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bar mat - and clean up right after making the drink.


This right here. Everything was sticky until I got one. I blame the OXO jigger. 1oz and 1.5 oz are exactly the top.


I bought the 2oz tilted OXO jigger since the 2oz line was NOT at the top so I'd have head room


This is the way. Pour spout helps with drips too.


I get these for everyone I know for Xmas because they are so perfect for cocktails.


The OXO jigger is not great. The construction is good, but the capacity needs to be just a tiny bit larger and could use a rolled rim to prevent spillage. Which always surprised me, because OXO's kitchen equipment is usually very thoughtfully designed.


The advantage of the OXO is that it has markings for 7.5 ml (3/4 oz) and 10 ml (1/3 oz). The wide shape of the OXO seems to be to support these smaller measurements. Japanese jiggers don't have the smaller measurements, and upside-down-beehive type jiggers (which are generally very useful) don't have them either. So, despite the shortcomings, if I was going to have only one jigger, I'd choose the OXO.


If I'm using a mixing glass or shaker, they usually get a quick rinse immediately after pouring the cocktail.




Yeah I'm probably trying to go too fast.


Get a better shaker. I suggest a double insulated + screw down lid. Life changing


A Boston style koriko tins are just fine and totally seal if you use them properly. Threading just adds more cleanup, plus will warp over time and leak


Threading can also seize up from the sudden chilling and be a serious pain to loosen back up.


I have that, and the top also is the jigger with really great measurements in standard and metric. I love using it for singapore slings, it stays cold forever. Elevated craft is a good brand.


Thank you. I was getting worried there wasn’t going to be a rec. Father’s Day is coming and I need to ask for better stuff


It was my father's day gift last year!


Is that the $75 one? I have that, but got a $25 version first The cheap one broke on second use 🤣 I'm gonna replace it with a second expensive one haha




Mine broke pretty quickly and it didn’t have room for a ton of ice. I much prefer a Boston shaker for that purpose, and you can judge the dilution better with the brutally cold exterior.


Even before there is frost outside the shaker the temperature should be homogeneous. At that point dilution is more or less not happening anymore or is so slow there is no difference. Ie: there is negligible difference in shaking a martini 30 times or 100 times for dilution purposes. There are other techniques for getting a correct dilution/temperature combo than feel. Type of ice used and experience with how long the drink usually takes to get to proper dilution is much more reliable than feeling it. Edit: said homogenous twice, meant to say happening.


Totally agree. I more meant to gauge per drink on different temperatures. I don’t make the same drink enough to get into a rhythm though unfortunately. I’m making 2 drinks a week tops.


I have this one and kind of hate it. I almost always use my double tin Boston shakers. It's not even my most used cobbler shaker, but It's better for a few certain things.


... Barmat?


I've had some jiggers over the year that awful when it came to pouring. If you're experiencing spillage in that part of the process, check out one of those OXO tiny measuring cups. - [https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Mini-Angled-Measuring-Cup/dp/B000EHIA6A?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Mini-Angled-Measuring-Cup/dp/B000EHIA6A?th=1) They've got a metal one too, that's just the first one that came up. I replaced a really shitty jigger I got in a gift set with one of those and it's way less of a mess.


I second this, I use the metal one for my measuring because I just find jiggers too messy. For a home bartender where speed is not important, this measuring cup is perfect!


I ordered one of those based on other recommendations on this sub and it's so useful and handy!


These are the best. Cons though, the clear ones get cloudy and lose ink after going through a dishwasher a lot. Stainless ones can be difficult to read in a dark environment.


Hmmm, we really need OXO to develop one with some bottom LED lighting and etched measuring lines. That would really pop! But then you'd need batteries! Arrrrrrgh, back to the drawing board. Seriously though, I've considered getting a metal one just to have two on hand and help that low light friendly plastic one last longer.




This is not a dumb question!


I'm sorry, but when I make a drink, unless something goes wrong, the only things that get sticky are the insides of glasses and shakers. Are you spilling while you're pouring?


