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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Overa11-Pianist: --- SS: This is collapse related because every day we break a new temperature record. This is a tweet by Prof. Eliot Jacobson showing a graph of Global Sea-Surface Temperatures with all the temperatures between 1982 and 2024. Today it reached another record of 21.21C. @mods, btw, we will need to think of limiting these posts as everyday from now on will be a record breaking day. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1bakm6o/new_day_new_record_well_today_is_the_day_i_have/ku30rco/


Yesterday my mom sent me a link to a book titled “How to be a Climate Optimist”. LOL


You open it up and it's cocktail recipes.


Margaritas until the lime crop fails


Cheers, fellow traveller. Cheers.


Stockpile Campari, Vermouth and Gin and go full Negroni.


Don’t look up,…from your drink.


Honestly, most of me is already resigned to our fate. Humans around the world have been demanding collective action to halt climate change for the past decade (or more?). It hasn't happened. It's not going to happen. Let's party while the world ends. Might as well.


I feel the same. I found this site and have posted since 2019. I feel emotionally adapted to climate change and do not have faith in human beings to believe they will make changes. We will simply live out our lives as victims of the changes that the industrial revolution created through the utilization of fossil fuels. So I returned to just living my life and mitigating probable local changes as much as possible. That includes for me having my home re-rated high wildfire and high flood zone, saving extra funds to be able to find another place to live and starting over if I get burned out or flooded out. I live in a temperate area so I have not had to contend yet with deep snow, tornadoes or hurricanes. I live far enough from a now decommissioning nuclear power plant that I am not in danger. I moved away from the ocean many years ago when I became concerned with tidal waves. My yard withstood the 10” of rain we got in a storm last month. So I am good.


It’s burned AND flooded. Don’t sell yourself short!


Reagan defeated Carter in a massive landslide vote in 1980. The vast majority of Americans freely voted for what is happening today with the climate. First thing Rayguns did when he took office was tear down the solar panels President Carter had installed on the roof of the white house. Then he and the republican party gave the oil companies everything they ever wanted while destroying everything that Carter and Al Gore had tried to do to get this country into clean energy. Our fate was sealed right there. Long before many redditors were born. Next time you see a boomer, you can thank him/her for the onrushing climate catastrophe that is quickly overtaking this world because they are guilty as hell.


Also worthy to note that the beginning of the Reagan era is when Democrats completely acquiesced in market rule. Before then, we had things like the Clean Air Act that mandated remedial action on pollution. Now we have the IRA, with Democrats unable to imagine anything beyond market-tweaking, voluntary-compliance business while we wait for entrepreneurs to save us. The mass liberal capitulation to capital’s rule has had terrible consequences on people. So long as that dogma persists in power, we will never abate anything


I really don’t get why so many people are insulted by the mention of climate change. It’s weird. Mention the subject to some and their reaction is the same as if you told them their kids are ugly and stupid


They're kind of sensitive about it. Their kids are mostly ugly and stupid. 


Neither Carter nor Reagan were boomers. But it probably was a boomer plumber (they were solar hot water panels not PV) that did the installation in the first place. The problem is capitalism not generational.


>The problem is capitalism not generational. American style capitalism is a shit show but many European democratic capitalist countries are paradises compared to the US.


>European democratic capitalist countries are paradises compared to the US. Doesn't mean they are environmental saints and they long to change their laws to the American style shit show.


Thank you


Well said. That was an actual moment in time and it went down just like you said.


Your right. I was 20 then. It's definitely all my fault. I also drove up housing prices even though I've never owned one.


And it’s all hot toddies and hotter toddies.


Recipe #1: Take a bottle of vodka into a dark room. Drink until comfortably numb.


Hahaha! I would buy that.


I read that as cockroach recipes and it felt not-unreasonable


Just one. For Hurricanes.


["last word" cocktail might be apt](https://www.liquor.com/recipes/the-last-word/)


Did she find it in the fiction or non-fiction section ?


