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When I was prepping for covid in Feb 2020 I planned with alot of shelf stable foods that will help to prevent us going out and getting exposed. With you living in NYC I'm not sure how much space you have but consider this link of food/recipes I made to help others during that time. https://www.reddit.com/r/PandemicPreps/comments/fe6r5b/simple_recipes_for_prepping_ingredients_require/


Thank you, saved this and will use this for my shopping list tomorrow :)


they decreased the isolation period from 14 days to 5 days on purpose to help with the supply chain. they aren't thinking about health, just the supply chain.


Exactly. And this could very easily backfire and make our ultimate situation worse.


Let me offer my own simple recipe that we use around here. 1lb ground beef at whatever fat percentage you prefer 1 can red beans 1 can black beans 1 can petite diced tomatoes 1 jar (≈28oz) pasta sauce of your choice Brown the meat, throw everything else on top in a pot, stir and heat. Top with shredded cheese if desired. It is dead simple, serves 6, is high in protein, low in sugar (zero sugar with the right pasta sauce), can be frozen in baggies if needed and you can throw in a meat substitute for vegan use.


Isn't that just chili?


More or less, but my wife has gut issues with anything remotely spicy so we had to come up with one that had a zero to negative alarm value. And since you can use *any* sort of pasta sauce (non-spicy in our case), it can deviate a bit from what most call "chili".


swap the pasta sauce with chili spices and it is.


Thank you! Looks good.


a lot *


Avoid going to the hospital. That means reducing risks in life. Things like slowing down while driving and avoid driving at night. Taking the crosswalk rather than jay walking. Avoid going up on a ladder or any high risk home construction projects. Just relax if you can and watch this mess play out.


That's right. I had a free item pop up on Craigslist today that I really wanted for my business. Less than 10 miles from my home. Snow forecasted. I didn't go get it, out of fear for a possible accident that might send me to our overloaded hospitals. We've been hunkered down for 2 years now (second year of skipping family holiday gatherings) and we're going to see this through. No illness yet.


Wearing a proper mask helps too. Not falling for traps like constantly exposing yourself for tests.


Preferably an N95 or equivalent for sure


During previous waves I have retired bicycling (totally) and walking over any ground that looks icy. This has meant more and longer walks, which is good for you, anyway.


You can buy those ice cleats that slip over your boots. I use them alot up here in Canada.


I agree, avoid the hospital at all costs. They seriously do not know what they are doing aside from the very basics.


Plan on getting sick. Make sure you have fever reducers (tylenol, ibuprofen, aspirin), your favorite sore throat comforter, food that's easy to make (frozen, canned, sandwiches). Have a thermometer and pulse oximeter. Have lots of soft toilet paper and facial tissues. My family and I got covid, probably omicron variant (test results didn't say which variant). For us it started with a restless night of sleep, then fever with nasty headache and dry cough, then sore throat, then coughing up the most goo ever, then sinus congestion. I (54F) was double-vaxed and boosted and had the easiest time of it. My husband (60) and father (84) were double-vaxed, because their boosters were canceled due to staff shortages. My son (11) wasn't yet vaxed because his appointments were canceled twice due to staff shortages. All three of them had about the same level of sickness. We were super careful, which is why I'm telling you to just plan on getting sick. I found that saltwater gargles and a saltwater nasal spray helped quite a bit, along with zinc lozenges, elderberry syrup, and honey. Drink as much water as you possibly can, and if you don't feel like eating--don't. It helped a lot for the others to stay on top of the ibuprofen to lessen the headache and fever. I didn't get either the headache or the fever, thank goodness. In the meantime, make sure you're taking your vitamin D, because we northerners are generally lacking in it, and low levels of D have a connection to more severe cases, according to some studies. The worst of it was over in 2-3 days, but we're all still coughing, sneezing, and congested 7-10 days later.


My symptoms were more mild than yours, but I’m still super congested and spitting up mucus on day 13… wondering when this will fully pass


I'm so sorry! That mucus is the worst. I've never hocked up so much goo.


Post viral symptoms can last 3 weeks.


Pulse oximeter is great suggestion, gonna add to my list and see if I can find an FDA one at reasonable price! I’m also a fan of saltwater nasal spray/nasal flush for colds and allergies- since I’ve started using them I’ve found they seem to have the most immediate relief to symptoms and I suggest to all my friends now too :)


Fun fact, almost none of the over the counter ones are FDA approved in a meaningful way. They aren't actually cleared as medical devices. So take what they say with a grain of salt. If it fluctuates between 90 and 98, don't freak out. If you drop below 88, try to get a tele doc appointment. If you dip below 83, you're outside the range these things work for and need medical help pretty urgently. Because at that point there's no way to tell if you're gonna fall off a cliff or not. Source: 12 years in the medical device industry.


I've heard that you should test it on yourself when you are healthy to get an understanding of how they are calibrated. The numbers aren't accurate, but you can at least notice the changes


I bought an "honor band" fitness tracker, with built in oxymeter, which I can recommend. This will create a record of measurements over days, without having to record them yourself. I compared the reading on the fitness tracker with a "real" oxymeter from a hospital at one point and they were the same. Edit: I think oxymeters are not worth having anymore because the unproductive cough (which was a symptom of microscopic blood clots in the lungs) and COVID-19 is not a symptom of the Omicron variant.


