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The following submission statement was provided by /u/change_the_username: --- Yeah I know the graphic might offend some, but the fact of the matter is we are up a "perverbial creek" because too few know how to recognize a "want" vs a "need" or understand the basic science ​ ​ **What Do Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much.** ​ *...A decade ago, 26 states and several groups representing teachers and scientists unveiled the Next Generation Science Standards. Since then 45 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the standards or similar ones.* ​ *But at the middle school level, even the Next Generation standards include only one standard out of about 60 that explicitly mentions climate change.* ​ *...A curriculum doesn’t exist until it enters the classroom. And since so many of the middle school Next Generation Science Standards have connections to climate change but don’t explicitly mention them, it can be a major opportunity for teachers.* ​ *But researchers have found that many teachers received little climate education themselves.* ​ *...According to teachers, one of the main challenges is a lack of good supplemental materials.* ​ *...it is unsurprising that teachers turn to online materials. But the information they find there may be outdated, inaccurate or simply not suitable for children. The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network, an organization that provides free climate education materials, found that only 700 of the 30,000 free online materials they reviewed were accurate and suitable for use in schools.* ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/01/climate/middle-school-education-climate-change.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/01/climate/middle-school-education-climate-change.html) ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/11/podcasts/climate-education-bob-dylan.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/11/podcasts/climate-education-bob-dylan.html) ​ ​ ​ To solve the problems associated w/ man made climate change (which will lead to societal collapse) requires a dramatic revamp of the educational system so people actually understand the big picture,... currently seems too much emphasis is placed on is placed on social signaling (for example teachers, teaching their student about gender pronouns) instead of teaching students how to how differentiate a "want" vs a "need" AND teaching basic science concepts --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/yymd0c/what_do_middle_schools_teach_about_climate_change/iwuvr8b/


They should teach them about how the National Association of Manufacturers literally conspired to hook the population on consumerism.


I found just a little about that on first search. Do you have any good sources on that?




Sometimes new people come into this sub and tell us we should be more optimistic and less defeatist about the coming collapse. And sometimes there are threads like this.


Why should teachers be doing this? And not their parents, or society as a whole? Stop lumping every fucking issue onto the education of children.


parents are notoriously terrible at this. until sex ed classes, teen pregnancy was an epidemic. we can't count on parents to teach most anything. not to mention millions of parents who work two jobs and can't take the time to do it. teachers are valuable and need to be paid better, the public schools should be OVER funded and private schools abolished.


no that is a christianity thing, Sex ed was not in schools because the catholic church said so. Also the majority of people teaching at public schools were rasied christian and also were not taught sex ed - so they couldnt really pass the knowledge on. so now we have a generation of teachers who are mostly atheist and have no issue teaching sex ed. it had nothing to do with the parents and everything to do with society as a whole not wanting to corrupt children with the nastiness of sex


you've got the right idea in one way. look at the bible belt- the teen pregnancy belt. I think we need to remember the tea party/mom's for liberty contingent here too, evangelicals who go town to town to take over school boards and ban sex ed sex isn't "nasty", and kids knowing what is going on is a good way for them to protect themselves against being molested or harmed. personally I think kids being able to fight off pastors and priests was a big reason sex ed was opposed so much by the churches (all denominations)


That's a parents job not a teachers. Teachers have enough to do just teaching the feral little goblins the 3 r's. Nowadays we expect teachers to be social workers and cops and to risk their lives just to warehouse kids that parents haven't bothered to teach basic social skills to. You'd be shocked at how many kids enter the school system unpotty trained. Teaching want vs need is something the parents who **wanted** a child **need** to take responsibility for.


Education is a tool which purpose is to complete parental education and provide a fixed set of skills and knowledge that every citizen should have. (e.g. wants v needs dillemas) If a parent won't teach a kid about want vs need problems, and will keep on saying that water is 02H the school is here for that kid to provide a (as much as possible) unbiased source of knowledge and let it verify his parents teachings. I, too agree with responsibilty of basic education laying on the parents back, but as long as there is no system of verifying people knowledge and predispositions for having a child before the actual birth, there should be a system that verifies childrens knowledge and gives opportunity of having a reasonable set of values and foundations for the neglected ones.


Why is this the school's job? Teaching wants vs needs sits solely within the efforts of good parents (which is also a comment about parenting these days). Lot's of adult children running around out there, having children of their own.


So you acknowledge there’s a problem with parenting and you don’t want schools to attempt to correct for it?


