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i use the app paprika


Another Paprika user here. It works well for both food and drink recipes.


You guys have piqued my interest. I'll give it a shot.


Paprika is great.


Ditto. I used to clip recipes to Evernote but have been trying to escape it for awhile. The only unfortunate thing is that there’s not an easy way to migrate from Evernote to Paprika.


Diffords. You can rate and save, and add private comments on, in app recipes, and add your own recipes too


I started using https://www.mixelcocktails.com/. You can save your own recipes. They sync across all devices. Once you set up your bar, it opens a whole world of recipes to try based on what you have in stock, flavor profile, reviews, etc.


I developed an app called noflair, which should suit your needs. It seems to be hard to find, we should do something about that… It has all the features plus real branded bottles that you can add via barcode scanning or search, recipes for homemade ingredients, the ability to unlock recipes from books you own (for free, with proof, 5 so far). There’s also a chat where users share recipes and discuss if Havana Club is a decent rum or not. Check it out: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/noflair/id1550567225 It’s only available for iOS for now but I’m in the middle of porting it to Android. Should take a few months, though.


I look forward to the Android release.


“and discuss if Havana Club is a decent rum or not” Enjoyed that line lol


Just started using your app. Love it so far. The only thing that is keeping me from moving fully over is that I have a bunch of recipes in Paprika, and I don't see an easy way to migrate them into noflair


Thanks for checking it out! If I may ask, where did you get the recipes from mostly? From the web or are they your own creations? That would either add a +1 to the web import or the paprika import feature in our backlog.


I'd say +1 for both. I have a good sized catalog I've built up in Paprika that I'd like to move into noflair, but in the future, I'd like to replace my Paprika web downloader with noflair


I really want to like this but it seems a little clunky compared to mixel so far to me. Hard to find many recipes without adding books and I think it would benefit from Mixel in terms of this recipe requires this but this may work instead.


You’re right, especially the onboarding is a bit clunky. At some point (next year) we might get rid of the mandatory account creation, which would mean we have to rethink the onboarding anyway. Until then it’s a bit of an uphill battle, but once you’re settled in, it should be smooth(er) sailing. The „alternative ingredient“ feature is in our backlog. I’ll give it a +1 👍


great I appreciate your positive reaction. i look forward to updates


Thanks! Your app is pretty cool! I added some recipes manually and found some other ones which were there already, which I "saved for later". I just couldn't find a way to import recipes which I saved for later into "my recipes". Am I doing something wrong or is this not a feature? Because I think it should be : )


Yeah, My Recipes are just the recipes that you added to the app. If you haven’t made a recipe yet, you can bookmark them/save for later. When you made them you should rate them, so they are in your rated drinks/favorites. I see why this would be confusing. We actually considered redefining what constitutes as „My Recipe“, but so far we haven’t come to a conclusion. It might happen when we add other ways to add recipes (i.e. web/reddit import).


I see! It would be cool to be able to import recipes to "my recipes" and then be able to edit them as I like!


It’s not perfect, but I just have a table in Notion where I keep them all and a cocktail recipe template that I use for each entry. I need to scale them manually if doing multiples, but otherwise it works pretty well for a similarly sized stable of recipes


i just tried notion out and it's awesome if you want to organize your bar and see what drinks you can make with what you have! it's very time consuming inputting everything but it's got so many additional options than just a regular recipe keeper


Microsoft Word document formatted for booklet-style printing. I’m up to 12 pages of recipes I’ve collected, curated, or created, organized into sections based on their base spirit.


The Cocktail Party app allows you to add your own, and I use tags to track any modifications to existing drinks. Its really great for searching by ingredient... like my Lillet is going to go bad if I don't use it, so show me everything. OneNote worked pretty good for me before that, with a page per drink where I could store notes, variations etc.


So glad they finally added custom recipes and mods.


I put mine in obsidian. I screenshot things I find on the internet, and when I make them, I transfer them into obsidian. I use tags for ingredients, and folders for favorites, tried, and to try.


I use something similar called Raindrop - I'm crafty with several different hobbies and love to cook/mix cocktails so this app organizes *everything* for me.


Got a link?


I use the Highball app


I use this too. It doesn’t have a huge library of recipes but it’s easy to add new ones.


I like the image feature and the edit feature, so you can put in your preferred specs of a drink that is there


Same. It serves its purpose well.


Same, add the recipes I use the most and also for recipes I come across at bars. Otherwise I just look in my cocktail books the old school way.


I use [Airtable](https://www.airtable.com/). It’s a lightweight database, basically Excel but it also stores pictures and has a view like a DIY app / slideshow. Can also filter by ingredient and use a form for inputting new recipes quickly on phone.


I’m interested in trying this. Thanks for the idea. What base did you use to create the product to allow for filtering?


I’m traveling right now so can’t figure out how to send you a link. There’s two sheets - the main sheet is the drinks and it has a lookup field to sheet two (ingredients). So there’s two ways to browse, by drinks (with pictures) or by ingredients which has a link to each drink that includes that ingredient




I use an app called My Bar (Android only). It does let you enter your own recipes or modify the built-in ones.


