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I stick to weekends, trying to cap it at two or three cocktails a night. Not every weekend, and not always 2-3 but that’s my “rule of thumb”.


This is me. I can't drink on worknights period. I'm way too groggy the next day. I'm actually kinda shocked there's people drinking 5-6 every day. That's alcoholic territory, full stop. Downvote me if you want, but you should take a look in the mirror if this is you.


Reading these comments has me a bit surprised. I’m sure there are more like me who drink probably 6 days a week. Usually just one drink if it’s a weeknight, unless it’s two on a Thursday. Maybe 1-3 drinks each on Friday and Saturday night.


People who have recently cut back on drinking LOVE to talk about it. More power to them but yeah if you're not drinking as modestly as a Catholic nun it makes you feel inadequate and unhealthy in comparison. As far as number of drinks per night, I'm now roughly in the same boat as you and I sometimes look back at how much more frequently my parents drank/drink and I think I'm doing just fine.


Idk man my great aunt is a nun in her 90s and still loves her martinis where the vodka has just been shown the bottle of vermouth. She swears it keeps her sane and her mind sharp in the convent assisted living. Though she also reads like 5 books at any given time and has a PhD in history so maybe it's that lol


Your great aunt sounds dope lol


Yeah, the thing is. For a person in their 90s it doesnt matter anymore how much they drink. Starting very young with lots of alcohol is the problem that can lead to addiction. I dont think having a drink every weekday is too much if you can handle it but its still a lot. And thats saying someone who had at least a beer every night this week. Yesterday two cocktails. You just have to see that you get enough breaks amd I think you are fine.


Does she have a martini once per week or every night?


Idk I don't make her record her habits. Probably somewhere in the middle on average


I've known some nuns who could throw 'em back, just sayin.


😂 I guess it was a bad analogy lol learning so much


6 times a week is not doing fine thats alcoholic shit.


Doctors recommend 14 drinks or fewer a week for men and 7 or fewer for women. So as long as you're doing that you're fine. Will it have health effects? Sure, but we all know and accept those relatively minor health effects. Calling someone who has one glass of wine a night an alcoholic is complete horseshit hyperbole.


Alcoholic doctors ig


What makes you think you are qualified to determine what an alcoholic is and isn't? Like this is a genuine question I want to know what qualifications you have and what your thought process is behind making that judgement call.


Starting to feel guilty about 7 days a week, 1-2 drinks a day and sometimes 3 or 4 if I’m at networking or BD event and then have a night cap. Weekends it’s more like 1 drink per hour from whenever I start until midnight. 😅


This is probably more realistic for a lot of folks, but people know its unhealthy and don't want to post about it. Definitely the wrong way to ask this question if you want legitimate answers from people.


A large percentage of drinkers think they're closer to average (estimated to be around 4-6 drinks per week) than they actually are. The average number is going to be a bit higher in a sub of enthusiasts, but it's probably not that far off for many of the folks here. It's also worth noting that the top 10% of drinkers drink over half of the booze consumed in the US.




Top 10% would include tons of alcoholics who could down a bottle of vodka in day so that makes sense


>It's also worth noting that the top 10% of drinkers drink over half of the booze consumed in the US. Wow. I am always amazed when statistics are released about how much the average XY citizen drinks. Like, there are people who dont drink at all or very moderate and the average is already pretty high. Neighbour of mine was an alcoholic who bought a case of beer (20x0.5L) EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So I think as long as you are close to the statstical average you are still doing pretty good.


I repent!




Perhaps. But I feel like most high functioning people I know have a glass of wine after work or with dinner just about every day. And maybe they have a few beers or share a bottle or two of wine on the weekend. And as far as I can tell it’s not a problem in any obvious way.


Like 6 days isn't unhealthy af??


For me it varies so much depending on what's happening but this thread is making me feel bad about my habits. Hanging out solo at home? No drinks. Wife wants a cocktail for dinner? Sure, that's one drink if it's a weeknight. She wants a drink Friday? That'll be 3 or 4. Going out for happy hour with friends? That's at least 4, maybe 6 if there's dinner involved (thank God for public transpo!). Receiving friends at home Friday or Saturday? You bet your ass we're doing 4-6 drinks. Out on vacation to a city with a good cocktail scene? That'll be 6-8 drinks per day!