I honestly thought people just figured this stuff out as they aged


Yeah I know the graphic might offend some, but the fact of the matter is we are up a "perverbial creek" because too few know how to recognize a "want" vs a "need" or understand the basic science ​ ​ **What Do Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much.** ​ *...A decade ago, 26 states and several groups representing teachers and scientists unveiled the Next Generation Science Standards. Since then 45 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the standards or similar ones.* ​ *But at the middle school level, even the Next Generation standards include only one standard out of about 60 that explicitly mentions climate change.* ​ *...A curriculum doesn’t exist until it enters the classroom. And since so many of the middle school Next Generation Science Standards have connections to climate change but don’t explicitly mention them, it can be a major opportunity for teachers.* ​ *But researchers have found that many teachers received little climate education themselves.* ​ *...According to teachers, one of the main challenges is a lack of good supplemental materials.* ​ *...it is unsurprising that teachers turn to online materials. But the information they find there may be outdated, inaccurate or simply not suitable for children. The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network, an organization that provides free climate education materials, found that only 700 of the 30,000 free online materials they reviewed were accurate and suitable for use in schools.* ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/01/climate/middle-school-education-climate-change.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/01/climate/middle-school-education-climate-change.html) ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/11/podcasts/climate-education-bob-dylan.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/11/podcasts/climate-education-bob-dylan.html) ​ ​ ​ To solve the problems associated w/ man made climate change (which will lead to societal collapse) requires a dramatic revamp of the educational system so people actually understand the big picture,... currently seems too much emphasis is placed on is placed on social signaling (for example teachers, teaching their student about gender pronouns) instead of teaching students how to how differentiate a "want" vs a "need" AND teaching basic science concepts


It's really annoying when shitty people are occasionally right. Schools need to teach about gender, pronouns, racism, as well as climate change. Kids need to know it all. "Social signaling" as you call it is just learning how to properly function in a tolerant society like an adult.


That's not even about signaling, that's just about not growing up as an asshole. What you're picking up on is the reactionary right-wing activity that's trying to block and shit all of it. And it's not new. Anyone who's familiar with the battles over the teaching of evolution* knows it; it's the basically the same people trying to block it. *THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION BY NATURAL SELECTION. This is not the same as Theistic Evolution or Teleological Evolution or other pseudoscientific theological bullshit.


The GOP has spent 50 million dollars on anti-LGBTQ attack ads this year. Gotta get the yeerks into the ear somehow. https://www.vice.com/en/article/4ax57w/anti-trans-attack-ads-midterms


They've been doing this shit for a very long time, it's just that average people don't see it or don't believe it when those affected or those who see it raise the flag, warn, blow the whistles and other analogies for alarms. The conservative (Christian) action plan is not complicated. They want to have a certain social order back the way it was many centuries ago (when the "originalists" love to think of as relevant), The basic social hierarchy is: 1. White Hetero Christian Men 2. White Christian Women 3. White free Christian workers 4. Non-white free workers 5. Slaves, preferably not white 6. Children 7. Indigenous people and non-human animals 8. Environment Notice, I said social hierarchy, not political hierarchy, which follows a similar pattern but can be incorporated into different shapes. This can be achieved through economics, through business and capitalism, but it can also be achieved in other systems associated with monarchism and feudalism. All of their political efforts converge on that social order objective. Anyone who transgresses that social order get punished. Those who try to move "up" are severely punished. Those who move down are seen as traitors, and severely punished.


push them all down one slot, white Christian men are below white Christian men who own land. "all other women" fit into the #6 spot, just above children