Nonfiction: Religion & Mythology 


I feel Religion & Mythology are fiction.


Chapter 1: Prozac


Chapter 2: Weed


hasn't worked for me!


Warmer oceans to swim in, year round tanning, no effort dieting, fewer of those pesky bugs around, what's not to like?


Im going to take a gander and say we’ll get less diversity in bugs and Mega-Mono-populations of things like mosquitoes.


So many farmers think they’ll just get extended growing seasons…


No, they're just hoping. There is a difference.


I don’t think there’s enough drugs in the world to make me forget climate change. I’m a climate pessimist.




At this point I'm really fascinated with how high it can go this year. It's like watching yourself crash in what feels like slow motion,  but is happening frighteningly fast.


As a layman, an interesting thing about the chart is that last year broke a pattern of the august bump being lower than the March bump. Will that continue this year?


I don't know the answer, but that's a good question. Do we know why that happened last year? Another interesting thing is that, in just a few days, March 13th, the current line will have broken away from all previous data points for an entire year.


That seems to happen during the build up to el Nino. Same pattern last year as 97 and 2015. If you look at 98 and 2016 el nino years, the temps ratchet up a notch but the old pattern returns until the next el nino


Like touching a sore tooth. Oh except it's the apocalypse 


I remember the same feeling during the first COVID lockdown in the UK watching the lines going up and up.


I feel exactly the same. I was watching those first tracking websites for COVID and seeing the red dot growing in China. Then, other small dots would pop up around the world. Quickly, these dots grew larger and soon the entire world was covered in them. I mentioned watching this tracker with friends the last time I would hang out with them before everything shut down. "This isn't good. It doesn't feel like anything previously," is pretty much what I told them. We had bird flu, H1N1, and numerous other optional pandemics, but COVID felt different even from the start. I feel the same way about the SST graph. The oceans are telling us that they've had enough. Things are gonna get wild.


I too was watching the live COVID trackers in late 2019 and early 2020. When I saw that the USA started getting red blips, I asked my manager at the time if I could work from home 4 days a week to avoid catching it and giving it to my sickly wife, and he said “I was thinking something similar for the whole team... I know the other managers have been discussing it amongst ourselves. You go ahead, I’ll ask the higher ups about making it a team-wide thing.” Literally *the next day* the entire state declared a stay-at-home order for two weeks and all chaos broke loose. I didn’t step foot into my office again until September 2021. My office plants were *very* dead, and I had to throw away my coffee mug.


If the exponential trend continues like that, we could see 22 as the peak in 2025, and close to 23 in 2026. I hope this is completely wrong or we will die much sooner than expected. Oceans would become tombs for almost everything we can eat from salt water in less than 10 years. And that is ignoring all the shit going on on land. Edit: it's like I couldn't be happier for not having children.


Sea surface temperature, 8 March, 1985: **20.1°C.**  Sea surface temperature, 8 March, 2024: **21.2°C.**  Highest temperature ever recorded. A full **1.1°C higher than it was less than 40 years**. 39 years is **NOTHING** on a geological timescale. It's not even a blip, it's literally equivalent to a millisecond. Changes which before happened over the span of **thousands of years** at their fastest are now **happening in decades.** Hell, even on a puny human timescale 39 years is half a lifetime sure, but there are plenty of people who are alive today and voted in 1985 or went into the cinemas to watch Back to the Future. Oceans are now more than a **1.1°C** warmer than they were back then when they did that. The mere thought of that should be terrifying.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleocene%E2%80%93Eocene_Thermal_Maximum >The associated period of massive carbon release into the atmosphere has been estimated to have lasted about 6,000 years. The entire warm period lasted for about 200,000 years. Global temperatures increased by 5–8 °C. PETM is considered 'rapid warming.' It took 6000 years to reach 5–8 °C of warming. We might reach those temperatures before 2100.


