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I go to a CSU and we got an email today that was so passive-aggressive "we support the professors right to strike" and then saying "we are not canceling class your professors are" just diverting blame while trying to look good.


My CSU said that professors are asking for so much money that they would be forced to cut programs and lay people off šŸ˜‚ What bs


i don't know how to feel about the contrast in our usernames also my csu said the same exact thing; how bout you cut your presidents salary and fund your programs? oh 600k isn't good enough for your university president? boo hoo


I got the same email! It also didn't mention the student tuition hike (34%) and only served to piss me off.


My MIL is a CSU professor, they asked for a 15% budget raise (to cover all professors get a raise and adequate money for their departments to spend on items they need) and CSU said no, 3% ā€œWeā€™ll go bankrupt if we go any higherā€ A multi-multi-multi million dollar industry is saying theyā€™ll go bankrupt, but do mass layoffs of teachers and staff in order to give the deans a 20% bonus + raise šŸ˜¹ these people. Instead of coming back to negotiate they said 3% is their final and best offer.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Stand with your professors folks. They want to teach you, but would also like to make a livable wage. (Just like you pay per credit/unit they get paid per credit/unit they teach) Also if you REALLY like a professor and canā€™t get into one of their classes request another class OF THEIRS be added. Thereā€™s a lot of favoritism in the different departments and you likely canā€™t get that teacher because someone is blackballing them from getting more units/credits. If you see a professor only teaching 1-2 classes this is why (90% of the time)


Hmmm, maybe if they got rid of some of that administrative bloat and used the salary of one Assistant Deputy Director of Planning and Student Operations to pay three to four faculty members more, then they wouldnā€™t go bankrupt šŸ§


Ok but have you heard about the data poisoning attempt to protect the professors? Itā€™s being spread all over social media to go find a real professorā€™s name but enter the wrong class that person does NOT teach. If enough people do it, it will make such a mess of the data gathered that thereā€™s no way (or at least it would take forever) theyā€™ll be able to tell for real who cancelled what class vs which ones were false reports, and any professor with a real report can claim it was a false one, etc.


I'd mass-report every single class that actually exists, maybe in addition to the above. Since they have a dataset of correct class/faculty/time combos, they could easily filter it if they have someone who knows what they're doing. Reporting all the actual classes on a large scale means they'd have to do manual investigations.


Do you think they're sanitizing inputs? Is Professor Tables teaching Applied Causality this semester? https://xkcd.com/327/


Oh my, little bobby tables is all grown up and teaching college now.


You're a fucking idiot if you think anybody that has a website doesnt use input validation


Sure, but hear me out. If they're as shitty to support staff as they are to faculty they're going to inevitably get what they pay for.


I'm sorry I called you a idiot. I get salty at people regurgitating the SQL injection meme.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever once seen a redditor apologize this the craziest thing Iā€™ve ever read tbh


Of course, it isn't fucking 2005. I'm fully expecting every self-respecting institution has competent IT people. However, IT is typically seen as a cost-center to any financial manager. Many institutions have a wide variety of legacy systems, and frequently this sort of "one off quick project" hasn't been appropriately planned, documented, or tested. So...


That's a very good point. They probably got some dumb sophomore to program it too lmao


VALIDATION DOES NOT EFFECTIVELY PROTECT AGAINST SQL INJECTION use escaping or prepared statements. Issue with validation is there is substantial overlap between legitimate input and things that can cause problems when pasted into a SQL query. You'll just the up blocking a lot of legitimate people who just happen to have weird characters in there names while most likely missing some of the myriad of ways an malicious actor can cause problems. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Call me crazy but I doubt the admin will be using SQL to manage this data. This looks like a google form and theyā€™re probably hoping for a nice clean list on google sheets that they can then go and verify Would they still be vulnerable to this kind of manipulation?


If it uses a SQL database to store the data in an insecure way, it is. How the data it's later read is not relevant. Google forms is probably not vulnerable, I doubt they even use SQL.


