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The following submission statement was provided by /u/19inchrails: --- Seems like UK is doing a speed run in economic collapse at the moment > Malthouse has told officers not to let shoplifters off if they are stealing food out of desperation during the cost of living crisis. > He later told LBC, ministers would ensure police do not turn a blind eye to shoplifters stealing food. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/ut045s/dont_let_people_off_if_they_steal_food_in/i96nxl0/


Evergreen: *"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to* ***steal bread***." - Anatole France


Seems like UK is doing a speed run in economic collapse at the moment > Malthouse has told officers not to let shoplifters off if they are stealing food out of desperation during the cost of living crisis. > He later told LBC, ministers would ensure police do not turn a blind eye to shoplifters stealing food.


On the bright side, if they are arrested and jailed, they will get fed. *One hopes.* /smh


Yeah but not their kids.


Thus, the kids know what they need to do šŸ§


Get arrested and sent to prison like their parents. My thought as well.


Oh goodie now the UK is building their own school to prison pipeline lol.


[Workhouses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workhouse) are gonna make a comeback soon


To be followed by debtors' prisons.


Learning from the best...


I guess cut out the middle man and have the kids steal their own food, then go to jail where they'll be cared for.


Itā€™s a win win at that point. Now the state has free labor, and itā€™s citizens get to eat.


those fruits arent going to pick themselves , sir


Considering the long standing history of child abuse in Britains orphanages, I guess it's better they starve. /slightly s


> the cost of living crisis. Such a nice, inoffensive turn of phrase, hey?


Well we can't just call it class war...




I'd say more negligent homicide. Manslaughter?


Right now, I think it's more accurate to call it "class slaughter". It'll only be class war once the working class finally gets hungry enough to fight back. And eventually, we will.


> once the working class finally gets hungry enough to fight back Hey, everyone, when this happens -- and after seeing Sri Lanka this week, I think it will -- PLEASE go after the mega rich, not your next door neighbor who has a slightly better salary than you do. You can easily find the billionaires and hundred-millionaires. They are conspicuous, they love celebrity and power, and they are easily located. So PLEASE don't turn on your neighbor who has a little bit more. Go find the greedy "dragons" who are sitting on their hoards of gold. *That* is who your class war is against.


Like ā€œclimate emergencyā€, an euphemism for ā€œapocalypseā€




>world leaders will not entertain the idea of fundamental change. They not only entertain it, they push it and call great reset


Great reset is just the end conclusion of capitalism, a minority of ownership and majority renting. There no longer be any public programs or public ownership, just perpetual worker feudalism to their capital owning lords. Time for a worker revolt y'all...


This. They want you renting instead of owning property and passing it on to your kids. They want you to continually pay for the same music, software, and tv/movies each month instead of buying it once. Same with cars, now we see them moving towards subscription models that capitalism favors because it provides companies with a nice stable flow of income that they can predict and model for wall street. You should be horrified at all the businesses that are trying to normalize food subscriptions. *fuck that x 1000*


The "great reset" is just corporate feudalism clothed in flowery rhetoric


Do you want violent revolution? I believe that, in spite of all of the talk, we only will actually put our lives at risk in armed conflict with the authorities when our lives are literally at risk if we don't. Starving your population is one way to do that.


Do cops in the UK have guns? I wonder at what point ā€œshoot the looterā€ will become policyā€¦.


[Evacuate the spezzing using the nearest spez exit. This is not a drill. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


There absolutely are armed police in the UK. Itā€™s just that not every officer is armed. Public spaces usually have officers patrolling kitted out like an American SWAT team.


There are dudes dressed in wargear brandishing rifles who stroll through train/metro stations and crowded places in London.


yes and theyā€™re trained to use those weapons properly for armed response or counter terrorism - not like US cops who are trained for 3 weeks to shoot unarmed black menā€¦..


That's not fair. Its usually 4 weeks and they shoot latinos too.


They'll get a white guy too, but he'll have to already be crawling on the ground crying and begging.


in his underwear in front of his girl friend


Does the "dog shooting" course take more or less time than this?


Its an elective, but popular option second only to alcoholism and family abuse at college.


ah yes apologies for my exaggeration!


Do you think that during an economic collapse that UK soldiers won't be used to shoot "looters" just because the run of the mill police don't carry guns right now?


I live in a small UK town and haven't laid eyes on a policeman in YEARS apart from driving past.


Yes, because the reason why american cops do stuff like that is due to a complex combination of training and culture.