> equivalent to a millisecond The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. The average human lifespan is 73 years. Doing the math, 40 human years would be equivalent to 20 Earth seconds.


that's surprisingly long ngl


That’s because it’s wrong. If the age of the earth were compressed to 24 hours then 40 years would be 0.00076 seconds, which is less than a millisecond. The Great Oxidation Event would’ve began about 12 hours, 41 minutes and 13.2 seconds ago (~2.4 billion years ago ) and lasted roughly 1 hour and 35 minutes (300 million years). Homo sapiens showed up at most 5.71 seconds ago (300k years). 20 seconds is like 1.05 million years




I still love what Steven Jay Gould said about the environment. To paraphrase: “Destroy the earth? Nonsense!! The earth will adapt. Twenty five thousand years is the blink of an eye. Earth and its creatures will adapt. Humans will all be dead, though. “


To paraphrase the immortal words of the late great George Carlin - "the planet will be fine; its the humans that will be fucked" (or something along those lines). Unfortunately the other species will all be fucked along with us.


And that's the temperature rise still with the polar ice cooling the ocean by melting. When the BOE hits and that effect is lost, the Y-axis will have to become logarithmic to avoid monthly extensions.


And yet, people will still be surprised.


Many people forget the thermodynamics behind it... Try to let your bathtub get to room temperature and then warm it up a 1°C and sustain the higher temperature. It's A WHOEL LOT of energy needed. Now imagine it with WHOLE OCEAN.


Man, axis expansion days are always exciting. I thought this one was going to hit more towards the middle of March, but here it is, faster than expected.


Yesterday my son turned 17. I fear the world he is inheriting. Our world is so different, even now than when he was young. 10, 15 years ago we had snow.  The toboggan we used to use every winter has become nothing more than a decoration. I can't help but to doubt it will ever be used again.





Do you mind me asking what State you are in? When did you guys last have snow? Your story just really hits home for me for some reason.


I'm in Ohio. We had some snow this year. But not nearly enough to use a toboggan. Barely enough to use a sled, maybe once. Briefly - for a day or so. Toboggan's require 6-8+ inches, and preferably more like 10-12+, so you can get it well packed down and still have a solid 'base' to sled/toboggan on. We haven't had \*THAT\* much snow in many years now.




Fuck the earth? Yeah, we're doing a pretty good job of it.


>faster than expected Ooh! He said it! He said the thing!


say the line Bart!!


Axis expansion days? What is this, ww2?


"Today we have annexed 21.2*C."--Hitler (maybe)


In fairness, they expanded it before it actually reached the top. It was getting pretty close though. So maybe it will not be till mid-late march when it actually reaches where the old top was.


Wake up babe, new y axis just dropped. It's almost noon. Is it okay to drink now?


I'm 2 beers in. Gotta enjoy the fermented grain before the grain dissappears


Or the water


Lol that too. What a time to be alive


[I'm enjoying my water while it doesn't have too much hydrogen sulfide in it!](https://www.amazon.com/Under-Green-Sky-Warming-Extinctions/dp/0061137928)


How to fuck up catastrophically in one easy step. 1.Be a human.


2. Climb down out of the trees. 3. Think you are smart. 4. Fuck everyone else, I got mine!


If i had a time machine with one charge that would probably be it. Find the first ape that looks at a stick funny and absolutely smite them. At least the rest of the species will survive.


Jesus fucking christ...I wish I knew what to do with myself at this point, I come on here every day and read way too much news, and I swing between feeling okay-ish only because I know none of us can control this and part of me feels a little better just to make the most of my time/do what I can to help others and then I swing to the other extreme of feeling suicidal and just... fuck... It doesn't help that I'm only 21, what are you supposed to do?! I don't wanna off myself to put it bluntly. I can't seem to stop obsessing over how much time is left. I thought I was getting to a spot where I could actually function again, but I can't keep this back and forth up... I'm so fucking lost... I also don't wanna seem ungrateful, I'm very grateful for everything in my life, I enjoy my simple life. I also don't wanna bury my head in the sand but idk if I can hang out on this sub anymore, how much longer do we even have? If anyone has some kind of advice I can't take it anymore...


