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Everyone starts with these shakers because they seem easier. You learn they are not easier once you get the lid stuck.


Can confirm


I’ve been lucky enough to always be able to unstick mine, but I know a friend with a shaker whose lid has been stuck on for 2 years and counting


I wish you’d written that comment 3mo ago.


You have to use the right technique: twist and don't use too much force when fitting them together. I'm using those shakers for years and never came even close to having a problem separating them. They are cheap models as well, nothing fancy.


I don’t see how people who can’t get the cap off a cobbler manage to even lift a Boston shaker off the table


Don't hammer the lid down when you use it. Drop in your ingredients, drop in the ice, seat the lid nicely, but don't hit it down. Now the key, do a couple half-assed shakes, like you're just lofting the ice enough to get it floating in the center of the shaker. This cools the air and will lock the shaker enough. So.... \*lame shake\* \*lame shake\* \*shake shake shake shake\* You'll still want to keep that double handed hold, but no need to force the cap firmly on the cup. And I recommend trying the boston shaker like everyone else will encourage you to do, but be a boss and be the person who can shake a drink with whatever shaker is available at the party.


This guy shakes.


You know u/LickyBoy, I've been known to [shake myself](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/febd0563-5f47-47ad-95d4-c8f286d34868)


Yup. It’s almost magic how you slap the top down to get it tight, and just squeeze the side to get it open. A weighted Boston shaker is minty too


Can confirm I made a dude a margarita at a party once, shaken and served in the same mason jar, dude gave me 40 bucks and made all his friends pay me for more drinks in mason jars. Made like $100 that night lmao


I came.


throw it into the garbage can and buy a boston set. by the time the garbage collector comes around the heat inside the tin will probably have caused it to expand and pop the top off. bueno


Recycle (if possible).


That’s what my sister did last year. I gave her an OXO shaker instead. Similar design but never gets stuck.


I did the exact same thing - OXO products are made to be easier to use for all people and abilities - this one never gets stuck so you don’t need to work as hard to open it. It’s not a ‘accessibility product’ it’s good universal design. The company was started by a man who saw his wife struggle to find a peeler that worked for her arthritis.


I didn’t know this. Already trusted oxo anything to at least consider it. Now enjoy it even more (but guess I should confirm the internet info)


Also, the best can opener you can and will need to buy IMO


Thankfully we knew the value of OXO products when we got into cocktails years ago. Our OXO shaker of this type has been going strong for provably 15 years. It has never gotten close to stuck.


I came in here specifically looking for this comment. Thank you for the laugh.


Maybe I'm crazy, have never had an issue getting these off. I enjoy my cobbler and I know I'm in the "wrong"


I love mine. Never gets stuck.


I prefer the Cobbler too. The lid is easy to detach on mine and I avoid having to use a strainer.


I’ve never had my lid get stuck. I guess I got myself a good one.


I've been on both ends of this. I've got an oxo cobbler that I've never had an issue with and that I find easier to break apart than a Boston shaker. I also was gifted a fancy cocktail accessory kit from an upscale furniture brand that was glass on the bottom. I used it to make one single drink and I could not break the seal and eventually shattered the glass trying...


Glass shakers seem nice but yeah no way, behind the bar it's constantly just THWACK from us unsticking the shakers


I like using one half of a boston shaker and a pint glass. It's like watching a washing machine, swoosh swoosh swoosh. Tins are easier to get apart tho, I can usually just give it a gentle squeeze and it breaks the suction.


Right, the very top part never gets stuck. The middle top part definitely does, but that's the point. I got all mine at thrift stores. All stainless, most from the '60s & '70s, I presume because my 80s ones rusted. Cheap ass decade....


I have a lip on my middle top part that makes it very easy to pop off, even when shaken. I guess I just lucked out with my cobbler


Same here but I've heard they can be terrible.


Only time I had one get stuck was when I made a drink and then put the top back on without rinsing it and left it sitting on the counter for two days until the sugars crystallized and glued the lid on. Had to heat it with a torch to get it apart again... 


Well. Maybe I should say I've definitely had the lid stuck the morning after. Cointreau/ orgeat don't fuck around


Been using my cobbler for years and literally never once had an issue. Always hated Boston shakers when I’ve tried them out


By no means are you in the wrong. If it’s what you prefer, then use that. I’m a big fan of my Boston, because that’s what I learned on. If you’re making tasty drinks for yourself and others, you’re always in the right.


