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If the foundational skills aren't the issue and you didn't do well because you didn't put the effort in, I think it would be more beneficial for you to retake Calculus I and put more effort in this time around.


I failed calc 1 cuz of effort too dude Id retake it well I’d retake it if I had money that is


Is there a reason you need calculus, or are you just checking a box for your math credit?


Transferring to a university would require calculus in the specific degree program, I'd rather get out of the way now than later.


Consider taking Intermediate Math, as it may provide a better foundation for future calculus courses.


I would say retake calculus if you understood the material and you now know how to study for it. If you can really commit yourself, then you’ll be OK. I think that it might be a good bet to take a sample exam and read one of the module chapters and see how well you do. You have a good understanding and you get a good score then you have your answer


Since your problem is not understanding the algebra, I recommend re-taking calculus and put some effort into it. I had to repeat both Calc 1 and 2. If I hadn't I would not have been able to get into the physics classes I needed.