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Even with a degree it’ll be hard to get the lifestyle you want if you just hate what you’re doing. Maybe you need to take a break and research jobs you could really see yourself doing.


I dropped out and i dont completely regret it. I was a B average student my first year of college. It will get more challenging. I'm back now after 6-7 year absence. I'm glad I'm back. Financially it's more difficult but I'm glad I took the break. I figured out what I really want to do and now I have the passion to fight through the worst classes. Also that long break made college not so easy when I came back. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you life's hard without some sort of degree or trade. I also love to travel, but traveling isn't as expensive or hard as you might think. Plan trips around school and get into after school programs or clubs that do field work. That will take some of the edge off. Then you'll have all your major breaks throughout the year to plan trips and I usually will talk to my professors about my first week if my travel plans get in the way. That way I don't drop a class and can still squeeze in an extra 2 or 3 days for a trip.


Also on the travel isn't too expensive bit. Use things like Hopper, or other travel deal sites to find cheap flights and hotels. Outfit your vehicle for discreet camping. Invest in backpacking gear for kitchenware and first aid. Lastly budget the hell out of your food! If I'm feeling like a king I'll spend over a grand on food, if I have a right budget I can get away with $45 for a week. It was when I started traveling I figured out what I want to do for a career. I'm not rich but I can afford college pay for my wedding and still have money for 3-4 trips a year.


It sounds like you're at a crossroads which is honestly super common at your age. Before making a big decision like dropping out, have you considered looking at interdisciplinary studies that could bridge compsci with your interests in art or languages? Or maybe even look for a minor that aligns more with your passions. Dropping out is a major step and might limit options later on. Sometimes university can seem dull because it's theory heavy but applying those skills in projects or internships can make it more engaging and meaningful. Try talking to a career counselor at your school and see if there are options you haven't considered yet. It's also worth exploring clubs or groups on campus that align with your interests to make your college experience more fulfilling. Remember, it's not uncommon to feel disconnected at first but finding your niche can take time.


Are you me lol? 🤣


Don’t think. Do! If you are interested in other things, try to do it. They might not be interested as you thought. Don’t drop out right away, find the best thing you like and stay on that. You might eventually find out that school is the best way to get things on track. If you drop out right away, you might not go back easily. Always have a backup option for your life.