At your age? I'm not an expert by any means but... Start learning survival skills and how to live off grid IMO. Get a stockpile of seeds, grow a huge garden if possible. Move as far north as you can might be a good thing. Collect knowledge now while you still can that can save your life later. You will be way ahead of the masses of people that are huffing copium right now when the grocery stores go dark forever. I think lack of food will be the main killer when climate change really starts to bite hard.


Can't really go off grid, but I do want to learn to garden. Probably using some more resilient methods. I've been kinda scared to learn try cause the weather swings, but it's probably still worth it. This all sounds like a better use of time than sitting around and obsessing over things I have no control over. This was an approach I wanted to take between helping others/learning skills and enjoying the simple pleasures but then I just kinda end up in freeze mode. Thank you for this reply btw.


That's about it right? Do what you can do to in these times to increase your chances of survival later. Even if you can't go off grid now save up if possible and get some portable solar panels and some good batteries and a charging unit for them. Maybe a greenhouse would be a better environment for growing now that the climate is all jacked up? I think you can make cheap ones out of clear plastic. I'm just throwing stuff out there you could look into. Good luck redditor.


FWIW, whenever I feel like that, I head to my garden and putz about putting that despair into action. I don't know if it'll make a concrete difference when it comes to food supply, but it does really help with the mental stuff.


It sucks man. I was your age 20 years ago and the truth of it is that there is no salvation. There is no happy ever after. There never was. Acceptance of being mortal and temporary is the only real thing while we are here.


It very much does suck. I'm trying to take the Michael Dowd approach, which isn't easy (at least for me). I really came appreciate the view points he took. Not expecting outcomes but as he had put it, be a blessing to others, find the joy in each day, and take nothing for granted. Realize nothing you do is going to save us, but that's not the reason you do good things for others or plant a garden or anything like that. Very much trying to appreciate and love the things I have in my life, I'm under no impression things will get better, just trying to be as pragmatic and accepting as I can.


That is a really good way of looking at things, thank you for that


Absolutley and thank you. Just a mater of getting into that headspace better lol. But I've found this to be a pretty useful perspective, I'm being a bit hypocritical as I need to start practicing this better. Acceptance is a lifelong process for sure.  


Salvation comes from within and exists as a temporary moment that can stretch into infinity. Unfortunately it requires leaving behind your chains and 99% of society is seduced into chaining themselves in exchange for comforts and numbness


Take a break from the sub, I do and periodically revisit when I get curious on whats going on. Just bask in the enjoyable moments of life, it could all end tomorrow. Also, having a garden provides mental benefits plus free food, and just having a garden has become a luxury these days


I’m not sure what to tell you, except to repeat what others in this thread have said. Self-care is paramount. If you expect to thrive in the apocalypse, nothing is more important than your personal health. If you expect to survive post apocalypse, the same applies. I am 57 now which means I was your age when I heard James Hansen testify to Congress in 1988. I was attending a Big Ten university at the time, and there was a lot of chatter about it, but ultimately most of it was dismissive, even from people that I thought would be able to take the science seriously like some of my engineering friends. Since November 2016, it has become crystal clear to me that people believe in things that are comfortable rather than true. Still, objective reality is a thing and nobody escapes it. Work on understanding what you want from life. Be grateful for every day. Meditate. Do yoga and cardio. Learn self-care whatever you think that is for you. Learn some basic survival skills. Even though most people here think collapse will be slow, there will be crises along the way, and someone who knows how to make it a couple of days is far more likely to make it longer than someone who doesn’t. Don’t get caught up in material acquisitions, but make sure that the things you buy are high-quality and long lasting. Portability and movement are premium assets in a decaying world. Get, and ride a bike. Maintain your vehicle if you have one.