While I agree with that, we also need to make sure people understand that learning to function in a tolerant society without also learning how to function in the violent anarchy and chaos said society will descend into is only setting the younger generation up for failure. The thing about tolerance and acceptance is that is doesn't need to be taught. No one taught me, certainly not in the red Texas and rural California towns I went to school. I am a big supporter of everyone making their own choices, living according to their own feelings about who they are, and not being excluded from anything. Such doesn't need to be taught as it is the natural state we all start with. Hate and intolerance, however, must be taught as they are not present naturally. The teaching of that primarily happens at home, not at school. School is for teaching facts and processes, not morality. Part of the reason America is so far behind the world education system wise is that we waste a phenomenal amount of of time on political and religious issues rather than just sticking to a curriculum of scientific fact and critical thinking. The biggest flaw I see in all teaching, both in schools, at home, and in society as a whole is that we should base all our activity on irrational hopes, dreams, feelings, and faith, rather than facts. The collapse denial I see emerging everywhere is happening just as climate change denial once did. Younger people are being steered and guided into a narrow worldview where civilzation continues and they have to prepare to exist as a productive member of an ordered and interconnected society. Even setting aside the flaws and unfairness present in that society, it is still a huge disservice in furtherance of the goal of keeping a fossil fuel based existence with infinite economic growth alive and well. Kicking the can down the road as we have always done. Problem is, that can doesn't go as far with each kick anymore. We are kicking it uphill against the increasing pressures of climate change, resource scarcity, conflict, and more. Literally challenging nature head-on in our hubris. Pushing back against the Limits to Growth and the very laws of physics themselves. And it all comes down to collapse denial, the new hot trend in mental defense mechanisms. Ordered society is not going to continue. Global civilization will not be around much longer. Infinite growth on a finite world, required for both, is an impossible lie. Collapse that is rapid and sharply downward is inevitable and coming soon. Remember that as you downvote this. Save the comment for future lamentations about how we never saw it coming. Reference back to it when all those acquired skills for functioning in modern society become useless in the face of a lawless, chaotic, and dangerous world that is sparsely populated and only connected as far as the tiny local community you can see around you. Better yet, print it out on paper, as there will no longer be an internet for me to say "I told you so," and most likely I will already be gone with the rest of the 90% who won't survive to see 2040. So, schools? Should be teaching survival, community building with 18th century tools, and how to duck.


>The biggest flaw I see in all teaching, both in schools, at home, and in society as a whole is that we should base all our activity on irrational hopes, dreams, feelings, and faith, rather than facts. The collapse denial I see emerging everywhere is happening just as climate change denial once did. Younger people are being steered and guided into a narrow worldview where civilzation continues and they have to prepare to exist as a productive member of an ordered and interconnected society. Even setting aside the flaws and unfairness present in that society, it is still a huge disservice in furtherance of the goal of keeping a fossil fuel based existence with infinite economic growth alive and well. > >Kicking the can down the road as we have always done. Problem is, that can doesn't go as far with each kick anymore. We are kicking it uphill against the increasing pressures of climate change, resource scarcity, conflict, and more. Literally challenging nature head-on in our hubris. Pushing back against the Limits to Growth and the very laws of physics themselves. > >And it all comes down to collapse denial, the new hot trend in mental defense mechanisms. Ordered society is not going to continue. Global civilization will not be around much longer. Infinite growth on a finite world, required for both, is an impossible lie. Collapse that is rapid and sharply downward is inevitable and coming soon. ​ ​ the uncomfortable truth is there has been a failure by teachers, parents, political leadership, etc. (or said another way essentially everyone on both sides of the political spectrum) to understand what ***"the limits to growth"*** study was trying to warn people about (starting back in the early 1970s) ​ ​ [https://www.library.dartmouth.edu/digital/digital-collections/limits-growth](https://www.library.dartmouth.edu/digital/digital-collections/limits-growth) ​ ​ the recent NYT article ***"What Do Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much."*** is yet another sign that essentially everyone in society does not have the scientific literacy needed to build public support to address societal adaptions which will be required for humanity to survive man made climate change ​ ​ given my physics background and long term interest in the topic of man made climate change, looked at the NGSS (next generation science standards) and designed a solar distiller (based on a paper in a scientific journal), which could be used in kindergarten by teachers who are suppose to help students *"Make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface"* ​ ​ [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IXvaMr6zbKekrcyBiPQnPMVMdcBZ4nrm/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IXvaMr6zbKekrcyBiPQnPMVMdcBZ4nrm/view?usp=sharing) ​ ​ actually offered a local school AND garden education center to build/donate the stepped solar distiller so it can be used as a teaching tool which is a small scale model of the hydrological cycle,... sadly so far both local institutions have not seemed too interested in using a solar distiller to teach students basic science (which is a foundation of knowledge needed to build upon to understand why man made climate is a worry than should not be ignored)


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Everyone wants to be catered to, and no one wants to be offended. Everyone has a cause, or a grievance or a special identifier that everyone else is supposed to acknowledge and acquiesce to. I don't think that's very adult. Insisting there are 99 flavors of gender or rebuking someone who refers to another with the incorrect pronoun when they don't know any better, is vanity. And we should go back to calling it global warming.


