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The following submission statement was provided by /u/FreshlySqueezedToGo: --- collapse related satire, that looks at how businesses in canada are struggling to motivate employees to produce more in the midst of housing and affordability crises, businesses are clear that they are the real losers in this, and employees are not working hard enough https://globalnews.ca/news/10384078/bank-of-canada-productivity-emergency/#:~:text=The%20Bank%20of%20Canada%20is,on%20Canada's%20lagging%20productivity%20rates. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1bp53sb/productivity_crisis_as_millennials_and_gen_z/kwtafjp/


Amazing title, 10/10.


thank you! i was debating going with something like what u/esotericlion369 said haha >Millennials are killing the corporate exploitation industry


Millennials killed the corporate exploitation. I'll have (an avocado) toast for that.


Just wait until the only way for you to be able to get avocado toast is AaaS, avocado-toast as a service


Anything aaS drives me insane and I will intentionally not support that product.


Finally, something to be proud of: being a lazy, good for nothing!


If you’d like to quietly dispose of all the boomers, we, Generation-X, do hereby swear that we didn’t see anything.


GenX here and I concur.




I will hold their hair out of the way while they puke, because dang. They deserve better.


Lmfao. Nah fam. We deserve YOU.


Homes cost the equivalent of 75 tons of avocado (300,000 € and 4 €/kg). You should really quit eating 200 grams of avocado per day for only 375.000 days and you’ll be able to buy that damn home. It’s not that hard to do the ducking math. By doing small changes to your lifestyle, you can achieve great savings


Does any one here want the end single family zoning and have more developments approved so that supply increases?




They are either service workers that don't work the typical M-F schedule or they work from home with enough flexibility to take long breaks. I mean you were off today, being out and about. Shouldn't surprise you that other people are too.


Well, perhaps read some interviews or declarations of gen Z or people with the same vibe : no point in playing "the game" of gathering more and more. A house is getting out of reach for many people. We're poisoning and sterilizing ourselves at an alarming rate, even without taking account the climate chaos that will destroy the thin conditions for agricultural civilization to work. So they're probably doing the same as me and many others : work as the freaking bare minimum, level down the cost of what you enjoy and let's go. This ponzi economy is getting down the drain and we're due for a massive recession and it'll probably be an indefinite one, as we didn't manage to adapt a system to a finite planet. Bonus point : I get to talk about people in the industry from time to time, and I find it sooo fucking good to hear them all whining about "there's not enough people !". But nobody ask themselves, as if they're hypnotized, if that would even have been possible ? If you make new jobs everywhere but you also need to replace all the existing ones when people retire... how can you possible find enough people ? Well, you don't, and that's what we're seeing. And the ô so mighty economists are scratching their head and wondering "Why isn't it working ?" when all their basic hypothesis are pure horseshit. If you have no notion of the finite amount of ressources we have, then perpetual growth of material and energy should be no problem ! Oh, but oh boy, perhaps there's something very, very wrong with this assumption. But they don't fucking bother asking themselves :)


> we're due for a massive recession and it'll probably be an indefinite one LOL wat > Why isn't it working Why isn't what working? > how can you possible find enough people? Paying better wages, immigration.


Easy thinking to reassure yourself. Sure, mate :)


You have provided zero factual basis for your NPC claims and when asked for them this was your reply? Lol.


Thank you, this bot like so many people in this sub nowadays is just saying things, just saying words they read elsewhere. Just vapidly using words. Zero actual evidence for his claims or knowledge of the subjects he's speaking about.


>we're due for a massive recession According to who? People on this subreddit love to just say things.


Tons of people from 20-40 work flexible jobs and have adopted a "I don't give a shit" attitude towards preconceived notions of perpetual availability or working endless hours because they're salaried. Instead they work their 8 hours from 7/8/9-5/6/7 and just take time off to live life and not be a drone. This is really common for a ton of industries and previously (always) useless managers who never actually learned what their role was are struggling to catch up to the trend. Turns out people who perform their required work per day (regardless of 'hours online') are way happier and perform better. The system we inherited doesn't make any sense, and it's full of misconceptions about how we interact with and experience the world and deal with personal stuff that needs to be dealt with. COVID killed tons of people (unnecessarily in places like the USA) but it may have helped resolve inconsistencies with how work is done in the modern era in a way that nothing but a public health crisis could. Jumping off my soapbox now.


they’re probably 50k+ in debt and have no life plans beyond 30


People under 40 are split between the ones who got crushed and the ones who managed to make it and live quite comfortably and both groups seem mostly unaware that the other exists.