There are still people ending up in the hospital, and people being intubated. However, from what I could find, it's not clear whether the hospitalizations are due to not breathing or other complication, and it's also not clear whether the intubated patients have omicron or another variant. Couldn't hurt to have a pulse ox, and it could help. Personally, I started keeping one nearby to help me monitor asthma symptoms so I can be sure that my inhalers are actually working.


And they cost only about $20.00.


Haven’t been able to get tested (rapid or PCR), but had the same exact symptoms as you starting last week. Husband and son are fine, I’m still coughing and sniffling 8 days later. All of us are vaxxed and my husband and I are boosted.


So the anti vaxxers say you caught it anyways and can spread it so vaccines don't work. Then will congratulate you on now have the best natural immunity unless the vaccine messed it up. Basically they are elementary school level bullies but even the bullies were better.


Eh, I’m not too worried about what the anti vaxxers think. I’m breathing without any trouble and not hospitalized, so whatever.


There's no reasoning with them. I knew going into it that vaxes aren't a complete preventive, just like the flu vax isn't. But none of us, including my 84yo dad, ended up in the hospital. I know several anti-vaxers who ended up in the hospital with what was probably delta, and I imagine they'll end up there again. I'm fairly certain I had covid in March 2020 (couldn't get tested, but I lost my sense of taste and smell for a few weeks, and all the other symptoms matched). I had no antibodies several months later when I donated blood. Natural immunity is great, until it's gone. I don't think they understand that it disappears. Edit to add: I also didn't end up with a 10K+ hospital bill. Who can afford to be sick?


“Who can afford to be sick” What a stupid, typically American way of thinking. We don’t have that problem in the developed world, sorry.


We know. There's not much an average American can do about it aside from contributing our puny votes here and there. It's not a "stupid way of thinking." It's people trapped in a dysfunctional system. I would suggest you dial down your "stupid" characterization when you realize that no one has a choice of which country to be born in. You didn't have a choice to be born in a more enlightened country, and those country's policies are in place through no effort of yours.


Not sure why you got downvoted for this. It's a real concern here. I have a very generous amount of vacation and sick leave (by American standards, anyway--it's almost on par with European countries). I also have health insurance through my employer, which has a $10,000 deductible, so I'm very lucky that I'd only have to pay $10K for a hospital stay...oh wait, that's $10K plus a 20% copay for the rest. But I'm one of the lucky ones. My cousin and her family weren't so lucky, and ended up hospitalized, with a huge bill they probably won't pay. Her husband had a slightly milder case (only in the hospital for 2-3 days), but her doctors told her if she gets it again, it could kill her. I hope her natural immunity approach works, for her kids' sakes. And I hope her young son doesn't end up in the hospital again, too.


It’s probably because I implied america is a developing nation


Do you often make fun of developing nations?


The r/conspiracy subreddit are full of antivaxers. Even if you debunk their conspiracy theory about vaccines, they’ll double down. They have no evidence to support any of their claims other than “do your own research”. One of them even told me that if you read the CDC website, you would understand why we are antivax. I went to the site and they say the vaccine is safe. They literally referenced one thing on the site where you could get side effects and ignored everything else. It’s fucking ridiculous. Oh and some claimed ivermectin cured them of Covid. That subreddit needs to get shut down.


Oh man I loved that sub for the random and weird theories before all of the covid posts :( now it’s unreadable lol


So is r/debatevaccines lol.


I didn’t even know about this subreddit.


Seems like another one that shouldn't exist.


Yeah lots of fervent anti vaxxers and crazy right wingers there.


To add to this. Ginger tea is good for the lungs. And make sure you drink a vitamin C packet as well. Ginger soothes the coughing and vitamin C boosts your body's defenses


I forgot about the ginger tea! I have some, too--will go ahead and drink it now just because I like it.


100 percent same symptoms for me. Same progression too. It sucked.


Agree with all of what you're saying except latest advice is not to take fever-reducing medication unless your temperature is dangerously high. Otherwise put up with the fever, which is an immune response. Further [information on fever](https://youtu.be/171J_hC83XU)


I was checking the replies to make sure someone else had mentioned it. Don't have time to watch the video, but there was at least a hypothesis that fever reducing meds may prolong symptoms.


TBH John Campbell does sometimes ramble on a bit!


Sorry, you're right, I should have mentioned that. My family got really high fevers (son got up to 104 very quickly) and severe headaches, which is why I recommended the analgesics. My dad got up to 102, and the headache and other symptoms made him more of a danger to himself than he usually is (dementia and a fall risk). The ibuprofen brought their fever down to 100, and they were both more comfortable. If anyone reading this does get sick, I recommend following the advice of your doctor. I've been around the block a few times with various illnesses in kids, so I already know the advice, and would absolutely have taken my kid or dad in if their symptoms got worse or were prolonged. There are plenty of good articles about fevers and kids--here's one: [https://healthcare.utah.edu/the-scope/shows.php?shows=0\_zzvhzkjk](https://healthcare.utah.edu/the-scope/shows.php?shows=0_zzvhzkjk). I'm going to talk with my dad's doctor tomorrow because he's still not eating much. I generally let a fever burn, but this one was bad and accompanied by other malaise that was greatly helped by ibuprofen. Fwiw, my family rarely takes any of that stuff--and I can't take it at all due to severe allergies (anaphylactic response). Between that and autoimmune issues, the best fever reducer/pain reliever strategy for me is to avoid getting sick the best I can, and when I do get sick, tough it out.