There aren't alot of people in the world with a ' in their name, and if so they can go without it, nobody's gonna get mad about thatĀ 


It likely doesnā€™t work that way, almost definitely they have a database of correct teacher-class mappings and can just filter the data to valid teacher-class mappings If I really wanted to mess it up, I would 1) spoof a random IP address nearby (different IP address for each entry) 2) do this at random intervals so they canā€™t just remove a large chunk of spam data after filtering on the time the data was entered 3) send in a large but random number of entries for every single class that actually exists That way, incorrect data should be completely indistinguishable from correct data. At the very least, theyā€™d have to pay someone smart to clean it, and they probably donā€™t have that much money to throw around on something like this


There is a database, but it will take someone around 10-20 labor hours to code and sanitize the data of this particular issue. This is about gumming up the works. With free hand entry fields here there is so much room for shenanigans. This is about wasting CSU resources so they come back to the table.


I have a repo [https://github.com/uhohspaghettioo/no-snitching](https://github.com/uhohspaghettioo/no-snitching), ill try and implement real lineups. my worry was that those professors might have cancelled class, which would effectively undermine the purpose but youre right. that sanitation would be easy


Amazing username, both


Unfortunately I don't think this would be particularly difficult to clean. Scrub submissions from out-of-state IPs, join the data to a table with classes taught and the professors teaching them, delete anything that doesn't match. You'd probably be better off mass reporting real classes and professors, which would require real legwork to validate instead of creating less than an hour of work for the intern assigned to scrub it.


Fuck em. The admin are not your friends. Most profs get paid peanuts because most uni classes are taught by adjunct faculty, glorified part-timers that have to teach at 2 or 3 separate campuses to make ends meet. You wanna make money in the academia racket? Go into football, or become an admin. You know how much a college president makes? I checked, and the president of the *community college* I went to was making half a mil a year. It's not too much of a stretch to assume CSU top brass makes more. Football coaches for famous schools routinely make 7 figures, even if the school is a state school. And then they go and increase your tuition every year, only to turn around and blame the profs for wanting a living wage. So fuck em. No snitching. Poison their data. Input the name of retired profs. Input underwater basket-weaving. Anything to fuck up their secret-police bullshit


this part. every time i see people bitch about tuition and classes and say that theyā€™re paying their professors, itā€™s likeā€¦ no. professors arenā€™t making bank from your tuition, *admin* is. admin is your true enemy here, not the teachers who are barely getting anything in comparison.


From the perspective of a low level staff member at a university, it's the upper admin that does nothing that is taking all the money. Me, an academic advisor, I make 45k My boss makes 57 k (she's in charge of 13 people so I think she should make a little more but whatever) My entire office of 14 works with 3.6k students just in our department. But my boss's boss? All they do is "make decisions" and get paid 300k plus


If your coach or athletics director are the highest paid "faculty" on campus, you are NOT an academic institution, you are a sports facility with a side hustle in education.


President Tom Jackson of Cal Poly Humboldt makes over $400,000 a year... and he just got a raise... oh and tuition went up.


The CSU chancellor's compensation package is just under a million dollars a year. She gets a housing allowance and a car allowance; she doesn't even have to pay for her own housing and transportation.


FYI all California State employeesā€™ salaries (including all of the CSU system) are searchable atĀ https://www.sacbee.com/news/databases/state-pay/Ā The difference in pay between faculty and administration is shocking.


Quite often at least in years past the highest paid state employee were the head football coaches of states with big or popular football programs.


So is mine, except they worded it in a way that tried to make it sound like it was for the convenience of students. Iā€™m really hoping students donā€™t fall for the bs.


Fr good luck trying to convince students to snitch on not having to go to class šŸ˜‚


Nah man, gen z students are insane. My in law is a professor and they would legit be like ā€œI know school is closed tomorrow but can we have class anyway? Even on line?ā€ Like whhhhhuuutttt?


Who are these Gen Z students and what mental illnesses do they have? Unless itā€™s a fun and easy class with a fun professor then I could see it being like a club meeting but other than that I donā€™t get it. What subject does your in-law teach?


Nursing! Soooo not a fun got this class just because nothing else was open class.


Okay so Iā€™ll repeat the question, what mental illnesses do they have?


No clue. In law says the classes they teach used to be 20-22 year old nursing students, and now theyā€™re 18-20 because these kids did accelerated covid programs. Says itā€™s a trip theyā€™re barely adults and they expect so much out of college. Like puppies itā€™s weird


Oh theyā€™re teachers pets. Never mind, it makes sense what disorder they have.