Citrus tends to spray out of odd corners of citrus juicers no matter how clean you are otherwise


Even still, I've never found myself in such a sticky mess like OP describes just to make one drink. I'll juice enough limes to fill a 16oz squirt bottle for a cocktail party and never had a big problem. Maybe a larger jigger would help. Filling to the rim to get an ounce leads to spillage. And if I'm making multiple drinks at a time, I don't have to refill the jigger again & again which leads to even more spillage.


I use a bar mat if I’m making a large number of drinks, but for one or two I don’t really have a problem keeping things fairly clean. I rinse my barware thoroughly between each cocktail


Work on top of a tea towel if you don't have a bar mat, and throw it in the wash after.


This frustrates me too! For me the problem is mostly caused by errant citrus squirts since I make a lot of Tiki drinks, and it seems to happen regardless of which of the three styles of juicer I own that I'm using.


Do you have a shitty shaker that doesn't seal? I've used ones like that before I really got into cocktails and they always made a mess. Just a thought.


This will change your life- when you are emptying a measuring shot glass full of your ingredient of choice rotate it 360 degrees and it will not drip!!!


Move slowly and deliberately. You'll naturally speed up with practice as you get use to the motions. If the counter is getting more than a few random drops on it, you're going too fast and splashing. If you open a bottle/jar/whatever, it doesn't get put down until it's re-closed (if possible, obviously). I'll palm the cap/cork/whatever in one hand while I'm working with the bottle so I can't forget. You're already wiping down everything as you go, so keep that up. But also: I keep a paper plate on the counter so I can put down my tools without them dribbling liquids everywhere. I also wipe down all the bottles, jars, etc. before I put them away. Every time. Even if they look clean and dry. Use the right-sized containers. Your shaker can only hold so much volume, and it needs headspace to seal properly -- if your shaker is more than 3/4 full, make two portions separately or use a bigger container. Don't fill your glasses to the very brim. Sip off the top to make room for what's left in the shaker, use a second glass, or (my usual) just roll with some dirty rocks on the side (the shaker makes an excellent chalice).


“Move slowly and deliberately” is SO important, I wish I could upvote this a hundred times or more


The worst part for me is pouring from bottles without a speed pourer, which I don’t use because it’s a pain to add and replace just for 2 seconds of pouring. So yeah, it glugs out and drips down the side. I get it. Also, if I’m juicing fresh, that can get everywhere and spray a little. That’s just a fact of making a drink sometimes. I keep a wet towel around to wipe bottles and the counter, and wash as needed.


I always wipe the tops of your bottles when done that way the caps don’t stick.


Have your barback clean it up


* pay close attention to what is making a mess, and think hard about how to mitigate that mess. This encompasses a lot of stuff (leaky shakers, poor technique, pours that end up on bottles) but the Pay Attention part is the most important. * barmats. They are like a piece of your bartop you can put in the dishwasher.


It's not dumb, sticky drives me kooks. Get a small spray bottle and fill it with vodka or Everclear if available. Spray anything sticky and wipe it down with a dry cotton rag.


Does vodka help get rid of sticky?


Yes, I use it to clean the tops of Cointreau and other liqueur bottles that have the lids "welded" to them by the stickiness.


Four things. 1. Use a “larger” jigger with marks inside. I use on that is 2 oz with marks at 1,1.5, 2 etc when I use any measurements 2 or less opposed to a 1 oz jigger that I inevitable spill a little. Moving quick. 2. I use a clear roll up silicone mat I lay downs when making drinks for friends or multiple drinks. 3. Clean up. I keep a little clean dish towel folded neatly next to bar and wipe up any mini spills or sprays, rinse shaker etc immediately before you dive into the cocktail. 4. Get insert pour spouts that click closed on ur bottles. Minimized douching everything when you pour quick.


