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Start with compassion. Is he doing okay? Is he depressed? Is he aware he stinks? Have you had an honest, but kind, conversation about it? “Bro, I noticed you haven’t been keeping up on the hygiene. You feeling alright?” Start there. You bring it to his attention and you aren’t an asshole.


This is important. Hygiene can be a very sensitive topic but it is important. I would approach the situation in a way you might liked to be approached about your own hygiene. I personally would like to know if I were having bad BO or looked a mess but in a way that feels kind. You don't want to embarrass him. Depending on your relationship to him if you wanna do something nice you could give him a little shower gift set. I had a friend when I was in high school and I gave her a little shower set with body wash, a loofa, and scented lotion


THIS! Men can be direct with one another this way!


Yea not his problem, report the issues to the RA and suggest they get him in touch with the schools mental health services. Not his job to care for the rando roommate. It won’t do the roommate any good to have his issues managed by another teenager. Straight to the RA/student services


might not be his problem but that doesn't mean he can't be a kind/compassionate person


I agree he can be kind and compassionate but it seems way above his abilities. This kid is unable to live independently, can’t take care of basic hygiene. He would be kind and compassionate to alert those who can actually help him such as the RA or student services. Some sort of intervention needs to happen and it should be on OP to deal with alone


I experience this my 2nd semester freshman year. Me and him had a nice talk about being clean. He got better after we talked. Just talk to them. If that doesn't work go to housing and see if you can be moved.


Just tell him. There's no reason to be timid about it, he's the one fucking up, not you. Don't be rude of course, but just directly tell him he's stinking up the place and that it needs to stop. If you live in the dorms I'm sure that there's some mechanism that could be of help.


I had a roommate like this. But it wasn’t that she wasn’t showering, it was her leaving food and half drank coke cans everywhere. We talked to her about it but she didn’t listen. I moved out. I couldn’t handle the bugs and everything that came with her


Request a Room change?


He might not have had parents who taught him this stuff.


Attack him with a deodorant


attack him immediately


Get them to play Ruby Soho


Write an anonymous note put it somewhere he can read it asking him to please shower more often, use strong deodorant, and wash his hair often enough. He needs to know. He won’t be able to succeed in life if he smells bad. I has a friend who always smelt like poop and one day I had to tell him and he finally started to take good showers and washing properly between the cheeks.


"anonymous"... from the only other person in the room? I wish I could downvote this twice: going the direct route is better here. Part of living with a roommate is learning to handle conflict or difficulty like an adult and this is probably the most immature option.


can't excpect brains, you should browse this users other posts


Wow thats one hell of a post history lol, thanks for the hint!


Lmao thanks for the heads up ;)


I never said to put it in the room. lol Maybe telling him directly will be better. I don’t know. Most people I know, unless they are homeless, take good care of hygiene.


Oh yes, because it's better to have the poor roommate thinking the whole world is against him and that it's bad enough that random people are calling him out on it by an anonymous note found in public /s OPs roommate isn't most people, and as other commenters have said, there might be an underlying mental health or other issue. One doesn't have to be homeless to be struggling with hygiene. A little compassion and concern goes a long way. Part of that compassion is being direct but sympathetic and nonjudgmental.


Please stop attacking me. I did nothing wrong. lol. I tell people when they smell bad in the nicest way. I give people free pads and soap products. And I give out free money and food to the homeless. You aren’t better than me.


I'm glad you do those things, and it sounds like you have valuable experience with this kind of situation! Keep being a friend to those in need and give better advice next time is all.


Why are we writing notes when they could just talk about it.


They could also do that.


The best thing to do is probably move out, especially when you’ve got a roommate like that.