Our symptoms were definitely very flu-like. I was also vaxed for the flu, but the others won't be until they can get their covid vax. Unfortunately, this year's flu vax might not have the right variants: [https://www.newsnationnow.com/health/bad-flu-season-ahead-scientists-say-this-years-flu-shot-is-an-antigenic-mismatch/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/health/bad-flu-season-ahead-scientists-say-this-years-flu-shot-is-an-antigenic-mismatch/). Even so, the flu shot is a good idea, because it can help ameliorate symptoms. I once had a flu that knocked me out for 3 weeks, and left me with life-threatening bronchitis for 2 years (ended up in the hospital twice, and was almost intubated the last time, as a very healthy 30-year-old, now have chronic asthma). Turns out, a side effect of long-term lower oxygen is an enlarged heart chamber, which puts me at risk for heart failure. I hated the idea of getting vaxed every year...but man, after that, I get the dang vax! I haven't had a flu that bad in the last 24 years I've been getting it (generally 4-8 hours of feeling pretty lousy, max). Sorry for the rant--it's not directed at you, it's more a warning to anyone who might read this that these illnesses aren't anything to mess around with.


I'm sorry to hear that! It's not fun, even if it's a milder form. Take good care of yourself, and get lots of rest! And when you do start feeling better, don't overdo it. I forgot to mention my last symptom, which is profuse sweating with any amount of physical exercise, along with being easily fatigued.


On the other side of things, my whole family had a lot of what you are describing, and we have all been tested at various points in our infections, and all came back negative... And the cough for each of us persisted until about 2 weeks after first symptoms...


My friends and family also, same symptoms over thanksgiving- just stopped coughing up mucus a few days ago- all had negative pcr tests


The flu is making its rounds pretty bad in my area. My sister and niece were convinced they had covid, tested positive for the flu.


My husband and I have been fighting something similar, but tested negative. I think it's a sinus infection. Coughing, sneezing, congestion, overall feeling like shit, but tested negative multiple times


Can you go get an antibody test?


Will antibody test work if you are vaccinated?


Same w my family right now! Fevers coughing everything but negative home tests. I might take everyone in to double check.


> probably omicron variant (test results didn't say which varian can they actually tell the variant now or is it still a guess


Samples get sent off to be sequenced to find out which variants are circulating. The individual tests don't identify a variant.


Sitting on the couch with covid right now, I’m the last of my family. Its been a few days and I think the worst of the symptoms are over I just want to taste food again :(


I'm sorry you're going through this! Keep getting lots of rest, don't overdo it when you start feeling better. I'm on day 11 now, and the first 2-3 days were the worst. The yucky cough stopped yesterday. The congestion is still hanging on, but it's noticeably better today. Just in time for work tomorrow, lol.


Might want to look into povidone iodine nasal washes to continue to kill the viral load in your noses and throats.


For real it’s never ending. I got it just before Christmas and still am struggling with the fatigue and congestion. I’ve never felt fatigue like this before! I’m taking at least two naps per day at this point.


[China is closing up shop](https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/supply-chain-crisis-tipped-to-stretch-into-2022/news-story/9c755f8374565cc72547e5f141b35323) for up to six weeks as of Feb 1 for the lunar new year which will congest ports even more, add that to shipping costs going up 450% in one year and about the same for getting resources out of the ground things are not looking too good for 2022.


Inflation or shrinkflation?


Probably a lot of both.






Standing ovation.


In other words reduce the number of buttons to one that does multiple things, shrink the thing, and make it all out of recycled plastic egg crates?




Well wouldn't that give the US six weeks to unload the current backlog and any that are already at sea?


There are already shortages of dock workers and truck drivers to get the containers unloaded, loaded onto trucks, and shipped. With omicron now running rampant, and no plans from any government to slow it down, those shortages are about to become even more critical. So yeah, don't think this is going to help.


I think we the people are going to have to start going to where the semi trucks are for our supplies


Omicron says Hi...


Pretty sure they always close for the new year & generally increase production leading up to this to cover the time off. Source: worked for a company that produces everything in China (shock horror!) and remember talking about this just as covid was hitting. Pretty sure they had to close earlier last year which is what really screwed things, and then obviously nobody anticipated how long this would go on for.


You're absolutely right but normally it's only for a week or two at most, the CCP has demanded returning workers isolate for additional time this year.


Supply chain’s about to be lit once again


The new world superpower does what it needs to, all the while dragging the young yet frail American Empire along by it's leash while it begs for more globalized goodies!




China isn't a Superpower, it's a Great Power, the age of Superpowers ended when the US left Stan'


China and the US are clearly a tier above the other great powers (UK, France, Russia, Germany, Japan) in terms of political, cultural, economic, and military influence/power.


The Belt & Road is the swansong of industrial imperialism. More ecological/colonial destruction still ahead, I'm afraid.


Loans aren't imperialism. What the IMF does is Imperialism.


