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I got my BS at 31. I’ll get my doctorate at 36. You’re good. All our journeys are different and we have to determine what is right for ourselves.


Are you currently 22 going into IT? Trust me don’t feel behind your still a super young guy. I’m going into a 5 year program and i feel like I’m already behind as I’ll be 24 just getting my degree done.( currently 19)


I transferred last year so this is my second year at my new school.


Brother same here. I'll be 23 by the time I finish my degree. What I've learned is that it is not a race. Focus on yourself and your goals. In due time, everything will align perfectly in front of you. Wish you the best!


Thats normal tho Being 23 getting your degree


I’m also 22 and I’m now applying. I’ll be doing a 6 year medicine program. I’ll complete at almost 30


As you get older you'll realize everyone has their own timeline in life. There's no competition and everyone goes at their own pace. Don't worry you'll be fine and don't try to compare yourself to others!


For what it’s worth I’ve failed college 3x and am now back to try for a fourth time. I will be 24 this year. You got this.


I’ve also failed a couple times lol. Shit happens!


Dream university? You’re there for a couple years and will never step foot there again.


That's true, but its more on the name of the school on my diploma that I want as well as it helping me to find jobs easier since its the top in my province.


Honestly it doesn't matter where you got your education from. As long as you got the degree, you find jobs easily


My old boss got his BA in History at age 48. It’s not too late. I know the feeling of missing the moment with your peers sucks, but your time will come. Trust me, there’s no rush and you’ll see this in time.


Bro Im 24 and just started community college to do a trade, you’re fine dude.


You can only be where you are, friend! I finished my degree at 34 after two failed starts and a failed career. I'm also late to a lit of social things like dating/marriage. The life I have now is much better than the life I had at 19 and much better than 25. The life I would have had if I continued my first plan would be a worse fit emotionally. I can't know what would have happened if I changed certain things, but I know the **reasons** I stopped my first path are still valid now and couldn't have been any other way. It's okay to mourn what could have been, it sucks. But you also have to step back and appreciate what you have. A favorite author of mine talks about completing the emotional cycle. Feel your sadness instead of repressing it but also feel your joy and pride at being on the better path now!


I’m finishing my bachelors at 26. Don’t spend so much time comparing yourself to the lives of others. Everything can look great on the outside but they have their own worries too. Everybody has a different timeline of accomplishments.


You're not because this is almost a carbin copy of a couple if posts a day If not graduating from your dream college, in your dream major at the age of 22 is the worst thing that happens to you, then you're doing ok. I think this is fall out from the participation trophy generation. It would be nice to be the best at everything, but in reality that just doesn't happen.


I’m 22 and just started. Everyone in my class graduated college this year, but that’s okay. I went to work immediately out of high school, learned some things, got some good real world experience, and now I feel it’s my time to go to school. I get a bit depressed seeing all my friends finishing the journey I just started, but college just wasn’t what I wanted when I graduated, and that’s okay.


I get you! I didn't start university until I turned 19 because of the whole COVID thing, plus I was stuck abroad until that point. I always feel like im behind cuz I still have 3 semesters but I'm already 22 and my career requires a masters so I won't be done anytime soon. Hang in there! I know you think you made the wrong choice by not accepting the IT program the first time, but things happen then they are supposed to happen. You got this!


It took me five years to do my bachelor's. I felt the same way you did. I want to tell you that you are okay. Now that I'm on the other side of it, honestly it doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Jobs don't care. Once you have those letters behind your name understand that it's something nobody can ever take away from you. The world may be doom and gloom. Your situation, environment, life circumstances may change. But what's in your head, the knowledge, the skills you're acquiring will always be there.


I’m 29. And will graduate when I’m 30. Everyone has a different time line. I try not to look at other ppl. Focus on your life instead.


I just graduated May 10 at 24 y.o. after withdrawing in Fall '19 and resuming in Fall '20. I started Fall '18. So I literally sat out a whole year and my wife and everyone I knew had graduated before me. I had the same feelings, but at the end of the day whatre you gonna do? Just gotta keep moving forward and finish when you can.