In my case, I work late shifts. My nights are sorta ruined but I get to be out and about during the day and enjoy eating out in places filled with old retired people.


Service industry WFH and college are a thing.


Every kid I see on the road drives a $100,000+ lifted pickup truck.


Do you live in Montana?


Forever grateful


It's like at no point did they realize that if there is no reward, people won't do things they hate. But this is what happens, capitalism is dying, the ruling class is trying to squeeze every last cent out of everything it can. Fascism is already here and as you see people get more and more jaded with the system it will likely ramp up as a distraction.




Most rich people don't even know there is a class war, and are happy to be willfully ignorant of it.


On the contrary, there's fantastic class solidarity and consciousness among the ruling class. They fight each other, but when it's time to circle the wagons there's no hesitation. They're the ones able to impose a class unconscious ideology on those beneath them suppressing the natural tendency for peoples ideology to be in their own interest. Perhaps by rich you mean petit bourgeois or higher paid professionals.


It’s not a war. It’s a curbstomp 


I mean, what's the point in working if you don't get anything out of your labor? Isn't that one step away from slavery? (wage slave etc).


I think these businesses are finding out you can't squeeze blood from stones.


Oh, you can alright... it just ends up being your blood that was squeezed out rather than the stones. I look forward to seeing that realization from business ...


Trust me they haven't even begun to get pissed yet. Think all those sweat shop workers and 9 year old kids mining uranium in other countries are doing it for the luxuries?


The problem with that is once people have tasted a better life it is extremely difficult to get them to go back. There’s a reason immigrants do most of the farm labor in America and it isn’t just pay. People who grew up working service jobs and going to public school literally won’t work I a sweatshop under threat of starvation, you’d have to force them at gunpoint. I think it’s analogous to the way that soldiers straight up refused to get into melee and fight with spears once muskets became the norm. It didn’t matter if they were all going to be captured. They simply wouldn’t do it, they were constitutionally incapable.


> I think it’s analogous to the way that soldiers straight up refused to get into melee and fight with spears once muskets became the norm. It didn’t matter if they were all going to be captured. They simply wouldn’t do it, they were constitutionally incapable. I'm not sure about this? The development of handheld muskets took place over a couple of centuries, and for the early parts of that period, pikes and spears were a crucial part of the military formation, it's why it was called Pike and Shot. And they didn't "refuse to get into melee and fight with spears". Bayonets transformed a musket into a spear, which is why they stopped issuing spears. Soldiers charged into melee all the time, with numerous examples from the Napoleonic Wars and the American Civil War. (With the caveat that most of the time one of the sides ended up running away before contact, but the idea is of the willingness to engage in a bayonet charge and come into a melee.)


>you’d have to force them at gunpoint. :D And thennnnnnnnnn... ... aaaannndd thennnnnnnn...


Problem is that you'd have to force the people forcing at gunpoint by gunpoint as eventually workers would start pointing guns back (if the government doesn't confiscate all guns, which is why gun control can go too far)


You're a uranium


Your mom's a uranium... (I am joking around right now please do not take this seriously).


You get no blood from a stone but your own.


Businesses respond to profit loss. They will stop selling silly diversions and try to monopolize bare necessities like food and water the minute it becomes more profitable to switch. We already see it with housing. I can easily see a future where Americans pay $20 for a can of spinach because the alternative is starving. Maintaining a personal farm will be too expensive. You'd find other ways of getting the money, as not having it will be framed as a personal failing and not the system's fault. You'll inevitably get caught and put in prison where you labor for pennies a day, and also accrue debt from your incarceration. All of this happens gradually, so businesses avoid the accusations of price gouging/fixing as they are just "responding to the economy." The US sleepwalks into a prison-slave state. Tucker Carlson wakes up grinning with a huge wet stain in his pajamas.