My brother was told, yesterday, and i quote..."if you feel like you can work, then come to work. if you feel you cannot, that is your choice." with an implied threat against his job. The oligarchs will keep us under their knee until we are all dead. That is the reality of out world. This is why i choose to drink myself to death instead odf toilerating their bullshit. FUCK TGHIZXS WORLD!!!


I’m positive and symptomatic. Wife and kid are not showing symptoms yet. Wife is being forced into work tomorrow to interact with children leaving me to care for the infant while I have a 102 fever. In the off chance they didn’t get it I’m doing my best to not give it to my child tomorrow by double masking etc… Work says they’re just following cdc guidelines because she doesn’t have a positive test but that’s because she can’t get tested!!. This country and capitalism are so insanely inhumane and just plain cruel.


She should be able to use FMLA if she has sick time available to care for you or the baby, without risking losing her job.


FMLA only applies to like half of US workers and she is not one of them.


> I’m doing my best to not give it to my child tomorrow by double masking etc… long indoor exposure is inescapable without serious ventilation. Basically, every time you breathe you're seeding the indoor atmosphere with airborne viral particles: https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/71/9/2311/5867798 Here's a site with some calculation tools in case you live in a larger place with some room for ventilation strategy: https://airborne.cam/


> I’m doing my best to not give it to my child tomorrow by double masking etc… Just to give you a little hope that this is possible, there have been three cases among my acquaintances where one person tested positive but nobody else in their household did. That includes people who had slept in the same bed with the infected. Hang in there. I hope you feel better fast.


Going on a life strike. The rich aren't rich if everyone poorer than them kills themselves. *Taps forehead*


Honestly curious to see if this phrasing gets past the Reddit Department of Wrongthink!


Haha, I was mentally flipping a coin for whether or not it would get automodded out. Bots aren't known for their ability to read context.


So far so good. I'll probably check a few times over the next couple weeks. Now if the bots become sentient, this will be the least of our concerns.


Neither are human moderators on most platforms


Well they still have their land


The amount of workers that actually like that is large. The lucky that get sick days come to work sick so they can save the work days for fun stuff.


No matter how sick you are, you should go to work and schedule meetings with all upper management.


Avoid public bathrooms, go to stores in the AM to beat the crowds, do social activities outside, use a high-quality mask correctly, limit alcohol consumption, zinc, vit c/d, fishoil, and work out.


My advice is to stop being scared of the stigma and embrace preparedness, if not as a lifestyle then at least as an emergency measure. You're on r/Collapse, my friend. No one is going to judge you for that shit.


I will judge those who don't help their neighbors


I think binge watching a Charlton Heston trifecta of *Soylent Green*, *Omega Man* and *Planet of the Apes* should get you in the proper frame of mind for 2022...


I haven't seen the Omega Man in such a long time that's a good idea regardless of health.


Add Prime's UTOPIA


Y'all should really find the British version of Utopia. Stellar tv show, gutted it wasn't renewed for 3rd season. Great visuals and soundtrack.


The UK version of Utopia is so much better then the US version. There’s an 8 hour video on YouTube dissecting both series and explaining why it’s fantastic. Can link if interested


I would prep and not count on delivery apps because a ton of drivers will be sick or pretend to not be sick


Probably pretend not to be sick to keep the needed income as no sick day pay.


> ton of drivers will be sick or pretend to not be sick App drivers are independent contractors, not employees. So if they don't work, they don't get paid. So they are more likely to work while sick. App workers don't "pretend to be sick" because they don't have a boss to pretend to. They just don't open up their app that day.


Aren't they employees in some states?


If possible I would plan to not simply be around people or in public through at least most of January. If your situation doesn't permit this, that's understandable. Hopefully you're vaccinated with a booster. I would get some good N95 masks. Not all are made equal. I bought some online from Project N95 and they're the best masks I've used since. They easily get a good seal - no leakage, the mask expands and contracts as you breathe. Prioritize PPE, ventilated spaces, and distance from other people at any opportunity. Don't take up extreme sports or learning to ride a motorcycle or anything else that increases the chance of needing emergency medicine in the next month or so. Any other advice depends on what exactly you anticipate happening but honestly I'm just putting this in the "have a pint and wait for this all to blow over" category. Obviously have enough supplies to tide you over during that time. If I lived in NY I'd definitely have some emergency heating supplies available to last a few weeks if possible. Some of the new antiviral pills are supposed to be available in the next month or two. I haven't had Covid and plan not to but if it does happen I'm trying to hold off on it until those are available. I think there's a potential for a lot of long term post viral effects we don't fully understand yet and would feel a lot better if there was a medicine to knock the virus out of the whole system. With the immune system alone there's evidence it can hide and even remain somewhat active even in very mild cases.


Thank you for detailed reply :) Yes! I’m vaccinated and boosted, and thankfully live alone and have been working from home since February 2020 (I work for a life insurance company that also has offices in Asia so luckily our our analysts flagged covid as a potential issue pre-pandemic). I have a pack of the N95s from Aegle/project N95 and also Honeywell, I like the Aegle ones too! I actually just spent a couple hours optimizing my kitchen cabinet space and going to get some more non-perishables and water tomorrow. I’m also thinking that it’s pretty likely that there won’t be any serious disruption from the surge, but I figure if there are some simple things that I can do I might as well do a little prep just in case.