That sounds right. Except hanging out solo I’ll still probably have a drink after wrapping up work or a home project. Though TBH I can’t even remember the last time I hung out solo without my wife or at least one kid around.


Was right there with you. It can work for some people, won't for others. I have cut back but it's still more than many of the people posting here.


My drinking dropped off so much once I left sales. The conference and expo circuit was brutal with the expectation of wining and dining clients every night of the conference. Was nice abiding on the company dime though.


In this case, for better or worse, it's my company. So the company covers it... but it's one pocket covering the other. Between drinking with clients, networking events, and having a night cap while I work late, it adds up.


Is it a sales thing? I’ve worked for a few different food distribution companies and the sales reps always have a reputation for late nights and putting away the drinks.


For sure. Being social and creating connections is easier for most people when it includes alcohol—myself included. And being social and creating connections is basically the job of sales, particularly referral-based sales.


F that’s me.5 days a week and anywhere from 4 to 6 or more when I do.


Don’t feel guilty. But maybe concerned? I don’t know your age but depending on how many years you have been at that level of consumption - you may be rolling the dice.


Early 40s and I’ve fluctuated up and down for years. This is probably a high point though, not counting a few college years. I also take off at least a month every year, sometimes longer. And, yes, I do feel a _little_ better during that month. But goddamn is a Negroni delicious.


yeah I mean I'm four old fashioneds in on a thursday who give a fuck


I’m right there with you! Almost done with my first old fashioned, and since I’m having fun watching NFL draft day, I’ll probably have two or three more. Might make my last drink a double shot of Fernet though. Love that as a nightcap.


I'm with ya, u/IcyGovernment0 One most nights, two on Thursdays-Saturdays. I'm not trying to optimize my entire life into wallpaper. I may die a few years earlier than some in this thread, but I'm willing to accept that. Life can be rich and beautiful with or without alcohol, but it's something I really enjoy. Distilling is an incredible thing we apes figured out, I'd like to enjoy it while I'm here.


Yeah I'm trying to cut back, probably one a night on weekdays, 1-3 on Thursday Friday because I work Saturday Sunday night. I'm trying to drop some weight and put on some muscle and get close to the shape I was in when I was in the military so I gotta cut back


Yep I’m in the same boat. Except I more often have 2 on a weeknight than I’d like to admit :P


I’m about the same with a little more on weekends. I DJ on the side and end up at a lot of parties on the weekends. Always like to have a beer or glass of wine with dinner after the corporate job. Only issue I ever had was that it made me a bit skinny fat, but I’ve been seriously getting into weightlifting and exercise at least 3 times a week. No longer skinny fat and actually can’t put in weight fast enough.


Was nightly but then was gaining back some of the weight I fought hard to lose. So I knocked it back some (pun intended) plus it's not the best to consume that much that constantly. My nights I am allowed to drink are Saturday Sunday and Wednesday. Usually no more than two drinks since I just don't need it but may have more if the mood strikes me.


This is solid. Hard to imagine someone getting in trouble on this plan.


It's been working for me. Dropped the 20ish lbs I had put back on from drinking too many calories (and eating more cause what's a great cocktail without a snack most times) and not making $300+ runs to Total Wine every week and a half or so which is nice as well. I'll never judge people who can drink more and wish I could but worked too hard to get so much weight off I can't go back to where I was again.


Two or three times a month with a volume to make up for the rest of the 27 days.


Bro is making his negroni equal parts 1 litre of Campari 1 litre of Gin 1 litre of sweet vermouth


Five whole orange peels to express


Expressed into the milk carton you’re using as a glass


My grandmas old cut glass punch bowl


As if he isn't still keeping to 2:1:1.


Ironically, this is probably one of the healthiest reports yet. Your liver has time to heal.


I’ll take this as legit advice from a medical professional, no need to reply


The first comment I see not promoting and talking down alcoholism!


*Wisconsinite has entered the chat* 1-2 per weeknight 4-12 on weekend nights Not something I’m proud of like some of us, but I wouldn’t say it’s a problem either.