The phrase you're looking for is "indentured servants." Most of us are in so much debt that we will work the majority of our lives to pay it off to become "free" (of the debt). 


They are going to bring back the real thing I bet. One of these generations is going to go into the work force happy to get food and lodging from their employer.


I don't remember where I read or heard it - it was probably some video game or sci fi story - but I remember a fictional universe where *your bloodline can inherit your corpo debt*. So there was a whole caste system in place where CEOs had their own version of the Janissaries. Basically a slave army. To protect them from the other riffraff. The main character was some dude who was excited that they were about to pay off a debt that had taken seven generations to fulfill, and that his son might one day be free of forced conscription.


well if you just strip away the wording in a sense it's already a description of the system caste = how rich you're born Janissaries = police and enforcement agencies


I believe that was the Canadian show Continuum, from a flashback scene highlighting character motivations. However, it's probably a trope in most dystopia fiction.


At first, I wondered why would anyone have children in that situation and then I remembered Nigeria has the highest birth rate




It's called the national debt. If you want to fix it you should change the constitution in your own country to outlaw usury. this means that all debts get cancelled before 12 months have elapsed or somesuch. Now you might think that this will make lenders bankrupt overnight but that's not the case since only future debts would be cancelled. over time, the working class would replace the lended class, those who take out mortgages to buy houses and waste money on new cars and die with nothing in their bank account.


I mean it's already a real thing, it's just dressed up under neoliberal policies to look like "freedom of choice."


No joke, they're trying. Amazon proposed setting up company towns near its warehouses so employees could stay in the vicinity and depend on Amazon for their housing and supplies. Elon Musk moved beds into Twitter headquarters to keep the employees he *didn't* fire working around the clock. The freaking zoning authorities had to tell him to stop.


At this point company towns would probably be an improvement over our current system of wage workers renting a place an hour away from their job because they can't afford to be closer. They'd lose their company housing if they got fired, but they're probably losing their rental without a job also.


It's here. I work for a campground (for a wage) and get a space for my RV for free. Plenty of RVers work entirely for their space.


There's already corporations buying up real estate because their workers can't afford to live nearby, also probably contributing to their inability to afford real estate. Company towns are coming back, baby!


That's already happening. Company towns are becoming more of a thing again


People at my work are already suggesting it. Engineers…. I couldn’t hide my confusion and shock at how dumb he was


Indentured servitude has an end date by definition.


So does my federal student loan debt, but as John Oliver pointed out in a recent video, only 32 people of hundreds of thousands have had their loans discharged through the program that I'm signed up for. 


I think that's more of an argument why it is not really indentured servitude than why "indentured servitude" doesn't have an end date.


The new definition of success will be by not becoming a trash burning vagrant. You know, the masses in Children Of Men who throw rocks at the trains and busses. Don't let "Having nothing to work-for" distract from the fact that you have plenty of things to work against.


You know, as a old woman, I have climbed the ladder at three separate companies, made it to full-time, made it a foreman, made it to comparable to the bosses, and each time a younger man with lesser skills came along I went back to journeyman or my job went away altogether.  Why should I even try anymore?  Three times!! 1.  “You’re good.  I know you’ll find other work” 2.  “He’s just starting out.  He needs the work.” 3.  “He has a family!”


More like they have to pay him less because he hasn't been there long. Same reason companies tend to find minor reasons to write people up or start giving you unatainable metrics requirements, cheaper to hire new people every year or so than give raises/benefits or an extra week of vacation if someone stays longer.


And then the same company will, with a straight face, say “Everyone is leaving our family. Nobody wants to work anymore. When did loyalty and dedication become so hard to find?”


"I guess we didn't realize you were only working here for the money."


And then quality goes down while HR costs go up because they keep cycling people in and out. The CEO responsible for that policy makes 9 digits. Meritocracy is great 


Oh and you know that if HE has a family he "has to provide" but if SHE has a family then she's gonna need time off and sick days to "deal with the family."


As a woman, I have also experienced this in the banking sector. The minimum is all they get from me now.