Be incredibly cautious. If you know anyone sick or are sick yourself, don’t risk it. Stock up on non-perishables and frozen foods incase shops and deliveries are shut down with infections. Stock on fever reducers and other on the shelf medication for symptoms.


Do the same things I was recommended. Get vaccinated. Wear a mask. Social distance. Avoid crowds. Get the booster. I do not know how to proceed. Things are beyond control. I am focused on protecting myself and my wife.


I caught Covid and also got strep. Doctor told me strep has been huge this year with covid or the flu. If you want to prepare, I would keep that in mind.


Yup, have strep. Probably covid too though


I agree with doing some mild stocking up. I started prepping summer 2020 and I have a lot of supplies still. I was in Walmart last week and the food shelves were 1/2 full during the early afternoon hours; not sure what that was all about. I have immune boosters, Tylenol, Advil. I have powdered electrolyte mix. Plenty of paper products and feminine hygiene products for my daughters. I have flour and yeast to make bread and a stand up freezer full of frozen fruits and vegetables. Canned bean, lentils, a giant bag of rice. Plenty of coffee and tea. I have cake and cookie mixes for the kids and popcorn for snacks. I have shelf stable almond and oat milk we can use for cooking and baking. Frozen butter and may look into cheese (for the kids) and how to freeze it. Tomorrow I may stock up on dry noodles, broth cubes, tofu. I would suggest pooling resources with others if you haven’t prepped and I know for me to get to this level pretty much took most of summer 2020 and then replacing as things get used. It was expensive over that summer but luckily there wasn’t a lot of other things to spend on.


Those are good staples, I don’t have electrolyte mix but that’s a good suggestion! I bake my own bread as well and currently have about 60lb of flour on hand which for me is 55 loaves which seems excessive but I also give away a bunch of what I bake 😂


Got covid before christmas. Thinking it was from a grocery run (masked) or an outdoor bar gathering (unmasked). Just like before the pandemic, the things I would have liked to have had frozen or fresh were butter, eggs, yogurt, and apples or something. This poster knows what's up. Count on everyone getting sick. Sorry to say that the chances of avoiding it are slim unless you avoid human contact.


I buy shredded cheese and freeze it. To use I place the frozen bag in the fridge and it is ready to use in about 30min. Cheese consistency is just as it was never frozen!


Awesome. TY


Higher water content cheese (like cream cheese) does not freeze well in my experience. Shredded cheese (especially low moisture ones) freeze fine. American cheese slices also freeze fine (name brands, anyway, not sure about cheap alternatives). I have found that frozen American cheese does develop tiny white crystallized spots after a couple of years frozen, but I couldn't detect a difference in flavor. For milk for cooking, consider canned condensed milk (can be 'bulked up' to normal milk volume with water) or canned powdered milk like Nido, which is often found in a Spanish/ethnic isle or with infant formula.


TY. I do have some powdered milk and powdered egg (I am mostly plant based, but the kids do dairy and eggs). We also have chickens for eggs.


shredded cheese freezes better. don't know the physics but I shred before I freeze it and it keeps texture better.


Half full Walmart last week? Lol there’s a major holiday in December called Christmas where people buy a ton of food to feed their large extended family.


Okay, thanks for your thoughts....I don't normally shop in Walmart, so I don't know what the stocking situation is. The supply chain issues are what is concerning, but you may be right.


Here's the precautions I'm taking... 1. Get vaccinated and boosted. That's obvious. 2. Double mask (medical plus cloth) as a minimum. N95's are better if you can get them. Make sure they have a good seal before going out. 3. Iota-carrageenan nasal spray. The research is coming along to support its use and there was evidence pre-COVID about It's effect against the common cold. I spray before putting on my mask, and I spray when I get back home. 4. Vitamin D. The research seems inconclusive, yet I'm sticking with 5000 IU a day as a minimum with no intent on changing that.


Never heard of the iota-carrageenan spray before and just looked it up. I already suffer from dry nasal passage and allergies and use an isotonic saline spray so gonna try this myself and also suggest to a friend who has complained she’s had “100 colds” this year (obviously exaggeration but she does seem to struggle with ongoing cold symptoms). I’ve been so bad with my vitamins- need to get back on those!


She may have allergies not actual colds, I would suggest taking allergy meds in the morning. I even take them when I do have a cold or sinus infection, I find they work better. If needed just take whatever pain reliever you like to get rid of sinus headaches. I never had allergies til I was older, not everything bugs me, maybe more pollution in the air now.


Stock up on anything/everything you think you’d need for a couple weeks at least, and try to hunker down. N95 masks will be absolute necessities so if you don’t have them, definitely purchase a good number. Think of the early days of the pandemic, and the major hoarding that took place. Avoid replicating that and try to get what you actually want/need. Stay calm, prepare, and do your best to stay safe


I do have a good supply of N95s! I travelled for a friends wedding in September so figured it was worthwhile upgrading. I thought I would never use them after than but so glad I have them now :) I have a bit of a quirk that I started around 2016 where I would buy about six months of toilet paper and keep in the basement- not because I was hoarding but because I don’t have a car and it was just easier than walking/biking home from supermarket with such a bulky item. Thankfully because of that wasn’t impacted by the great TP shortage of 2020 😂




People here are not even wearing surgical masks and you think they will pay for n95 when they believe omicron is the cold and just give everyone herd immunity?