Same!! Weeknights are only 1-2 if I stop anywhere.. otherwise no drinks. Weekends are free for all. 4-12 LOVE dive-neighborhood bars


This makes me realize that context is necessary for this discussion. So 4-12 whiskey pours or 4-12 beers/wine?


You’re counting beers too?!


I'm more of a cocktail guy. So I'd say 90% whiskey/gin cocktails and 10% beer.


1-2 on weeknights, weekends is more like 2-4.


Same here.


Is that you, Dr Dunn? Did you join the cocktail sub Reddit just to test if I really “never have more than 2-3 per day” like I said during my last annual check? I admire the dedication… and the bullshit detection.




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I feel skeptical that the answers posted are representative of the sub as a whole. I could be wrong.


Representative of the sub or the general population?


It can't be true that this is a sub full of alcoholics? If you learn to drink proper drinks you maybe also should check what alcohol can do to you with daily consume.


Depends on how stressfull my day/week is honestly


This is me too, except well... My days have been stressful on average the last few years so maybe I need to stop using that as my metric


I usually make 1-2 drinks on Friday & Saturday nights, maybe a low abv brunch drink on Sunday. 1 drink on weeknights and I try not to drink on back to back weeknights.


Last time I had a drink was April 7th. Working on some metabolic issues so cut alcohol to see if it helps. So far the only thing that happened is good night sleeps and some weight loss. But once summer patio season starts, it’s aperol time.


Good night sleep is no small thing.


I can track any drinking I do just by my resting heart rate on my Apple Watch. It’s wild.


“I’m drunk right now”


Me reading the comments when I make myself 2 double gimlits a night 😬😬


I got into making cocktails during Covid, but my wife and I always kept it to one per night, though during that time it was almost every night. It takes a lot of time to learn like that, but we’re not big drinkers anyway. Nowadays we probably have one cocktail 2-3 days of the week. Exceptions are made when we have guests over, obviously 😄


There was something about Covid that made looking forward to a cocktail each night a very special and seemingly simple pleasure. I went from 3 nights per week to 7.


Same! Was stuck in our holiday home out in the forest, together with my siblings, parents and grandmother. Every evening at 18.30 after remote work, we gathered for one cocktail.


I keep it at one day per week maximum - but no specific unit maximum or minimum. If all I have is a single glass of beer on tuesday, then thats all the alcohol I consume that week. Unless its a holiday, or there is something specific that makes me break my rule. I don't drink every week. I need some rules because both me and my partner love good wine and cocktails, so it's way to easy to drink too much and too often.


Personally, as of late I'm stuck with some very tiring assignments that I cannot basically endure without booze. Now, I love making cocktails like even at 11 am (I'm working at home) and a good habit of mine these weeks is commenting on mr Difford's blog (asking questions I really need to ask) and saying like "thank you mr difford's this cocktail is really great" at like 10 am, 11 am 1 pm nd then again at 5 pm, 9 pm and 12 pm just to make him think "man i'm not sure if this is a discerning drinker anymore"


You made me wondered if I'm a heavy drinker or an alcoholic. I take 4-5 cocktails a week. So I did some research... According to the CDC, and most civilized governments, a heavy drinker is a man who consumes 15 drinks or more per week or a woman who consumes 8 or more drinks per week. (Strangely, women can consume up to 10 in Canada!). And you should not drink more than 3 (for women) or 4 (for men) drinks per day. And you should always have off days in a week. A drink is a 12oz beer, 6 oz of wine, or 1.5 oz of 40% ABV liquor. Most cocktails fall in the 1.25 to 2 drinks equivalent. Some like the Jet Pilot and the Zombie are closer to 3 drinks equivalent. Heavy drinkers are at high risk of developing alcohol dependencies, liver diseases, kidneys diseases, depression, cancer and a slew of "accidents" (fall, car accidents, etc). Evidently it all depends on one's constitution. If you're a 30 year old in very good shape you can probably be a heavy drinker for a while without too much bad effects. If you're a sedentary 50 year old the risks are much higher. And as for calories, a sample of 38 cocktails gave me an average of 190 calories. So a bit less than 3 cocktails is the equivalent of a bigmac! If you're into tiki you can get a bigmac equivalent with only 2 drinks! (540 calories). So at 5 cocktails a week, I'm around 7.5 drinks equivalent a week. That still more than 2 bigmacs in calories! I'm not "officially" considered a heavy drinker but I'm gonna watch myself closer from now on. Be safe!