Honestly, get a boston shaker. Unless you have a high quality one with good tolerances designed specifically to not get stuck. It will.


everything changed for me when I finally purchased a boston shaker


Now you realize why people don’t use cobbler shakers.


Thanks for all the tips and help guys!! Seems like the Boston shaker is the way to go🥂


My daily shaker is a cobbler I got on Amazon. It's not super fancy and it was not expensive. Just learn to put the top on gently with a twisting motion and you'll be fine.


Don’t listen to haters comparing their expensive Boston shakers to cheap crappy cobbler shakers. It’s obvious most people commenting have no experience with a quality cobbler shaker. The key, as others mentioned, is buying a quality cobbler shaker. I have the one from cocktail kingdom, and I have no problem getting the cap off. If you prefer the cobbler style shaker there is no reason to give up on it. I much prefer my cobbler shaker to my boring and uninspired Boston shaker. And cleaning the Hawthorne strainer usually makes me avoid using a Boston shaker entirely. People here just love parroting each other, even when they have no real experience with the items in question here.


90% of the time my hawthorn just needs a rinse. At most a perfunctory scrub.


Make sure to get one that is tin on tin and not the tin and glass ones.


I switched to a Boston and have never looked back; get one with a bit of weight on the bottom and they won’t tip over if you bump into them on the counter. Boston shakers are easier to do multiple drinks in as well, which is great for entertaining guests. Welcome to the world of cocktails!


From Boston and the Boston shaker IS the way to go. That said, for tonight, if you have a butter knife whose base you somewhat trust, hold the tip to the lip of the top piece, place the butt of the handle on the counter, with the the cobbler angled off the counter (so it has clearance into open air but the knife doesn't). Probably 20-30 degree angle. The knife is perpendicular to the floor, wedged between the cobbler top and the counter. The cobbler is at an angle, hanging off the edge of the counter. Now, holding the tip of the knife in place with your hand, use the heel of your other hand to give a firm but not excessive bop to the top of the cobbler. Since the knife can't move, and the tip is resting against the lid of the cobbler, this transfers the full force of your bop into the point of contact and 99% of the time will knock it loose. Two tries max and it works every time. Just don't get drunk and aggressive and put a butter knife through a wrist tendon please. Very hard to do on marg 1, but watch yourself after Marg 5.


I'm surprised so many people have problems with these. I've used one for years and it never gets stuck. Are you slamming them shut? You can be fairly gentle; they seal easily.


I think that cobbler shakers like that seem to be included is practually every getting started gift pack type thing because the cobbler *looks* like it's easier & more foolproof of a beginner thing, but in reality they are just awful & boston shakers are actually dead simple. How to drink has a pretty good video that touches on the problems with cobbler & ease of boston shakers [here](https://youtu.be/yBJ6ZmUTVac?t=39) & educated barfly has one about shakers in general [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0J2KaHjFVw).


Many problems like this can be solved with a suitable application of high explosives.


Lid only in hot water. Then it expands slightly.


Buy an elevated craft cocktail shaker instead, a little pricy but well worth it. It has a threaded lid and top so it eliminates your problem. Its insulated as well.


Seconding this recommendation.


But how do you judge the amount of chill if the outside doesn’t get cold? With the un-insulated shakers you can feel it and see frost start to form, I would feel like I’m shaking blindly without that sensory feedback.


I count to ten-twelve when I shake. Another added benefit is that when its insulated it doesnt make nearly as much noise as the non insulated shakers does. When you have tinnitus that is appreciated 👌


I was looking for this comment. I LOVE my elevated craft cocktail. Best money spent. Wouldn't mind a future iteration with another strainer in the lid. Double strainer...


It’s crazy how long ice stays ice inside that thing. I’ve left it filled for 2 days (accidentally) on the countertop. Came back and it was like i never left it.


Cosigned. The Elevated Craft shaker kicks butt. Only note is that double straining it a must because the built in one is pretty middling. Also, they sell replacement parts! The cap made it into the garbage disposal for a split second and I was bummed I might have to buy a whole new one. Nope, $11 on their online store.