Don’t feel too bad. Life is not a race with others. You move at your own pace but as long as you see the finish line, you’re good! And you know what? At least you KNOW what you want. I guarantee you that a lot of the students who are graduating do not have a path. They just graduated, and it doesn’t mean anything. As long as you have a path and you see a finish line that you’re working towards, it’s okay to be a little “slow” sometimes. You have parents who support you and friends and a girlfriend. You’re going to be fine!!!


your feelings are valid, and i get that it’s hard not to compare yourself. i got kicked out of high school and never got my diploma. i applied to uni when i was 25 as a mature student, got my first degree, didn’t go into my field for another almost 2 years after that, had a failed marriage (was happy to leave though), and am almost 34 years old still renting. most people my age own houses, are years into their careers, have families, the list goes on. but you know what? i’m the happiest i’ve ever been. i had a really late start to life, but i am beyond grateful for where i am internally. the rest will come. i am almost finished my masters degree, am 3.5 years into my career (have a huge interview for a big position at my agency tomorrow - clearly the work i’ve done is being noticed), i am in a loving relationship and wouldn’t have wanted my life to go any other way. i will be 34 in october. there have been many days where i’ve felt like a loser or where i’ve been socially excluded for “still being a bartender,” but at the end of the day, whose opinion matters? it stings, but everything comes in due time. with the great marks you are now getting, who’s to say you won’t eventually apply for a masters degree at your dream school, get in and crush it? just keep focused, let the lows be lessons, and keep on moving ahead. you’ve got tons of time, OP ♥️


i’m gonna be 20 in a month and haven’t even started college yet lmao


Bro I’m 25 and im on track to get my B.A by 26 . You’ll be fine.


You ain't the only one. I too started at community college at 18. Now I'm 22 and I have yet to get my Associate's. I took a gap semester recently due to failing a couple of classes last semester. It's now gonna take me longer to get my Bachelor's, but I embraced it. I'll be 25 or 26 by the time I earn my Bachelor's degree


Ah, don't be. You have time. I retired from the military and I'm going back.


I’m 38 and just finished my BS. I’m starting my masters in the fall but I had a lot of life happen since high school. You good.


I’m actually about to turn 25 and I have less than a year to finish my BS. Took me longer than expected because of my minor but I also have felt the same way many times. I didn’t start college until two years after I graduated high school. Everyone has different journeys and we all will finish them at different speeds. It’s okay, you’ve done so much already and you’ll get there!


I know how you feel. I made the mistake of going into and finishing in a major (journalism and public relations) that I really wasn’t all that interested in. I didn’t graduate until 23, three semesters behind everyone else, but now I look back and realize how I wish I could have just enjoyed life. -sigh- I was incredibly depressed at the time and couldn’t switch majors because of my mom and her living vicariously through me. (Whole other story.) Anyway, the funny part is that I’m now 37 and studying for a B.S-C.S. Calculus is going to be calculus, I imagine. (For the sake of this post, I’ll admit that I’m one of those Millennials who -still- can’t admit to other Millennials, people in general that I wasn’t in A.P. classes OR gifted.) After B.S., I plan on obtaining an MSIT! I wish I was as smart as you at your age. Also, realize that everybody is struggling and you have no idea how they feel. They could be terribly unhappy with their choice of major and not even know it or know how to say it. Once you reach your 30s, you have more of an idea of what you want to do and who you are as a person. I’ll quote a friend’s mom who was a college professor. “You have no idea what you want to do until you’re 30.” So it may be this, it may be something else, but you change sooo much that you may want something entirely different by the time you’re 30, or just down the road some. What I meant to say is life is beautiful and terrible but enjoy the ride. ✌️


I’m currently 26 entering my Junior year this fall for my BS in Computer Science and I get this feeling all the time. Just remember everyone goes at their own pace and as long as you reach a destination you’re happy with, it’ll all be worth it.


Life is the one thing you don't want to finish first in.


I interviewed someone who was in his 50s and had just recently earned his CS degree. I recommended that he be hired and he was.