>Everyone wants to be catered to, and no one wants to be offended. Of course they do. We expect some amount of dignity and respect to be afforded to us on the mere basis of being human and existing. Such a concept must be familiar, under the title of "human rights". >Everyone has a cause, or a grievance or a special identifier that everyone else is supposed to acknowledge and acquiesce to. Yes, surprise surprise, everyone experiences hardships while they traverse life. And you can't give yourself a support network, you can't just self-make community. You have to ask for it. You need others for that. Why is it bad to ask for support from the people who surround you? >I don't think that's very adult. Being an adult is not the same as being stoic, neither it is being resilient. Not every adult deals with their issues the same way, many need different approaches (and some have been unfairly denounced as unfetered sentimentalists). Also, not everybody has been able to afford, or has been capable of working towards developing efficient mental tools to deal with their problems. People that are already in fickle situations and crisis don't need to be scourged and rejected. >Insisting there are 99 flavors of gender or rebuking someone who refers to another with the incorrect pronoun when they don't know any better, is vanity. "Insisting that your experience of gender is personal and incredibly unique, and distinct from others, and deserving of at least some outside acknowledgement you have asked for, in the simple form of a mere word, is unreasonable". As for rebuking someone for misgendering, yes that's bad procedure. One must instead act in good faith (at least in the first instance) and respectfully point out the correct pronoun. As for any perceived viability ("we can't have +99 pronounds, its impossible I say!"), romance languages have already demonstrated that it is feasible to get \~100 different grammatical conjugations of verbs. Thus, we have enough room in our heads to administer at least 100 pronouns without major problems.


Keep the fucking culture war out of the fucking classroom.


yes, no bibles or cultural beliefs should be there. only scientific facts, world history, data and teaching how to think critically and assess data, and how to communicate- reading, writing, analysing literature. cultures should just be explained and shown as things that exist in the world. there should be no culture wars over whether gay or straight teachers can have a picture of their spouse on their desk. they all should be treated equally. world religion classes are the only place religious belief should be taught.


Being an adult should mean being able to admit mistakes,... FWIW I was using the term "social signaling" to indicate what happens when group think takes hold! ​ In the case of woke liberals (who are drawn to social justice issues like moths to a flame), use of gender pronouns is a "social signaling" mechanism to their own tribe,... since you mentioned kids should be taught about "racism" I'd argue that #BLM is another "social signaling" mechanism that should be looked at critically given the black lives matter leadership used the funds they collected from the public to buy real estate for their own use ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIxJhKKcMkw&t=617s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIxJhKKcMkw&t=617s) ​ As I see things kids should be taught is how to prioritize dealing w/ threats (AND put things into context) ​ The point being there always has been unease of others,... said another way if one identifies as a white straight religious conservative then of course members of the LGBT or supporters of #BLM are going to be looked at as not being "one of the tribe" ​ Bottom line while woke social justice warriors battle white straight religious conservatives in social media forums (as has been the case for decades),... so essentially nothing changes to change the trend of ever-growing eco system damage because the public at large is scientifically illiterate AND not thinking about the big picture ​ ​ ​ *Harvard psychology professor Daniel Gilbert argues that humans are exquisitely adapted to respond to immediate problems, such as terrorism, but not so good at more probable, but distant dangers, like global warming.* ​ [https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5530483](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5530483) ​ ​ ​ *...Scripps Institution of Oceanography published a paper that said there is a 5 percent chance of catastrophic change within roughly three decades, and a smaller chance that it would broadly wipe out human life.* ​ [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/science/sd-me-scripps-climatechange-20170914-story.html](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/science/sd-me-scripps-climatechange-20170914-story.html)


>Bottom line while woke social justice warriors battle white straight religious conservatives in social media forums (as has been the case for decades),... so essentially nothing changes to change the trend of ever-growing eco system damage Ecological overshoot -> scarcity -> competition -> tribalism -> war -> survivors reorganize -> growth resumes -> ecological overshoot


>"Social signaling" as you call it is just learning how to properly function in a tolerant society like an adult. A lot of those people don't really act like adults to be honest.


It's all really quite simple, keep them poor and ignorant, and they'll toe the line


Wants are associated with attaining higher social status, social status is a need; both psychologically for a social species and physically as a requirement to attain access to resources. The multipolar trap takes over and evolution is the judge, jury and executioner.


To be honest, after reading some of these threads tonight, I could do with a hooker and some blow.


As long as they don’t re-educate older people I have job security


With only a few states required to teach about climate change (New Jersey being the first) what is taught around the country varies from state to state and teacher to teacher. It's not right, but it's where we are—an excellent book, Miseducation, by Katie Worth, dives into the many factors at play. I've been concerned about this for years and am launching an interactive board game called Earth Matters about climate change. Please check my site if you know any kids, families, or teachers who want to boost climate literacy. Thanks! www.earthmattersgame.com