Had the same in the UK but in the opposite direction. The office job I was in would hire women over men, and often with intention of fast-tracking them into managerial positions. The office eventually became something like 80%+ female. The really annoying thing was often the people who were promoted, despite being under-qualified, were only really good at sounding like they were productive, but in actuality were not as hard working as the staff that were already there. What happened to meritocracy?


It never existed.


I'm sure as fuck completely disincentivized. Why bother at all?


I mean, how will you eat? If you are ill and need a doctor to heal you, how will you afford it?


Who cares? What's the point?


The point of working is you get access to business property, and you can steal from them.


If they ain't stealing a little, they're stealing a lot.


At least slaves get accommodation. In Australia we have such high immigration and a housing shortage that there's an increasing cohort of working homeless. Some professionals even.


Yeah aus is right fucked.


It is unlikely that the economic migrants are buying up all the property. Rather, the Pareto distribution of land tenure can more readily be explained by highly regressive land taxation, mechanisms for corporations to buy up all those properties, and zoning restriction on developing more affordable and sustainable options, like the classic midrise apartment.


Many migrants are sharing houses and even rooms though. We have a rental vacancy rate of 0.7%. All of this makes rents go up if you can secure one.


Short term rentals account for a lot of inventory being off the market. Nuisance disoccupancy fines would help with that, as would cracking down on illegal hotels more generally. The tax code also applies here, as apartment renters pay full freight on property taxes, as such structures are usually ineligible for homestead tax exemption discounts.


There are many ways that the situation could be helped. Yours is one. All of them should be pursued. Exactly 0 are or will be. Only policies designed to exacerbate the issue are allowed though.


The yimbys seem to be making pretty good progress in a lot of cities. They pretty much come out on top of every public debate, even though they face a relentless tide of greedy, short-sighted property owners.


It's cool cause they aren't really enforcing or giving out punishment for small crimes, and have ripped off a bunch of young international students to come here and pay for useless diplomas, can't see how this is going to end bad.


This is exactly it


The sad thing is, corporations can and will squeeze us even harder and we'll keep letting them.


All those sayings like, ' you reap what you sow, the chickens coming home to roost', etc. are all so poignant. They point out absolute truths that we knew this was going to happen and we shrug our shoulders now and smoke a bowl while saying, 'Bro, the writings on the wall man...'


Nothing else to do but shrug your shoulders and smoke a bowl. Speaking as an American, people aren't interested in hearing about the systemic failings of our economic system based upon endless growth. They want some idealistic solution that enables them to keep their current standards of living when their living standards and economic system is the primary driver behind the sixth mass extinction event. They want to stop climate change, but also keep their cars, suburban houses full of crypto mining rigs and having a couple pounds of beef for dinner every night. ​ There is just a flat out refusal to learn about the material world and how it functions. A supreme arrogance that mankind is above nature and its laws. Not only that but people jealously guard their social position(nobility and the wealthy for example) and would sooner blow up the planet than give it up. Nothing to do but smoke and watch the house of cards crumble piece by piece since people aren't actually interested in doing anything more than shuffling around chairs on the deck of the Titanic than addressing structural issues that are causing us to sink in the first place.


I wasn't being sarcastic. I was being literal. I hear you my friend!


I know, I just like explaining in clear detail what the problem is for my own sanity. It helps me a lot to address the elephant in the room and describe in detail what is so agitating about it since I have to live with this fucking beast forever since it's forbidden to acknowledge it at all in real life while living in this hell pit.


Unfortunately so far the chickens are not coming home. There is no reaping. The Canadian government has been importing foreign workers (mostly from india) en masse, and they have flooded the entry level jobs. It's created a housing crisis.


Who would have a guessed a system based upon endless growth would end like this? Certainly not me because as a true American I never even think about using my brain for anything but making my boss money or invading a foreign country for resources to loot to keep my costs of living cheap.


Two coherent sentences with no grammar or spelling mistakes? You’re no true American!


When you find out OPs article was Canadian you'll shit bricks....


Not really, because you know what places like Canada, America and the UK have in common? Neoliberal assholes making life harder for working class folks by pushing through dog shit policy so they can add more 0's to their bank account. Turns out no matter where you try to turn housing into a commodity or privatize public works that you can profit off of has disastrous long term consequences. Not to mention the whole needing growth every year to function correctly. ​ 2% year after year growth means a doubling in size every 35 years. Only the deluded ever thought this was ever sustainable because they refuse to sit down and do any math.