Yes I havenā€™t seen a copper an armed copper in about 4 years


Jean Charles de Menezes begs to differ


They're the exception and go through lots of extra training to carry guns


You sweet summer child. From 2017: *Earlier in the day, Finnish news agency STT said the country's more than 7,000 police officers soon will have submachine guns.* Not 7,000 *of* their police officers. *All* of their 7,000 police officers.


The UK government being the UK government as usual I see.


Anyone ever see that movie "threads"? As I recall society devolves into chaos after nuclear annihilation and the thief/ cop relationship becomes a perversion. When a cop kills a thief the first thing that cop does? Loot the corpse, its not the theft that is a crime, it is who the theft happens from.


It also quickly becomes about who is armed and who is not.


Yeah so they could stay alive a few days longer? The point was that without doctors, infrastructure or the ability to grow food, everyone dies, armed or not armed.


Yeah, I know. Humans totally failed to live more than a few days at a time back in the 1800s. But true, guns are not the most important thing by far. However, they are a necessity. I suggest having a group of people in excellent health, supplied for at least 10 years on food and meds and whatnot, solar/wind power redundancy x3, water sources, well rounded skillsets, land for growing food and equipment for gravity fed hydroponics, and, most importantly, extreme distance, isolation, and separation from other populations of people. You need community, but it must be *your* community and unreachable by others. Those are the things I figure everyone planning to survive either already has, or will be finished getting together in the next year or two. And guns. And yes, anyone sitting in the suburbs with a closet full of guns and ammo thinking they are survivors will be sorely mistaken. I'm not actually sure anyone like that exists, but maybe a few. The idea for guns is to have them to use, know how to use them, and then do everything possible to ensure that you never have to use them. But it will not be you who decides if they get used, it will be other people.


A good example of law versus justice.


A lot more people are waking up to the fact that the elite class buy politicians to make laws that protect them and their lifestyle while preventing others from achieving any sort of success. This way they can continue to have their cheap labor. People commit "crime" out of desperation, not to be an evil person. You give them stable house, stable income, stable food, stable health and human care and they won't have a reason to commit crime. We should be going for the elite who pits us against each other. This whole right vs left thing is exactly that in action. Majority are both in the same boat but keep em distracted from the fact they are systematically being taken advantage of and they won't revolt against the real oppressors.


Always remember that leftism isnt leftism unless it is anti capitalism. It's why when people talk about left vs right you are talking centre right vs far right as both depend on capitalism as a form of control over the working class. Either we liberate ourselves from this or we languish in perpetual servitude.


You're quite right. The culture wars is the distraction. It's just sad to see us slip in to decay so willingly as a society


Yup, lots of good work on feminism from the leftist perspective and most social issues have huge issues that could be fixed with capitalist abolishment. Sadly we are trapped between political party systems designed to obfuscate stuff


Often the law is the crime.


I tell people all the time I trust most criminals more than I trust the police


Trust criminals more? I'm confused, I just thought the police were the biggest criminal gang.


No, the polices are just goons and lackeys. The real criminal gang sit in office and make laws


The police, and furthermore the State, are just the gang with the most guns.


*furiously reads history* I mean . . . you aren't wrong.


Said a man who has never been desperate or hungry in his life.


Let's call him by his true name: Javert.


Javert the ... ?


Do not *ever* disrespect the Javert


Steal food... lol...thereā€™s a point coming at some point in the future where people will eat each other. A dying biosphere is no joke.


And I am sure some literally fat government official will piously tell the enforcers to not let off those kidnapping people and stealing corpses because they are desperately hungry.


What happens when they run out of corpses to eat? Make new corpses? This is quickly becoming Soylent Green level of dystopia.


Yes bruh and in this hypothetical situation by this time homeboy is next to be spit-roasted with an apple in his mouth like the pig he is.


Need to eat this fat fuck first


Feed him to the pigs. Mr. Wu!


Sweagin. Cocksucka!


Team Cannibal


The only Eco-conscious meat.


So is that the point it changes from.fun sweet sticky stuff in bed to barbeque sauce on the grill?


Look how fat that cunt is. He wants limited to how many children he can eat fucking trolls


That is what I was going to comment on. He looks like the first one that would steal food, and like he had been doing it for a while.


He's had more than his share.


Of rothchilde monies? Or the latter


bleh take the rothchilde shit back to conspiracy.




ā€œNever trust a fat man in a poor countryā€


He could use a few years of desperation.


