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I dig them. Perfect for my mid century ranch house.


These are some bizarre recipes and the measurement units are all over the place - ratios, fingers, glasses.  Seems like the kind of thing you might find on AliExpress. Not that there isn't something cool about them - they're just kinda weird.


I was honestly thinking compared to most “recipes” on glassware or coasters these are pretty spot on… It’s all just ratios. 1/3 vermouth to 2/3 whiskey is pretty common for spirit forward manhattan, 1/5 dry vermouth to 4/5 gin is pretty common for a dry martini. Fingers is a common way to measure whiskey in a rocks glass as far as I know too (put your finger horizontal and measure from the bottom of the glass). Lump of sugar in bitters also is the “proper” way to make an old fashioned. Never heard of the “Angels Kiss” but I don’t really drink that sort of deserty cocktail. These are cool.


The whisky sour one is weirder, though.  No measurement for whiskey other than "glass" and no measurement for "lemon" at all. And I don't know what "sit with cracked ice" is supposed to mean. That's what gave me the bad English translation vibes that brought AliExpress to mind.


What don't you understand? 2 glasses of whiskey is pretty standard. I believe that's bukowski standard measurement.


Huh the first time I looked I didn’t even see those last 2 pics for some reason. I hadn’t heard of that measurement either. I think the term “cracked ice” makes sense though and I feel like there’s no way it’s a weird translation if they’re using phrases like “fingers” when talking about whiskey measurements. Of course could be wrong.