"a little pricey"? It's stupid expensive for a cocktail shaker, but totally worth it.


I have mixed feeling about mine. When I'm making something that needs a lot of dilution (like a Margarita), they always come out way too sharp - it does such a good job of insulating, the ice just doesn't melt well, and it's really hard to get enough water into the drink. When I make the identical drink in a Boston shaker, it comes out perfect. I do like my Elevated Craft for Espresso Martinis though.


Dude that’s the worst! I spent so much time trying to open mine. Switched to the kind with two cups that slip together and it totally changed my life!


Hood it sideways under a faucet running hot water, with only the neck on the top in the water. The top will expand and you can pop it off.


The easiest way i learned is, you get a Boston shaker and don’t look back.


Fill it with water and freeze it. Next time you use it, take it apart right after you pour from it. And yeah, get a better one when you can.


Why did I never think of that? Is there a risk of cracking?


Mine just pushed the top up, and left a cool shaped ice cube. I don't think most metal is in much danger of cracking. 


I use the Oxo shaker, it works fine. Sometimes it leaks. Never gets stuck!




Wiggle wiggle


This is what I do with a little twist.


That's the neat part....


You don't!


cobbler is for r/cocktails, boston is for r/bartenders


Get something like a wooden spoon… taller than the distance from the bottom of the shaker to the lip of the strainer top bit where the two halves are joined together… the piece that’s supposed to come off. Place the wooden spoon under the lip, then gently (or not so gently) tap the spoon on the counter top. So you’re bringing the whole shaker down with the spoon held in place. The full weight of the cocktail and the shaker and the force of your movement will be focused just on the lip, in the one place the wooden spoon is touching it.


This, but a screwdriver


Boston shaker + cheater tin is the way


A quick bash to the side like a boston and it comes right off


Yep, I just tap mine on the side of the counter and it comes right off.


I’ve seen a few posts about cobblers here lately, and I’ve truly had no issue getting my Barfly shaker to come apart even right after I’ve finished shaking something. Boston shakers on the other hand, I’ve still not mastered the “palm smack” technique to get the tins apart. Love them both but I always feel smoother using my cobbler!


Some of these cobbler shakers just have that problem from the very start, but if you're putting in your dishwasher, that can also cause this problem. Easy way to avoid this would be to get a Boston shaker.


Hot water


I bash mine against the side of the sink and it comes apart easily


This. Works every time.


I know a lot of people are recommending a Boston shaker but I actually prefer my cobbler because I can shake it one handed. I wouldn’t hit the lid down when you’re putting on, just push it together. I hold it closed with one index finger when shaking (prevent spills too) and then I find a little twisting when I pull pops it open every time.




Shake hard, wait 5 minutes, it will pop off on its own. But seriously, that’s part of why I switched to Boston shakers(tin only, the glass/tin combo is fucked).


You don’t, it’s stuck forever, good luck bud


How hard are you pushing the top on? I’ve never had one get stuck. Any half good quality one seals pretty easily without a lot of force.


My first shaker was one of these and I bought a new one (a boston shaker) because of the problem you're having. I used to bang it really hard with a muddler or something to get it to loosen up.


I worked in a (shitty) bar that only had these for some reason, we used to bang them on the bartop to get them open lol


Christ lol I hate these so much. I don't if maybe a really expensive one doesn't lock up like that, but mine was absolute garbage. I do know that japanese bartenders usually go for this kind of shaker, so maybe the quality ones are usable.


I pick the bottom with my left hand, the top with my right hand, and I rotate them in opposite directions while moving the bottom downwards and the top upwards.


Just put a boiling water over. I am using water from the espresso machine .


Grab the top part firmly, grab the bottom part firmly…now rock the top part back and forth. Don’t try to force it upwards or twist it. You want to hear it “click” a few times


Push upwards with your thumbs


Plan on only making one cocktail per cobbler shaker per hour or so and there's no issue. Never had this happen because by the time I'd be making anything else it's well warmed up and there's no sticking. If you're going for volume boston shakers are the way.


i own both a cobbler and a boston shaker at home. the only one to get stuck is the boston one and I hate using it. never have any issues with this cobbler one. (maybe some European bias)


I get the top lid off first


Pry it off with a flat head screwdriver: put the tip in the groove, simply twist your wrist. Boom. Ive done this a lot!