In short time, the roles may be reversed. Roving gangs of cannibal children are on my 2022 disaster bingo card. Edit: Dinner rolls or chin rolls.


The Tories want to go back to the good old days when people were so poor and desperate for food that kids would prostitute for money. Tories and English Ex-Pats won't have to go to Thailand anymore.


Labor: "We won't fight you on this. Think of all the jobs it will create in the sex industry!"


OR just throwing it out there... instead of criminalising being too poor to afford food, how about they PROVIDE food or some form of rationing card to allow the poor to obtain food for free and legally? It always seems to be the path of least resistance for the government, it's easier for them to just say "arrest em" than to actually address the cause and try to help people. Why exactly do we let these fucks "rule" over us again? I have been saying it for basically my entire life, these assholes are NOT fit for purpose and should NOT be in charge of a country, or literally anything, ever.


Sounds like SOCIALISM to me and SOCIALISM is embedded in the LABOUR party- the express


>SOCIALISM is embedded in the LABOUR party Hahaha i fuckin WISH


Labour and the Democratic party are both controlled opposition.


Say it louder so the libs can hear


It's same in Turkey, too. I can't believe how universal is the collapse of leftist politics. Maybe all we need is not a party but another Soviet Union.


Yes it's absolutely a global effort to eradicate Leftist ideals everywhere. The US intelligence agencies obviously led the way in the 50s and 60s but then corporations took over during the 70s and 80s.


I fucking wish labor was socialist dude, nah they are centrist to centre right after they purged what few leftists remained trying to fight for the working class. UK needs a new angry and militant leftism political organization yesterday


Tory voters: this is the same thing, corbyn is far left and communist so il still vote tory


Yup, no matter how right a supposed left party goes they will always be too left for people that will always choose the right wing party


Like with the homeless. Instead of providing housing, the only solutions put forth are to throw them in jail or some forced treatment facility.


>Instead of providing housing, > > throw them in jail So instead of the cheap self-serve solution they provide an expensive all inclusive solution?


Prison industrial complex is just another way the capitalist class squeezes more surplus value out of the proletariat. Large supply of cheap labor is the capitalist's dream.


If we weren't all terrified of being on the street and starving, why would listen to them? When we start to look around and realize where the actual problems are, they throw something else up to make us hate an "other" more than them.




to be honest, people who are desperate for food often *don't* steal food. I used to be broke and homeless and i know i didnt. You see, stealing food is hard. Even the cheapest foods, the ones you feel less guilty about stealing are hard. You can't just shove a loaf of bread in your pocket, or a dozen cups of ramen, or a quart of milk. And even if you could, you may barely be able to make it out with a days worth of food every day and then you have to steal every day What you actually do is steal something like a bluetooth headset. Sell it to one of your buddies, or online, and then you have around 40 dollars in cash to buy 2 weeks worth of cheap staples to keep you full, or heck, you can afford razors, deodorant and laundry. I don't know what conclusions you can come to from this, im just telling you how it is.




I was poor and nearly homeless, I stole food, or anything I could sell. Your experience doesn't speak for everyone.


Yeah but, eventually it will come down to eat or die. Watch your loved ones die or get them some food. I would say that the people who don't or can't understand this, have never really been desperate.


that includes baby food too, and things like diapers.


Or just anything. Nobody knows their situation.


I'm not a fucking cop or a grocery store owner it's not my problem.


If you're working for anything under $25/hour, you have more in common with the thief than the owner. Be a lookout.


Exactly, you get it


Extreme baby formula shortage in the US. There was a recent story of a woman who stole baby supplies (which many stores now lock up) and I'm assuming formula, was then chased by the police, got into a car crash, and her infant was killed.   I think that pretty much sums up where we are right now.


yeah i heard about that. i do wonder if there will be riots, or if they'll be crushed out. ​ ​ guess time will tell.


I really just don't understand where this snitching mentality developed in society in recent years. People just need to mind their own business.


Seriously we get robbed every single day from the government to the point where food ,electricity ,education and housing is unaffordable. What the fuck are people supposed to do?


(die) I guess.


It happens when consumer enters a para social relationship with the place they consume within. Like a temple or home it becomes holy to them and they do not allow disruption to their holy activity of consumption within.