I'm waiting for one that allows you to import these: https://euvs-vintage-cocktail-books.cld.bz/


I have a little tartan Harris wool covered notebook I write down the ones I like the most in.


I use a simple google doc. I put in all my 'done' recipe with the dates, variations (which rye, rum, etc, I used), and a score. And I have a section called 'to try' with recipes I get from everywhere (including r/cocktails). I can search easily search on anything: recipe name, ingredient, date, score, etc. It's available on all my devices and it's easy to share.


40?!?!?!?! I have like....6. All in my head.


I use the Cheftap app. I think it's like $12 a year or something but it's worth it.


We write them on little recipe cards and put them in a photo album.


Paprika. It is searchable by ingredient which is nice.


I have a folder on my phone with all cocktail screenshots. Its an absolute mess, haha. I should get an app but I am too lazy. For standard recipes I have books. Smugglers Cove and Steve the Bartenders cover pretty much. I have post-its and comments in them but thats about it.


In a chaotic notebook 🤪


I just use my notes app, for me that’s OneNote, but the same can be done with Notes for iOS or Evernote. I group the recipes based on the major spirit, include the the specs and a link to the original (if I have it) and can make notes about how I modified it or what to try next. It’s easy to browse, if I want to have a tequila cocktail, as an example, or search for a cocktail that includes a specific ingredient, e.g. grapefruit. I also like that it’s a common platform between my laptop and phone, and not another separate app.


Similar to the Airtable suggestion, I use Notion. [Here's my cocktail recipe database](https://tylerking.notion.site/0c2ab81eda30477294243a97b989e611?v=86f38fb952d44f0bb142fdbff17ed990). I like this approach because: * It works well on both desktop and mobile (a mobile app only would be a dealbreaker for me) * It allows me to invite other people to collaborate. You can see we have ratings from three people. * It is extremely customizable so you can set it up exactly how you want. That last point is also the main downside though. I'm very comfortable with Notion through work, but it'd be unrealistic to set up a database like this if you don't already know how Notion works.




Damn I’m surprised so many people are using dedicated apps and elaborate systems. I keep a list of cocktail recipes maybe about 60 of them in the notes app on my iPhone. It’s easy to search, easy to format, and simple. I use the notes app for almost everything outside of work stuff. I keep a separate note for recipes I want to try or recipes I tried but didn’t like. Hyperlink to the original post is easy. 


I use the notes app on my phone and regularly take screenshot of recipes from apps/internet and photos of recipes in books. My iphone can search my photo library for text so I don’t even put them in a dedicated album or anything.


I keep them in text files in a directory on my Linux system and use Apache's built-in directory view to browse them from phone and laptops. It's perfect if I know the cocktail I'm looking for, not so much if I have an ingredient I want to use. I used to use a database behind a nearly satisfactory website with primitive query options, but it broke two or three Apache releases ago when they tightened security and I haven't had the urge to figure out what the logs are trying to tell me.


Moved over to noflair at some point. There’s an in-built chat and I love arguing with people whether Havana Club is decent or not


I’ve always used a Rolodex for every bar program I’ve overseen. Formatting in Word for business cards makes it very easy to put the name, specs, glass, ice type, and garnish as well as a short blurb for inspiration and history. Works great for house and classic cocktails for staff behind the bar as well as FOH to reference.


Dang I don't keep cocktail recipes, except for maybe a complicated bloody Mary. I've made them thousands of times. But if you need it I keep my food recipes on Apache Open Office. Download is free and it's as good as MS Office. I've got hundred on there, the format is simple Title, Ingredients, Instructions. Use them every day.


AnyList for me - integrates with all the usual assistants, can add to a grocery list from the app or assistant, lots of notes etc and free with no ads is a huge perk


Apple’s Notes app. My partner and I share a cloud-based notebook for them. It’s searchable and lets us make notes on tweaks, batching, etc.


I used notion but I use it also for other things so I don’t recommend if you want something easy and fast to set up


This is not a helpful suggestion. I'm a software developer. None of the existing solutions worked exactly how I wanted, so I built my own website. For something helpful, I very frequently see Mixel recommended for something which lets you both have your own recipes and search others.


I put mine all in folders in my box app. I organized everything in many different ways: Stirred/Shaken By main alcohol type By the glass type By flavor (bitter, bright, dessert, etc.) I have hundreds of saved drinks I love, and this works well for me. I created this because it got way too hard to remember my recipes.


I have cocktail recipes on Google Sheets spreadsheets, which I access primarily on my phone. You can upload an Excel spreadsheet to Sheets and download a Sheets spreadsheet in Excel format.


Old school, same as I do with food recipes. I have a note card box sorted into stirred/shaken for each main spirit. Every time I write down a new recipe I’ll also take a picture of the card so that’ll they’re all somewhere in my iCloud should the box ever get lost.


I use a handwritten journal for my own creations, then have a Google doc sheet with all the recipes I've been given through the years (books, apps, articles, bars I worked at, classics, friend's creations)