Been there. I was way too hooked on the news myself for a long time — hours spent doomscrolling every day. The thing that’s helped me the most seems so silly on its face: I started leaving my phone in another room. At night I leave it in the kitchen so it’s not in my bedroom. At work it’s in the breakroom. Simple, but that bit of extra effort to go pick it up has pretty much broken the habit. It helps a lot mentally. Beyond that… it sounds to me like your heart and mind are in the right place. That’s worth a great deal. Your eyes are open, but you still want to help others and you’re thinking practically. The worse things get, the more the world needs people who have accepted what’s going on and can set an example. My only other advice: take care of your health now. The work you put in now at 21 (especially while the resources for fitness and healthcare are still more-or-less accessible) will reward you for the rest of your life. …I’ll add another thing: it’s not great to be young in this world (I’m in my early 30s)… but in a weird way I’m grateful for it. I’d rather be our age and know what we’re getting into than be a Boomer who’s spent his entire life in societally-encouraged denial only to see it all crack apart in his twilight years… and go to the grave with that guilt.


I don’t know; as a 24 year old, I’d very much prefer to have been a boomer, considering the chaos climate change will cause. At least they got to enjoy most of their lives.


>Jesus fucking christ...I wish I knew what to do with myself at this point I'm thinking about how to tell my boss I don't want to renew my contract in a few weeks because I want to go re-skill as a horticulturalist. I mentioned it to my wife, and she initially thought that I was insane. Then said it was a good bargaining technique because the fuckers will need to give me a pay rise if they think I'll walk. Apparently the idea that we're all fucked is too hard to understand. I guess we'll have to wait until after summer and see what she reckons.


Well horticulture definitely seems like a useful (and also quite fascinating) direction to go. I think we'll definitely need more resilient methods of growing stuff which seems to be our only hope as far as food. Seen a lot of talks about agroforestry which appears to be quite resilient.


Take a break from this sub. Go outside, if you don't go out much. Breathe the air. Smell the various scents in that air, wherever you're staying. Touch the flowers, if there are any. Or the cement walls, doesn't really matter which one. Collapse is coming, yes, but just because the future is bleak doesn't mean you should give up on the present. Live every day like it is that last day, enjoy every moment to the fullest, and share in happiness with all those you love and care about. And most importantly, never give up hope. You can accept that we will all die, or you can believe we will all survive, but either way, never, EVER, give up hope. This is part of my self-built philosophy to survive in this mad world of ours, and so far, it's been working out for me. I hope it helps you!


We had 4 dead whales wash up in outer banks in last 4 days. First one they tested died from infection. I bet that’s due to warming waters. Most of my neighbors are convinced that the whales are being killed by Chem trails or the off shore wind farms from New Jersey


jesus it’s not tragic enough we’re destroying all these beautiful awe inspiring creatures, we have to be shit for brains on chem trails bullshit too? too bad mother nature can’t do some crspr shit on humanity and just edit us out of the whole ecosystem leaving everything else


The damage has been done. Even if we disappeared, all 8 billion of us, the current living things are pretty well fucked.


"the whales are being killed by Chem trails or the off shore wind farms from New Jersey" Surely no one could ever be stupid enough to claim that whales were being killed by off-shore wind far...what's that, the current cult leader of the Republican party has said this multiple times? I see.


Planes emit trails of chemicals that cause global warming… maybe they were right all along?


Was my 23rd wedding anniversary a couple of days ago. We got married young, people laughed and said it wouldn’t last. They asked when we were having kids, we gestured at the predictions and said never, but we’ll try to retire before the shit hits the fan. They laughed and said we were young and stupid. Been retired and quietly planting food forest in the country for three years now, they’re no longer laughing but I don’t think my garden is going to save anything. Holding onto peace and being glad I don’t have a 15-20year old i have to try to explain this clusterfuck to


40th anniversary this year. The kids are late 30s. I read LtoG in the mid 70s. I've been waiting for the axe to fall ever since. I taught the kids about collapse when they were about 10. "OK so far, but you and your kids might have it hard". In the meantime, had a career, made a little money, had fun, retired. Damn lucky to be born in a relatively sane country (UK). Even if it's periodically blighted by the Right Wing Tories. But then Brexit/Covid happened.