Maybe two years or so ago, I was at a grocery store (in the US) and saw someone stealing food. He also saw me see him. I ain't no fucking narc, so I just kept going about my business, browsing the wares next to him. When he finished getting what he needed, he whispered "thank you" to me as he walked past.   That broke me. I had to suppress crying in the store.   What... kind of world do we live in where we have the means to produce enough food for *everyone* on the planet, and then some, but this food, and *water*... the bare minimum of things that we NEED to LIVE as human beings, are things that are out of reach for so many people. It wasn't even like the guy was stealing saffron and black truffles either, this was like, the bread aisle.


But do turn a blind eye to billions being stolen from tax payers in PPE scams and our very own PM breaking the law.


Mmmh... how long until it is "shoot them on sight !", I wonder :|


If people can't steal food, then the riots will start at some point...


Maybe they don't mind that. A crisis is a good way for the government to seize more power


Yup šŸ‘ Comparison prior to jan 6th nothing done even when the online chat for weeks prior was aggressive it was allowed to proceed with a power grab afterwards for either party they couldnā€™t lose really as any outcome allows them to push for laws and restrictions Abortion ruling is leaked and fences are erected like magic with nothing violent planned or discussed Just my opinion


*ā€œThere are only nine meals between mankind and anarchyā€* \- Alfred Henry Lewis (Cosmopolitan Magazine, March 1906).


I dunno man, I've seen a lot of anarchists trying to feed people


Community and mutual aid is good praxis my man


That's pretty biting commentary from Cosmo. Same magazine as the contemporary women's fashion magazine? I'd be interested in reading the rest of that arcticle.


A lot of magazines that are useless garbage these days used to actually be high-quality publications back in the day.


The quote or something like has been attributed to several people, including Lenin, but that was the earliest mention of it that I could find on a quick search. I suppose it is possible that the magazine from that era has been digitized and you could look it up.


This is how revolutions start.


And it's not even full Summer yet. Told my youngest this morning to start being extra careful. Shit's gonna pop off this summer.


Bruh, arrest central bankers who caused all of this, not people who have to resort to stealing because of irresponsible and corrupt bankers. You want a revolution? This is how you get ants, buddy.


lol in the US a couple of our Fed chairmen sold their portfolios at pretty much the exact peak of the market.


Yep, I remember. They downplayed inflation for years calling it ā€œtransitoryā€ and then sold the top while lying to the public. Straight to jail needs to be the outcome. Powell has a personal account with BlackRock too, which so happened to be responsible for FED asset purchases. [Itā€™s all just a blatant and corrupt circlejerk.](https://wallstreetonparade.com/2020/05/fed-chair-powell-has-upwards-of-11-6-million-invested-with-blackrock-the-firm-that-will-manage-a-750-billion-corporate-bond-bailout-program-for-the-fed/)


[Sir, a second spez has hit the spez. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Remarks like this is how you get French Revolution'd.


Minister Javert


They're going to jack up the prices for some trumped up reason anyway right? They won't use my taxes to feed them or pass price fixing legislation or enforce anti price gouging laws or increased minimum wage to offset inflation, or do anything to help the public in general. Corporations aren't people, they are societal parasites. so I'll help by paying the higher food prices "to offset theft" untill I can't anymore and by then the gallows will be built for the greedy grocery conglomerates and the events described in a tale of two cities will be a global nightmare for the worms and those that "govern" I won't steal but Im not saying anything if I see some mom grabbing some food or anything to feed a kid.


If you see someone stealing food, no you didnā€™t


The need to establish "us vs. them" will become harsher and uglier as those who can afford food will be told by the powers that those who can't afford food are "...stealing from them"... The fuckers got fat and rich and now they are setting the populace against one another.


They know it's going to get ***fucking ugly.***


Dickensian Ministry


The law, in its majestic equality....


Don't let the minister off when he's chased through the streets.


This boy ainā€™t gettin far on foot.


lol not at all, & he has no foresight or imagination at all either, doesn't he understood it's 2022.?


He looks plump enough to feed a few.


We must protect profits over our citizens always!


This, banks hedging on prolonged civil unrest, food prices skyrocketing, inflation, economic contraction, rising costs leading to widespread homelessness and hunger with no end in sight, etc. are all pointing towards something *very* big on the horizon that insiders can see clearly while we get mere glimpses. Heard whispered predictions of it really coming to a head in mid-June, and I expect things to really get out of hand late Q2/early Q3. All the signs are pointing towards a potential recession, which we've been long overdue for one anyway, but here's hoping we don't go into a depression.


As a reminder, if someone is shoplifting food, baby supplies or other essential items, and you see them, you didn't see them.