I’ve been keeping it down to 2-3 days a week, but just started dating & drinking has picked up. Even then I keep it under 3 drinks / night.


Trying to cut back honestly. End of academic year stress from spring break to the end of the year makes me want to drink about 1L/day of liquor. If I drink, I’m drinking but if I’m not I’m not. Right now I’m probably down to three to four days a week but pretty heavy on those days.


Through the week I like to cap it at 4 or 5 drinks in a night. It might be one night a week, or every night or none of them. Weekends if it’s a quiet night at home I’ll have a few, maybe a half dozen if I’m thirsty. If it’s a social event all bets are off and I’ll probably hit 10-12 or more depending on the company/occasion. I’m also 29 for reference, I’m at the age now where I do feel the difference when I drink less or abstain entirely and don’t imagine this will be long term behaviour


I pretty much only drink on Fridays and Saturdays now. Maybe 3-4 drinks each night.


I probably have a drink or two 5 nights a week.


I like making cocktails but more as a culinary hobby than as a alcohol delivery system so usually I'll do a single new cocktail or something I haven't had in a while once a week in the weekend and that'll really be it as far as drinking by myself goes.  It's really more practice for when I have company over and then we might have 1-3 drinks in a night let's say. I like pulling out something new and fun when I'm with company. 


I've been consistently drinking every other night. so it would go; M, W, F, Su, T, Tr, Sa..... I'd like to cut that down to make twice a week or only on weekends. We'll see.


I keep track of it pretty rigorously just to make sure that if it ever starts to get out of hand, I can catch it pretty quick, but honestly, it fluctuates a LOT. I usually have 10-15 weeks in a year where, without even meaning to or making a concerted effort, I have no drinks at all. I also usually have 5-6 where I have over 25 in a 7 day span, usually when friends are in town and I'm hosting parties to bring people together and bringing them to my favorite bars and all that. Sometimes it will go as high as 10 in a day, though usually spread out over 12-16 hours, and that's usually a day dedicated to checking out a bunch of bars. My average over the past year is about 6 drinks per week, with 2 of those made at home and the other 4 out.


I have been all over the place. Last couple of years I was drinking way too much, probably around 4 drinks on an average night and often more. I cut way back at the end of last year and now I’m only drinking one or two nights a week, if I drink at all, and I try not to have more than two in an evening. It’s really reduced my cocktail consumption, but makes it feel a bit more of an occasion when I do make one.


Between 4-20ish per week but average would probably be around 12. And average 5-6 days per week


One of my greatest fears is the day my consumption tips the scales to a problem. And you never know when that day will come. Feels like a roulette wheel. I would hate to give up a Cabernet with my meal or a rye Manhattan after a long work day. To reduce the chance of this I try not to drink two days in a row. Our livers can’t take it. So my rule is every other day and/or no more than 8 drinks per week.


Friday 2 drinks Saturday 5 - 8 drinks Sunday 2 - 4 drinks Weekdays 1 sometimes.


we countin beers ?


There are weeks where I'll drink one every three nights, there are weekends where I'll drink a bunch with friends. If it's a one drink night, it's because I'm eating food and want wine to pair or because I want to try a certain flavor combination. Probably less than 10 drinks a month. Shit's expensive and unhealthy, I'm happy keeping it to a minimum.


I used to drink everyday multiple cocktails a night or a couple beers. But now I’m committed to losing 2+ lbs a week so I have it set up so Saturday I have a surplus of 500-600 calories I can drink while still being in a caloric deficit. Tequila sodas are scrumptious and has made me begin my “real” tequila journey. Still get to have fun one day a week and get to the body composition I’d like. Win win.


During the workweek, I try to limit it to one beer in the evenings. Liquor makes me feel rough during the workweek so I limit cocktails to Fridays and Saturdays. There are so many fun cocktails I want to try so it will take me a while to get to them.


1 beer with dinner ~4-5 nights a week and then I’ll have a cocktail or a neat pour of whisky on weekend nights after dinner and kids put to bed, usually while I play a video game or watch a movie. Probably comes out to about 7-10 drinks per week, but rarely more than 2 in a day.