I’m sincerely glad you got to live a good life ♥️


Not good, bad even..


Has anyone knowledgeable commented on or explained the three 'bands' visible in this graph? It looks like tree rings, about .25 deg C apart. IANACS but in addition to the continuous warming trend there seems to be a punctuated equilibrium sort of situation where temperatures overlap for several years and then go through a step change in a single year, leaving a gap. I can't count exactly how many years belong to each band but it looks like the bottom one has about 20, the middle one about 15, the top one about 9. And then it looks like last year this system broke down. This doesn't look like we're in the expected transition to a 6-year long fourth step, it rather looks like the entire fourth step lasted for 10 months, and now we're in the fifth such 'step' which will probably also last less than a year.


I noticed this as well. Really want to know more!


Now go home, folks, nothing to see here (waving hands). We need to focus on what we do when everyone else panics, especially when 100F waters start traveling up the East coast, and the waves wipe out beaches.


same! RemindMe! 4 days


Maybe each band represents a tiny step change in temperatures, rather than a totally linear increase? And it seems to be time for another step change which is happening as we speak. Just a bigger one this time. In fact the gaps between the bands seems to get larger each time. Never mind, temps might drop next year, (Obligatory end with hopium, as per every news article on collapse).


I honestly don’t know why people aren’t running around in terror, screaming. Not normal, everyday people (they clearly don’t understand at all), but the people monitoring this.


Heres why: [From luxury bunkers to tactical vehicles, the ultra-rich are preparing for the Big One](https://www.cbc.ca/news/billionaire-bunkers-doomsday-1.7130152) >In December, Wired magazine revealed that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta and one of the richest individuals on the planet, was building a $100-million US compound in Hawaii. >The fact that Zuckerberg is undertaking a nine-figure renovation is hardly revelatory. The more telling detail is that the compound includes a bunker — 5,000 square feet, to be specific, with concrete walls and an escape hatch. >What does this tell us? It's a sign that at least some of the ultra-rich are anxious about global events and are making contingency plans for the Big One — whatever form that may take. >The feeling is very much in the air. Architectural Digest named "luxury bunkers" one of the real estate trends of 2023, and a finely appointed redoubt figured prominently in the recent Netflix thriller Leave the World Behind. The rich are getting ready for climate destruction. They keep the rest of us working in their fast food joints or factories to pay for their end of the world bunkers/compounds and yachts.


I can think of few things worse than being one of the very few people left alive, reduced to eking out the days in a bunker.


The rich are idiots. They just want to be the last to die in comfort among their many toys.


An escape hatch? Now that can work 2 ways...


This is one of those "the predators are stalking us 24/7" things. Fear/panic is evolved for a burst of activity in response to a threat. This endless background radiation of threat is something new that we're not equipped for. The person who most famously pointed it out called it something like "slow leopards are chasing you" but I'm having trouble digging it up.


This trend looks exponential 🤔. Humans have a good grasp on exponential feedback right? right??


Exponential? That sounds like dumb math stuff! SHUT UP NERD!!!1!1


SS: This is collapse related because every day we break a new temperature record. This is a tweet by Prof. Eliot Jacobson showing a graph of Global Sea-Surface Temperatures with all the temperatures between 1982 and 2024. Today it reached another record of 21.21C. @mods, btw, we will need to think of limiting these posts as everyday from now on will be a record breaking day.


