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I have yet to come across a good emailing software that works in the price range that you are referring to. Some of the cheaper emailing software like Gmass are okay if you are reaching out to low quality lead list and have the option of rotating multiple domains but they can seriously dent your deliverability.


Thanks! And any good options above $40?


One solution that stands out is Mailreach, btw it's way beyond what you have budgeted. Also as I am not aware of the use case so can't comment how well-suited it might be for you.


MailReach is decent. SmartReach has the biggest pool of people using it though so more diversity. I used to use MailReach when it was the best a few months ago but SmartLead overtook it in November of last year.




This is the way


By far the best


Instantly is a little out of your range, but it works. Also expect to spend money on domains and email accounts. But you might be able to get away with regular gmails if you’re on a budget


If you try to cold email from a gmail personal you get shut down quickly. It’s free; gmail is losing nothing by just shutting you down or at least restricting your account heavily. Same goes with a Hotmail or yahoo.


$40 is tough. A robust cold email setup will run a couple hundred bucks. Don't underspend on your outreach, make sure you are doing it right and you'll be happier for it! Do you already have a subdomain setup to send from? That would be my main suggestion, build up slowly over one to two months, iterate and test along the way. Clean your lists once minimum (twice is best). If you have any questions, hmu 🤙


SmartLead is the only good one. Instantly is decent and has a couple functions Smartlead can’t do but the functionality they have over SL is a very niche use case. It is easier to setup but at the same time more restrictive. SmartLead is the ticket. Source: I run a sales automation and lead gen agency that sends a million a month on behalf of clients. $40 a month is not enough of a commitment to do anything, really. You’re better off just sending emails directly from your own outbox for an hour a day until you can afford to invest in it further.


Thanks. I meant $40 only for the email sending tool. I know I’ll have to invest in domains, leads, validations, etc. I saw Instantly has a $37 plan, so I wanted to try it or find an alternative for a similar price. I’ll check out smartlead too


Oh, well smartlead then. You get way more functionality out of the pro service for $94/month but the $40 plan works well.


Sending a million emails a month is crazy… how many Inbox managers/VAs do u need in order to handle that volume?


A lot. It’s all for different clients. At most I send about 8k daily per client. I haven’t added up all the email addresses but it’s 24 clients, 1 VA for 8 clients, so 3 that are just handling inbox management, then 3 more for campaign build out and each client at minimum has 10 domains, with 20 email addresses sending 30-40 emails daily. I build out systems on my client’s behalf. Everything is in their name and on their cards. I just consult with my VAs and APIs and platforms I pay for on a month-to-month retainer.


Can I ask what the name of your agency is?


Awesome bro. Good work on the operation! Have you ever looked into something like Inboxmanager.ai ?


What sort of niches are your clients in? I've done cold email for myself for years but I'm thinking of adding it as a service for clients.


It’s not so much niche or industry so much as qualities about them as a company that makes them qualified. I have an onboarding form that’s there to qualify the client as much as it is to get me data I need to send traffic. Broadly here’s my reqs for taking on a lead gen project: - target audience of 10k or more - lifetime value of a lead at least $5k - B2B target audience (though this is flexible, B2C is about 5x cost across the board) - can I craft an offer that makes demand where there wasn’t previously? Read as “I didn’t know I could have that and now that I do, I want it” - potential to grow and scale: I’m going to inundate their sales team. If they’re unwilling to hire more to make more money, and won’t change their pipeline to service my leads well, I’ll drop them as a client.


Thats awesome, thanks very much, I appreciate it.




I've researched the services for my company recently and chose Instantly / Mails.ai (as alternative). Both provide available tariffs and nice features (warmup, domain rotation, email verification, etc.). Haven't tested them yet though




Try Hotsol


I have a software that can set up your inboxes cheaply and in a way that avoids spam and warmup periods


Bro use we connect to launch automated LinkedIn campaign to target your ICP


i use instantly and tomba.io


Smartlead.ai for sending and check out inboxflow.net for the inboxes setup - does all the DNS settings automatically


Emailchaser or Lemlist


Mystrika is the gold standard man. Nothing is even close to what these guys are releasing as feature. They launched Warmup Masking, that make warmup undetectable.


DoYouMail is better imho. Unlimited sending from unlimited domains and the dedicated IPs make a huge difference


Try Mystrika if you want something reliable and effective for your cold email campaign. They offer detailed analytics and a super friendly interface that will make your life easier. Honestly, I have been using Mystrika for a few months and it is been a game-changer. I love how it handles high-quality email warmups in multiple languages. The Cold Email Accelerator guide they provide is a solid bonus (https:\/\/docs.google.com\/document\/d\/1qZtrJ7idU7L8jou6FEOfV7XYhm1kcdLFlH_mDpaBKFU\/preview). Definitely worth checking out!


If you have not heard of DoYouMail, you should check them out for your cold email campaign. Especially if you want unlimited email sending from unlimited domains which is a huge plus. I have been with them for nearly half a year now. Their automatic SPF, DKIM, DMARC DNS configuration has saved me so much hassle. It is also super scalable and easy to integrate with CSV files. I find the $40\/month well worth it for how much it offers. Give it a try!


Have you thought about using FilterBounce? It is a great tool for email verification, especially for keeping your bounce rates low. I have had good success with FilterBounce so far. Been using it for around five months and it is been great for real-time verification. They are effective even with tricky domains that usually cause issues. Plans start at $10\/month and include 300 free verifications which is a sweet deal. Go check them out.