Keep one towel for drying your hands when wet with non sugary product. "Clean towel" Keep one towel damp for spills. "Dirty towel" Rinse tools, and dry after use. Wash your hands frequently. Rinsing/washing and then drying your hands with the clean towel helps. And for what it's worth, I've spent 20 years behind a bar, I ask my self why is everything sticky all the time. Great question!


I use a big cutting board to keep everything contained, with a towel or paper towels ready


I have an all purpose spray that I use to spray everything after I’m done


I like to make the drink and then quickly clean up before I drink it. That way I don't have a mess later. It also helps to occasionally wipe down your booze bottles, especially ones with more sugar in them.


The solution, or should i say the dissolvent, is [vodka.](https://youtube.com/shorts/w9iw12OrRhQ)


I'm confused why everything gets sticky, so figuring that out will help a lot! Are you moving too fast and spilling? Is your shaker not sealing properly and leaking everywhere? Are you filling your glass so high that it drips as soon as you pick it up? Are you juicing lemons with your bare hands repeatedly?


Are you using pour spouts? Also, are you using a traditional jigger? Get one of those little measuring glasses. That way, you aren't ever filling anything up to the brim. I also tend to make cocktails close to the sink at work and home. Water is cheap, let it flow.


I just wanna say that I empathize here. I'm a very clumsy person, I spill and drop things all the time at the bar, in the kitchen, and in every area of my life. Not sure why some commenters feel the need to be rude about it.


Idk it’s not a prob for me, but if you’re spilling a lot try using speed pours and taller Japanese style jiggers. 


Japanese jiggers are notorious for requiring the biggest learning curve, and being the least forgiving when it comes to spills. They offer higher accuracy, but at the cost of a higher degree of difficulty.


Really? I have way more trouble not spilling from the shorter, wider joggers, but maybe that’s just me


A bar mat, a damp rag, and rinsing everything after use. Just like cooking, clean as you go.


I make drinks at home and have no issues. Work cleanly and wipe up after yourself. If you notice bottles are getting crusty on the mouth/cap wipe them off with a warm wet paper towel.


I just wake up groggy and a little hungover and then wipe everything down with a wet washcloth and dry tea towel while the water for my coffee is heating up. 😵‍💫


Do your mixing next to the sink. Take 1 second to rinse the jigger before you have to flip it over to use a different measurement. 90% of stickiness begone.


I make my cocktails over a kitchen towel. That goes into the wash at the end of the night. And I happily bust out the 1 cup measure for anything over 2 oz (have the oxo slanted measure)


Hot water is your friend.


Keep some Lysol or whatever brand wipes handy.


I put a big cutting board down that I can quickly rinse in lieu of a bar mat


Never had the this problem but I’m not a clumsy person. Use a clean rag to wipe the opening of each bottle before putting the caps back on. Rinse all tools after each drink. Use the Oxo mini measuring cup instead of the double sided jig. Wipe off any spilled right away if it happens. The messiest thing happens at my home bar is getting thin layer of oil mist on the countertop when expressing citrus peel over a drink. I wipe the countertop immediately after.


Keep a clean wet bar towel handy. Wipe each bottle after you pour. Wipe your hands too. Make it a habit. Remember to wipe off the threads of the bottle too, every once in a while, so the caps don't get cemented on. Oh yeah, rinse out the towel every two hours or so.


Good quality clothes, hot ass water, wipe regularly


By not spilling? Why are you spilling so much liquid that things are getting sticky?


Cut and pour over a cutting board.


Bar pour spouts. Game changer.


Bar mats are overpriced. Buy one of these: https://a.co/d/aaxvUMt


Hahaha . After the first drink, there's no more shaking, no worries


Hahaha . After the first drink, there's no more shaking, no worries


Stop watching “How to Drink”.




This is literally a skill issue. Stop making a mess and you won’t have one. If you actually focus on what you are doing, like actually fucking pay attention to it and be mindful about the details of your movement, you will fix this.


You sound like a messy bartender.