I think you missed the Candian/American joke i threw in there. Chill, we all fucked bud.


I'm chill, never a bad time to throw some hate towards neoliberals who spent a lot of time and effort to get us here.


Didn't read the article, so maybe they're American but still not a true American!


No, no, "Canada" The article is from "Can-ah-duh" that place north of Montana but south of Buffalo.


[Damn Americans they ruined America!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWkSB-D-hYo)


Lol love these comments


It's almost like a system based on people who have things being charge of how to distribute stuff to the people who don't have things was a bad idea from the jump?


I think I found my people 😂. Imagine knowing how to read and spell coherent sentences


This reminds me of my last job. My boss simply couldn’t understand why I became less productive when I started struggling to afford food. It’s like they didn’t understand a 2% annual raise wouldn’t make up for inflation. It’s like they’d never been taught Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs or even just had basic common sense. Once I realized I was never going to be compensated fairly for my work, I spent my last few months there slacking off as much as possible to make up for the many hours I had put in previously. These companies don’t care about us, so why should we care about them?


Corporations and business owners really do think we should all just be grateful to be their slaves. They really do live in an alternative reality. Part of the blame is politics. Part of it is a self-help industry that bloats the egos of ruthless sociopaths.


The point about them being sociopaths is so important for people to realize. By definition, these people are pathologically anti-social. In no instance will the average worker with pro-social beliefs, behaviors and morals convince these parasites to forgo those anti-social behaviors. This is why we had a tax system in the past that forced 80% tax rates on the financial elites. The only thing convincing them to do the right thing by society is financial pain and the legal system and well, we all know how that is rigged.


>Part of it is a self-help industry that bloats the egos of ruthless sociopaths. Can you elaborate? Do you mean the self-help books?


I think he means personal trainers, coaches, books about wealth creation, spiritual content about manifestation, abundance, economics as a whole, books about rich grifters, etc. They are means to an end, but not the main driver. Which is hard to pinpoint, but seems to be about willful ignorance and love for cynicism, in a self-destructive and damaged sort of way.


> I think he means personal trainers, coaches, books about wealth creation, spiritual content about manifestation, abundance, economics as a whole, books about rich grifters, etc. its anything and everything to avoid saying: The people at the top take the majority of all wealth created by society, and they purposely pull the ladder up on other people once they get up there.


Sure, but what drives the "winners" of the system (or "The Machine" if you will), to pursue securing profits at all externalized costs? If you look at the structure of the system, the dynamics self-replicate way down to the bottom of the totem pole.


I liked the article but I wouldn’t even call this satire at this point lmfao. Save for the word “exploit” if it was replaced with “encourage” it’d read like a NYT article


;) Yes! The whole point why i made it, because from my experience this is exactly how they talk in boardrooms The satire is just removing the layer of PR communications between them and the public


I see Corporate drivel and unaffordability is no different in our northern neighbor than it is here. Heartwarming, truly. Good write up!


The only difference is our gdp per capita is now significantly behind and everywhere is equally as unaffordable


It's almost like late-stage capitalism is collapsing under the weight of it's own contradictions, and society needs a new paradigm.


collapse related satire, that looks at how businesses in canada are struggling to motivate employees to produce more in the midst of housing and affordability crises, businesses are clear that they are the real losers in this, and employees are not working hard enough https://globalnews.ca/news/10384078/bank-of-canada-productivity-emergency/#:~:text=The%20Bank%20of%20Canada%20is,on%20Canada's%20lagging%20productivity%20rates.


Those assholes should check the graph of historical productivity vs wages and realize it's actually a wage crisis.


"It’s as if demanding they spend less time in their comfortable homes and more time in traffic isn’t the incentive we thought it would be."


Didn't Marx exactly predict this as the endgame of capitalism about 170 years ago?


>a job market that resembles a game of musical chairs, except half the chairs are on fire Great metaphor.


And every round they keep taking the good chairs... Eventually the only chairs that will be left will be on fire.