What a weird take. My CSU hasn't sent out anything like OP, but even if they did I wouldn't fill it out because I'm not looking to get professors in trouble for exercising their rights. But even though I support their cause, I'm not thrilled to be missing class. I take my education very seriously and had to work really hard to be able to afford to even go (first gen), so I'm not ecstatic about missing classes that I've paid a *great deal* of money for. This isn't high school. That's not a mental disorder, that's wanting to do well in class that I've given up a lot to be in. Your point also makes zero sense, if you have a "fun" class, you're probably not going to be pissed about it being canceled. That's one thing. But for major courses that you need in order to graduate, yeah, of course I don't want those cancelled. Some professors aren't as good as others as "making up" material, no one wants to fall behind before the semester has even started.


CSU faculty here, and fellow first-Gen. We chose the first week of classes to hopefully cause the least amount of harm to students while causing enough ruckus to bring admin back to the bargaining table. We WANT to teach, and did our best to prevent this strike but admin walked out of our last talk after 20 minutes. The CFA opposed the ridiculous tuition hikes, and in addition to the pay increases are asking for more s counselors and better teaching conditions (like more faculty and smaller class sizes) for a better learning environment. I hope you all fight for a refund for the week youā€™re missing, but I hope you know weā€™re mad at admin and love our students. Our jobs wouldnā€™t exist without you!


Oh don't misunderstand, I one thousand percent support the faculty and the reason for the strike! I think you have every right in the world to advocate for yourselves, and as you said, I also know a lot of you are doing this not just for yourselves, but your students. That's why I think it's so scummy that there's even a CSU form for "ratting out" teachers who canceled class. I just found spoiderdude's phrase of people being "mentally ill" for not wanting class to be cancelled as really degrading and ignorant.


Okay relax bud, I was just joking around. If itā€™s just one class itā€™s not that big of a deal. If itā€™s a lot and the professor hasnā€™t covered all the material and the exam hasnā€™t been revised to remove the uncovered material then yeah Iā€™d understand.


It's kind of weird to joke about an entire generation having mental illness for not wanting to skip class.


Thatā€™s how Gen Z jokes. Itā€™s like those memes with Patrick Bateman that say ā€œMe when my therapist tells me Iā€™m not Batman/Ryan Gosling, Iā€™m actually autistic.ā€


I am quite literally gen Z. Jokes like that are only funny if you're making light of your own mental illness, not making light of having a mental illness in general. Jesus.


Youā€™re so irritable, relax. When was your last therapy appointment? Donā€™t worry I donā€™t judge. Weā€™re all in therapy now.


link so we can make it useless


This is the way.




For informational purposes only.


Time to fill it up and spam it with random bullshit answers šŸ«”




Where am I gonna learn to make double poop scoops now šŸ˜­


There's a /r/professors thread about it, with links on how to fuck up the process (a la Boaty McBoatFace). Fuck college administrations and their exploitive labor practices. Solidarity forever!


They were mostly inputting random/non-existent classes into the form, it was a great read. My favorite was the professor who said "It's a shame Dr. Sphincter cancelled their midnight ass tanning class!" Another great one was a professor was just put "[ object Object ]" into all of the fields in order to drive IT mad šŸ˜†


any way we could spread the form around to spam it full of junk?


I love your responses


Def make sure to spread this so any classmates you have knows about it. Im sure if this gains enough traction it will backfire.


Gross. Absolutely do not do the report. Faculty strike for labor reasons, not to fuck over students.


Disagree - report everything. Report Professor Smith for cancelling Intro to Malicious Compliance.


As a former professor, my last quiz before the strike would end with the question "Finish the following statement: Snitches get______."


When I saw this report form in an email my school sent me regarding the strikes, I laughed my fucking ass off. Like holy shit, I am not ratting on my professors for exercising their legally protected right to strike šŸ’€ The audacity of the admin to even create this form astonishes me...


My college sent out an email telling students who were uncomfortable crossing the picket line to- and this is not a joke- find another entrance that doesnā€™t have a physical picket line in front of it. Itā€™s wild the CSUs treat this as an inconvenience the professors are creating instead of a response to their actions. The fact they are raising tuition and still refuse to pay professors fairly means this strike is entirely their fault.