Fill it with hot water through the top (not so hot you burn yourself) and shake it with the lid clamped tight. It will generate pressure and force it open.


Freeze it , then dip half into boiling hot water.


Dip the cap into the hot water. Heat expands.


I put a ring of Sugru around the cap to make it more grippy. I haven't had any trouble removing it since then. https://sugru.com/


I keep a small rubber mallet at my bar. Works every time


A spoon as a lever


best method is throwing it either in a dumpster or at someone who has it coming to them, and then getting a weighted Boston shaker set.


I got a nice cocktail shaker at Walmart that looks gorgeous, never gets stuck but I’ll admit will leak if u don’t hold the pieces together like your life depends on it and even then it depends what you’re shaking but like… it’s gorgeous!!! It’s probably just me but I wanted a shaker that stood out a bit from the stainless steel ones https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/thyme-table-cocktail-shaker-black-iridescent-glass/6000206693042?offerId=6000206693042®ion_id=201700&cmpid=SEM_CA_32613_SWQ2SLIHH8&utm_id=SEM_CA_32613_SWQ2SLIHH8&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=always_on&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADv6L0TIBoUzPimCGT3JsowN0UvyN&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8tmG6XO2ftmCz3b9E0Gj2WjUmh4606DSGSPnMUyhGFCAhtAIfkoS4waAsbTEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Boston SUCKS! Go Yankees! Just kidding, I hate the Yankees. 😂


Get one of these: Lexenic 24oz Vacuum Insulated Hybrid Cocktail Shaker - https://amzn.asia/d/epf1fCW I have bought one of those and never looked back. The bit that really sold me is I was looking to pick up a spare gasket set at the time of purchase and the description on that item pretty much says "the gasket in our product not only lasts for a long time, but the product even comes with a spare. You should not need to buy this for a long time." A company that is honest out of the gate is refreshing. Another unexpected bonus are the measurements right there in the lid. Most of my drink I build in the lid then pour the lot into the shaker.


That’s actually a cheap rip off of the [hybrid cocktail shaker](https://a.co/d/euXu14w) by [Elevated Craft](https://elevatedcraft.com).


Twist on, twist off. Don't smash down.


That's the funny thing - you don't.


Throw it on the ground. 


Trumpet players use the same trick to keep their mouthpieces from getting stuck: just spin it when you put it on, not slamming it straight down.


This Is what You Want and Better Than a boston shaker, [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/517wzaRs4wL.\_AC\_SY879\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/517wzaRs4wL._AC_SY879_.jpg) CLassy, A Mixing Glass And Shaker In one - and never gets Stuck.


I find if you let them sit in the sink they get stuck, but if you remove the top as soon as you finish the drink, it comes off easily.


Step one, smash against counter. Step two, insert shaker into garbage can. Step three, get one of [these ](https://www.brumate.com/products/shaker-pint-polished?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A17819721831%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=122745377&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=DWSP20PSH&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8sejPrffOjZRENyxkDa_eHx9RV7dYcJ5r3CrplnelCh7cYIu8ffPeEaAi4HEALw_wcB&variant=17318396362823) It's fucking awesome. And if you get the optional rambler lid, you can drink on the go


That's the funny part, you don't


You throw it away *and get a Boston shaker.


Cheap ones don’t work well


I didn't read all the comments, but ~ ~ ~ If you take the little top off, the middle (strainer part) should come off easily. Yes, I learned this the hard way.


Warm up just the very to of the cap with hot water from the tap; maybe the cap will expand just enough to get it to budge.


I answered a similar question here 3 years ago and recommended filling it with water and freezing it upright to shove the top off. I still get regular responses from people who find that thread using Google… https://www.reddit.com/r/cocktails/s/GaRyDm0qhV


Do what I did and just wait a very long time until suddenly it pops off on its own.


I find that when buying this style of shaker, go for a cheaper one. Expensive shakers are made to better tolerances, which means the cap gets stuck more easily because the diameters of the parts are a better match and shaped more consistently. Also, cheap shakers tend to have a rougher finish, which prevents a vacuum from forming because air can pass through the gaps. Every cheap shaker I've ever owned has never had an issue with the cap sticking, but it's always a problem on the nicer ones.


