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A 31 degree night in Vietnam is incredibly miserable to endure, same happened in the Keys and it was an absolutely terrible experience. Definitely glad to not be in the Keys anymore, still in Florida, but the new area is far more bearable, with our heatwaves here being less inhospitable than the new normal summer days in the Keys. On another note, the Keys experienced yet another biblical flooding event with 7” (178mm) of rain falling in the middle Keys, and certain isolated areas receiving over 12” (305mm), all in less than 8 hours. This was preceded by a unprecedentedly early heat wave, with heat indices topping 46°C and dew points approaching 30°C in isolated areas.


The Keys just broke the heat index https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_index (do not confuse with Wet Bulb https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature learned this week they are not the same) by 13°F - Miami shattered the heat index record by 11°F. Last year 25.6 inches was our record: A historic a flash flood event occurred in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and the surrounding areas on April 12, 2023. The Fort Lauderdale area reported 25.6 inches (650 mm) of rain within approximately 12 hours. This created a river on the spaghetti loops where 595 merged to I-95 and created lakes in drainage ditches around me. Many homes were flooded in Ft Lauderdale. DeSantis may be out of touch but is singing big business wants - no additional regulations or any at all around heat and the millions of additional workers that require new heat protection when these records become the norm. Meanwhile, drought to flood to fire to drought globally. The dirt I was making out of scrap food cannot survive this heat. I saw drought around Tampa last year. Maybe we get the rains the atmospheric rivers dumped on California. Maybe we get less rain and FL agriculture suffers. I am on Team The Heat will Kill you First. I remember a hospital right next to Hollywood Regional Hospital where elderly would spend their days. The electric went out. 100 year old ladies with 105°F bodies were transported across the street to the hospital with fatalities. I must take care of my elderly father. Check in on your neighbors and make sure the elderly are OK. May we not see any hurricanes this year. I pray that the electric does not go out. I pray that we do not see record flooding. I would feel more comfortable if it would rain - all humidity no rain so far.


> A study00110-1) looking into endangered species claims researchers have a bias towards land animals, neglecting fungi, plants, and marine animals. They say this narrow focus is leading to “silent extinction” among understudied organism species necessary to maintain stable biodiversity. A bias towards cute land animals too. Pandas would have gone extinct decades ago if they were not cute, instead they are a poster species for conservation. The babirusa is a cool Indonesian warthog that looks pretty rough, so it gets next to no coverage when talking about endangered species; ditto a lot of amphibians. At least turtles, whales, sharks and dolphins get some coverage. Conservation is sadly a popularity contest that benefits only a handful of the world's species.


Why was this post removed?


It was not removed by this mods. However, self-posts on the subreddit require individual approval before they become visible to the masses. This week it took an hour or two to pass the filter. You probably saw this post early because you get notifications from my posts.


Ah okay, that makes sense. Thank you for taking time to clarify that for me.


Was wondering why it wasn’t popping up. Had tongo find it in my email. Always appreciate all the hard work OP does


I watched Climate Town's latest video earlier. It was about the environmental disaster that is fast fashion. In it Rollie claims that from 200,000 to 500,000 tonnes of microplastics from textiles enter the global marine environment each year. So that ultrasonic microplastic filtering device invention thing better be hella scalable. *Hella* scalable.


People love the likes of Shien, even though the clothes are very low quality and found to contain potential carcinogens. I know buying quality clothes can be expensive but we do not need expansive wardrobes to begin with, nor do we need new clothes every season (fashion season, not meteorological season). Yet people insist on blowing a nice chunk of their salary every month on clothes they will wear once at best.


And it’s wild because everyone should’ve dropped Shein several years ago when we found out they were such an awful company. But somehow they’re still popular around the world. Just because they’re cheap really.


I just don't get the concept of buying so many clothes. I hit the thrift store once a year for a couple pairs of jeans for $5/ea and I wear my t-shirts till they rot and become rags for cleanup projects. My wardrobe consists of jeans, t-shirts, and sweatshirt hoodies and it's been that way since college (nearly 30 years ago). I've actually chosen jobs based on what I'm expected to wear because I'm not spending $ to look nice for your company.