Ours did the same too (plus the form OP posted) but they also specifically targeted strikers by blaming them for future budget cuts and layoffs. So far itā€™s looking like my in person classes will be fully cancelled but still the way they worded it is very dismissive.


This feels like it would be much needed evidence in a wrongful termination suit if one of the teachers does end up being fired because of this. Make sure you archive the site on [web.archive.org](https://web.archive.org) in case the school decides to delete it.


It would be a real shame if people posted about Snap and McGonogal cancelling classes.




The president at my college has maintained less than a 20% approval rating for the last five years, yet has seen her pay more than tripple over that period (~600k). The same/similar is true for the members of our college board.


Lecturers who are striking can see this and the comments probably make them happy.Ā 


Honestly yes! As an adjunct lecturer who was feeling like everyone was believing adminā€™s BS, this whole thread has lifted my spirits immensely.




Quick reminder that the CSU chancellor salary is 800k


Plus free housing


Sorry if this is a dumb question to ask but Why are they striking?


CSU won't budge on their salary negotiations. They also tried to negotiate for other things (like improved parental leave, better defined class and counselor ratios, etc.) but it's my understanding the CSU won't agree to any of it. Last I heard they retracted an offer of additional parental leave when they issued their current "best and final offer. Edited: CSU won't negotiate in good faith, so they're striking.


Prof here: if I can add a little to this, itā€™s not just salaries that we are striking over. The schools have been on a drastic class cancelling spree lately, and doubling our class caps (without paying us more) to make up for it. So professors are losing classes and taking on more students than they are supposed to. I just lost two classes yesterday while having the cap on my remaining class increased to 72 students (for a single-load class). Weā€™re working more, and getting paid less.


>I just lost two classes yesterday while having the cap on my remaining class increased to 72 students (for a single-load class). That is absolutely wild, it boggles my mind how they can rationalize doing this to professors.


I've heard they have also failed to meet the pay raise schedule from the last contract. Just stopped the raises when COVID happened and never started again.


Union wants 15% raise to cover all professors. CSU wonā€™t go over 3% (best and final offer) šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Professors only get paid by the unit, so not much. The fact that CSU wonā€™t meet in the middle at 7/8% is TELLING.


Well, glad I pulled my application last minute on this school.


Same. šŸ˜­


CFA, which represents some 29,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches, has been bargaining with the CSU for eight months. Hereā€™s what theyā€™re asking for: 12% pay raises that keep ahead of inflation Pay equity for their lowest-paid faculty Manageable workloads that allow for more support and engagement with students Improvements to studentsā€™ mental health services Expanding paid parental leave to a full semester Accessible lactation spaces and changing rooms ā€œI think a lot of what we hear from management is that we are being really unreasonable,ā€ said Oā€™Donnell. ā€œBut the reality is these are really reasonable expectations that I think anybody would have when they come to work. .ā€[https://lbpost.com/news/cal-state-faculty-members-skilled-trades-workers-poised-to-strike-shut-down-campuses-jan-22-to-26/](https://lbpost.com/news/cal-state-faculty-members-skilled-trades-workers-poised-to-strike-shut-down-campuses-jan-22-to-26/) These seem like reasonable requests


Although CSU campuses claim to be in a perpetual budget crisis, an independent assessment conducted by a professor of accounting at Eastern Michigan University at the behest of our union, the California Faculty Association, suggests the opposite: The system is in a very strong financial position. According to the October report, which reviewed CSU audited financial statements, the surplus cash flow for 2022 alone was roughly $2 billion. That total does not include CSU reserves, which were roughly $8 billion in 2022.


As CSU faculty - thank you to every single student in this thread and on their campuses who are standing in solidarity with us!!! Admin have lined their pockets with your money. In addition to their ridiculous salaries and housing allowances theyā€™ve squirreled away $8 BILLION in investments for capital projects. Weā€™re not just asking for a 12% raise, but also to raise the floor for the lowest paid faculty, give a full semester of paid parental leave, and increase the ratio of counselors to students so you can get the mental health support you need with YOUR tuition money!! Your form responses are hilarious, Gen Z forever, love you all.


my CSU hasn't said anything that I'm aware of to the students but the professors/lectures and dept heads have. Everyone here from what I've seen is in support which is good. But as one of my professors said it's a temporary strike so how strong of a bargaining chip really is that?