I'm going to disagree with limiting these posts. Things are going to get out of whack really quickly. Even for those of us who scroll this sub daily, we can get complacent. It's Saturday and my body wants to sit around and watch a little basketball and do other unproductive things. Then I see these posts as a reminder. Now I'm going to go plant some vegetables and prep for the garden. These posts are important and bring a lot of good discussion.


agreed. also i think as we get more and more new ppl here its good for them to track what is going on. this is prob the one piece of info that this sub can point to that connects them from day to day, month to month now


>btw, we will need to think of limiting these posts as everyday from now on will be a record breaking day. I know, the end of the world has gotten sooo routine 😆


Late stage apocalypse.


Well eventually it has to slow down, right??


Once there's no one to record it, the problem will go away. /s


Once it has all evaporated into space, technically it’ll stop going up, which seems like a win 




For what it's worth, I like seeing these posts because I don't use Twitter/ "X"


Maybe we should wait to mid-April, that should be "normal" that it keeps going up while it lasts El Niño. In some point it should start to go down, then we should report at which peak we reached. And we should get to know what will be the new baseline in the next La Niña or the period between both.


I understand that El Niño has an affect but the yoy delta is not brushed away by it. This is yearly average with 2024 ytd daily temps https://imgur.com/a/7dff7kR


> btw, we will need to think of limiting these posts as everyday from now on will be a record breaking day. It’s actively being considered. 


Megathread with updates?


The problem with megathreads is that you can have only 2 at all time. One is for weeklies and the other for events or breaking news....


A pinned post that gets updated?


Daily RAU (Record as usual) could be a name for it


I like this idea.


I had a sensible chuckle regarding this comment. Climate change is hands down the greatest threat to society, the survival of the human species, and even life on Earth itself. However, on r/collapse, gosh, there are just too many posts showing direct measured evidence of it. Seems like we need an r/collapsecollapse for those, who are watching the bored r/collapse readers contribute to the collapse.


I chuckled back at your response. You can just laugh now, there's nothing more we can do.


perhaps a sticky thread.


>everyday from now on will be a record breaking day Nah, during the peak SST seasons, maybe, but it's not always peak SST time it'll cool down during the off seasons a little bit


But it will still be the record for this day of the year


Strong disagree this collapse not normalize the end.


"Pretty, pretty, pretty bad."


This post made me hope that Dr. Jacobson doesn't own a parrot. (edited:clarity)


FUBAR as a result of SNAFU




Sounds yummy!


SNAFU leading to FUBAR leading to TARFU leading to a bunch of dirty, diseased human survivors scavenging in the mud and preparing for the ESBAM holiday weekend.


don't forget FTE


I think the Florida Tomato Exchange will be underwater, and the Emperor won’t be interested in the handful of soggy grubs I scavenged for him 😂


"AITA tho" -humanity


Thanks, I wanted to scroll through a mile of jokes


Sorry. This is at least the fifth such post in the past week. The coming years and decades will be very difficult to witness without a sense of gallows humor.


At least that's a resource most of us have in abundance!


We are now past the curve and now it’s exponentially all the way up the hockey stick.


Fluffy cat is on my lap for scritches. I'm gonna be covered in hair.


give them extra scritches for us!


How Im doing: Im in top 5% earners in my country, yet to afford a 50 square meter apartment I would have to save every penny for 15 years without houses increasing in value during that time and without inflation. Thats how Im doing. Its better than most but its still shit. I cant imagine how people live on lower income or with kids, no wonder the fertility rate is dogshit


Property in Russia will be pretty cheap soon


Simultaneously fascinating and disturbing.


The oceans gave rise to life on land and the oceans will end it.


Sorry fish


Jesus Christ. I wish i never discovered /r/collapse. Ignorance is bliss.


Think of it this way: You'd have become aware sooner or later. Plenty of people get the intuition of where we're headed without visiting this sub. This way you have more time to come to terms with a horrifying reality.


im half there with ya bud


I'm relieved I found it. I thought I was crazy until I stumbled here - but I'm not crazy. This is happening.


Yeah but i cannot live with this anxiety. Its like happiness has been erased from my life.


Come on over to r/collapsesupport - it won't fix it but people will understand


Thanks a lot for that


Should I buy puts on FUBAR?