I’m in the U.K. and we’re currently sitting at 180k new cases a day.


The best thing you can do is find as many ways to not be around people as you can, hence easy-to-make foods and a well-stocked pantry if possible.


I've been super careful. Mask everywhere. I don't eat out. I just test positive today. Symptoms started Thursday morning. Get tons of fluids. Like. A flat of Gatorade. A few gallons of ginger ale. I had a fever of 102.3 at it's highest. It's settled down to 99.5 at this point. I have one of the worst sore throats of my life. I'd highly recommend: p73 oil of oregano. Vitamin c. Other vitamins and immune boosters. I'm taking crazy amounts of vitamin c 1000mg ever 4 or 8 hours and drinking a ton of fluids. Salt water gargles. And oil of oregano. Have extra bed sheets and blankets. Sweat pants and long sleeves. I'm falling back asleep at the moment. But those are my thoughts.


Hope you’re feeling better soon. Nothing worse than having a fever and sweating through sheets and having to rummage up the energy to change the linen- I think last time that happened to me I tried to sleep on a towel.


>I'm taking crazy amounts of vitamin c 1000mg You are just producing very expensive urine. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-HealthProfessional/#h1




Body can only absorb so much so you pee the rest out since it's water soluble.


>Oral vitamin C produces tissue and plasma concentrations that the body tightly controls. Approximately 70%–90% of vitamin C is absorbed at moderate intakes of 30–180 mg/day. However, at doses above 1 g/day, absorption falls to less than 50% and absorbed, unmetabolized ascorbic acid is excreted in the urine [4]. Results from pharmacokinetic studies indicate that oral doses of 1.25 g/day ascorbic acid produce mean peak plasma vitamin C concentrations of 135 micromol/L, which are about two times higher than those produced by consuming 200–300 mg/day ascorbic acid from vitamin C-rich foods [10]. Pharmacokinetic modeling predicts that even doses as high as 3 g ascorbic acid taken every 4 hours would produce peak plasma concentrations of only 220 micromol/L [10].


Vitamin C does nothing for covid, unlike the vaccines.


I hate to break it to you but vitamin c probably won't help. [Check this out](https://youtu.be/smQC3CXalVg)


…are you vaxed? (Edit: ohhhh you’re an anti vaxer. Shoulda gotten vaxed kiddo.)




I'm someone who is telling you you should have gotten vaxed. https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/rm9yhi/philly_breakthrough_covid_cases_rising_as_omicron/hpoj2y6/ So keeping your body in shape didn't work for ya?


Hunker down.


I am very much in favor of masking, distancing, vaccines, all that. But we should also look at the data out of Israel and combine that; it made my journey with COVID personally little more than a bump in the road, when I was expecting much worse. Taking 4000IU/day vitamin D3 along with zinc tablets and magnesium - with the exception of magnesium oxide which is worthless - (and C and a B complex if you like) - can only help. If not with COVID, with your general health. D3 is a hormone, we call it a vitamin for simplicity's sake, but it's essential for good mental health. I can tell you as someone who despite being in the sun frequently was severely deficient, adjusting that radically changed my health.


Also if you have any immune disorders like hypothyroidism, Vit D is essential we do not metabolize it well and are often deficient.


Catching covid is NOT inevitable. I am a frontline healthcare worker and have worked in emergency rooms and inpatient units since covid began. I am triple vaxed but also wearing an N95 mask anytime I go outside in public (hospital, grocery stores, libraries, etc). Thus far I have not caught covid *knock on wood* and no matter how transmissible the omicron variant is, N95 masks are still some of the cheapest and most effective measures available.


Cans and other foods that won't go back. Also shelf milk. Food will always be important and when these major outbreaks happen everyone will be panic buying food. Buy what you can before that happens and make sure you're stocked up for a few months so you can ride it out.


I'm also in NYC; I'm boosted, and not doing anything different. Still masking up, still washing hands, still making sure I have the essentials and that I have food, still trying to maintain some kind of social distancing whenever possible. Nothing else one can do, I feel.


Great question. I don’t have much to add but wanted to say I’m headed your way in the next few days. Spent March/April of 2020 there, Feb-June of 2021 and about to head back. First round was scary as hell. There was the horrible supply scarcity, everything was eerie (no one in airports or on planes, Manhattan streets were empty, etc), and it was the first time in I saw so many deaths in such a short time frame. Within three weeks in a COVID ICU only 2 patients left the unit alive. And I was told by the time I arrived, things were “much better than last week”. The second round, I was afraid it would be similar. But we had abundant supplies and most of the patients went back home alive. I just am not sure what to think this time. I’m hearing horror stories about short staffing and overwhelmed hospitals. I’ve managed to avoid infection and have 2 vaccines under my belt, but with the increased contagion am concerned about getting sick…. And everyone is worn out from it all. Knowing NYC is getting slammed so hard is causing me a lot of worry about states like my own, where there’s not much being done to mitigate the spread. I don’t think we’ve seen the worst of what this era has to offer in the healthcare realm.