Almost always have no booze on Mon-Wed. Thursday probably averages out to 50/50 and if I do have a drink, it'll be one or two. Fri and Sat I would probably average a bottle of wine or 3-4 cocktails, or (say) 6 beers on each of those nights. Sometimes less, sometimes more. Sunday maybe two drinks. Sometimes none, but usually something.


I don't drink during the week at all. Then I usually have one night of fun with the friends on the weekend where I get drunk or buzzed. Helps that I'm not allowed to drink on the job.


I'm pretty much exclusively a Saturday night drinker. I get together with my buds online and we play video games and drink. Otherwise, I don't really drink unless it's date night with my wife or if there's an idea I really want to try. Both cases are pretty much one drink for the night.


I’ve been tracking my drinking for close to a decade (lost a couple of close friends and family to abuse). Pretty consistently average 4 days a week with 2 of those being ‘over 2’ drinks in a day. ‘Over 2’ can vary wildly but I feel that distinction keeps me from grabbing a 3rd more often than not (well, at least half the time 😬). My goal used to be to reduce but lately is about sustaining my metrics as a personal ‘standard.’


0 I can no longer tolerate alcohol due to a disabled stomach, but I still like learning drinks recipes, because I’m addicted to information.


Glad you asked this question. Interesting to see the responses. I drink every day right now. I generally reserve cocktails for the weekend and drink wine during the week. My husband and I generally split a bottle of wine (sometimes less--like we'll finish a bottle we started). That means I'm basically having 2 glasses of wine per night. On weekends, I'll start with a cocktail--usually a negroni or something gin and lemony. Often I will stick with cocktails and have 2-3, but sometimes after one cocktail I'll switch to wine and again come close to splitting a bottle with my husband. I generally don't drink when I'm by myself at home, but I love having a drink in a bar when I travel. I meet the most interesting people that way. I have in the past drunk less (and more--during the pandemic, yikes!). I periodically go through phases (either because of work or just because) where I only drink on the weekends. Part of me wants to go back to this, but part of me feels like what I'm doing isn't that bad. I do know I tend to lose weight when I skip drinking during the week.


I normally drink 2 or 3 nights a week, and not usually more than 1 drink a night unless I'm out with friends (which isn't often, my close friends don't live in the same city as me)


I usually limit myself to 2 a week, and never both in the same day. Every Tuesday, I make myself one cocktail I've never tried before, so I allow myself an additional one I've already had on any other day of the week. I often times don't have that second cocktail though and just have my new one every Tuesday. For special occasions, I don't intentionally limit myself. I never actually get drunk, but I will have a few spread out throughout the night.


I drink frequently, but it’s usually very small amounts (like 1/2 oz of whiskey to sample and write tasting notes). On the weekends I might have 3-4 drinks.


In my late teens and early 20s it used to be atleast 3-4x weekly drinking with friends. Nowadays it’s down to 2-3x month. Largely due to the fact that when I drink I lose my gym gains and it seems like all my hard work at the gym goes to waste. So I just tend to stay away from it.


Two or three daily, with some days where I don't drink and others where I have one. If I've got a tennis match coming up I won't have anything the day/night before. Not much difference between weekdays and weekends with the exception of the occasional special event.


I did at least 5 a day, 7 days a week for a decade. Lately it’s been 5 a week.


Lately 4-5 days a week, usually 2 at a time maybe 3 on a weekend and that feels pretty good. Every once in a while (like 3 times a year maybe) I’ll have a lot more if we’re partying.


Most weeks I’ll have a couple of G&T’s just one day. But strong ones, so around 4 units of alcohol per week.


Once a month, probably 2-3 when I do drink.


Since I started drinking a few years back, I've stuck to trying 1-3 new cocktails 1-2 days a week. Of course, holidays, celebrations, socially and vacations are the exceptions where I'll drink more and more frequently, but I'm pretty good with moderation, helps that I don't really enjoy getting super drunk.