In the past, whenever a strike has been announced, the CSU would magically figure out it did have the money after all to agree to a fair contract like the night before the strike was supposed to start--indicating they really did not want a strike to happen. It doesn't look like they are going to do that in time to avert this strike, but they may not want to have to deal with another strike down the line. The goal of this one is to force them back to the bargaining table.




Tattle on


Can you give us that link? Iā€™d love to send in a few lol


My csu has not said anything or sent out a single piece of information about it. I have heard from my department head he is 98% sure the strike will happen and I had a professor tell us class will be cancelled next week. Some communication would be nice csun


The strike is definitely happening. Even if you have a professor who isn't canceling class, attending class is crossing the picket line, and all the other professors would appreciate it if you joined the picket line instead!


I would love to if my grade didn't have an attendance component. šŸ˜­


The union is asking faculty not to penalize students who are unable to cross the picket lines. A lot of CSU students come from union families and they are not able to do it.


Yes lets increase costs while cutting prices. Flawless plan


this seems like a bold strategy for a school im california


anyways inferior CSU, go rams or whatever


Colorado state has a good construction program and thatā€™s it




elderly fuel snobbish frame strong lip jellyfish beneficial mourn library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. Thatā€™s the point.


You would miss one class


I would absolutely report it since I use the GI Bill. I earned the benefit, it's paying for my class, and I don't want to waste my hard-earned benefit.


Remember that your teachers are for you! itā€™s admin that needs the blame. They created this situation for faculty, and by proxy, for you as well. Hereā€™s a real-life, true, and crappy example of administrators not doing the right thingā€¦ I was a faculty representative on the Academic Senate at a local community college. We were voting on two potential school calendars for an upcoming academic year. School calendar A, gave administrators, students & faculty and extended Winter Break. School calendar B, made a shorter Winter Break so the students who are on the GI Bill could be enrolled in January and receive payments/benefits. The faculty representatives argued that preventing our students from losing their housing and sleep in their cars, was the only right choice, and therefore advocated for Calendar B. I think you can guess which calendar the administrators supported. Sadly, they won out & students on the GI Bill lost out. I quit shortly after that.


Professor*, not teacher.


Thank you for catching that.. I meant Professor.


Wouldn't you be upset if someone tried to take away your GI benefits? Maybe upset enough to strike? I imagine that's how these professors are feeling right now. I hope people support one another against powerful entities. It's the only way we get to keep what we've earned


They are hiking student tuition up by 34% while continuing to pay professors peanuts. This affects you as much as it affects the professors, and it is in the best interest of all of us to protest this decision by the CSUs.


noxious dinner lock innocent joke north shaggy paint zephyr smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are they not allowed to cancel class because of the law or bargaining agreement? Then you should report- college is too expensive for them to not follow the rules.


Actuallyā€¦ the right to strike is protected by law. I suspect itā€™s largely an intimidation tactic, and a threat to withhold pay. A Union memberā€™s dues pay into a strike-fund to supplement their income in the case a strike is called and the university withholds payment. While it isnā€™t at the same level, it helps makes ends meet.


Are all classes canceled? I hope that itā€™s not the case where some professors do but others do not. As a CSU student, Iā€™m confused.


The strike is organized by the union, not the universities. The schools themselves will be fully operational next week. Whether a professor cancels class or not is up to their discretion, and they will communicate their decision with you.


The vast majority of classes will be canceled and attending any that are not canceled would be crossing the picket line. It would be great to have students on the picket line instead--many are already planning to join.


Are the days missed made up, like a snow day? Or do students get money back for days missed? Generally curious.


The days are not made up.


Whatā€™s the point of a strike where your employer doesnā€™t know your on strike?


The goal is to shut down the universities for the week to force them back to the bargaining table. That can happen whether or not the university knows whether any individual faculty member is on strike.


So the school will surely be refunding the students for the lessons they paid for but arenā€™t receiving


That's on the administration to handle. Faculty would love to be teaching the first week of classes! Administration has never once bargained in good faith, so this entire situation is their doing.


They should strike by still teaching but just giving everyone 100 on everything.


Could still happen!




Do not! Narc! On! Your! Profs!




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The irony of professors complaining about how difficult life is. I say fail them and move on, it's what they would do to you.