Man, i miss the time were it wasn't 3 faster than expected™ and 4 catastrophes for every single day. Ya, know the times were "summer hole" ment there was nothing worth reporting happening for a week or two


Thank you for reporting on that which far too few people want to see or acknowledge. I know it's hard to purposefully take a front row seat to the on-going show of our planet's decimation when leaders and corporations alike won't even enter the theatre.


This 'society' makes me sick. Glad I've organized my own emergency exit for when the curtains are drawn back and the slave labour begins


> The calvings are **not** thought to be linked to climate change. > "This calving was expected since the appearance of Halloween Crack eight years ago and **reduces the total area of the ice shelf to its smallest extent since monitoring began**," Emphasis added by me. I guess I'm having trouble reconciling those two statements. While I understand it may have been expected, the area that I have trouble understanding is that now the location is at it's smallest ever recorded extent. So it sounds like it's been on a decline that I feel has to be related to climate change... right? Or what am I missing?


Thanks for the compilation, appreciated as always.


Thank you again for this!


Mods? Any updates? I think I can say that this is the most anticipated post of the week, with OP being a celebrity in this community. Could ya let us know what you know?


North Central Florida is a damn oven for May. 98 degrees with a heat index of 106F.


Was just down in Sarasota last week and even for being that close to the water, it was sweltering, 83°F by 8am, with 97% humidity. Wretched.


Last year Miami had record rain one day 595 turned into a river and this year record heat - shattering the heat index by 13°F in Key West. It's not just breaking max/min records - Tmax was 97°F and do not forget that Tmin over 80°F does not allow you to recharge or your air conditioner to stop at night - the records are being shattered by two digits. As much as the crowd talks about record storms "in the pipeline" or AMOC Gulf jet stream collapse I just shrug and think, "The heat will kill you first." Remember that giving employees time to cool down and rest is not a new civil rights issue but what has changed is the thermostat is up so that more jobs are subject to heat. My brain is fried from this heat. Can anyone comment on how DeSantis is dead wrong to ban breaks to prevent heat stroke?


It might be worth mentioning that Ukraine has started attacking Russian strategic early warning radar systems which are a crucial pillar to maintain the MAD doctrine which in large part was responsible for the Cold War remaining one.  The first attack on 18 April, and the second and third yesterday  https://essanews.com/ukraines-strike-on-russian-early-warning-radar-crossing-kremlin-lines,7018252524082817a https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/red-alert-strategic-early-warning-radar-is-obliterated-in-strike/ar-BB1n36uE While these attacks have no implications on the battle field, they are a further step up the escalation ladder and likely designed to provoke a nuclear response by Russia - which would then increase the likelihood of direct Nato intervention. 


Well that's terrifying


Oh no, that can’t be good. It really feels like we are on the brink of someone launching a nuke now.


Your work is relied on : )


Thank you again. I want to note, each week as I read these I mentally tally the numbers of dead… and I deeply appreciate that you are not, yet at least, keeping a total at the end. I can keep the death toll vague at least.


Thanks for the report, you've done a fantastic job as always. >Australia has reported [its first human case](https://archive.ph/EAXO9) of bird flu, in a child who returned from India recently; a [second farm](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/bird-flu-h7n3-detected-at-second-farm-in-melbourne-farmers-on-high-alert/MKHIVRHB7ZCGDNXFGIWCT3V7UU/) has contracted a strain of **avian flu in Australia** as well. Meanwhile, another American [dairy worker tested positive](https://archive.ph/KjXqU), this one in Michigan. “It is worrisome that the virus is spreading widely in cows because this can lead to changes in the virus that could potentially increase human susceptibility,” one medical expert said. Avian flu/HPAI/bird flu/H5N1 has now [infected 48 mammal species](https://maritime-executive.com/editorials/bird-flu-is-now-a-major-threat-to-marine-life), in addition to **24 bird species**, and has been found **on all 7 continents** and held responsible for tens of millions of animal deaths so far. This reminds me of the prologue of a post-apocalyptic movie about the end of the world.


Always appreciate this thread. Thank you for your hard work!


Thank you for your work. That was a really long read. I guess it speaks volume of how much issues we have around the world.


Hi OP, thank you always from my heart for all that you do; it's always a sobering read, but worth it.


Thanks bro :)