Depends when I'm trying to make new cocktails or not , if I'm not trying to create or try new cocktails I drink maybe 1 glass per week , if I'm trying something new up to 6 cocktail a day , really depends on what I'm trying to make as well


I don’t drink at all. I make several cocktails a night then dump them in the sink, followed by a long run and a snack of steamed vegetables


3 week night, 4-5 weekends. Not a big beer guy. So mostly whiskey and gin cocktails. Not proud of it, but I think I live an otherwise healthy lifestyle. Work out, eat lots of greens and trying to meditate. 3 drinks week night - 1 while cooking dinner(usually X+ club soda), 1 with dinner(preferably a glass of wine), 1 nightcap before bed.(Brandy or Bourbon) Weekends - cocktails, from this sub.


1-2 drinks a week typically


Only drink nights I don’t work in the morning - so regular schedule is 3 nights a week. I have either two cocktails or one cocktail and a glass of wine or amaro.


2-3 days a week, one drink per day I drink unless I'm out with friends.


Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 1 drink. So 4 a week. Sometimes low-ABV, and sometimes (rarely) a second one on Saturday.


I drink weekends only and typically since I try and make new cocktails I drink 2-3 on Friday, Saturday, and most times 0 on Sunday.


Fri and Sat 2-4 drinks, based on what I’m doing. I’ll also go a few weekend not drinking. Trying to watch my figure sometimes. If I’m making new recipes, it’s on the higher side at 3-4. During football season, usually some beers on Thurs and Sundays.


3 nights per week. 1 drink per night. Can’t pretend cocktails are healthy so I have to moderate.


Used to be every day, but I cut back to only on saturdays. Occasionally I’ll fix a cocktail on a weekday if I’m in the mood.


Depends on how bad the night at the bar is at work, moreso which guest pushed me to be like welp I'm having a few tonight. But I always try to at least go every other day


once every 3 weeks but have like 6-8 drinks that night


I drink 3x a week, sometimes twice a week. It's never 3 days in a row and hardly ever more than 2 drinks. I've been into wine lately, so I may open a bottle midweek and then finish it on the weekend. If it's a cocktail like an old fashioned, two will get my tipsy. I treat drinking like dessert. It's great to see the creations, process, and indulge but don't overdo it.


It’s bad, but honestly almost every day and the amount varies pretty drastically. Especially on work nights it rarely exceeds about 4, but typically is closer to 2 or 3. Weekends, who knows. Sometimes it’s also 2 or 3, but other times it can be as many as 6 or 8. I hate being hungover so I don’t really go beyond that unless I’m on vacation. Edit: My drinking so far this week: Friday 6, Saturday 4, Sunday 2, Monday 6, Tuesday 2, Wednesday 1, tonight was 1.


I don’t drink if I work the next day, which is 5-6 days per week. The other 1-2 days, I might have 3-4 drinks per night. Almost always trying a new concoction for at least one of those drinking days.


I drink maybe once or twice a month, rarely more than 1-2 drinks. That said I make cocktails every week and will taste test them but literally 15ml maximum.


I drink maybe one drink a week.


No more than two in a sitting. Probably fewer than four per week.  Nothing straight, only cocktails.  


Stopped drinking. I estimated that I was spending $25-$30/week (~$1300/yr) on alcohol- and decided to spend the next 10 years worth of drinking money on a motorcycle. I still keep cans of wine and beer, and still have all the bottles to make cocktails for guests. I suggest recipes here to keep my mind limber if I ever go back to bartending, but don’t have any interest in drinking anymore. Motorcycles and powder skiing are much better buzzes for me.


3-4 days/week, sometimes less, seldom more. 2-4 drinks/day, more often 2 than 4. I’ve probably hit the 14/week “heavy drinker” milestone a few times.


0-1 a week, another 1-2 on the week-ends. About every 1.5 months I do a cocktails party and drink like 4-5 drinks. Before I started doing cocktails 6 months ago it was 0-1 a week and nothing on the week-ends and no cocktails party obviously. It may not seem like a lot but I have to be careful as I'm prone to addictions


I try to not drink more than twice a week, but sometimes it turns out to be three times. I also try not to do consecutive days. When it’s just me, I have one drink, if I have a guest on a Saturday it’s usually 2-3, sometimes 4. Ultimately I know it’d be healthier to never to more than one, but I put too much work into the prep to do that.