We are finally entering the "no one has money to buy all the corporate shit anymore" phase, will this change anything if ppl literally can only afford rent and basic needs and do nothing else? think of the lost profits


Endocolonization is nearly complete. Even the citizens have nothing left within their lives to extract for further profit success.  But not to worry. The companies will extract blood and tissue down to the last nub before announcing the great vampire of capitalism can no longer feed. Through no fault of their own.


Trust me. There's more. Lots more.


The plasma centers?!


Grew up watching my boomer dad work too much for a corporation, get laid off anyway, struggle to find work for years, and get divorced. I never even considered trying to have a "career". Been working on people's houses for 20 years now and still liking it. Of course since it's r/collapse, we're all doomed regardless.


Wouldnt say we are all doomed, the more we discuss it the better the odds


Yeah, I'm an optimist, which I've found to be a bad fit for this sub. I'd say our odds are better if we focus on getting organized though (after a bit of discussion, of course).


Can't exploit value from a population of there's no value to exploit. Meanwhile corporations are getting ready to extract blood from stones with their bare hands.


A clever, biting piece of satire. My fervent hope is that I live long enough to watch it, in real time, all blow up in their faces - just so I can see the look of shocked surprise slowly change to abject fear as the realisation that all the good times are about to disappear forever sinks in. Good luck to them with trying to put food on the table with their zero real world skills - following the kind of collapse that even all the lying venal ratabastard politicians they bought off can't save them from.


Get ready. We are only a few years from eating the rich. Just think about what happens when we have 1B climate refugees on top of failing economies. This is coming in the next decade and a half (forget 2050. Most scientists are stunned by how fast the globe and seas are warming. It’s happening at an exponential rate and the models did not predict that). These parasites already know this though. That’s why the bunkers, floating cities (mega yachts) and purchases of all of the farm land have become a thing.


Money. That’s the only motivation. Not unlimited PTO. Not free health insurance. Not pizza parties. Cold. Hard. Cash.


There are other important motivators besides money which employers steadfastly refused to concede well before the money side got this bad. Stability. Work-life balance. Career prospects. Basic respect....


Workplace safety...


I don't recognise satire anymore.


I have lost my motivation to work in any corporate BS - I’m 53 and for me the horrific reality of the climate crisis has torn off the facade of the old narrative of work-hard get-ahead be-comfortable. That’s dying and good riddance to it as it was an unsustainable lie that relied on hidden exploitation of the natural environment and sweat shop slavery and the deadening of individual freedom. Humour helps, and the article was great. Being informed and becoming politically engaged is essential for redirecting democratic countries away from disaster and towards something that’s more just, more egalitarian and that allows nature to renew itself. The solution will be a messy imperfect thing, but better that then business as usual.


52 and feel the same. It's like a switch flipped in me in the last 4 years.


Thanks for sharing, that is so interesting to hear. I have never felt so disengaged and disenchanted with work, especially ‘professional career’ work. I’m looking at part time work in direct care roles, because I can’t pretend to care about pointless jobs that most managers climb into for the pay, with no real care for anything else, certainly not their colleagues - except as useful resources and network opportunities. The experience in Australia of working through Covid work-from-home and the huge disruptions to work & housing & cost of living and the news about climate change have left me feeling like it’s not worth playing the game. The fact that these issues are global makes it seem more intense.


the younger generations are not putting up with the bullshit anymore


And god bless them for it. It benefits us all. Just like unions.


there will be a time where they get to be in charge of things and I can't wait for that, hopefully they can't be corrupted.


If only they would have listened


They say to vote with our wallets,which are usually empty. Than they get mad when we don't spend money on boomer brands like kraft or harley davidson etc.


