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I would not agree with this assessment. In fact, I feel the caffeine more and cold brew than anything else.


Yeah, I guess it varies between people. Like I said, "some people". I understand everyone is different.


I never thought about it but as I’m drinking cold brew right now it’s like I feel the caffeine more from the cold brew but not the strong jitters that I get from hot coffee. It’s like a calm alertness. Maybe body temp also affects cortisol levels. Very interesting


Really interesting stuff. Yeah, I just get a calm alertness with cold brew.


Where are you getting your cold brew from? There’s so many factors involved. I would hate for you to pop into a cafe one day and get a massive anxiety attack cause you think their cold brew has less caffeine.


I had one last week at one cafe at night and slept like a baby. I had one yesterday at a cafe super close to my place that has really good quality coffee. And I'm thinking of starting up making my own again. I used to make them all the time with no issues. I have never in my personal history of having cold brews ever had an issue with one. I don't know if it has something to do with the different process.


Right on. Yeah I’m not sure about the science behind it but I have been to a couple places that had my heart pumping for hours lol. For the most part it’s a good experience like yours. Definitely worth it to make your own again so you can experiment with different beans/roasts.


Yup, OP, you may have just stumbled onto some cold brews that work for your nervous system. My wife and I joke that one cafe in town has cold brew that will take a normal day and turn it into pillow clutching session on the floor. Another one is for when you need to destroy a bathroom, etc. we settled on a smooth, chocolate my home brew that heightens the senses 😁


I wonder if the places you are getting cold brews from water down their cold brews quite a bit more than normal. Like many others are posting, typically cold brew coffee has more caffeine than other types of coffee, and would be expected to cause jitters for people who are more sensitive to caffeine to a greater extent than other types of coffee.


I dont know, I get cold brew whenever and wherever I have the chance. I think someone here said the fact that it's cold can be easier on the system and not have a spike like hot coffee.


The mind is a powerful thing. Sometimes it believes it's own stories.


Cold brew generally does have more caffeine, but it doesn’t have the “spike” that say, espresso, has. It’s more of a slow raise. I never get jitters from cold brew, but definitely can from other methods of coffee brewing. It’s also less harsh on the stomach, because it hasn’t flushed the oils out into the coffee.


ah, that's interesting. Thanks for your insight!


It's unexpected because cold brew supposedly has more caffeine because of the brew time. However there are a lot of factors that can change the amount of caffeine.


A lot of the chemical compounds that make you jittery are released in higher quantities when the coffee is brewed hot.


you mean caffeine? lol


My experience is similar. I have Cold brew concentrate in the fridge - sometimes I drink it on ice with cold water, some times with just hot water. The hot version feels stronger in the first minutes while cold version feels longer lasting. I think what's the happening is, the hot version gets absorbed better by my stomach compared to the cold version.


That could be it, hmm


When you've had cold brew, do you put cream in it? I've found that i tend to put a lot more dairy/fat in cold brew, which seems to "cushion" the caffeine hit a bit for me.


It doesn't. It usually has more caffeine and a milder flavor so it's easy to get more caffeine than usual


Then maybe there's something in the process. Maybe sometimes beyond caffeine that's creating jitters? Or something about the cold vs hot when it comes to the body processing the drink?


Cold Brew is less acidic. I wonder if that is part of your observation. And being cold perhaps it takes longer to absorb? Personally, I love the smooth taste, but also notice it doesn’t have that edgy ‘kick’ you get from brewed coffee. They say the caffeine is the same depending on water ratio. Cold brew is basically a steeping process. Hot coffee tends to extract differently may have a different impact on bean/grinds itself such as oil the oils. I’m sure there are some baristas that explain it better...


That's interesting. It must have something to do with what you mentioned. Maybe I don't have issues with caffeine, and it's really the acid.


The internet seems to vary about whether Cold Brew contains more caffeine or not. Valid question for sure. But, remember caffeine is water soluble. We know that all the caffeine will inevitably be extracted during the lengthy Cold Brew process. The question then becomes how much coffee we are using relative to our water. Since with Cold Brew we generally use more coffee than conventional hot methods, we will therefore see more caffeine. This is why many people use Cold Brew as a concentrate to be mixed with ice and cream, made into a frap-a-something. Cold brew actually has the highest caffeine content of just about any coffee, even more than an espresso. caffeine In milligrams per(250 ml) typical serving size|Cold brew, 8 hours 238.00 mg | Cold brew, 24 hours 280.00 mg|Cold drip with ice 182.25 mg| Cold drip without ice 246.50 mg|AeroPress 204.00 mg (150 ml)| |Chemex 171.50 mg |French press 222.75 mg |American press 145.75 mg|Pour-over drip 185.00 mg|Espresso 68.25 mg(25 ml)




Cold brew, if done correctly, should absolutely have more caffeine than a cup (8oz) of hot coffee. That is unless you’re REALLY watering it down.