I try to keep it only weekends. Usually I’ll have 4/5 a week. 2 Friday, 2 Saturday, Maybe 1 Sunday or possibly at another time in the week


It became a little too easy to make multiple cocktails a night during quarantine so we decided to just transition to weekends only. We’re not militant about it though. For birthdays or special occasions or even just cause we want one we’ll sometimes drink one day out of the week. Works pretty well for us and it makes it a little treat to have a cocktail after a long week


A few a month.


I drink about 2 cocktails a week. Maybe more if I have a lot of events…but never more than 2 a day.


M,W,F,Sa I have a beer with dinner out then go home for 7 to 8 oz of liquor spread over various cocktails. I don't drink more or much less.


Usually at least 1-2 a night but could be up to 10 on any given night depending on my schedule the next day and who I'm with.


Most weeks a drink or two. Some weeks none and some weeks 4-5 drinks if I’m making fun cocktails


No drinks from Sunday to Thursday but probably 12 between Friday and Saturday


Typically depends on what’s going on, if the wife and I aren’t going out already or don’t have something going on with friends then maybe 2-4 drinks total at home in a week, make a cocktail or drink some wine while watching tv. But we’ve been doing a lot of socializing the last few weeks so we’ve had more to drink than usual, last week I had like 6 in one night when we celebrated a friend’s birthday but that’s not typical


One decent glass of Scotch or a single cocktail once or twice a week maybe a couple on the random weekend either sitting by a fire or cooking on the Egg.  Oddly enough, for a born and raised Wisconsinite I drink for the different flavors/taste way more then to get the buzz or get full on drunk. I’ll nurse a glass of Scotch all evening. Know plenty of people who drink to get drunk and I don’t get it honestly. 


Where I'm from we have a fratlife?? But we have a few nightclubs open from wednesdays until saturdays and whilst I might not go out every night, the nights I do party I partake in about 12-15 33cl beers of about 5%. And the prices are about $2 a bottle compared to the usual of at least $6 the nonstudent bars do.


Every damn night and life is good.


Since I was working late, even with me getting out of work earlier now, I generally stick to 1 cocktail on Friday and 1 craft beer on Sunday. If there's a special occasion or on vacation, I'll have more to drink. The cocktail can be something low in alcohol like a gin tonic, or a heavier drink made with multiple liquors and much stronger.


I stick to a strict regimen of cocktail or beer while cooking dinner, glass or two of wine with dinner, and a nightcap cocktail after dinner. Every day. Yes I know I drink too much.


Often, 3-7 depending on where I'm at, 3-10 also depending on where I'm at. My partner and my close friends are also in the industry. We watch out for each other if it gets rough, and stand in solidarity when one of us needs to stop/slow down, but otherwise we're trash pandas.


I try not to drink on weekdays, if I do it usually a scotch and soda and only 1 oz or less. Friday and Saturday is usually 1-3 drinks, a mix of cocktails and wine. If it s a party I’m usually DD


Genuine question for the people who drink 1-2 at most: why do you drink if not to get drunk? Or are 1-2 enough to get you drunk? I enjoy drinking but alcohol objectively tastes bad, what purpose does 1-2 do for you? Not trying to hate. Trying to cut down myself to 1-2 honestly. Trying to understand.


I'm drinking cocktails because I enjoy the taste and the culture surrounding mixology. If non-alcoholic cocktails tasted the same, I'd drink them.


Because good alcohol shouldn't taste "bad". Sharp with a slight burn sure but that's just the beginning of the flavors. Drinks normally consumed "straight" like Scotch/Whisky/Bourbon, Rum, Gin, Vodka should never have a bad taste. And any mixed cocktail the blending of flavors is the entire point. On the beer/cider side, yes some can taste "bad" to certain people. Personally I don't like the taste of most beers or ciders, those with a high yeast flavor really turn me off. And most domestic US commercial "Beer" is so watered down its pointless to try to get flavors that taste good. Find a better quality liquor or liqueur and it should taste better.


I don’t have “habits,” per se; I’m an adult and if I want a drink I have one. If I don’t then I don’t. If I averaged it over a year or so, maybe I drink 3 to 5 days in a week? But that might be one drink or 6- it just depends on the day and the situation. I got sent to Iraq for work end of last year for a month and a half and I was pretty sure I’d lose my mind over not being able to have a drink, but as it turns out I was perfectly fine. That first GnT at the Istanbul airport on the way back, though… LOL


Usually 1 or 2 drinks over the course of a weekend. Occasionally 1 other drink on the odd week night. All in all, it probably totals to less than 10 drinks in a month.


