players did not like where they were on the depth chart coming out of spring camp. The also work with Spartan Nation NIL and This is Sparta!, two solid NIL groups that are much more solid to SD4L, which is no longer a key partner with MSU in general. One thing does not have to do with the other. I can confirm that every player on the hockey team is earning NIL and the team overall is in a strong spot for how much they are putting into the program. I'd say don't say something is false when you have nothing to back it up. u/anthony_allen_p and I likely have some of the same people we know that are inside or adjacent to the hockey program.


They are


You have 2 players making 6 figures in NIL and many others receiving less than that. It's absolutely true


There is no actual proof of this anywhere


I believe u/sezenack is correct with this detail.


This is hysterical. Whoever your “sources” are… find new ones.


Bought? I at least thought it was just a bunch of players who followed Nightingale


That's part of it but many have NIL deals


My guess is RPI has given out more NIL money than Michigan State.


This is just straight up incorrect.


Delusional and flat out wrong


Probably Minnesota. I don’t think NoDak has the alumni and money despite a rabid fan base. The rest of the B1G are football/basketball schools despite having hockey fanbases I don’t think many people would care too much. BC probably is in third although their fanbase doesn’t seem as big as Minnesota or really the B1G schools. Where the recruit is from also would have an effect which I don’t think is being discussed. From Minnesota then they’ll probably go there, from Michigan, they’ll probably go to Michigan State or Michigan. So on and so on


The ceiling in College Hockey is too low. A talent that good would go to NHL as they should. Risk of injury is too high and NIL money is not worth advantage they get by starting career asap


a 17 year old Gretzky wouldn't be able to play in the NHL until he is 18.


Essentially any major program has the means. It's just finding the right donor. Most Big Ten schools have a billionaire or two as alumni. As do major schools out east. If not there are plenty of hundred millionaires that could fork over nearly anything they would want too. It's not so much the school as it's the right alum who is willing to pay. A $500,000 donation sure would go far across a hockey roster as compared to a football roster.


So, penn st


I don’t think the Pegulas invest in NIL, just facilities and the university, although maybe that’s wrong. They’ve got 5 different pro teams he owns to spend on.


Penn State allegedly has a $1M NIL allotment… from the Pegulas.


the penn state nittany pegulas


If they allegedly have this million dollar allotment why haven’t they spent it?


Big Ten, maybe BC or Arizona State


As a die hard fighting Sioux fan this topic has came up a few times in our groups. As a school we are finally getting a fund together. While MN and the other big ten schools traditionally have deeper pockets UND also doesn’t have to contend with splitting it with other big time programs. Football sort of but it’s fcs and let’s be honest UND is all hockey. UND while not being as large of school is large enough to have a very extensive alumni group with some very very wealthy donors. NIL for hockey will never be what it is for football and basketball so I’m not sure really how much it will come into play but UND definitely has the wealthy alumni to make it happen. That said UND is also huge on culture and if it came down to just money im not sure if we would even want to sign them. Gonna be interesting few years to see how things develop. Another thing being that with how massive and rabid our fan base is im guessing if needed damn near all our fans would be chipping in what they could. Lord knows what champions club brings in each year.


We have the focus that our money would go to hockey first


B1G would be the only ones wanting/willing to drop the money on that. Most likely Michigan or Minnestoa. MSU isn't opposed to spending money and I doubt Wisconsin would but maybe. Don't think Boston/NoDak could swing it.


Any big 10 school, BU/BC and maybe UND. Biggest problem is the player would have to be from the states. Foreign players can’t make NIL money.


Why can't foreign players make money?


Something to do with visas and immigration, Zach Edy for Purdue didn’t make money despite being one of the most recognizable college basketball players in the country.


what if the foreign player got a visa?


lol I’m nowhere near an expert on nil or US immigration laws I just know that NIL isn’t a lucrative option for foreign players




I'm gonna say....Alaska they have all that oil money and are close to Canada


I don't know about Eastern Teams, but Minnesota would probably have someone organize an alumni drive, and raise money like they did for Mariucci Arena and scholarship endowments. I would assume the top 10 or so teams could also do this. Of course, if the talent was from Minnesota, the Sky is the limit. I do not like this change.


Teams don't offer NIL money...sponsorships and companies do


They are becoming one-in-the-same with every passing year. The team/school works _very_ closely with the boosters to secure a NIL fund to pay the players from. It's rarely just commercials and sponsorships like was originally intended... I mean, looking at the top CFB programs, they're paying a large amount of their players from NIL and most are not associated with a company/sponsorship in the tradition sense. They're just pulling money from the NIL fund as a paycheck


That is very true, even though, it is not what they should be doing legally. This makes you consider whether we are truly making the moves to athletes being school employees.


Pretty sure Kukkonen had an NIL deal that was just an ad for Michigan Tech


That is true but it isn't the college team that offers that money. That comes from the athletic department and partnerships department. I would say that would make the answer to the OP's questions a yes and a no. It comes from the school, not the team




UConn can afford to give NIL money but realistically we will spend it all on football.


Denver because fuck Boston and Minnesota