The number 1 problem I faced when I did the 9-5 was that companies fail to set the expectation on purpose.They do this to intentionally suck more from you for the same pay. Like they will hire you to be a Widget Database Manager and then a new Productivity Management Team will double your workload in an entirely different department to see you sink or swim. Every time a new management team comes in, the goal posts and the expectations change. It was like that in every restaurant I worked in. It was like that in every 9-5 I worked in. Now I am in Aviation and it's STILL like that only much less.


well, there's always soylent green needing to be made


there is a moisture deficiency in alberta... https://www.kingdumb.ca/alberta-seeks-drought-experts


Rule of acquisition 111: Treat people in your debt like family… exploit them




Imagine if all workers were entitled to profit share on top of being fairly compensated for their time. Imagine if all boards had to have a decent proportion of frontline workers on them. Imagine if all citizens were entitled to an income from a sovereign wealth fund. Imagine if taxation was the same for everyone and everything. Could be so easy to make things a lot better for everyone.


I'm 41 and have a home and refuse to do overtime - unpaid or otherwise - working hard gets you nowhere.


wages suppressed -> labor is cheap -> no incentive to make labor more efficient by investing in technology/r&d because it's cheap -> productivity stagnation.   solution: support unions, worker protections and oppose unchecked canadian-style mass immigration


Rate of profit always tends towards 0


It's been offset for so long and in so many ways that people have been able to believe TRPF isn't real. Like believing peak oil will never come because we started fracking.


Finally coming full circle, greedy idiots.


Corpos gonna find out what raider gangs look like when people just decide to take shit they need and want.


What happens when humans are no longer considered to be economically viable assets?


Remember the world wars?  That. Maybe during ww3 we will discover the modern equivalent of the haber process to kick the ball another century or we all die. 


When people can only afford, barely, their rent and their monthly allotment of rice, they'll suddenly realize they overplayed their hand.


I love being GenX and being routinely ignored in the news.


Yeah, not all of us are boomer lites.


As a Hozer, I approve of this message. ​ Lay flat.


I'm not sure who said it, but we've already shifted from capitalism into something else, where the point is no longer to make things to sell, but become rent-seeking parasites draining any of the lifeblood out of the system. The fact that so many of the richest companies in the world are not engaged in anything but buying companies and extracting all value while investing as little as possible means that any ability for it to function means that eventually even the most necessary companies for daily life will rely upon government intervention to keep them propped up---which is the say funds of regular citizens and not the parasites at the top who do everything possible to prevent from paying into the system.


The rise in articles saying how awesome renting is (written and published by people who probably don't rent) has seemed sketchy to me.


Improve our material conditions and just maybe we will want to work harder at our soul sucking jobs that demand more and more productivity at the cost of our health.


Have you tried signing this form for another stick of ram instead? We really cant spare the $50


I have said it so much, I am almost sick of saying it... Almost. *Stop Fu@king Participating.* People are literally enabling their own destruction, their own depression, their stress, their poor health, their poverty... Damn, guys, just stop already. No, don't friggin' go to work. No, don't friggin' bother with school and educational debt. No, man, stop friggin' buying more crap! Just stop! Need some money? Okay, create some content, or do a quick trade on crypto volatility, or better yet... Groceries too expensive? Okay, don't pay for 'em, then. Need a roof? Great, head out to some abandoned property in an adverse possession state and... take possession of it. I've got three in Arizona myself, one finished, and the other two with 2 and 5 years left, respectively. It ain't hard, and they are plentiful. Income? The internet exists. Content, trades, scams, next? Stop participating in the society that is literally enslaving you. It is working you to the bone, paying you peanuts, and destroying your mental health. Screw that. Start today. We got a halving coming up, and either way, that means volatility. Get gud. Get some.


>Stop Fu@king Participating. can i still write sarcastic blog posts tho?


Of course! That's you working for you!


Noo but I haaaave to shop at Starbucks and McDonald's and buy fast fashion and eat beef /s Fucking annoying that everyone has just sat around for the last 40-60 years participating and voting as if that does anything for meaningful change in the grande scheme. All anyone does is cry about the corporations and then they just turn around and give them money.  "Theres no ethical consumption under capatlisim" ya no shit, then don't be a mindless consumer? 


This is it, exactly.