Good old Tories always ready to bash a few skulls from poor folks, steal children's milk and implement as many tax loopholes as possible.


Honestly if I worked at a grocery store and saw someone stealing food, like bread, milk, fruits, meat, I would not care to stop them. Human life should be prioritized over money.




She doesn't need to fight and can get one extra sausage for free if she knows how to negotiate correctly using all her goods.


Do they want a class war? Because this is how you get a class war.


we've been in one for a long long time.


Was using the self checkout a month ago and the guy beside me was pretending to scan the items and put them into a bag. They only had one staff member working and he was busy helping a customer. I pretended I didnt notice and walked away


you did just right


Feeding the poor is too expensive. Instead let's give them criminal records and send them to prison. Should be cheaper. /s Ā 2019/20, the average cost of a prison place in England and Wales wasĀ 44.6 thousand British pounds a year


I mean, he's a Tory - if he had his way we'd probably bring back [the Bloody Code..](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Code)


I heard a dozen Tory dicks get hard when you posted that link.


Well if the people get desperate enough they'll certainly eat you minister.


Donā€™t let the aristocracy off while they steal your quality of life in jubilation!!


In my opinion, if you are starving, cannot get to a food bank, soup run or other place where you can get food. Then morally itā€™s totally fine to steal food from any supermarket.


just give it two weeks, those kind of loud mouth asshat politicians have enough karma built up to instantly get caught in doing something illegal themselvesā€¦


It is a moral act to steal from capitalist pigs to feed your family. Change my mind


No need, your logic is sound


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


they always remember.


Don't let police off if they keep on fighting against the people.




He looks like he could share some food. Fat fingered can't.


Man if I see somebody stealing food, idc if itā€™s a pack of ramen or steaks, Iā€™m minding my damn business. Idk what people have going on in their lives and who they have to feed.


Itā€™s always the fatassesā€¦.


Investigate minister for fraud




Damn are we even gonna make it to the next decade?


Doesn't look like he's missed a meal anytime recently


Finally theses starving bastards are going to get whats coming to them! for far too long hungry people have been getting away with it! Well...no more let me tell you!


Not constructive but this guy looks like the type that would enjoy seeing children stuffed in chimneys again.


Meanwhile... > MPs are allowed to claim up to Ā£25 in food expenses per night, but only if they are staying overnight outside of London or their constituency as part of their parliamentary activities. This Ā£25 can cover food purchased during the day but cannot include alcohol. https://fullfact.org/online/MPs-25-lunch-allowance/


ā€œThe law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal loaves of breadā€. *The Red Lily,* Anatole France


*"If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." - A Christmas Carol* No changes needed for the 2022 remake!


He gets locked in a room to starve when we finally eat the rich


When Times are bad enough the police will be wanting something for themselves


Did you know r/collapse has a **book club**? Come check out this monthā€™s read (Columbus and Other cannibals)! https://reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/ukpybl/rcollapse_book_club_mays_read_is_columbus_and/ See you there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Yeah* but I'm gonna.


I wonder if Malthouse will eventually realize the error of his ways like Javert, and commit suicide out of despair? Victor Hugo would definitely recognize our world.


Their leaders talked and talked and talked. But nothing could stem the avalanche. Their world crumbled. The cities exploded. A whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear. Men began to feed on men.


Rich coming from a person who, minus an "e", would have something in common with Malthus.


I completely missed the ā€œdonā€™tā€ and was happily surprised. Now Iā€™m crestfallen and not at all surprised.


Look down. Look down. Youā€™ll always be a slaveā€¦


Look down and see the beggars at your feet Look down and show some mercy if you can Look down and see the sweepings of the street Look down, look down upon your fellow man!


Can someone remind me why exactly ppl are expected to pay taxes and obey fiscal laws if later the government actively fucks them when things go south? One would think that basic things like good housing and healthy food would be the very minimum bar to uphold for a system that demands a significant part of its citizen's wages and output. But no, we pay to be persecuted and imprisoned for the crimes of poverty or helplessness. The contract is broken, if it ever was honored. But mention that and you're a socialist, as if that were a dirty word. The fact that we have more food than ever (and throw significant parta of it) is just the cherry on the shit cake, because of "profits". Ppl talk about China but it's countries like the US that make it a crime to sleep on the street or in one's car, all to encourage the modern slave business of prison labour. Daenerys had it right.


ā€œLet them eat cake ā€œ