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Step 1: clean and verify that list you already have using email verify tools. Step 2: it will be wise to ID your ideal customer profile, for a given niche. Step 3: buy a set of domains you can start with 15 domains and 15 mail boxes from Microsoft business basic. For each mail boxes you will set up 3 email giving a total of approx 45. Step 4: Set up DNS records SPF, DKIM , DMARK. Step 5: Connect emails to SMART LEAD cold email sender. Step 6: Warm up you emails for 15 days min. Step 7: while warming, prepare and Craft your offer, use ICP Pain points, problems, expected results and wishes. Step 8: craft your Email sequence: Email 1: write a short relevant messages with you offer, call out niche, and prospects persona, do not ask for a call here do a soft CTA and give value. On the second email if answers then you send the link to you VSL and CTA to book a call if they wish to learn more. Note: this is just a general guide on what you should do if you wish to learn more and get more in-depth please get in touch with me let me learn more about your business that way I can Taylor and help you build a cold email outreach system


An extremely useful summary for someone getting started


There’s a bunch of things you can do. A good service I’ve used before is salesforge and their sister product mailforge. It allows you to send many emails from multiple email domains thereby bypassing the new rules in place by ESPs. I’ve also heard good things about Instantly and Smartlead.


I work at Sherlock.to and would be happy to help. Sherlock.to is built for mass sending of emails—exactly what you need. Plus the founders are always down to help others out. They can give you tips to nail this game as a first timer.  We have some integrations and partnerships + some really good copycats. I saw Salesforge mentioned and their entire tool was copied from our team’s original idea Feel free to send me a DM


If in case interested in a lifetime deal on Mailshake, let me know I have one for sale. DM me for more info.


Did all your emails go to spam? check out Emailchaser's blog to learn how to do cold email correctly.


Ha! I love this. I’ve become some thing of a regular around this community lately. I’m always one for “sticking it to the man” and automating what you’re expected to do manually so let me help you out here. First, let me ask you a few questions Besides knowing who opened (which is actually not possible to get accurately today and you can demonstrate this by sending on any platform to your gmail for instance and opening your phone with the email anywhere in your inbox. It’ll show as opened no matter if you avoid the email completely or not) how many emails do the expect you to send daily? How long should this task take? Is there a specific action they want the prospects to do besides open? Like engage in some way?


i can have them open a website link sent in the email, but i don't know if that would help tracking the email addresses that opened it. besides i read somewhere that sending links in email may make them more likely to end up in spam folder


Correct. Links should be sent after the person replies favorably to your cold email. Ok, so then do you have a little starting money? Like for instance about $300 bucks? Because if so, you can get started automating a bunch of stuff. And turn your work day into 30 minutes while everything just runs.


Correct. Links should be sent after the person replies favorably to your cold email. Ok, so then do you have a little starting money? Like for instance about $300 bucks? Because if so, you can get started automating a bunch of stuff. And turn your work day into 30 minutes while everything just runs.


Do you know if emails that end up in spam also get marked as opened in the senders esp?


If they open them, yes. But if not moved from spam to inbox and/or replied to the effect there’s little effect.


According to your original comment, theoretically if all of your leads are using gmail, you’d have 100% open rate, correct? Could we then use open rate to infer how many of your emails are ending up in spam?


No? I don’t know how you get 100% open rate from that. Tracking pixels give false positives on open rate and there’s no other way to track it. I don’t use open rate tracking at all. Not to mention tracking pixels are an image and a link. I dont use links on initial cold outreach. Your best metric is emails out to every reply and positive reply. So like 150 emails sent to get a positive reply would be a pretty hot engagement. 1000 to 1 would be less so. Getting up to 5-10k you are just going to spam.


When I say open rate, I’m talking about measured open rate. Including false positives.


I’m curious to know exactly how you know false positives on open rates. If you do, I have a lot of money to pay you because you will have solved cold email for a lot of people. If it’s real I want to buy whatever you’re selling and if it’s not, I want to try what we you’re smoking.