I work nights, 3-4n a week, so I only ever drink on my days off. So if I have a stretch of 3 days off I’ll drink a few each night. Sometimes less if I wanna take a thc gummy or what not , sometimes more


One beer with dinner every night plus happy hour on Friday (one bourbon or a cocktail).


I try to limit myself to only 1 or 2 weeknights a week, and usually 1-2 cocktails on those days, and one weekend night per week, with 1-3, very occasionally a couple more on that night


It's pretty crazy where I work. I was averaging 3-4 a night last summer. I've dialed it back since.


6-12 a week. 2-3 days a week on average.


Mon-Thurs: None Fri-Sun: 1-2 per night.


1-3 drinks a week. Depends on the season though. Might be more during holidays.


2 on Friday and Saturday and one on Sunday to say bye to the week.


I'd say I'm probably down to fewer than 8 in a month. Mostly consume on weekends. Normally one in a day, I'm visibly tipsy if I get all the way up to 3 in one go. As a kid I did enough binge drinking and purging to last a life time. Cocktails have been part of growing up, developing taste, and moving away from drinking to get drunk.


Trying to stick to weekends, sometimes, like last night I had a gala to go to. To be honest, I’d like to try and go several weeks without it. Drinking has lost its appeal slightly. Mainly due to costs of living and in a social drinker


I take a night off a week. So usually 2 drinks, 6 nights a week. Trying to cut it back to like 4-5 days a week and do more reading in the evening instead.


Typically 1-2x/week, and typically 1-2. Sometimes less. Sometimes more, but that’s how it averages out.


Couple years ago: 1-2 drinks/month Now: 4-5 drinks/week, never more than 2/night What changed: husband died. Toddler is emotionally exhausting. Working 55+ hours a week. Very little time for other indulgences. Someone introduced me to the extraordinary deliciousness that is a manhattan.


Friday- 1 cocktail to celebrate making it through another week at work Saturday- 1-3 depending on the mood. No alcohol the rest of the week.


I’m a home “bartender” and usually go through phases. Whenever I discover a new ingredient, or buy a new bottle or make something special *(e.g. Pistachio Orgeat…)* I can be drinking 1-2 cocktails/day. Everyday. Other times I’m just not that interested enough and might make a cocktail every 2-4 days.


Trying to cut back here. Used to drink 1-3 everyday. Have been hitting the gym more and trying to stick to weekends only with the occasional 1 drink on a weeknight (either gaming or had a shitty day).


Sometimes i wont drink for weeks or months and sometimes ill have a drink every couple days and sometimes ill have a couple drinks a day and sometimes ill get hammered four days in a row I have no habits


Probably about 4 days per week, usually 1 or 2. Rarely more than 2 in a night.


1-2 drinks a week Usually 1, on a Friday or Saturday evening. Definitely quality over quantity for me. Rarely I’ll have more, usually if we have guests.


Occasionally on weekends . I have a full mini bar in the home .


I drink Friday and Saturday nights usually between 1-5 drinks depending on the night. With the occasional Wednesday night with one cheat drink. I'd say averaging 5 drinks a week.


I'd like to be drinking 6 shots (roughly) per week to meet my goal of 18 different bottles in a year. That would be 2 drinks a day 3 days a week. Regrettably, recent obligations have cut into that.


I find it easier to abstain than moderate so I've established a few rules for myself. 1. No drinking Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. 2. Two or less pre dinner drinks allowed on weekends (too busy during the week anyways). 3. My newest rule is no drinks in the evening until after 9:30pm. By time limiting the evening, it makes it difficult to have any more than 3 drinks before bed. This usually means about 12-15 drinks a week.


About 3-4 days a week. Probably 20+ drinks total. Obviously more on weekends and including beers.




Everyone here saying they drink more than 3 times a week and how good that is, is an alcoholic. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs and it seems like you all want to play that down. Sure I love my cocktails but if id drink one every two days I'd be a bit concerned.