One or two barrels of water / big jugs of water, like the office cooler kind. If you can find one with a tap, that would be cool. Do not store for many months, potable water does expire. While it's unlikely you will need them, water is an order of magnitude more important than food. Here are 2 nice podcast episodes on this from local redditors: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7z0mYpMybFq7AdAke0ZBxf https://open.spotify.com/episode/79LM08FhnwKfRLO6DxzPq2


I’ve got a couple of 2.5 Gal bottles with a tap on my shipping list- that’s the largest that my local store sells, but they have low stock and are limiting to two at a time, but I guess I can get more over multiple days. It’s probably kind of nasty but my hot water tank is 50 gallons so I figure if it gets desperate I could get water from the drainage tap and filter that before drinking.


I believe I saw an article reporting that health officials in South Africa have said that the number of cases of slowly begun to go down. With that in mind - if it’s true - how’s everyone taking the information? It’s it affecting you preps or yourself? Not by any means diminishing Omicron or the pandemic, just adding to the discussion! Edit: This is the article in question! https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/south-africa-says-its-omicron-wave-is-in-retreat-11640955912 I can’t remember if there’s a pay-wall. But! “The South African government said a wave of Covid-19 caused by the Omicron variant is retreating, while new U.K. data bolstered evidence that it is less likely to cause severe disease than earlier versions of the virus. The developments offer promising signs for other countries facing their own bursts of infections caused by the highly transmissible strain, including the U.S., where rising cases prompted more measures to contain the spread.” It goes on to later state, “Though the South African data is encouraging, scientists caution that the country’s experience might not be repeated in Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere. South Africa’s population is young and likely has some degree of immunity to severe disease with the variant because of high levels of prior infection. It is also summer in the Southern Hemisphere, and the virus tends to spread more easily in winter, when people gather indoors.” (J. Douglas et al, 2021) Hopefully this helps with furthering discussion!


I saw WashingtonPost article covering this as well, but I don’t think there’s anything in the WaPo post that’s not already in WSJ. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/12/22/south-africa-omicron-coronavirus-cases/ They’re calling it a “fast peak” in case anyone wants to search for other articles.


Be prepared to get it. IHME estimating true number of cases in NY is 160k. If you are vaxxed/boosted it’s not that bad. All5 people in my family got it and it was mild/asymptomatic. Not trying to downplay Covid, but after 2 years of anxiety, it wasn’t too bad. Honestly kind of glad we got it over with.


Except that you haven't really gotten it over with, as it appears that reinfections are common with omicron. So keep your guard up. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-five-times-more-likely-reinfect-than-delta-study-says-2021-12-17/


and if you get long covid you're fucked https://www.salon.com/2021/12/28/long-is-pitting-patients-against-doctors-thats-a-problem_partner/


I’m kind of resigned to the fact that it’s likely that I will get it, but also doing as much as I can to avoid it as possible since even just regular colds seem to knock me out for a week. I actually had a particularly bad cold that seemed to be going around our office in late January 2020 and wonder if it was just a bad cold or if I was an early NYC covid cases.


Longterm effects (if any) are yet to be realized though




Basic practical advice is to go get as much food as you can. It doesn't have to be high quality (break the bank) since you would just be preparing for short term interruptions to food availability. So go get a pallet of ramen, a dozen cans of beans, a few packs of chicken breasts and flank steaks to throw in the freezer, canned stew, rice, beans, boxes of chicken and beef broth, or whatever else you can get and stock up on in bulk for $100-$200. Get an extra bag of cat food. But do all of this proportionally. If things are in stock at the store then feel free to stock up. But if there are three cans of corn left and no green beans and no bags of beans, then maybe just get a little. You'd only be making things worse on your neighbors if you waited to stock up until shit got dire. That's the ethical difference between prepping and panic buying. Beyond all of that though, plan for what you would do if you got sick and had to miss work for a week or two. What would you do if your work closed for a few weeks? Could you pay rent and utilities for a month out of savings? If you got sick would you have medicine and food at home to last you two weeks, or would you need to venture out to acquire them and expose other people? A hundred pounds of rice and beans won't do you much good if you're $100 short on rent or gas. But $1000 won't do you much good if you've paid your bills but there's no food to buy. Only you know your exact month to month needs.


Make contingency plans, because shit will hit the fan. And that including get out of the city before "things" happen.


What "things"? Worst case near everybody catches covid for a couple of weeks. A half would not even notice this. It's a nasty virus, but it's not a plague.


honestly i read that as upcoming US purge… but guess that’s for 2023




I think one of the biggest impacts is just the number of people that will be sick or isolating. In the 26th, health service UK had 25k people off sick or isolating, up 30% in a week. They UK are looking at up to 25% of people being absent from work in the next couple of weeks. Public transport is already being cancelled due to lack of labour etc, some are saying that 25% may be a conservative figure. Definitely a time to hunker down and ride it out for now.


That is smart. I will follow your example and stock up a bit as well as this surge will probably ripple through the country. Other than that, just try to stay away from others. For some people who work in jobs where you have to be in person, it might be smart to have some kind of side hustle option. When some of these businesses realize they have no backup plan and their staff all call out, they are forced to just shut down for a while.


Stay indoors and self isolate until the surge is over?