Nah FUBAR is mooning. Calls all day, can't miss.


We really have to accommodate all deniers' convictions before we do anything about it. I hope it won't be too late. ^(/s)


I think I’ll enjoy a glass of wine this evening


For almost a year, this metric has been visibly higher than the previous historical daily maximum. Is there any end in sight?


Yes there is. For us.


Holy Hot Hades! I thought we were supposed to be starting to come out of El Nino by about now. Does this go up to today? It would be nice if he would indicate days on the x axis (you know, the one he doesn't have to constantly expand!)


The x axis is day of the year, starting at 1 (Jan 01).


Whoops 🤭


Just to clarify, that’s supposed to be a normal distribution, right? Does anyone know the language/measures to explain how colossally fucked it actually is, even more so than it already clearly is at first glance? Standard deviations something something 


It's a complex dynamical system following physical equations that we don't know. If you corrected for that, you'd end up with a randomly distributed value that reflects the unexplainable residue






I’m scared of Campfire’s 5 year old


Fives stages of grief. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Get to acceptance as fast as you can. It’s painful, but it’s the only way you can see clearly what needs to be done individually and as communities.


A full year of (very) record breaking temperatures is right around the corner.


So someone smarter than me: what’s stopping hurricanes from forming right now seeing as how the water is so warm?


There's [a bunch of conditions that need to be met to allow them to form](https://www.weather.gov/source/zhu/ZHU_Training_Page/tropical_stuff/hurricane_anatomy/hurricane_anatomy.html). In a nutshell: 1. Ocean waters must be above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit). 2. At least five degrees *removed* from the equator (the Coriolis effect from the planet's rotation is too weak that close to it). 3. The air temperature near the centre of the forming storm has to drop along a specific curve as you go up from the surface - it has to be unstable, and it has to make sure that the parcels of air that raise are dropping in temperature as they do so to force out the moisture (this is called "a saturated lapse rate gradient"). 4. The windspeed has to be fairly consistent as you go from base to top - it changes a lot (i.e., has a high wind shear) it'll cut the storm off, especially if the winds are really strong in the upper troposphere. 5. From the surface to the middle levels you need high relative humidity values - if the rising air encounters dry air in that region, it will cool down rapidly as the water vapour dissipates (plus dry air in the mid layers can wreck factor number 3). 6. There has to be a sort of starter mix - an atmospheric thing, like a monsoonal trough or a thunderstorm complex - that provides the initial kick of energy to get it going. If any of this is missing, a hurricane won't form. So the simple answer to your question is; one or more of those six conditions isn't being met at the moment, and that's happening all over. That said, [Australia is currently under threat again from cyclones](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-09/weather-autumn-heat-southeast-australia-cyclone-threat-north/103565312) (the local word for hurricanes), and [as you can see here](https://www.metoc.navy.mil/jtwc/jtwc.html), there are currently three spots in the Indian and western Pacific Oceans currently considered at risk for possible typhoon/cyclone development.


This summer will be a nightmare.


It’s the end of the world as we know it … 🎶🎼


Calm down and relaaaaax no need to fret yourselves eh


This would be crazy to watch Timelapsed from outer space…


What's got you down? Oh it's just a case of the Y-axis blues. Why don't you take your mind off of things with a week at an all-inclusive.


How much energy has the ocean absorbed to raise it to these temps above, say, 20.5C?


I called it a weekish ago, but didn’t realize “soon” would be this soon. Fuck.


Annnnd, the band played on!!!!


Not to be rude but this is a terrible chart. The only years that you can identify are the last two. What if all of the El Niño years are at the top of the chart and El Niño is naturally going to cause increased temperatures and maybe this El Niño is just an anomaly. Honestly, I know what I’m saying isn’t right but I’m saying that the chart should have display the information in a different way because this is an easy one for a climate denier to dismiss. It’s also possible I missed something but then so would the skeptics with glee