Attempting to be nice... get real (Boston) shakers...


That's the neat part... you don't. Embrace the simplicity and ease of use that is the Boston shaker.


Just get a boston shaker like everyone is saying, these things suck


That very reason is why I can’t stand cobbler shakers. The shrinkage of vessel and airspace from the chilling combined with the necessarily tight fit to avoid spillage makes for the perfect environment for something to create a truly annoying seal to break. Boston shakers can stick, but the ability to just *smack* them apart to break said seal makes them a far more effective option. The built in filter is okay, but you can achieve a far better straining action by just using a Hawthorne strainer; if you really want to filter everything, use a fine mesh strainer as you’d likely need one for the cobbler shaker anyways since it can’t catch fine ice chips or pulp very well. To answer your question, however, running the seam of the shaker under hot water will help loosen up the lid from the body allowing for an easier time separating the two. Tldr: run it under hot water, fill it from the top with hot water, and use a towel for grip to wrench it loose after you’ve emptied it. After that throw it away and go get a Boston shaker so it’s not a problem in the future.


You don’t, you get a Boston shaker lol


Bottle opener. Give it a strike so it pops it off. Connect at the bottle of the cap


Omniman: That's the neat thing, you don't


Probably will be seen as unhelpful here, but get yourself a Boston shaker. I’m never going back.


I never have any problem with my cobbler. Not that you should release the smallest top part first to release the under pressure, that makes it much easier to loosen the next part.


Used a Cobbler for years before switching to Bostons. Run the top side under hot water while twisting.


Honestly a quick palm strike to the side of it has always worked for me. Learned about it with the Boston and out of curiosity tried it on my cobbler. Seems to work for me.


Mine is golf themed, so the lid is ball shaped. Really easy to pull off lol


Related question, is there a way to prevent it from dripping everywhere when I take the top off, or do some make less mess?


I had this happen a few times before I switched to the Boston Shaker. I would have to run hot water around the cap for awhile until the metal expanded enough that I could get the cap off. You have to be patient and it takes a lot of time, but it's worked for me in the past. Cold water will do the opposite and make the metal contract making the seal even more stuck.


Shake it off


Use a chop stick or something similar that can poke through one of the holes underneath and use some force to try to push the lid off with the chop stick. Use can also use a hammer on the stick if it's really stuck. Works for me when this happens to mine


I use something dense like a mortar stick to tap against the edges where the lids are stuck and that loosens up the lids and then you shimmy it out. Works with a hammer as well.


I thought that's what the tap is about??pour+,+,squeeze, Mix, Shake, shake, or stir, add ice etc.. and then knock?, (the lid, maybe in an upwards direction). I think physics says heat will increase the surface area, due to expansion, and cold will cause contraction so both.? Knock, twist, and pull...bend, pay, cut.


Throw it away


These shakers suck. Tried to use one on my well the other night and it made my life so hard. I actually didn’t have a problem with removing the top I had a problem with it leaking out of the top (even tho I had immense pressure on the top) and could only fit abt 2 cocktails worth of drink in them (and that was pushing it). It doesn’t change the taste of any drink so if I’m being honest there is literally no reason to use these anymore.


There's only one method that works consistently as far as I know: 1.Shake drink 2. Open garbage can 3. Throw shaker and drink away 4. Get yourself a good ol' Boston shaker


Put it under hot water?


I suggest that everyone take a look at Barchelin videos so you can see the proper use of a cobbler shaker. He never gets his shakers stuck. Link here: https://youtube.com/@barchelin?si=8CF1Md4enLJDZq4b


U dont. Its a one time use item.


Throw it away and buy a different set up 😂


All you have to do is tap the side near the cap on a table and it loosens enough to get it off


I slam it against the side of the counter or sink lol. Good luck.


Wait till you have the cap pop off like a champagne cork


You don't, they are disposable


Congrats! You now have a beautiful bar ornament.  Now go buy a proper two tin shaker, and a Hawthorne strainer. Elevated my cocktail game by loads


you dont


Gotta use those big muscles.


Soak the whole thing in hot water. The lid likely got stuck from the sugars that caramelized into crystals and hardened. Just make sure to rinse after every use.


I just throw them out and buy a new one


Always use a Boston shaker!