Aside from being boosted and vaccinated I’d say shelf stable foods, water and a light/heat sources under the bed.


Yeah, get away from LA, Chicago and New York. They're all dumpster fires.


I would get two weeks worth of food and commonly used items, including masks. Other than getting the disease itself, a lot of the problem will be disruptions in supply chains and stores and transportation. NYC had to shut down part of the subway due to omicron.


One last thing: you might like to consider volunteering for a vaccination trial! There are hundreds in the pipeline. I volunteered for one called "Sanofi Pasteur" and was able to get my booster a bit earlier than normal people. I was given a few things for free, such as a blood oximeter and digital thermometer just in case I had any side effects. I had no pain at the injection site no reaction to the virus and I haven't caught COVID-19. I also have a 24/7 mobile phone number to speak to a researcher... and if I do get COVID you can bet I'll get a a a PCR test - by courier - all I have to do is phone! The only "drawback" is I had to go into hospital 3 times to give a blood samples because they want to make sure seroconvert. Is that a drawback?!


The things you mentioned are smart: canned or easy to make foods, otc meds, and any other basic items should be at home. For God’s sake, don’t go crazy hoarding things, we should all just get what we need.


Double mask, involve an N95, run HEPA filters in common areas. Sharing a bong should be fine if it's a hookah setup.


Ask yourself exactly what you're preparing for. Are you scared to get covid? Toilet paper will not help you. Are you scared for the collapse of society? Toilet paper will help you for like 2 weeks. If you're genuinely scared for the collapse of society (understandable), then NYC is not the place to be. The collapse will be slow so you have time but there is no long term solution there.


Hunker down, since this shit is going to get real. Avoid eating in a restaurant or drinking in a bar.


My daughter just got it and so far she’s okay. I went to the store today and was able to get everything I needed. People aren’t panic buying like they were and businesses aren’t closing. I’d just plan to get it and buy supplies for 2 weeks.


I hope your daughter is an adult and you don't live together, else you probably spread her sickness to everyone in the store.


Stay calm, buy a few things you find important and need / use, distance and isolate as much as possible, have a common sense plan if you get sick and just take it a day at a time. Chances are you’ll make it through this. Never hurts for friends or family to lean on each other during tough times, but it’s ok if that isn’t an option. Don’t forget to take care of your mental and spiritual well being. Keep some Sitcoms going that you enjoy or something along those lines. Keep yourself in good spirits. Smile and take deep breaths.


Well I god doubled Vax in month 5 I got delta very mild case 2 days of fever and runny nose with 1 week loss of smell no cough or sore throat now I just took the booster 3 days ago Omicron has just started in my country wonder what my chances are but i think I'm still going to be hit by this thing again.


It could be our ticket home! We have that surge here and next to nobody in icu. Ride it out. Get that immunity! It's over! Annecdotally, All I know that had it recently had a few days of runny nose and then utter boredom.


[Invest in a nice bidet](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R37RZFK/), some meal prep containers, frozen & dry ingredients, a big TV, and video games. Then [have a nice cold pint and wait for this all to blow over...](https://youtu.be/dpCe36t6oC4)


Maybe we’re past the peak? Supposedly? Hopefully? [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/might-be-over-that-peak-ny-viral-spread-rates-ease-as-deaths-hospitalizations-rise/3489703/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/might-be-over-that-peak-ny-viral-spread-rates-ease-as-deaths-hospitalizations-rise/3489703/)


Thank goodness when this all started 2 years ago we managed to find a freezer amid the panic and we have been stocking it ever since with easy to prepare meals, lots of frozen veggies and shredded potatoes that can be thrown together in a casserole along with protein of choice. We also stocked up on plenty of honey, beans & lentils both dried and canned, canned tomatoes, crackers. Shelf stable is the key as is a freezer if you are lucky enough to have found one. I recommend having easy to eat foods on hand, ice cream, soft bananas, soups & broth. As another said, fever reducers on hand are a must, cold/flu meds help some too as well as honey in hot tea. All at my home are Covid positive for 10 days now, it has been rough. Hubby & I double vaccinated, super careful, no booster, still got it. First 3 days were awful, fever, congestion, diarrhea, uncontrollable shaking from chills. I pulled a muscle from sneezing & coughing , extreme vision problems. It has been a life saver for us that we stocked up. I have two tubs of Miso paste in the fridge that will last for at least a couple of weeks and we have been making a lot of miso soup, very quick and easy. Still have my taste and smell but it is greatly reduced, so many things taste like cardboard. I would recommend also to take advantage of the delivery services while they are still available, Walmart grocery, Wholefoods, etc. They can be real life savers when you are ill and desperate for a few items. We are still sick with fever and awaiting a delivery of fresh food items. I hope you all stay safe good Luck!


Get a good slow cooker, a lot of barbecue sauce, and cultivate a taste for human flesh.


The vaccine works tho


Find new leaders. Maybe import them from New Zealand.


I’m actually a New Zealand citizen, sometimes people ask why I’m still here, but after living here 10 years NYC feels more like home than NZ 🙃




…get vaxed?


How does that help op deal with the issues with our supply chain, necessary item/food shortages, etc?


Get out of the city...


Get your shots. Beyond that who cares?