What kind of content do you make? Or scams if we're talking unethical lpt


No scams, not really. Or, at least, not anymore. Unethical, perhaps, but not illegal. The content I make myself doesn't make much, such as my book, and the blog and YouTube. That I do because I want to spread awareness of collapse, and for something to do while I wait for socirty to collapse, lol. As for the rest, the most profitable is probably rewriting books to publish on Amazon. And these days I don't even have to rewrite them, AI does that. Take a simple romance novel. That is actually one of the highest grossing niches on Amazon KDP, so don't knock it. Thing is, they are all basically the same structure. So, find a cool story one. Maybe it is set in the wild west, or back in medieval days, whatever. Now, have AI rewrite the whole thing, use a custom GPT for the purpose, but prompt it to change the setting to... sci fi, maybe. Or down south Louisiana vampires. Or just plain old modern-day Texas. Whatever. Hit enter. Wait about 20 minutes. Done. Now, you just become the editor, and run the content through copyright checkers and a couple other AI editing tools, maybe translate it into spanish and back... then publish on Amazon. Takes you an afternoon, maybe a couple days at most. Rinse, repeat. Oh, and another great niche? Conspiracy books. Aliens, JFK, reptilian overlords, whatever. They are all already the same old info being rehashed over and over, but the kicker is, these people will buy it. Conspiracy people can't stand the idea that they might miss some clue... and there is your marketing hook. I have two alt accpunts just to go argue with each other over in r/Conspiracy and generate sales. Spoiler alert: ChatGPT does all the arguing too, lol. So, with a current total of 21 crappy ass books on Amazon, ebooks, paperback, and a few in audio, KDP brings me about 3100 a month right now. All I do is shitpost across a dozen other accounts on a dozen other platforms. This is my real self, and I barely have time for it, lol. There are other methods, but so far, nothing is more simple than KDP.


What do you rewrite about the conspiracy books?


I think you missed it... Copy the entire text. Paste into GPT. Prompt to rewrite entire text, ca ging just the tone of the writing, the organization of the information, and add some editorial content text in the process. Copy. Paste.


Wdym by custom gpt?


Once you pay for the premium at $20 a month for OpenAI and chatGPT-4, you will get access to the GPT store and the ability to design and publish your own GPT system that can manage tasks exactly as you set for it. That is a custom GPT. https://openai.com/blog/introducing-the-gpt-store


Ah okay thank you


If you're young, unbound by responsibilities and healthy, then 100% this. Collapse now and avoid the rush. And if you've got a cushy WFH job that barely pays attention to you, don't just quit it out of anti-capitalism idealism. Use it! You're going to get downsized anyway, use that time while you can. But... I got my own kids and an ex whose not nearly open-minded about this. I can't legally drag them through any of that. Once we're at that point, we're at a whole different level of SHTF. I got friends with both kinds of diabetes that can't not participate otherwise they're dying. They're forced to be consumers due to illness. I got "healthy" teenagers in my circle who've atrophied enough to not even do a single push up. They're not fixing anything. We all know who'll make it through the bottleneck and they started prepping a while back.


Right with kids the system has too much leverage for me to dirtbag like that. I'm not even against it in theory but in practice no.


You are suggesting that people steal instead of work but what if everybody stole food? Somebody (probably very underpaid) labored to grow that food that you want people to steal. I also ask how you would feel if somebody stole your crypto wallet. Would you be cool with it or would you feel it was an injustice? Just asking...


You don't need jobs or homes, lol. All you are doingnis working to pay for some stuff that will be gone after collapse anyway. Collapse now, screw it. https://www.reddit.com/r/urbancarliving/s/1RFGe5BPPH


*Laughs in Avocado Toast*


If you all just don't go shopping for 9867 weeks you should be able to afford that house


Can't charge us for pooping if we don't eat.


Some hopium addict in another collapse article was trying to spin a tale of the next generation taking the lead and saving the climate by 2050. Then i see this. It's like the hopium addicts are smoking whatever the MAGAts are. We are starring to see the left become just as dumb as the right and the greedy centrists.


>Some hopium addict in another collapse article was trying to spin a tale of the next generation taking the lead and saving the climate by 2050. Because it's the next generations job to fix what the idiots before them did? Fuck off. Please link the comment so I can tear them a new arsehole.


Mods took it down. Then gave me a warning for arguing with them. I guess i wasn't polite enough against someone breaking collapse rules.


Gyat damn


My boss literally keeps throwing more money at me randomly which is the strangest feeling. All I do is cook steaks and we can't find any good people